D&D 5E The October D&D Book is Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons

As revealed by Nerd Immersion by deciphering computer code from D&D Beyond! Which makes my guess earlier this year spot on! UPDATE -- the book now has a description! https://www.enworld.org/threads/fizbans-treasury-the-dragon-book-now-has-a-description.681399/ https://www.enworld.org/threads/my-guess-for-the-other-d-d-book-this-year-draconomicon.680687/ Fizban the Fabulous by Vera...

As revealed by Nerd Immersion by deciphering computer code from D&D Beyond!

Fizban the Fabulous is, of course, the accident-prone, befuddled alter-ego of Dragonlance’s god of good dragons, Paladine, the platinum dragon (Dragonlance’s version of Bahamut).

Which makes my guess earlier this year spot on!

UPDATE -- the book now has a description!



Fizban the Fabulous by Vera Gentinetta

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Congratulations. You've just turned demons and devil's into 20+ different mechanical stat blocks for tiefling.
The tiefling is still distinguished from the fiend by the former being fully mortal and humanoid, while fiends are still beings of planar energy (or whatever the equivalent is in your setting). I just don't find it mechanically useful or thematically appealing to box them in a strict moral category despite their otherworldly nature.


I guess that it's how other people see your alignment. It's subjective. That's one of my main problems with alignment. One would look at Ingsoc from 1984 and the description of Lawful Evil in the PHB, and see that they match to a t, but their methods of forcing their citizens to love Big Brother are very brutal/vicious, which is typically a Chaotic Evil trait. Many other examples of Lawful Evil nations share similar themes (the Empire from Star Wars, Nazi Germany, etc), where their overall structure is Lawful Evil, but their leaders are typically Neutral Evil (selfishly caring about themselves more than law or the welfare of others), and many of their methods are Chaotic Evil (torture, genocide, disproportionate responses, etc).

There is nuance that the Alignment system just doesn't have. It's subjective, and thus a flawed tool for a "morality system".
It's a flawed morality system since it was supposed to be a faction system.

Most RPGs have a faction system to tell you who the bad guys are. The First Order is evil, evil enough that while a Finn-type character is possible, the vast majority of them are evil enough (or accepting of evil) that when the rebels (Luke, Poe) blow up the Death Star/Starkiller Base, they are heroes and not terrorists.

D&D doesn't have a similar "evil faction" like the First Order, Hydra or Cobra. Well, it did, and it was called alignment. You wore the team colors for good, evil, law, chaos or neutrality. You spoke an alignment language. Certain alignments had champion classes (paladin, druid). You went to the plane that you were aligned to. You had reaction penalties when you were speaking to a member of a known different alignment. Whether you wanted to or not, you were fighting for some team in the big cosmic battle of ideas. Which if why the penalties for changing alignment was so great, you were basically changing teams mid game.

Somewhere along your way, this idea failed and alignment became the morality system it notoriously sucked at. It was certainly by 2e. And there it has lingered as one part morality system and one part role playing advice, never totally successful at either but never so useless as to be discarded entirely.

What will D&D look like when it's totally lost the remnants of it's morality and faction system? When a beholder is just as likely to be friendly as a halfling? I don't know.


5e Freelancer
What will D&D look like when it's totally lost the remnants of it's morality and faction system? When a beholder is just as likely to be friendly as a halfling? I don't know.
But that's never going to happen, though, and that's not what's being advocated for. This is a complete mischaracterization of the argument against alignment.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Mod Note:
Goodness gracious. The orc alignment debate? Again?

Dragons, people. This thread is on a book about dragons. Not orcs. Leave the orc alignment debate out of it. We already know where that goes. It won't resolve, except perhaps by some folks getting removed from the discussion. So, please drop it already.

I think I mentioned here I got the sapphire dragon mini today. I intend to use it as the secret force behind an unusually aggressive group of deep gnomes that typically presents itself via an animated statue posing as an aspect of Sunnis, Princess of Elemental Earth, before revealing its true form.
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Dragon Lover
I'm pretty excited for these new hoard items. I know the easiest way to power these items up is to slay dragons but it can also potentially open up reasons for PCs to try and negotiate with more powerful dragons to be able to empower their hoard item in order to better prepare to take down some bigger evil. Imagine Going through the Tyranny of Dragons adventure with one of these.


Dragon Lover
I think I mentioned here I got the sapphire dragon mini today. I intend to use it as the secret force behind an unusually aggressive group of deep gnomes that typically presents itself via an animated statue posing as an aspect of Sunnis, Princess of Elemental Earth, before revealing its true form.
That sounds like an awesome adventure idea!

Speaking of the Underdark I'm glad to be seeing Deep/Purple Dragons returning in Fizban's. They are one of my favorite Chromatic Dragons next to White Dragons.

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