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The Land of the Seven Realms: Opening Moves


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Turik's rage is not fully satiated! Instead of returning to peaceful ways, he mercilessly butchers the fallen man before him, leaving on a gory pulp....

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Living EN World Judge
Sparrow pats Tragus on the shoulder 'Have I ever hit you by mistake, friend?' Grinning behind the Dwarf's back, Sparrow surveys the carnage that was the common room.
Approaching the Innkeeper and patrons, Sparrow will ask 'Is everyone here all right?'
Realizing that he looks every bit as guilty of wanton violence as the dead men, Sparrow will neither get too close nor spend too much time trying to win these folks over.

Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
OOC: Ok if it's impossible to beat Taem out the door then I'll try an alternative approach.

Smiles shifts back into his normal form.

He briefly goes through the events in his head, realizing that the bodyguard fired on Ian first, and recalling the Merchant's curse, "The Serpent take you."

Smiles turns to address the room, saying "If I'm not mistaken the brothers of the serpent want at least one of you dead. It so happens that we have a grudge against them as well. But time is of the essense so we must move quickly! My associate and I will leave now and disguise ourselves. We will try to find any of them who got away, get any information we can out of them, and then stop them from reporting back. I suggest that you get those bodies out of sight."

Smiles eyes narrow as he studies at the commoners in the room "I'd also suggest that no one is allowed to leave this place for a while."

Smiles gestures at Gwyn to follow and starts walking towards the door.

OOC: Smiles will breifly discuss the plan with Gwyn as they leave to see if she has any ideas. He is currently thinking that he will take the form of the Merchant, and that Gwyn will take the form of the bodyguard with Change Self just before leaving the room. The two of them will then move 100' down the road as previously planned (or is there somewhere else that Smiles' character knowledge tells him might be a likely rendevouz point for the assassins?). Smiles will act disoriented and Gwyn will act as if she is seriously wounded or even unconscious if they are waiting at a potential rendevouz point. They will try this for an hour or so.


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Gwyn pulls out one of her vials of antitoxin from her halversack and hands it to Kintys.

Drink this quickly. It will allay the poison before it can do any more damage.

Gwyn then inspects Kintys to see if she is still hurt besides the con damage from the poison.

Ooc: Kintys should be fully healed, she took 11 damage and was healed 11.

If Kintys is okay, she moves to Ian and kneels besides him. She whispers a prayer and casts cure moderate wounds on him.

When Turik calms down, she will move to him and look at his wounds. Right now doesn't seem like the best time to talk to him...


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Gwyn heals Ian as Smiles is making his speech. She agrees with the plan. Although Turik is still in need of medical attention, he doesnt seem to be in any immediate danger.

She casts change self on herself and takes the shape of the bodyguard, including welts and bruises, and a serious gash across the stomach.


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By the time Smiles and Gwyn are ready to depart, Taem has the held crossbowman trussed up pretty securely.

Tragus stumps back in, raising a bushy eyebrow at the transformed pair. Shaking his head and muttering a bit, he goes to Ian, and casts a Cure Light Wounds spell on the injured noble. Not satisfied with the results, he casts another.

By this time, Turik is covered in blood, and has reduced the bodyguard's corpse to a torn hulk. However, his rage has worn out, and a great weariness is on him.

Assuming that Kintys takes the antitoxin, the poison in her system has no further effect.

Notable items on the corpses of the two assassins: (Where potions are identified, the bottles are labeled.)

1 empty potion of Dispel Magic
1 unused potion of Dispel Magic
1 empty potion of Cure Serious Wound
3 unused potions of Cure Serious Wound
4 masterwork Kukris
4 vials unidentified liquid, non magical
2 sheets of vellum, each with a reasonable likeness of Ian.
1 unidentified wand (though it emitted a finger of flame spell)
1 magical glove
2 sets masterwork thieve's tools

Kintys, after a brief study of the poison on the Kukri, determines that the unidentified liquid is the same stuff, and that it is a potent lethal poison derived perhaps from a snake venom.

The innkeeper is looking around at the bloodstained mess, horror warring with calculation on his face. Finally, he says, "Buckets, mops! You lot in the corner, make yourselves useful!"

The farmers are not happy with the whole situation, but finally start helping to clean up.

Ian is looking at all the blood, and then sees Turik. "By all the Gods, Turik man, what happened to you?!?"


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Gwyn and Smiles go outside. When she steps outside, if she doesn't see any immediate sign of the attackers, she uses her Track feat to find out which direction the survivors went (the one that backflipped away from the fireball) and to follow their trail.

She then sets along that trail, using her bluff skill to act critically wounded in conjunction with the simulated gash from change self


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OOC: Assuming that we know these things are magical because Kintys used detect magic, a few things:

1. Spellcraft check on school of magic for the glove;

2. INT? WIS? Knowledge (arcana)? check for Kintys, or others who saw the bodyguard's crossbow appear from nowhere, to realize it's a glove of storing;

3. Given your list, are we assuming Kintys knows what the wand is, given she just cast the same spell? :)

Kintys continues to concentrate on her detect magic, moving to the three men she left burning. She also prepares to drag them inside, hopefully with Taem's help.


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Many things, happening in many places.

In the Pink Heron, Kintys is looking over the items found in a quick search of the two assassins.

Having found the things listed previously, she can deduce the obvious nature of the wand. Knowing things like charge level, and exact degree of power, will take an identify spell.

The glove contains conjuration magic primarily. She can easily enough figure out what it is, gloves of storing are well known items in adventuring circles.

The three men outside don't appear to have anything magical on them. From appearances, they are little more then hireswords, and not very successful ones, at that.

The farmers, under the innkeeper's bustling supervision, are already dragging them over to the stable, at least till morning. The farmers have unceremoniously equipped themselves with the shortswords and crossbows the men were carrying.

On the trail of the man who escaped the fireball, Smiles and Gwyn are finding it difficult to simultaneously track, follow with speed, and maintain the facade of two badly injured men.

Nonetheless, they make some progress, finding that the man made his way east, to a copse of trees maybe a hundred yards from the inn.

As they approach the copse, a voice says, "Well, you really screwed the pooch, didn't ya. "

Whoever is speaking is good at both hiding, and moving quietly, because aside from the voice, there is no sign of the speaker.

Voidrunner's Codex

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