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D&D 5E The Light of Civilization - A 5e Renaissance Story [OOC]


First Post
Potential submission 2: IN PROGRESS

Thea di Gavino (actually Amalthea delCorso)

>Race/Gender: Half-elf; Female
Class/Level: Rogue 1/Bard (Lore) 2
(Total level= 3)
>Hit dice: d8/d8/d8
XP Total:
Background: “Bureaucrat” (Sage/Acolyte/Courtier)
Alignment: ?
Type (subtype): Humanoid (half-elf)
Size: Medium
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 feet
Senses: Darkvision 60’
Passive Perception: 14

[sblock= CRUNCH]

>Hit points: 20 (8+4.5+4.5+3 CON)
>AC: 13 (11/leather, DEX +2)
>Saves: DEX, INT

>Melee: Dagger +4; 1d4+2 piercing (finesse)
>Ranged: Light crossbow
>Spell: Vicious mockery

STR 8 (-1)/Save -1
CON 13 (+1)/Save +1
DEX 14 (+2)/Save +4
INT 13 (+1)/Save +3
WIS 14 (+2)/Save +2
CHA 16 (+3)/Save +3

>Trait: I'm always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions get the better of me.
>Trait: There is nothing I like more than a good mystery- except the thrill I get when I have solved that mystery.
>+Trait: Sarcasm, irony, and bitter humor are my weapons of choice- but I speak so smoothly and sweetly you might never realize I have mailgned you...
>Ideal: Words are weapons, sharper and better suited to civilized folk than crude blades are. We aren't savages, you know- we are cultured people, and should conduct ourselves accordingly.
>Bond: I must avenge the wrongs done to my family, and restore (our) rightful place in society.
>Flaw: I will never fully trust anyone other than myself. You wouldn't believe how dishonest some people are...

Skills and Languages: (*= proficient, x= expertise, second number is for Jack of all trades total)
Acrobatics +2 (+3)
Animal handling +2 (+3)
*Arcana +3
Athletics -1 (+0)
*Deception +7x
*History +3
*Insight +4
Intimidation +3 (+4)
*Investigation +5x
Medicine +1 (+2)
Nature +1 (+2)
*Perception +4
*Performance +5
*Persuasion +5
Religion +1 (+2)
*Sleight of hand +4
Stealth +2 (+3)
Survival +2 (+3)
Science +1 (+2)

Languages: Common, Elvish, +High Common, +Musical notation, +Thieves cant

Tool proficiencies: Calligraphers tools, Forgery kit

>None yet (Next= Keen mind/ B4)

Racial features (Half-elf):
>Size: Medium; Base speed 30 feet
>Languages: Common, Elvish, +1 bonus (Elvish)
>Ability score increase: +2 CHA, +1 to any two (DEX, INT)
>Darkvision 60’
>Skill versatility: Proficient in two extra skills (Persuasion, Performance)
>Fey ancestry

Class features (Rogue):
>Proficiencies: Light armor, simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword; Forgery kit (replaces thieves tools); any 4 skills from class list; INT and DEX saves.
>Sneak attack: +1d6 damage in appropriate circumstances
>Expertise: double proficiency bonus for 2 skills (Deception, Investigation)
>Thieves cant: bonus language proficiency

Class features (Bard mc):
>Added proficiencies: One skill (Arcana), one musical instrument
>Bardic spellcasting (uses CHA); includes ritual casting (see below for spells)
>Bardic inspiration: +1d6; usable 3x/long rest
>Jack of all trades: add one half proficiency bonus (+1) to non-proficient ability checks
>Song of rest: +1d6 HP healing during short rest (Self and allies)

>(At B3- Bardic college: Lore)

Spellcasting (Bard mc):
>Spell attack: +5
>Spell save DC: 13
>Cantrips: (2) Vicious mockery, Prestidigitation
>Spells known: (5)
>Spell slots: Level 1 (x3); Level 2 (x0)
>Caster level: 2

