The Kolloseaum: Team Gil's Conscience (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)


First Post
He nods at Cyr, "That sounds good, I'll take position below the column (N20)." Brenwar limbers up a bit taking a few basic swings with his warhammer. He once again checks the two loaned potions are within easy reach and surveys the battle field.
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Brenwar – Male Human Paladin 6

Initiative: +2, Speed: 5 Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 21
AC: 25 Fort: 18, Reflex: 18, Will: 20, Resist: 1/all
HP: 65/65, Bloodied: 32 , Surge Value: 17, Surges Left: 13/13
Action Points: 1

OA Basic Melee Attack: +11 Virtuous Strike (Vanguard's Hammer) 1d10+5 Damage

Feats of Note:
Whenever Brenwar spends a healing surge, he gains 3 resistance to all damage until the start of his next turn.
Whenever Brenwar uses a power that allows an ally to spend a healing surge or regain hit points as if she had spent a healing surge, that ally can use his healing surge value (17 HP) to determine the number of hit points gained.
Item Note:
When Brenwar lands a hit with his hammer, he gains a +1 to all defenses until the SONT

At-Will Powers:Divine Challenge, Ardent Strike, Virtuous Strike, Lay on Hands (3/3 Remaining)
Encounter Powers: Valorous Smite, Righteous Smite, Virtue, Channel Divinity, Deliverance of Faith, Heroic Effort, Censure the Unholy, Divine Reverence, Second Wind
Daily Powers: Majestic Halo, Hallowed Circle, Magic Item Daily

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First Post
*Kauldron following Cyr into the area. He nods as the was angelic being speaks.* Your plan of action seems sound and logical. *Kauldron moves off to the position indicated to him. His forearm blades springing out into the readied position. He raises his shield and prepares himself for battle.*

[sblock=Position]Kauldron will start in L26. Taking full defense to start if he can. If not no worries.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kauldron]Kauldron- Male Goblin Paladin 6
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13

AC: 28, Fort: 19, Ref: 20, Will: 20
While not bloodied: +1 item bonus to AC

Initiative: +5
Speed: 5

HP: 59/59, Temp HP: 0
Bloodied: 29, Surge Value: 14, Surges left: 12/12

Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike
Goblin Tactics
Virtuous Strike

Action Point [ ]
Call to Challenge [ ]
Channel Divinity [ ]
Javelin [ ] [ ]
Pure Devotion [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Strength from Valor [ ]
Student of the Sword [ ]
Valorous Smite [ ]

Hallowed Circle [ ]
Lay on Hands [ ]
Majestic Halo [ ]
Potion of Healing [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Symbol of Brawn [ ]


First Post
OOC: Gil will start at M29

Really Martelai? That sounds both exciting and scary at the same time. Gil smiles awkwardly, before covering his ears and uncovering them, That music won't seem to go away, does anyone else hear that? I hope I'm not going crazy...

[sblock=Gil's Alternate Token]


I had posted this before, but you may have missed it, you could use the token you found as well. I'm happy with either. Thanks again [MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION]

Gil will start at M29

Under the affect of Martelai's Cast Fortune; Cast fortune for Gilgamesh (1d20=1, 1d20=3, 1d20=14) These results replace the next three non-trivial rolls of the type: attack roll, saving throw or skill check. At DM's discretion trivial rolls or rolls in non-dangerous situation cannot be replaced by prepared rolls. The effects ends when all three rolls are used or on the next extended rest. The target doesn't know his/her fortune unless Martelai tells it. (Gil has been informed.)

Gil Human Hybrid Wizard/Artificer multiclass Assassin theme Scholar
AC 17 Fort 16 Reflex 19 Will 17 (+1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 36 bloodied 18, Surges 7 Surge value 9
Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 19, Normal vision
Second Wind: Not Used,
Saving Throws: +5 vs Fear Effects (Battle Hardened)
AP total 1, Speed 6, Initiative +6, Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Freezing Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Twilight Falls, Phantasmal Henchman, Phantasmal Henchman Attack Power, Use Vulnerability, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart
Action point; Demonskin Tattoo


Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: Note: those aren't cages at Q11 and B22, they're metal grates in the floor.

