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The Reluctant Heros of Dartham


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This Thread will provide a view from the eyes of Mr Mookesh, a character from Mark Clovers alternating campaign currently played every other sunday at games plus. Other players from my group may post what they have seen from thier characters point of view, and I will continue to add to this thread as the game moves along.

But first an introduction to Mr Mookesh, these stats reflect a level gain since much has transpired since we first began.

Mr Mookesh
2nd Level Human Wizard
Chaotic Good
Age 32
Brown eyes and Hair with a tanned complexion
Mookesh can be seen smiling even when under great pressure or strain.
Hp:13 AC:12 Flat:10 Touch:12
Knowledge Arcane+7,Concentration+6,Spellcraft +9,Alchemy+7,Craft Armor+7,Profession: Leather Worker+7.
Improved init,Magical apptitude,Spell mastery,Scribe scroll.
Mookesh carry's a quarter staff and a light crossbow, and knows the following spells:Ray of frost,Light,Resistance,Mage armor and magic missle.
He has a Toad familiar named Lumpy.

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My name is Mookesh, I am a traveling scholar and leatherworker. I have been here in Jalston for a little while now, long enough to meet some of the locals and obtain employment and even have a little adventure in-between.

I started working here for a Dwarven Miss by the name of Banthward, she was kind enough to let me stay in the backroom of the shop she owns called simply The Leather Works.

I make a few coppers a day making belts and fixing the occasional armor piece here and there. Since I have come here, our profits have doubled, as I am quite the salesman.

Being a scholar I tend to put my studies ahead of just about everything else, food,sleep and sometimes work take a back seat to learning. This is part of what lead me to adventure.

Banthward agreed with me that I should attend the feast of the temple of Darien, if only to see me put some meat on my bones as she put it. I was more interested in their library, as it would be mostly empty on feast day.

I grabbed up my pack and my staff, and made way to the halls of Dariens temple were the feast was well on it's way.
I sat down at a table next to a rather large man, who introduced himself as Rath. We were also joined shortly by another gentleman who called himself Griz, and then a priest of Darien came by with a few acolytes to serve us the feast.

The plates were heaped with Lamb and broasted potatoes, and we were served the temple house wine grown and pressed right here in the temple.
All of it was delicious, and our hosts were more than accommodating.

At that moment Griz got up and went and talked with the priest who had been overseeing the festivities, they spoke briefly and then both returned to the table at which we sat. The priest’s name was Arronn, and he inquired as to whether we might be interested in making a little money helping the temple.

Intrigued by his inquiry we agreed to hear him out, and he told us of a shipment of books that had recently arrived in Jalston by ship. Among these books was a holy book of Darien, and we were to inquire as to it's location and purchase it if we could.

Griz went out for a short while and came back and told us that they were in the possession of the local temple of Toefer, a bizarre church that absolves it's members of sin with the whip and the cat of nine tails.

I had sold them the majority of the straps and tools by which they implement absolution, and volunteered to use my customer contacts to inquire about the book. I knew the Librarian who called himself Slane, and also a lower acolyte whose name now escapes me.

I asked Rath to accompany me there the next day, he would carry my tools and some hides for straps and such. He was also my backup in case things got messy, and I needed some muscle to assist my exit. I told him to meet me at the shop at noon the next day, and not to be late.

I went home and retired for the evening, saying goodnight to my employer and turning in with a good book. Sleep came quickly and my rest went undisturbed, and the morning brought the usual meeting with Banthward.

I told her that I would be visiting the Toefer church this afternoon to pick up some more business, she stopped me speaking and told me that she would be handling that account from now on and that I was to mind the shop today.
My hopes were dashed of making any inquiries, and I went to work as I waited for Rath to show.

Banthward had said to push the belts, and that we would have a pickup later in the day to be signed for. I was greeted by Rast exactly at noon, only to tell him that I wouldn’t be able to make the plan happen. I think he tried to make me happy by buying a belt, at which point I tried to discourage him by setting the price at 2gp. He bought it anyway......

The day went by and customers came by in a slow trickle, I sold a few more belts at a reasonable price of 6 SP. My signature customer arrived and took his sweet time, but finally signed off and left with the leather armor he had ordered.

Shortly thereafter Arronn showed up with Rast and Griz in tow, and threw a small hissy fit about my not being able to complete my task. I told him that when the mistress got back at the end of the day that I would go to the temple then, this contented him a little and he left telling me to meet him later at the halls of Darien.