Background features (Bureaucrat):
>Bonus languages: any one (High common)
>Bonus tool proficiency: Calligraphers tools
>Bonus proficiencies: History, Insight
>Feature: “Paper-pusher”
>Specialty: Law scribe (“Lawyer”)


[sblock= FLUFF]

History: Thea, as she is now known, was born Amalthea delCorso, the youngest child of the (at the time) prominent delCorso merchant family. The delCorso family were not nobility, but they were very rich, and quite ambitious. In fact, they had quite a few “interesting’ connections here and there… As a child, Thea was rather studious, far more interested in academic subjects, and especially in music, than she was in the social politics which drove her family. Her elder siblings were lined up for advantageous marriages, but even from an early age, Thea had no interest in such things. Instead she was educated and prepared as a asset of a different sort- instead of going to the public schools provided by the Church, she was educated by private tutors, and in time she was packed off to an actual university, in the city-state of Torisco. In addition to a world-famous library, the university offered education in the arts, including one of the few true schools of music on the continent- it was hoped that, in time, Amalthea would return home with the sort of academic and artistic accomplishments which would enhance the family’s reputation still further. It was, after all, no secret that the delCorso family wanted to be true nobility, rather than rich pretenders. (MORE TO COME)

Background: Bureaucrat

This background is quite similar to the Courtier, but it focuses less on nobility or high society and more on the civil government and laws. It could also compare to the Acolyte, if the “religion” is Commerce. A bureaucrat is familiar with the normal workings and organization of the government, and with local laws (especially civil regulations). Any city or nation of reasonable size typically has legions of bureaucrats involved in keeping things running smoothly- or causing an impenetrable logjam of regulations and paperwork. This is, in fact, one of the most certain signs of “Civilization”.

>Skill proficiencies: History, Insight (or Investigation)
>Tool proficiencies: Calligraphers tools or Forgery kit
>Language proficiency: High Common
>Feature: “Paper-pusher” You have a well-developed knowledge of how government works, particularly in your home nation or city, including a reasonable knowledge of most local laws. More importantly, you know how to navigate the mazes of bureaucracy and paperwork that keeps civilization running- and how to use such mechanisms to your advantage. You may not have any particular contacts, but your knowledge of bureaucracy, legal jargon, and civil procedure can be an invaluable asset.
>Specialty: Clerk, Scribe, Lawyer (“Lawscribe”)
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Both solid concepts not sure which I like more. The gnome has potential as our arcane and sciences expert. The lawyer has a lot of story potential and might be useful if we get into problems in a city. Which for my character is a certainty.


I must say, I do love both: they both bring something new and interesting to the table.

Just as a side note: Gnomes do not inherently have to be "silly", I daresay many in this setting would take themselves rather seriously as physicists, chemists, and architects. While the Gnomish reputation is for a more "carefree" attitude, take that more as the way that an artist may be viewed as some by lazy by not having a "productive job", but none can deny the absolute dedication and passion they have towards their work, and many still agree that they contribute something truly worthwhile towards society. Gnomes may still be eccentric and willing to push boundaries that others still are not sure of, but they take a lot of pride in what they do. Less Mad Scientist, more Nikola Tesla meets Da Vinci.


I'd say he was very eccentric but he wasn't exactly building doomsday weapons or completely impossible projects.

That we know of.


All these complex characters are making mine feel rather small (childish giggle) contemplating throwing my own trashcan full of funk into the cauldron. Decisions decisions.

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First Post
He did advocate a system of coastal deathrays to make war obsolete though, as I recall. :)

To be fair, he had no practical means to make it happen at the time of his death.

Thateous! Funk it up! :) Or don't, which is fine too. Character development during play is best character development. I've had character backstories that were glorious, but in play they sometimes just get in the way. :)


We all appear to be, in a way, fugitives of some sort. I've been kicking around a melee Warlock with 1st level being war cleric. The implications of such a turncoat in the ranks of the church and the rp capabilities makes my pallet salivate...

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