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The Hunted (DM: IronSky, Judge: ???)

Voda Vosa

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Earth just stands on board, and steadily and repeatedly makes fighting manouvers, with cutting edge precision, one after the other, and then from the beginning. His stone body feels no tierness no need of rest nor food. He practices and trains his moves, all the three days.

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Not being comfortable with the sea, Xander quickly finds himself a quiet place below decks to Meditate (taking along his newly purchased "water"skin in hand). He spends most of the three days "Communicating with Maros" alone.


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Having long since exhausted the patience of her traveling companions with her tall tales and faerie stories, Auntie Mab is delighted to have found fresh targets in the ship's crew. She takes to following Biggs and Captain Elai around the ship, chattering continuously. She does manage to learn a thing or two about the island in the process, but mostly just gets on their nerves.
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Devinihm, wilden druid

Concerned that the group still doesn't know quite enough about their potential adversary, Devinihm spends his time poring over what he and the others discovered back in the city, trying to piece together a better picture of what they face. It takes some of the more experienced party members to help him understand Mab's particular brand of 'expertise,' sifting out what might be her own tall tales from the facts available

OOC: Discuss the case


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"So, did you go onto the island or you waited on the ship? What was it like? How did the creatures look like? Did you see some eel like water monsters?"
Illarion describes their encounter with the monsters to the crew.

OOC: Monster facts

Gamble (1d20=12) - chaos sorcerer, of course he will gamble

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Hunted: Day 4, Hour 1, Minute 20

While Raijin and Xander head below to get away from the hustle-and-bustle of the ship, Earth is an immovable fixture at the prow of the ship, seemingly practicing non-stop for three days straight.

Illarion grills the crew and finds that they mostly stayed on the ship and encountered no eel-monsters or the like, but that there were strange reptilian monsters on the island and a tribe of savages that called themselves the Gardium that went from wary to openly hostile while the ship was there.

He talks it over more with Devinihm and they conclude that the creatures they fought at the Lucky Lucy were definitely demonic - either somehow brought to the world from the Abyss or simply warped by Abyssal magics. Either way, it gives them some insight into how to fight similar creatures in the future.

Mab, meanwhile, talks non-stop only managing to glean a little information about the island: it is small, covered with jungle, and Dartanian said there was a temple or something carved into the side of the small mountain in the center.

The ship arrives at the a few hours after sunset. It's a rocky, heavily forested place that is alive with night-sounds. Against the bright moon, a few plumes of smoke waft up from deep in the jungle.

On the rocky beach, a small ship - even smaller than the Adventurer - lies beached and lifeless. The captain looks at it for a long moment as the crew lays anchor off-shore.

"Ill omen to see a shipwreck upon reaching your destination. Your killer came in that I imagine. We'll stay here for three days, after that we'll probably be fighting off the Gardium and who knows what all else. You can take that lifeboat there, though whether you want to go now or wait for morning is up to you."

GM: Mechanical Benefits:
Earth: Gains and additional Action Point.
Xander: Gains 6 THP until the end of the first combat.
Mab: Gains +1 to skill checks while on the island.
Devinihm: Gains +2 damage vs demons until the end of the adventure.
Raijin: Gains 10 THP until the end of the first combat.
Illarion: Gains +3 damage vs demons until the end of the adventure.

You won't lose any of these benefits if you wait until morning.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Going into the night might not be a good tactical approach to the problem." says Earth, as he ponders how much of the group had night vision. "No, not good at all."


First Post
Devinihm, wilden druid

The wilden nods. "The hunters struck in the night, as well. We know they change; perhaps it is connected to the darkness? If they are night hunters, maybe the sleep in the day, which is another reason to wait for morning."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"But then again, we give them time to prepare for us, or attack us in the night if we don't go now. Shadows can be our friend as well as enemy."

Voidrunner's Codex

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