Banthward came back in shortly, and we discussed how my day went. I told her of my sales and she was not impressed, even though I had made a tidy profit. She went to retire and gave me my leave, as she moved away from me I glanced back and thought I saw blood staining the back of her shirt tail.

I was in haste to get to the Toefer temple, and paid no heed to her possible injury. I arrived at the temple and the acolyte was there, when I asked to see Slane he said no. I asked why, and he said that Banthward had already spoken to Slane for me about the book.

I was furious!
Banthward had had no knowledge of my dealings with Darien or anything about the book. I stormed back to the shop and climbed the stairs to the loft apartment were she stayed, I knocked on the door and heard a weak. " Go away, I’m not having visitors."

I knocked all the harder, and apparently in my emotional state forgot my own strength. The door crashed inwards on it's hinges leaving splinters everywhere, and Banthward was in the tub washing the blood from her lashed back.

"GET OUT!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. " You are no longer employed here!"

I sneered at her and said. " You are a Toeferun whore! And you owe me a weeks wages!"

She screamed incomprehensibly as she jumped from the tub and started to throw money at me. All I could make out was "GET OUT!"

I gathered the money and left without a word, taking only what was mine with me. I headed over to the halls of Darien and spoke with Arronn about all that had happened, he continually shushed me as I told my tale. I’m not sure whether he was pleased with my discovery or not.

Arronn left to meet with his superiors, and came back with a different assignment for us. We were all suprised at what he had to say, I think Arronn was as suprised as we were to receive such orders.
We were asked to go to a small town named Dartham, and retrieve the Toeferun Cleric that had taken to ruling the town with an iron fist.

We left at darkfall planning what to do when we got there as we went the four of us and Rath's pet donkey,
the reluctant heroes of Dartham.


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Along the way we formed several plans, and disagreed upon which was the best way. Arronn wanted to capture a guard and question him/recruit him, I wanted to divide the enemy by setting fire to a building not currently occupied. Griz wanted to sneak around and do some recon, and Rath wanted to do what everyone else wanted to do.

As we walked and argued/discussed, a strange creature screamed in the night. The screaming trailed us for an hour or so before we all started to run instead of walk. Arronn at one point grabbed his skull and complained of not feeling at all well. By the time we reached the local farmlands, the screeching had stopped.

Griz approached a nearby farm house trailing the donkey, the rest of us hid in the bushes. The farmer inside spoke with Griz for awhile and then went back inside, Griz returned to the roadside were we were hiding told us we were a short distance from Dartham.

We made the short treck and decided on Arrons plan of capturing a guard, which was promptly thrown out the window when we reached the town.
We were greeted by a local as we entered, whom acted rather strangely and then went inside his house as quickly as he could.

Another man was busy starting a fire to cook meat on, Rath engaged him in conversation about cooking and was summarily ignored and insulted by the man.
I decided the time for action had come and went to the biggest building in the town, which we had been told was the old inn that had been converted to a temple.

I spoke to the guard who was on duty, he woke from a sound sleep and grabbed up his mace eyeing me wearily.
" Who are you? And what do you want?" The guard muttered still half asleep.

"I am but a weary traveler looking for somewhere to sleep, and maybe a bite to eat." I said with a friendly smile.

By then the others had joined me, and the guard went inside to get one of his superiors. A tall man came out with the guard and introduced himself as Duncan, or was it Thorton? Nevermind his name, he was the constable for the town and a recent convert to Toefer.

He set us up at the home of a local widow, and made her bring us food and drink. She was visibly upset at having to speak to the constable, and avoided speaking with our group as well. We rested in shifts with one of us guarding the door at all times, they didn’t trust us either and had us under constant guard by archers in the top of the inn. I waved at them and laughed as they tried to hide from my view, I was enjoying myself at their expense.

When we had all been refreshed we bought a few supplies from a local merchant, we joined with a wandering merchant in traveling down the road a bit. A short distance later we broke, from the merchant and hid in the woods while we developed a plan. We argued/discussed our options, and returned to Arronns plan of capturing a guard.

We moved through the underbrush and came back into the edge of town, so far no one had spotted us and no guards had presented us with an opportunity to capture them. I suggested we move to a small building we had spied just before leaving, I went and the others followed a short distance behind.

I heard snoring from the building, and summoned my companions to the door. I gave a hand signal to count to three and then we would go, everyone looked at me in confusion. I gave the signal again, and everyone nodded in understanding.