@MetaVoid , you guys came in the south door, though that was a few minutes before the match starts and the doors all connect to a wide hallway that surrounds the arena to let gladiators/monsters/etc move around and get in position.

I've got my map ready on Masterplan, characters imported with portraits, just need to plop down Lerrick and we're ready to go! I also upgraded the first fight to Hard, as requested. Amazing what that lets you add when you've got 9 players!

@dimsdale , you have an eta for Lerrick being ready?

[sblock=Initiatives]Ootah: 27
Monsters: 22
Joy: 21
Cyr: 13
Gil: 13
Kauldron: 10
Artemis: 10
Martelai: 6
Brenwar: 3[/sblock]


First Post
ooc: As I started to research the cleric/shaman option, I've found that it is taking more time than I thought to create her. So...Lerrick is going to be just a cleric...for now.

Lerrick follows the wizard. She stops close to him (N27) and the takes a deep breath and exhales in order to calm her nerves. Here we go...(to the wizard) Hi, I'm lerrick.


Lerrick: Half-Elf Cleric Lvl 5
Advantageous Conditions:
Adverse Conditions:
Initiative: +2 Passive Insight: 22 Passive Perception: 17
Senses: Normal
AC: 16 Fort 16 Ref 15 Will 21
HP 47
Bloodied 23
Surge Value 11; Surges Per-Day 8
Action Point: 1
Second Wind: 1
At will:
Astral Seal
Sacred Flame
Divine Fortune
Knack for Success
Healer's Mercy
Healing Word 2
Hymm of Resurgence:
Daily Standard:
Life Transference
Beacon of Hope
Halo of Consequence
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Sandy Arena, Round 1

The arena is full to capacity, the crowd tittering and restless. The group waits in the sands nervously. And then everyone waits some more, the tension growing even higher.

Even the observant Ootah doesn't notice until the creatures burrow up out of the sands.

Several giant worms with long hooked legs burrow up in the center of the group, arching back as the come out of the sand. As they do, their scaled underbelly crack apart, revealing burning-hot cores inside them that temporarily super-heat the air around them, igniting the clothing of several of the group members.

So busy are they with the small burrowers, the group doesn't even notice the huge one that blasts up from the center of the group, knocking Ootah, Joy, Martelai, and Brenwar around.

It clacks its massive pincers together high over the group's heads and its scales crack apart. As it does so, all the smaller ones seem to sense what is coming and dive quickly into the sands as flames blast out from its blazing innards. Ootah goes down and several of the others are barely standing. Even when its scales close, scalding heat radiates out from its body.

GM: It's not good when the GM is wincing while he's rolling the dice. I rolled almost nothing below a 10, most in the 15-20 range...

Probably the most devastating first round of combat I've ever had GMing 4e :(

Normally I ask that people tell me their power triggers before the monster's turns, but since I didn't say so (and because this round was terrifying) feel free to use any powers that you could have triggered.

[sblock=Initiatives]Ootah: 27
Monsters: 22
Joy: 21
Cyr: 13
Gil: 13
Kauldron: 10
Artemis: 10
Martelai: 6
Lerrick: 4
Brenwar: 3[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Burrower Spawn 1: Burrow up to M28, Stealth 29, CA against adjacent creatures whose perceptions it beat until the end of its turn. <Ootah fires, does 10 damage and knocks it prone>. Burning Core(-2 prone, +2 CA): 27 vs Lerrick's 15 Ref, hit, 17 vs Gil's 19 Ref, miss, Lerrick takes 16 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage(save ends).
Burrower Spawn 2: Burrow up to M26, Stealth 23, CA against adjacent creatures whose perceptions it beat until the end of its turn. Burning Core: 27 vs Kauldron's Ref 20, hit, 18 vs Lerrick's 15 Ref, hit, Lerrick and Kauldron take 12 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage(save ends). Fire Sense(Immediate Reaction, when targeted by Heat Blast(fire power)): The Burrower Spawn is not targeted by the attack.
Burrower Spawn 3: Burrow up to M23, Stealth 18, CA against adjacent creatures whose perceptions it beat until the end of its turn. Burning Core: 23(+2 CA)vs Artemis 17 Ref, hit, CRIT vs Cyr, Artemis takes 7 fire damage, Cyr takes 13 fire damage, and both have 5 ongoing fire damage(save ends). Fire Sense(Immediate Reaction, when targeted by Heat Blast(fire power)): The Burrower Spawn is not targeted by the attack.
Burrower Spawn 4: Burrow up to P25, Stealth 18, CA against adjacent creatures whose perceptions it beat until the end of its turn. Burning Core: 24 vs Ootah's 19 Ref, hit, 14 Ref(+2 CA) vs Mertelai's 19 Ref, miss, Ootah takes 11 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage(save ends). Fire Sense(Immediate Reaction, when targeted by Heat Blast(fire power)): The Burrower Spawn is not targeted by the attack.

