The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Smugly pretending you don't understand what people mean, and continuing to talk at them when they've told you outright they're not interested: That's a great look.

I hate to break it to you...

As if humans can throw stones about being unfeeling, selfish, environmentally harmful creatures?

So, let us start with a bit of Science Literacy and Critical Reading 101- that article is....
...based on a study that hadn't been published, and therefore not properly reviewed yet. a decade old...
...wasn't updated with new information when the study was published, if it ever was.

In this day and age, we all should, indeed need to know better than to trust this as a source of information.

Oh, look! Weasel words!
"But experiments he and colleagues have conducted at the university's Animal Behaviour Clinic suggest that cats, as a whole, do not love their owners back — at least not in the same way that dogs do."
(emphasis mine)
So, cats don't love you like dogs do. Last time we all checked, cats aren't dogs, right? Why would you expect cats to behave like dogs?
Should we note that your spouse or significant other doesn't behave like a dog does either. So, clearly, they don't love you either!

I could go on. The article is trash.

As if humans can throw stones about being unfeeling, selfish, environmentally harmful creatures?

So, let us start with a bit of Science Literacy and Critical Reading 101- that article is....
...based on a study that hadn't been published, and therefore not properly reviewed yet. a decade old...
...wasn't updated with new information when the study was published, if it ever was.

In this day and age, we all should, indeed need to know better than to trust this as a source of information.

Oh, look! Weasel words!
"But experiments he and colleagues have conducted at the university's Animal Behaviour Clinic suggest that cats, as a whole, do not love their owners back — at least not in the same way that dogs do."
(emphasis mine)
So, cats don't love you like dogs do. Last time we all checked, cats aren't dogs, right? Why would you expect cats to behave like dogs?
Should we note that your spouse or significant other doesn't behave like a dog does either. So, clearly, they don't love you either!

I could go on. The article is trash.
Thanks for pointing these out. The article didn't sit right with me when I first saw it, but I didn't feel qualified enough to respond to it. It's nice to see that it just seems to be written with an agenda against cats without proper scientific basis.

I feel like Instagram ads are trolling me.


Other thread.

It’s okay to not have an opinion on things you know nothing about. Like, maybe if you don’t play a particular style of game…maybe, just maybe don’t offer your opinion on them, how they work, what’s wrong with them, etc. The people who do play in that style can tell at a glance that you’re full of it and the people who don’t know any better just might believe the misinformation you’re spreading.
You mean like how player facing games allow the players to snap their fingers and send their DMs to the corn field? That's why I'll never run one of those. :eek:

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