We yanked the door open and I crushed the first guards windpipe with my staff, Arronn followed suit and used his mace to silence the other guard.
A ladder descending down into the earth occupied the back area of the shack. Steeling our resolve we descended into the pit, lighting torches as we went.

We explored some long tunnels, and found what appeared to be alcoves with piles of bones stacked in them. We continued to explore not finding much else, until we came upon a room with a large square stone construct in the middle.

The stone square was to high to see the top and we only found the attempts of breaking into it on one side. Without tools and no other place to explore we made for the shack, hoping we had yet gone undiscovered.
We were in luck.

We were able to approach the inn, and Griz made an attempt to shoot the guard with his crossbow. Unfortunately the bolt fell out before he could fire, and all his weapon did was make a loud "Twang" which woke the guard.
We all made an attempt at hitting him with various weapons, but only the blue glow of my magic missile found its mark. The guard slumped to the ground, and was at peace with the gods.

We approached the door to the inn, and heard naught but snoring from within. Apparently the guards had drunk much wine, and purged themselves of sin. This had left them in a sound stupor, and gave us the chance to sneak inside. We had killed all but two of the guards, before one of them came too and roused the alarm.

The constable convert came running down the stairs from the second level, and was promptly shot in the chest bye our intrepid rogue Griz. Next Rath put his longspear through the poor man, spitting him like a chicken being prepared for roasting. Without much of a fight we had taken down the temple guards and captain, all that was left was the priest upstairs.

Itching for some action Rath raced up the stairs, and was promptly brought low by two pairs of glowing hands. Rath fell backward down the stairs like a poleaxed bison, flopping with a sickening crunch at Arronns feet.
Arronn quickly used all his heal spells but one to revive Rath, who even with the healing was still in pretty bad shape.

We gathered at the bottom of the stairs and formulated a plan, we would rush up the stairs as fast as we all could and confront the two priests there. We went in order of who felt best, and Arronn lead the charge. He was also met with a two pair of glowing hands, and dropped to the floor as like wet sponge. I was behind him and bashed the nearest of the priests with my quarterstaff, she dropped like a stone bleeding profusely from the head.

The other priest raised his hands, as Griz and Rath threatened him with mortal peril. He cried like a small child, and begged us to heal his mistress.
We told him to heal Arronn first, and then Arronn would heal his friend. He did as we asked, and we held our part of the bargain. But not before tying them both up with rope.

We searched and secured the inn, and the two of us that had magic slept first. I was awoken about halfway through my slumber by Griz, there was a man at the door asking to be let in. It was morning and the town was beginning to stir, Griz was worried that this man would get reinforcements. So he tried to fool the man by telling him services had been canceled, but the man wasn’t buying it.

Griz even took the mouth gag off of the male priest we had captured, and asked him who the man with the dog was. The priest said his name was Ponsfer, So Griz addressed him as such. Griz had even tried to get the priest to tell him services were canceled. Griz finally figured this wasn't working, and woke me.

I went to address the man, as I was still wearing the clothes of a guard that we had stolen before assaulting the inn. I popped my head out of a window, and made as if the sun hurt my eyes.

"What’s going on? Who are you? Why is the door locked?" The man questioned.

" It's me you dolt, it's Smitty." I lied. "Duncan has gone to Calum, to pick up another of the holy ones. He said to lock the doors and tell everyone else that services were canceled today."

The man shook his head in disbelief. "Duncan was due to pay us today, what am I going to do for coin?"

I fished in my pocket and found some coins. " How much does Duncan pay you?" I asked the man.

The man looked up at me and said. "Two gold for the week, one for me and one for my dog."

I threw some coins down at him. "Here’s three gold, now go home and don’t come back till supper eh?

The man looked satisfied and left with his coins, and I went back to bed.

Later when we had slept sufficiently, the widow brought food for the inn. We let her in, and promised her we were not there to hurt her or the town.
She calmed visibly and was agreeable, answering our questions and letting us know who could be trusted and who could not in the town.

Apparently we had killed everyone that was loyal to Duncan, and the old man with dog was actually named Billius and was more than happy to see the Toeferuns go. We left him in charge and made the trek back to Jalston, with our prisoners tied and gagged under a tarp on a cart we had found.

Arronns boss was very pleased with him, and gave us all food and a place to rest. Arronn gathered our reward from his boss, and sat down with us at a table lined with various food and drink to divide up the spoils.


First Post
Mark was pretty fair with the loot, we sold alot of stuff to the temple of Darien. We havent split the loot yet as the last adventure was cut at about the time we all got back into town. It will be another week before we get to continue, easter kinda got in the way for most of us.

