D&D 5E "The next iteration of D&D is a game on its own"


5ever, or until 2024
mearls said:
The next iteration of D&D is a game on its own. However, what we’ll do is look at the best parts of prior editions and create either new rules or adapt existing rules to incorporate those things into the game. That’s also a big part of the open playtest, ensuring that the fans of each edition are getting what they see as the most important elements of their editions of choice.

from here

What Is The Next Dungeons & Dragons? - Features - www.GameInformer.com

This has been touched on in many of the threads here, but I think now they have come out and said it. This isn't about bringing back THACO or non-weapon proficiencies or a particular set of psionics rules (or healing surges? or skill ranks? or the warden?), but is about learning from various editions and catering to their fans.


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so what their saying is that it's going to be another confusing jump like 3 to 4 was? And people from different editions with recognize piece of their favorites in it?


I think he is drawing the distinction, in the first sentence, of saying "5E will not just be an amalgam, but will rather have it's own framework, of which part will consist of what they think are the best elements of the previous editions."

That's how I read it anyways.

The link goes to page 2, rather than page 1 of the article. On that page Mearls says:

"One of our mantras is to let the DM and players decide on the focus. This is where the idea of a strong foundation and flexible rules that can be layered upon comes in. It isn’t the job of the D&D rules to tell you how to run your campaign. The rules are tools that you use to create the campaign you want. That’s a big part of our design philosophy".

It is hard to disagree with that philosophy!

I think that this was going to have to be the case. I for one strongly dislike some of the fundamental concepts of 3E's mechanics, which is why I could never get into Pathfinder. At the same time, there are quite a few people who have a deep-seated dislike for Fourth Edition's basic tenets, some of which I agree with even as a fan of 4E. The basic core mechanics of both games are flawed, and these flaws are well known. Reconciling different play-styles and game preferences will require a whole new approach and core system.

Hmmm, this is probably the best description of the new edition.

What Is The Next Dungeons & Dragons? - Features - www.GameInformer.com

We want to create a shared foundation that people can build upon, so it’s really about creating a slim, easy to use set of rules. From there, there are two basic paths.

Players can pick their own style and complexity within a class. Think of it kind of like having a $10 budget to spend on lunch. Some people will go to a restaurant and buy a $10 lunch special. Someone else might spend that $10 by ordering a few different things off the menu, rather than a special. Someone else might take that $10 and go to the grocery store to buy all the ingredients for a recipe they like. The idea is to put everyone on the same scale, but then allow people to burrow into the level of detail they want.

DMs have a similar process they can go through, adding optional rules to flesh out their campaigns. Those options can range from creating a unique list of races or classes for a setting, to adding in special rules for things like managing a kingdom or waging a war.

This has been touched on in many of the threads here, but I think now they have come out and said it. This isn't about bringing back THACO or non-weapon proficiencies or a particular set of psionics rules (or healing surges? or skill ranks? or the warden?), but is about learning from various editions and catering to their fans.
I hadn't realised that this was ever in doubt!

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