The official EN World puppy/doggo thread

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Thomas Shey

Yeah, Eric (the bull mastiff/GSD I've mentioned before in memorium) used to go through most toys astoundingly fast. Once we got him a chew toy "for heavy chewers" made out of tire rubber and fire hose material.
It lasted a half hour.


Staff member
I got one for our dog that was “Tiger Tested”. It lasted a few days.

She calmed down on that front once she got past her 9th birthday.

Thomas Shey

Eric might have been better in the last part of his life, but we'd given up on toys and him by that point (other than occasionally throwing a ball).


I crit!
She was so excited to watch TV….



Staff member

(Not my goodboi.)

I met this fine furry fellow at my local Farmers’ Market. According to the owner, he’s almost 70lbs- just a little smaller than a German Shepard.

Border Collies usually average 40-45lbs, but we’ve had three who were stockier than average, hitting 50lbs before their first birthdays, topping out just under 60lbs. But this guy was TALL, and CLEARLY off the charts.

Thomas Shey


(Not my goodboi.)

I met this fine furry fellow at my local Farmers’ Market. According to the owner, he’s almost 70lbs- just a little smaller than a German Shepard.

Border Collies usually average 40-45lbs, but we’ve had three who were stockier than average, hitting 50lbs before their first birthdays, topping out just under 60lbs. But this guy was TALL, and CLEARLY off the charts.

Tamara is two-thirds Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler, and one third German Shepard. A female Blue Heeler normally runs from 30-35 lbs; female GSDs normally run from 50-70 lbs. She's 70 pounds. We have to conclude one of her ancestors was just huge for their breed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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