• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Portal


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Leonard looks on in wonder at the magic at work, amazed at how real everything is, and shocked at how much more interesting movies would be if they could use this technology.

Looking over the maps, he begins to fathom a plan, and understands fully what the mages expect him to do. He knows that the fight for Lindor will be won or lost on the backs of the people coming from Earth, and he just hopes that they'll be able to win.

It hadn't occured to him yet, but he is finally coming to terms with the fact that the world is in great danger, and something has to be done. Lives might be lost. HIS life may be lost. Leonard is trying to hide his fear with a resolute gaze towards the planning wizards as he waits for the plan to go into motion.

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Ranger Rick

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Johnny raises his hand, "I have a couple...what is a Goblins, an Orcs, and who are these other savage races? Coming from earth, we do not have these...ah...what is the word...beings. So I want to know what they look like how do they fight, about how many of them are there and their basic tactical plans? This dog and pony show is looking nice, but what about the real useful stuff. Eye eee, the details. Those details can probably be the difference.

What are our tactics? Are we to be offered like lambs to a slaughter or will we have manuver and mobility? What kind of mass firepower is available to both sides?"


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After emerging in a strange room, Ansila quickly looks around. Once he is sure that there is no immediate danger, he hurries over to the mirror and admires his strong male body. Good. Nobody will push this body around.

Reading the note he cursing when he came to the part about the loan. "Men, always trying to screw you"

Ansila then proceeds to dress and store his possessions about his person before preceding downstairs to she what is what.

[OOC: To save time, I am going to assume that I made it downstairs and was part of the briefing. If not, ignore the following]

After hearing the stranger's questions, Ansila starts to worry that the mages have not fully thought their plan and do not in fact know what they are doing. Still too late to change his mind now, so he decided to keep quite and listen.

Willow Aura

First Post
Aelynn looked about at her surroundings, and at her own body and smiled, pleased with the change. She read the noting, grunting with disgust at the fact she hadn't been here a minute and was already deep in debt. Quickly she put on her robes, and, taking a good deal more time then she would have liked, rushed down the stairs to hear the mages speech.

Mustering her dignity, she called, "Yes, that's all very fine and good, but quite frankly, I think there's more then one city that need to be saved in order for our world to survive. If they are to be preserved, we must rebuild this shattered land. And how do you expect us to do that? I don't know about the rest of you," Aelynn said, turning to face the crowd, "but this is the first time I've done anything remotely like this." She folded her arms across her chest and turned back to the archmage, staring at him questioningly.
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Berethani's eyes widen as he enters the auditorium. His nervous, self-conscious mental chatter is awed into silence by the visual display of what can only be magic. [OOC -- I'll assume Berethan's Spellcraft and Knoweldge (arcana) checks were successful.]

Once the briefing begins, Berethani quickly digs into his belt pouch, pulls forth some parchment, a quill, and ink -- and spends the next several minutes trying to figure out how to get the ink onto the quill without making a huge mess. "Sorry... umm... that tunic isn't linen, is it? Just use some bleach and... umm... wait...." Berethani sinks down in his chair, trying to look inconspicuous. Eventually, he gets the hang of it, and hurriedly jots down notes: Azari... Setna... Lindor... Storm Keep...

When the time comes for questions, Berethani straightens up and tentatively raises his hand. Once he's called upon, he clears his throat, stands, brushes his hair back a bit, and then in a surprisingly firm and confident voice [OOC - high Charisma] asks the following:

* How many of us will be going to Lindor? Everyone here?

* Do the Men of Lindor know we're coming to help them?

* Shouldn't an envoy be sent to the Dwarves to petition for aid from them, as well?

* Finally, what sorts of enemies should we expect to face once we get there?


First Post
ooc: I'll let you late people slip in just before the doors close... just this once. Incidentally, Willow, you aren't speaking to the Archmage. He's busy. You're addressing Rymus Delarti, a lesser Wizard of some variety.

Rymus smiles slightly, and picks Johnny first. After listening, he nods.

"Ah, yes, of course, you need some more details... let's see here..."

He changes the illusion once again, revealing a being looking like a primitive human with gray skin, red eyes, and unkempt black hair. It's lower teeth jut up in a way suggestive of boar's tusks. The word Orc is visible above the image.

"Orcs are similar to Humans, but are stronger and less intelligent. They are slightly weaker in daylight, as their eyes are better suited for darkness, and thus they usually attack at night. They have a tribal society, which in general has spent most of it's time warring amongst itself... but for whatever reason, they have changed that policy recently, and now are a quite dangerous threat to us all."

He changes his spell to show a much shorter being, with leathery yellow skin and orange eyes. The word Goblin is seen above the image.

"Goblins are smaller and weaker then Humans, but they breed like rabbits, giving them vastly superior numbers. They have a tribal organization similar to that of Orcs, but they lack the stupidity of Orcs. That being said, they prefer ambushes of all kinds, and are infamous for dirty tricks in combat."

He changes his spell once again to show a being with Orcish size and Goblin looks. The word Hobgoblin is seen above the image.

"The Hobgoblins are a more powerful offshoot of the Goblin race, they are as intelligent as humans, but also posess greater strength. There are not as many Hobgoblins as there are of any other race, but they are very well organized. Currently, Hobgoblin leaders can be found in most Orc and Goblin armies... we believe that this is a key factor behind the success of those forces."