Burrower: Burrow Up: Stealth 26, Burrow to surface (Close Burst 1, +2 CA) 16 vs Joy's 16 Fort, hit, Crit vs Brenwar, 14 vs Cyr's 16 Fort, miss, 23 vs Ootah's 16 Fort, hit, 28 vs Martelai's 17 Fort, hit, Joy, Ootah, and Martelai take 13 damage and slide 2, Brenwar takes 21 damage and slides 2. Heat Blast(Close Burst 3): 19 vs Artemis 17 Ref, hit, 28 vs Brenwar's 18 Ref, 26 vs Cyr's 20 Ref, 30 vs Kauldron's 20 Ref, 22 vs Ootah's 19 Ref, 28 vs Joy's 17 Ref, 30 vs Martelai's 19 Ref, all hit for 27 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage(save ends).[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]The walls out of the arena are 30 feet tall sheer stone Athletics (Climb) DC 25 if you want to try to escape into the stands for some reason. The pillars in the center are the same DC and can provide cover.

The stairs are all difficult terrain. The northern podium area is one square above the rest of the arena.[/sblock]

Ootah: P24, -5/46hp, unconscious, dying, 5 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower, prone, 5 ongoing fire damage
Joy: R21, 6/46hp, 5 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower, 5 ongoing fire damage
Cyr: N24, 2/42hp, 5 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower, 5 ongoing fire damage
Gil: M29, 36/36hp
Kauldron: L26, 20/59hp, 5 ongoing fire damage
Artemis: L22, 3/37hp, 5 ongoing fire damage
Martelai: R22, 14/54hp, 5 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower, 5 ongoing fire damage
Lerrick: N27, 19/47hp, 5 ongoing fire damage
: N22, 19/65hp, 5 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower, 5 ongoing fire damage

Burrower Spawn 1
: M28, 47/57hp, prone
Burrower Spawn 2: M26
Burrower Spawn 3: M23
Burrower Spawn 4: P25
Burrower Spawn: 57hp, AC 21, Fort 19, Ref 19, Wil 18. MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+5 damage and the target is grabbed. Fire Sense(Immediate Reaction, when targeted by a fire attack): The Burrower Spawn may not be targeted by the attack.

Burrower: O21-Q23
Burrower: 285hp, AC 23, Fort 25, Ref 20, Will 19. MBA: +13 vs AC, 3d6+5 fire and poison damage and 5 ongoing fire and poison damage(save ends). Burning Sands(Aura 1): The zone is difficult terrain and any creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura takes 5 fire damage.

Effect Key: location, hp/max hp, damage related, TenT or TsnT, conditional, save ends, encounter[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Walls: The walls out of the arena are 30 feet tall sheer stone Athletics (Climb) DC 25 if you want to try to escape into the stands for some reason.
Pillars: The pillars in the center are the same DC and can provide cover.

Stairs: The stairs are all difficult terrain. The northern podium area is one square above the rest of the arena. [/sblock]

[sblock=Appease the Crowd]*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.

I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.

*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.

*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Current Skill DCs:
All: 17[/sblock]


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First Post
I think I might be missing some damage, didn't both attacks hit me?
Also, note I have 1/dr thanks to my armor so I think I should have taken 48 damage - 2 for dr= 46 damage.


First Post
Years of training take over, before Gil makes a conscious decision, he's on the ground with his cloak over his head. The scholar springs back to his feet after the initial blasts of fire subside, his orb flashing a brilliant magenta, and the young scholar blurs across the sand leaving a wake behind him. Artemis, heads up! shouts the wizard, a vial flying from his hand as the words leave his lips.

