Scott DeWar
Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
ohhhhhh! Major suckalage!
The coma sucks, I'm a Computer Science major, so I'm learning to write code to make programs and do cool things with computers. An interesting D&D related program I wrote for fun lasst summer was a random character generator that would randomly make a 1st level character of one of the core classes, picking stats and calculating HP and telling me how much money I had to spend on gear. Unfortunately I broke the first rule of keeping data and had only one copy of it on my flash drive, which I proceeded to wash with my laundry and broke, so now I need to re-write it.
So, anyway, I think I really want to start a 5E D&D game of a sandbox nature
What ever happened to this game? Leif's First 5E Homebrew In-Character Thread 1A The four players in that game all still are active here.
Well, I'm looking for a new game, so I'm interested. I like the sandbox setup, but in PbP I think it presents challenges to play without a clear goal.
As for characters, I completely agree that the same crunch can be used to create vastly different fluff for different characters. One could even say that everyone is the same class, and see all the diverging concepts that creates!