He changes the display again, revealing five different beings, labeled Bugbear, Gnoll, Kobold, Minotaur, and Ogre.

"These beings have all been spotted in battle against us from time to time. The Bugbears seem related to Goblins, though they are a larger and stronger breed then the Hobgoblins, and have occaisionally been seen in command positions over groups of Goblins. The Gnolls have always fought as a seperate unit, and although they have Orcish strength, we have noted that they are the most likely group to make tactical errors... probably due to the lack of competent leaders. The Kobolds usually fight on their own as well; when they appear, it is in groups of similar size to that of the Goblins, and with competent magical support, as well. Minotaurs and Ogres are extremely strong and equally stupid, and have usually been used either to breach the ranks of standard front line troops, or as an alternative to siege weapons."

The display returns to the map of the city.

"That being said, I'd suggest that the first thing you should do is spend some time fortifying the old city. The ruined buildings would make excellent quarries, and you should have enough time to patch up the outer walls before you face any serious attacks. When engaging in battle, I would recommend a defensive posture early on... you probably have enough forces to take on some of the smaller groups, but I wouldn't recommend facing a full army except behind walls. As for mass firepower, it's limited to siege weapons and magic."

Rymus then picks Aelynn, and listens to her question.

"Yes, that is true. However, Xiophanes' spell links the destinies of Humans. There are about nine thousand of us on the continent of Valaria to the south, and around four thousand on Yitel to the west, and there are around one thousand here, not counting new arrivals. There are over fifty thousand Humans in and around Lindor. That is the full list of major Human populations. Valaria is controlled by the Elves, mostly, so the Humans there are more or less safe. Yitel is huge, but is dangerous and uncivilized, and the Humans there can take care of themselves for the time being, and even if they couldn't, they're too scattered for us to provide any decent aid. Xiophanes can protect the Humans on his own island easily enough... but Lindor is in serious trouble, so if anywhere needs assistance, it's Lindor. Yes, rebuilding is necessary, but that takes lifetimes. Once you've defeated the Orcs and the Goblins, and taken care of all of the immediate threats, then you can and should think of finding a place to settle down: do remember the bit about the spell being one-way. But that must wait until after victory."

Rymus then picks Berethani, and after listening responds.

"Yes, everyone is going to Lindor, for the reason I've just described. The people of Lindor are as of yet unaware of your arrival... but that will be fixed soon enough: messengers have already been sent to inform them. The Dwarves have their own problems to deal with; they've been besieged for three months already. Storm Keep outlasted a decade-long siege a few centuries back, so they aren't in serious trouble... but they will be unable to provide aid of any sort unless you put a great deal of time and effort into breaking the siege... and you have your own siege to prepare for. As of now, the Hobgoblins are busy reorganizing, and I doubt that they'll be able to mass a good offensive for at least 2 more months. That'll give you some time to prepare, during which your biggest concern will be the vermin within the ruins you are scavenging for stone, and the occaisional upsurge of the undead... it happens in places where so many remain unburied."


Astor pays some heed to the briefing being presented, but most of his attention is taken by examining the other, presumably Earth-native, people in the room.

Lot of us, that's for sure. Of course, how many of us will make it out of this alive is another matter entirely... He looks back to the Rymus as he completes the presentation.

Heh, a mage on a stage. Need to fit that into a song...

Astor drums his fingers on the edge of his seat, listening to the questions from others in the auditorium. He nods in agreement with Aelynn's words, and speaks up.

"The good lady had another point, you know. We're all very new to this, I'm guessing. If there's as many of these... orcs?... as you say, we're not going to be much more than a speed-bump to them if you just throw us in there. Even with fortifications, it's not odds I'd like to play.

"Another thing, what do these creatures want? Money? Land? Food? Why are they attacking in the first place? Or did you do something major to tick them off?" Astor says the last with a smile.

Ranger Rick

First Post
Raising his hand, "one last question, what exactly is in the city that must be protected? I can not imagine it is the city it self."

Willow Aura

First Post
ooc: Er...yes. Sorry.

Aelynn listens to the response and nods, somewhat satisfied. But something was nagging at the back of her mind. These people didn't seem to be all that good for combat on their own, not the Aelynn herself was all that prepared. There would be a need for parties, the only question was who went with who.

Aelynn let her mind wander for a bit and found herself thinking once again like her schoolgirl self. "Forget those times." she murmured softly. "Focus on the now." Aelynn returned her gaze to the crowd, awaiting the responses of others.


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Rymus shakes his head.

"You have one major advantage over the Orcs and their kind. Each and every one of you has superior training, which puts you above the common enemy soldier. You may not have realized it yet, but the skills and abilities you requested have already been granted to you. Depending on your choices, you have gained magical powers, combat skills, training in numerous areas... all of that is now at your command. Simply try to use your new abilities, and you will discover how easy it really is!"

A few mages across the room begin casting spells.

"Not yet, though! This room is rather crowded, wait until you get outside."

Rymus then picks Johnny, again.

"It's the people, of course. All Humans native to this world are linked to the Archmage's spell. Every time one of them dies, the spell weakens. If too many die, the spell will fail, and your world will be struck by the climactic changes the spell guards against. That means terrible storms beyond your wildest imagination, and the start of a new Ice Age, worse then ever before. Your planet could no longer support the life it currently does in such a state... billions of people would surely die."

Voidrunner's Codex

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