Spread out! shouts the human raising his orb hand, illusory ice mephits descend on the monstrous creatures harrying them and distracting from their attacks. One of the spawn and the burrower take the brunt of the attack, the mephits cooling the air around them beyond their comfort. Gil scrutinizes the monster, trying to recall bits of information that may be useful in defending himself and the others against the creature.


Move Orb of Nimble Thoughts
Effect: Shift 5 squares to H24

Minor Healing Infusion (Curative Admixture) Close burst 5
Gil or an ally in the burst (Artemis) @FourMonos
Effect: Artemis regains HP equal to his surge value +2 (DO NOT SPEND A SURGE), Dante Mephisto Gilgamesh expends a healing infusion created with his hybrid healing infusion class feature. Special: I can only use one of my healing infusions per encounter.

Standard Winged Horde Area burst 2 (enlarged) within 10
Each enemy in burst
10 vs will Burrow Spawn M26 (auto-miss roll of 1, Cast Fortune first roll)
12 vs will Burrow Spawn P25 (miss, Cast Fortune second roll)
23 vs will Burrow Spawn M23 (HIT, Cast Fortune third roll)
26 vs will Burrower at O21-Q23 (HIT, rolled)

on a hit: 2 psychic damage, target cannot take opportunity actions until the end of Dante Mephisto Gilgamesh's next turn. (This may prevent flanking, and grabbing.)

Free action: Use Vulnerability
One creature Gil can see or hear.
Gil succeeds on a monster knowledge check against the target.
If Gil's check result meets or exceeds the Hard DC for the monsters level, he gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the monsters attacks TENT and a +5 bonus to damage rolls against the monster (unless the monster resists the damage type.). If Gil's check result does not meet, or exceed the hard DC for the monster, he deals half damage to the monster TENT.
Monster Knowledge Check on Burrower Spawn 15 (Does this "hit" @Iron Sky ?) FAILS


[sblock="Readied" Immediate Actions]

Phantasmal Henchman (Immediate Interrupt)
Trigger: An ally within 10 misses an enemy with an attack.
Effect: Gil conjures a Phantasmal Henchman in a square adjacent to the target of the triggering allies attack. The Phantasmal Henchman stays TE of Gil's NT. Gil's allies can flank with the Phantasmal Henchman. As a move action, Gil can move the conjuration up to 6 squares. Once, before the end of Gil's NT, Gil can use the Phantasmal Henchman Attack power.


Moonstride (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: When an enemy moves adjacent to Gil.
Effect: Gil becomes insubstantial TENT, and shifts 2 squares away from the triggering enemy


deals half damage to Burrower Spawn TENT

Gil Human Hybrid Wizard/Artificer multiclass Assassin theme Scholar
AC 17 Fort 16 Reflex 19 Will 17 (+1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 36 bloodied 18, Surges 7 Surge value 9
Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 19, Normal vision
Second Wind: Not Used,
Saving Throws: +5 vs Fear Effects (Battle Hardened)
AP total 1, Speed 6, Initiative +6, Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Freezing Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Twilight Falls, Phantasmal Henchman, Phantasmal Henchman Attack Power, Use Vulnerability, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart
Action point; Demonskin Tattoo


[sblock=Horrible horrible meta gaming... for everyone, but especially for dimsdale pathfinderq1 ]

If Lerrick goes before Joy, Joy won't be dead when her turn starts, and won't have to roll death saving throws. Thus Joy will be able to help Ootah. Gil just made sure Artemis doesn't die when his turn starts. Cyr is in the same danger Artemis was, if anyone can help by going before Cyr that would keep most of the team able to actually be effective this round.

what a mess, awesome start, HA HA!

Sorry for the horrible horrible meta here...
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
I think I might be missing some damage, didn't both attacks hit me?
Also, note I have 1/dr thanks to my armor so I think I should have taken 48 damage - 2 for dr= 46 damage.

GM: Correct, I forgot to apply it in Masterplan. Brenwar's HP bar on the map is wrong, but in the Combatants sblock it's correct now.

Edit: [MENTION=82643]CaBaNa[/MENTION], no, that knowledge check does not succeed.
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