• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Slave and Her Sovereign


BITA-BOUSSEH staggers still under the ferocious attack of the Meenlock Stalker. Darkness at the periphery of her vision. She blinks several times. Shakes her head to clear it. This is her one remaining chance. She feints stumbling back towards the Astral Singularity, hoping the creature's alien intelligence comprehends her move as one of desperation, a last attempt at evading its wicked claws. When it follows, she whirls back on it, catching the creature in the full orbit of her Infernal Glower and propelling it into the Singularity. It disappears within and does not re-emerge.

She bends, panting, palms against her knees supporting her. Suddenly, with the full force of a stretched rubberband recoiling, her silver cord snaps her back across the plane and she has just enough time to think, "They succeeded!" before she rematerializes within her body inside the Dome of Illumination.

* * *

CHANVATI AND PA'AVU watch as The Mind feverishly pulls at the strands of frayed spatiotemporal reality like a mad tailor mending a voluminous cloak. Shimmering bands of astral mindstuff replace the infected purple threads of Caiphonian taint. Just as it seals the Breach with a certain finality--and its own fate, as well, trapped as it is in The Far Realm Beyond--The Mind looks back at his companions one last time. "What is that look in its eyes?" they wonder.

* * *

Having easily dispatched the remaining plasmoids into their component essences, the battle is over.

"You have my thanks for you aid here, Ishka. And you, Kushka-varra. Without it, I doubt we would have won the day," Chanvati says.

Ishka nods his head once. "Our mutual foe is defeated and my promise to you fulfilled. Perhaps our paths will cross again, Merchant-Prince, and you will provide similar aid in Queen Vlaakith's war to defeat the Imperial armies of the Illithids. Farewell, to you, and to you, Pa'avu, whose power as an avatar of Primal forces beyond my understanding is nevertheless as clear to me as the power of your sword. Use that power for ..."

The young githyanki warrior's comment goes unfinished as the silver cords linking Pa'avu and Chanvati to the mortal world jerk them back.

* * *

Hazard rears onto his back legs, jumping up against Pa'avu as her spirit returns to her body. Farzin and Para embrace ... not their uncle but the haughty Tiefling, whose disdain for children they find a charming facade and challenge to overcome. Bita-Bahlin glowers in the corner alone.

* * *

Chanvati looks over his comrades, returned from their Astral sojourn. "Barrister, it is good to see you still alive!"

Bita-Bousseh grunts. "No thanks to you, Merchant!"

Then he notices the purple cast about the hollows of Pa'avu's and Bita-Bousseh's eyes.

"We don't have much time before we must leave for the palace. But I need both of you to undergo a clinical self-assessment. Did your exposure to the Caiphonian Aurora infect you with its alien taint? And, if so, can you trace any weird and surreal thought patterns, mentally cauterize those wounds before they infect you further? Here, follow along with me as I probe your minds..."

Summon Ishka and Kushka-varra Consumable depleted.

Pa'avu Saves vs Caiphonian Corruption using Markings of the Blessed (Benefit: The first time you make a saving throw during each encounter, you can roll twice and use either result.), r1,9. Fails. Infected with Caiphonian Corruption Stage 1 (-4 Will).

Bita-Bouseh Saves vs Caiphonian Corruption, r1. Fails. Infected with Caiphonian Corruption Stage 1 (-4 Will).

Next, we take an Extended Rest, so all Encounter and Daily Resources are refreshed, and Action Points are reset to 1/PC.

Pa'avu makes an Insight check vs Caiphonian Corruption, r8+10+2 (within 10 of Chanvati)=20. Caiphonian Corruption decreases by 1 to stage 0. Target recovers from disease.

Bita-Bousseh makes an Insight check vs. Caiphonian Corruption, r8+12+2=22. Caiphonian Corruption decreases by 1 to stage 0. Target recovers from disease.
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Like the rest of Bantouk, the scene at the palace gate is a calamity.

A large aberrant, bloated monstrosity looks like a giant crossed with a spider and the whole of the mess was melted into vile goo. Spores, poison, and acid float and fling from its every movement and it seems to continuously replicate...or spawn...disgusting, smaller versions of itself.

Townfolk stricken with fear as the mere touch of Caiphon's minions turns them into abominable thralls!

Recently turned thralls shamble grotesquely in vaguely humanoid forms, horrifically bloated from their transformation. Arms swing wildly with acidic ooze as Caiphon's call beckons from their elongated, mishapen mouths.

