I've met and spoken with a lot of the old TSR employees. Ironically, Gary wasn't one of them. Yes, humans are complex, and there are a lot of layers. I tend to see a lot of absolutes being taken, a lot of embracing mutual exclusiveness. Especially online. Like Gary couldn't be sarcastic in this example because he said these other things other times. When it's actually more likely Gary could have said and done all those other things and also be sarcastic for this one thing. The one example doesn't take away from the others. I can't tell you how many people I know who act like jerks and when confronted on something bad they said or did, react in defensive sarcasm, "If I were really X, I'd say this, so you see, I can't be X."
Instead we spend 100 pages arguing about if it was sarcasm or not.
I'm not asking anyone to change their opinion on their judgements of people. We all do it. I've made my opinions pretty clear by now. I'm just agreeing with others here when realizing that we are all just people. It's why I've been arguing against deifying anyone for years. After Eddings, Jimmy Page, and others, I'm starting to feel like don't be a fan of anyone because it will just lead to disappointment lol.
I will say, and I stress this strongly, be careful of saying "Person X was nice to me, so they must be nice" when you don't belong to the demographic who that person hasn't been nice to. Of course your experience was good. I'm sure a straight white man would have a much better interaction with a Proud Boy than a transgender black woman. That's an extreme example, but I hope you get the point.
I admit my bias. Good lord, if you pulled quotes from me when I was a teenager (I grew up in a rural religious family that was pretty racist and homophobic), or even from things I had posted online 25 years ago, I'm sure you'd have some harsh judgements of me as well. I'm frankly embarrassed. So for me personally, I'm less concerned about a bad thing someone said years ago, and instead see if they've learned from it. I know this is just me, and I don't judge others who feel that approach isn't for them. Especially if they've been targeted in the past a lot more than I have.
Anyway, the TL;DR version is that I'd like to see more grace for recognizing the complexities of a person as mentioned in the OP and also see more grace and listening to those folks who aren't like us who had different experiences rather than immediately dismiss them because we didn't experience the same.