William Ronald

I am looking forward to the next game. I should comment that I tried to portray Rath as somewhat impetuous, as he is relatively young. (The character is 21 years of age, so I tried to emphasize that he might be a little imptetuous and impatient.)

Also, I decided to have Rath buy a donkey to carry some of his gear. I thought it would make sense to have some sort of mount with the party, to carry a cleric of Toeffer back to Jalston from Dartham.

I enjoyed the adventure on several levels. The adventure had a mix of urban and rural adventure, which I liked. Additionally, I love politics -- and the rivalry between the faiths of Darien and Toeffer seemed fairly realistic. (History is an interest of mine, and I can see more than a few parallels in the real world to that in the Kingdom of Toeffrus.) Also, the adventure had hints of things to come -- which I will shortly post. I have been busy of late.

Also, I think Mark's characterization was very good. The NPCs seemed to have realistic motivations, and the adventure moved at a good pace. I was pleasantly surprised that we suffered no deaths, as we had two characters knocked into negative hit points briefly -- Rath and Aronn. When Rath charged up the stairs, he had only one hit point.

I plan to start posting some of the details as I remember them from Rath's perspective soon.

William Ronald

I will now tell part of the story of the adventure. (Later, in a separate post, I will include character stats for my character.)

Part I -- A feast and rumors

A tall, broad-shouldered man in splint mail armor tried to move carefully through the crowd at the feast hall at the Temple of Darien the Just in Jalston. The young man, ruddy-skinned with auburn hair and hazel eyes, looked throughout the hall for an empty seat at a table.

"Of course, it would be crowded tonight -- the night just after the full moon. It always is," Rath thought. The night just after the full moon was a feast day of Darien, where people gathered to fight the growing of darkness before the moon waxed again. At such times, the creatures of the night were most powerful -- and their goddess Nekrem spurred them on to further evil. At such times, the followers of Darien gathered to stand opposed to Nekrem's evil, countering it with song, feasting and eternal vigilance.

It was Rath's devotion to Darien, and his sense of duty that led him to attend the feast day armed and armored for war. It made his movements somewhat awkward, but Rath preferred to be ready for the unexpected. Suddenly, Rath spotted an empty seat next to a tall man in red robes.

The man, too thin for his height, Rath judged, was picking at a plate of roast mutton, potatoes, carrots, and onions. With a knod of acknowledgement, Rath sat down next to him. "Rath Labraid, a pleasure to meet you ...." the warrior said as he looked at the man.

"Mookesh, a scholar and mage by trade. The temple does put on a good feast," he said. There was an intent and calculating look in the man's eyes.

"Indeed," Rath said. "Have some more food." While he was hungry, Rath realized the man was indeed a bit thin and perhaps a bit pale from hunger. Or was it the flickering torchlight in the feast hall. Mookesh helped himself to some food, then ate silently while Rath grabbed his own plate.

From across the room, Rath spotted a thin man of slightly less than average height in brown clothes move purposely throw the crowd. Despite the man's efforts to be non-descript, Rath recognized Grizz. Although he had never quite learned Grizz's profession, Rath knew him as a source of news about events and people in Jalston. Grizz moved slowly, almost casually towards a brown-haired man in blue robes talking to a small group of his fellow Darien worshippers.

"Arronn. So, it looks like there is more than feasting going on tonight," Rath thought as the priest stepped aside closely followed by Grizz.


First Post
Assault on the Tractless Moors

The adventure goes on, this time Mr. Mookesh will be taking a break whilst seeking a new hostel in Jalston proper.

This Journal installment is from one of a pair of Dwarven brothers, his name is Spatz Odiferous. His brother’s name is Ras Odiferous, they were part of a kobold hunting party with 7 other dwarves.

Their party was ambushed out on the moors one evening.
And as their fearless leader StoneBeard Mcknown held a cairn the pair of brothers went in seek of help across the moors.

They arrived at the river town of Vinebank, and hitched a ride with a bargemaster into Jalston.

The rest Ill let Spatz relate to you in his journal.
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This jornal belongs ta Spatz Oderiphus, Dwarven Warrior of Clan Hunter.

My brother always says that if it were worth doin, then it were worth rememberin. So I's learnd a way to always remember, and nows you can read it and remember it to.

I am part of a hunting party, sent out to kill them that would raid our home.
My brother Ras talked me into using my steel for vengance, saying that we could protect our families best if we would kill them that threatens em.