A pair of Bladeling Vanguards sprawl away from freshly vaulted pitch from the castle's bailey. They surely want to form up, but they are separated for now and surrounded on all sides.

Meanwhile, beholding the horror of Bantouk's from on-high, the very young Empress, likely in defiance of her advisors, stands atop the rampart over the portcullis with her guard and the palace's artillery.


* Waves: Rounds 3 and 5 will see a Standard (500 xp) worth of Bladeling Legions (either 1 Standard or 4 x Minions) appear in A squares.

* Illumination: Fully.


LVL 10/COMPLEXITY 1 (4 Success/3 Failure/1 Secondary Skill as Minor Action/DCs 13 and 18)


✦ Rebuke the Guards' Mettle: Intimidate (standard action, range 10 to Z sq). Success = Artillery Volley (Ranged 20; one, two, or three creatures); +15 vs AC. 10 damage.

✦ Rally the Troops at the Gate: Athletics or Arcana (Immediate action - Trigger: you defeat an enemy within 10 sq of Z sq).

✦ Appeal to the Sovereign's Duty: Diplomacy, History (standard action, range 10 to Z sq).

✦ Show Them It Has a Weakness: Dungeoneering or Nature (standard action, w/in 3 sq of the Caiphon Bloater). Success = Attack +12 vs Will. Hit; Stunned (SE). Miss; Dazed (SE)

Effect: The Empress calls for the gate to be raised and her guard to rally to the heroes' aid. The heroes gain 15 THP at the beginning of each round and all attacks vs their enemies have combat advantage UtEotE as the guard floods the battlefield.

* Caiphon and Vezzuvu's Legion of Bladelings are enemies, but they will prioritize attacking the heroes if they can.

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend (Stunt)
- At-will
Standard Action * Close Burst 5 (any Bladeling)
Prerequisite: The heroes have not attacked a member of the Bladeling Legions this Encounter.
Check: Diplomacy or Intimidate vs Medium DC (18)
Effect: All members of the Bladeling Legions treat all of the heroes as allies UtEoYNT. Sustain Minor while adjacent.
Special: Unavailable once all Caiphon enemies are defeated.

* Anti-infantry Caltrops (black squares; Hindering Terrain): Any creature that begins their turn in the Hindering Terrain of the Caltrops takes 5 damage. Taking a (non-teleporting) move action on these caltrops requires a DC 18 Acrobatics/Athletics check or you are slowed UtEoYNT.

* Water/Cliff (blue; Hindering Terrain): Any creature who falls in the water must Climb (Medium DC) 4 squares to reach the top (20 ft).

* Evergreen Trees: Squares that are fully illustrated are difficult terrain and grant Partial Concealment due to light foliage. Partially illustrated squares are only color.

* Townfolk (T): Townfolk are stricken with terror throughout the map. Any Townfolk struck by an attack from one of Caiphon's forces is immediately corrupted and turns into a Caphionspawn or Bloatfiend; AC 22, F/R/W 21. Any hero who is adjacent to a Townfolk can spend a Minor Action to calm and inspire them, removing them from the scene and gaining a +2 Power Bonus to Attack UtEoYNT for their heroic effort.

* Burning Pitch Hazard Level 10 Obstacle XP 500 (red square)
A pile of burning pitched launched from a catapault within the castle's bailey.

Hazard: Each square of burning pitch counts as difficult terrain.

The burning pitch attacks when a creature enters or starts its turn within a square of burning pitch.

Attack * Fire
Opportunity Action Melee
Target: Creature in a square containing burning pitch
Attack:+13 vs. Ref
Hit:1d8 + 5 fire damage, and the target grants CA and takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).


✦ A character with OG Fire from the hazard can spend a Minor Action to gain a +2 bonus to their end of turn saving throw.

✦ Evade (Immediate Interrupt - Encounter) A character who succeeds on a medium DC Acrobatics check (18) gains a +2 bonus to Ref vs the burning pitch's attack. If the hazard misses them with its attack, they can shift 1 sq as a free action.


Caiphon Bloater (CB)
(Large aberrant magical beast, solo, controller): HP 448, AC 24, Fortitude 25, Reflex 20, Will 22, Init +9

Bloatfiend (F) x 4 (Medium aberrant magical beast, controller, minion): 1 HP, AC 24, Fortitude 23, Reflex 22, Will 21, Init +10

Caiphonspawn (S) x 4 (Medium aberrant humanoid, brute, minion): 1 HP, AC 22, Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 20, Init +8


Legion Vanguard (V) x 2
Medium elemental humanoid, soldier/leader, standard): HP 106, AC 26, Fortitude 24, Reflex 20, Will 22, Init +8

* Place Bita-Bousseh (A9), Chanvati (A12), Hazard (A18), and Pa'avu (A15) in any A square.


