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The Old School: AD&D 1e

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"well, it does appear on the surface to be a normal mine for the most part, however, cousin, if there were some elements of shadier character traits amoung his employ, he may not have know about them. these same shadier characters may have found evidence of a barial mound here ahd brought a cursed plague of undead on the honorable dwarf without said dwarf even realizing it."

as he gives his short speac, Austin pulls out his holy symbol in prperation of fursuing the recently dug side passage. " did you suggest we continue that way, Amirad?" he asks, pointing down the 5 foot tall passage.

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"I agree the burrow is the way to go. Turning to Hulan she asks "How about shining the lantern up the shaft before we go on."

Once she starts down the shaft, Lidia will need to walk in a squat position.


I run Compose Dream Games RPG Marketplace
"Well we seem to have a consensus." Amirad leads them down the tunnel, ducking hi head a little.


Mo notices that the shaft heads downward just as deep into the darkness as the last one, but the shaft above goes another 20' before stopping at the pulley. The edge of a passage can be seen above.

Amirad leads the way into the tunnel, brushing soil off the walls with his armor. Kel, then Austin, then Mo, then Hulan, Lidia, and finally Zhantain enter the tunnel.

It twists around, smelling like feces and death the deeper in everyone goes. Amirad finds the other end of the tunnel, leading into a small hollowed-out chamber of earth. Immediately, and before a good light can be brought to the cavern, the sounds of squeaking can be heard, and multiple small creatures try to pierce Amirad's armor--but fail. In the shadows, they look like rats. Huge rats.

The Digger

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"Yeugh! Rats! I hate rats!"

Mo's hand dropped to the hilt of her scimitar ready to draw it when she entered the cavern.

"All right, friends, heads up! Looks like we have action up ahead.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
austin draws his mace:

mace, footman's__ 8 gp__ 100 gpw__ 2-7/1-6
A/C 5 (scale + Shield)____ hp: 9

"R.O.U.S.'s? I thought they were only in the fire swamp!"
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"Its always the way. Whenever you're in a compromising position you get attacked."

If Lidia is attacked before she can get out of the burrow she will poke the rat with the touch. Otherwise once she gets out of the burrow and can stand up straight, she will start readying her cudgel and shield. She will keep the torch in her shield hand hoping that its flame will deter the rats. Once she has her equipment in order she will lay about any rat that comes near her.

Oaken Cudgel: 1-6/1-3
Leather Armour + shield: AC:7 HP:8


I run Compose Dream Games RPG Marketplace
(OOC: I'm assuming that the initiative will be rolled by IVV for us and that the 'surprise' round already took place eg me being attack by rats so . . . )

Amirad drops the sling, attacks with the axe in his other hand and draws forth his bastard sword. His axe strike is powerful. He'll manuver to let his companions past him if possible.

attack (1d20=14) Damage (1d6=5)

THAC0: 20/21 (I am using my off-hand but I'm only atttacking once not sure how that works)
AC: 0 (-2 vs evil) Hit Points: 10


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"Keep them back" Hulan says as he holds the lamp aloft to cast a better light, "I can't hold the lamp and defend myself at the same time"

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