I dont know what is more right, but when Ras talks with that look in his eye I get to thinkin he may have a point. So we geared up for killin and left home, my momma cried and chased Ras from the house.

I stood in the door and looked at her for awhile, then she smacked me in the head and said.

"Go on now git!"

So's we left on our way to trackin em, and followed them for a week or so.
Me and ras used to track bug gubbies when were just spuds, so we lent a hand in the trackin.

We came through the hills into large grassy area, the trail the Kobers left lead into this hilly area full of brambles. We forged on cutting a swath through the undergrowth with our blades, until we came to a large cairn that we climbed and made camp.

It was late into the evening, when it seemed as if it had begun to rain. But this was no ordinary rain, it was a rain of sling stones brought on by the yip yapin Kobers.

Several of my brothers went down, and our leader Stonebeard told us to go git some help. We grabbed our gear, and me and Ras set to runnin.
We runned till we couldnt run no more, and came to a river were we saw a man floating a wall down it.

Ras balked at first to gettin on it, as he dont much care for water or soap.
But I told him he was a sissy, and the guy floatin the wall gave him his promise that Ras wouldnt have to go swimmin.

We arrived shortly in Jalston, and made our way into the city. My brother and I had a terrible thirst, and found a little bar call the whistlers wet. They served us up a tall mug o ale, earthy and with a wonderful chestnut taste.
And the whiskey they brought out just for us, was an ancient dwarven recipe that I havent had since last shield meet.

We drank a bit and laughed a lot, until a tall human type interupted by introducin himself into the conversation. Ras started to bristle at him, until he bought us a round o drinks.

He introduced himself as Rath, and asked us a lot of questions. My brother answered mostly fer us, and we got introduced to a couple other humans named Griz and Arron.

I told them of the plight of our party, and other than the mention of a fair share of any non dwarven treasure they seemed pretty disinterested.
But they did agree to go with us, and the whole lot of us made our way back to the docks.

We traded some healing potions for a ride back down the river, and made our way back to Vinebank. We excited the bank opposite town, and made our way back into the moors.

The going was pretty easy until we lost track of our own path, but it wasn't long before we found the cairn. We climbed to the top and looked around, it was pretty dark and we couldnt see much. We decided to camp here until morning.

I was on watch when the first slingstones came, I woke my brother and in turn the rest of the party. The cleric o darrien, cast a spell and threw a rock out into the brush. It lit up like the sun and showed us were the enemy was hiding, and like proud dwarves do we charged into the frey.

My brother and I were turning our enemies into a fine red mist, and even the pretty boy Rath got himself a Kobold or two with that spear o his.
The Kobers were pretty tuff fur what they was, and even managed to hit us a few times and draw blood.

We made short work of them, and me and Ras collected the booty that they had stolen from our kin to bury in a respectful way.
While we did this, the cleric o darrien started yellin and carrying on about some kinda bug. Ras snorted, just like a human not to expect bugs in the wilderness.

We climbed back up the cairn, and the priest described to us what could only have been a Moogre. Their cousins to the Ogre, and ride around on giant stag beetles like their some kinda horse or somethin.

I asked him why he let it go, and he chastised me with holy vigor. I told him that once you cut of a few of the beetles legs, theys was a piece o cake.
This earned me further looks of annoyance.

The cleric and the rogue decided to head back to the river, and the three of us that were left decided to move a few 100 yards south and make a new camp.

My brother always says im cursed, whenever we have bad luck he blames me.
I cant help that everything happenes on me watch, just lucky I guesse.

So we all bed down, cept me who is watchin. And I hear off in the distance a bayfull howl, and right away I knows whats comin. My brother and I have have had a few encounters in our short time on the moors, and we have run into Moor Hounds a time or two.

I rushed to wake the others, but by the time we got our wits the howling had come close enough to effect us. Rath and I both got really scared and ran off in different directions, leaving my brother cursing in the dust.

Ras gave chase and grabbed me, trying to get me to calm down. But the bay of the hounds had me in it's spell, and I knew they was a commin for muh soul. I had to get away, so I wrastled with my brother until I gots loose.

Then I ran and ran, until the fear let go a me. I returned back the way I had come, and was attacked by a couple of the undead dogs that we had heard.
They were no match for my steel, and went back to the cursed hell that spawned em.

I found my brother a short time later, he had found the fighter and they had kilt the hounds what had assailed um. We gathered our stuff, and headed for another camp site. And here I sit a writtin this now, waitin for my turn ta sleep.

Till next time, Spatz Odipherus.

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