Spawn Bloatfiend (Caiphon Bloater Free Action) = 30
Bloatfiend (F) = 26
Hazard (H) r17+7=24
Caiphon Bloater (CB) = 20
Pa'avu (P) r8+10=18
Chanvati (C) r5+11=16
Legion Vanguard (V) = 15
Caiphonspawn (S) = 14
Volcanic Arcanian (A) = 13
Bita-Bousseh (B) r4+7=11



Chanvati's Monster Knowledge checks (Free Action):

* Dungeoneering vs Caiphon Bloater, r15+10 + Free Action Adept's Insight Unaugmented for +1 to the skill check = 26 (This hits the Hard DC; I will not have Adept's Insight available for the rest of this encounter).

Caiphon Bloater
Large aberrant magical beast
Level 10 Solo Controller (Leader) XP 2500
HP 448; Bloodied 224 Initiative +9
AC 24, Fortitude 25, Reflex 20, Will 22 Perception+12
Speed 6 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 5 acid, psychic; Vulnerable 5 force, thunder
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

Action Recovery
Whenever the bloater ends its turn, any dazing, stunning, or dominating effect on it ends.

Instinctive Spawn
On an initiative of 10 + its initiative check, the bloater can use a free action to use spawn bloatfiend. If the bloater cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the bloater using spawn bloatfiend.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Spore Slam (poison) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).

⚔ Appendage Mash ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +13 vs. Fort. If the bloater targets only one creature, it can make this attack twice against that creature
Hit: 3d6 + 7 damage.
Effect: The bloater slides the target up to 2 squares.

ᗕ Caiphon Plume (acid, psychic) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +13 vs. Will
2d10 + 10 acid and psychic damage. The bloater pulls the target up to 4 squares, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Effect: The blast creates a zone UtEoCBNT. Any creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 acid damage.

Minor Actions
➶ Spawn Bloatfiend (summoning) ✦ At-Will (1/round)
Effect: The bloater spawns a bloatfiend in an adjacent square and slides the bloatfiend up to 3 squares. The bloatfiend acts on the bloatfiend initiative.

Triggered Actions
ᗕ Bloodied Plume ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The bloater is first bloodied.
Effect (Free Action): Caiphon Plume recharges, and the bloater uses it.

Athletics +15

* Dungeoneering vs Bloatfiend, r20+10=30 (Exceeds Hard DC).

Bloatfiend x4
Medium aberrant magical beast
Level 10 Minion (Controller) XP 125
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +10
AC 24, Fortitude 23, Reflex 22, Will 21 Perception+6
Speed 6
Immune acid, disease, poison

Pestilential Body (Aura 1)
Any creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 3 poison damage.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Grotesque Slam (acid) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 7 acid damage and the target grants CA UtEoBFNT.

➶ Caiphon's Beckon (charm) ✦ Recharge if the power misses
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +13 vs. Will
Hit: The bloatfiend slides the target up to 3 squares. Then a bloatfiend or caiphonspawn that is adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against it as a free action.

Ath +8

* Dungeoneering vs Caiphonspawn, r17+10=27 (Exceeds Hard DC).

Caiphonspawn x4
Medium aberrant humanoid
Level 10 Minion Brute XP 125
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +8
AC 22, Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 20 Perception+6
Speed 5 Low-light vision
Immune acid

Standard Actions
(⚔) Claw ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 12 damage.

Triggered Actions
Whisper of Death (psychic) ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The spawn dies.
Effect: Each enemy adjacent to the spawn takes 5 psychic damage.

Ath +8

* Arcana vs Legion Vanguard, r3 TRIGGERS Philosopher's Crown Daily Power, Trigger: You make an Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, or Religion check and dislike the result. Effect: You reroll the check and use either result. r14+16=30 (Exceeds Hard DC).

Legion Vanguard
Medium elemental humanoid (fire), bladeling
Level 10 Soldier (Leader) XP 500
HP 106; Bloodied 53 Initiative +8
AC 26, Fortitude 24, Reflex 20, Will 22 Perception+8
Speed 6 Resist Fire 10

Phalanx Formation
Adjacent allies gain a +2 power bonus to AC and damage.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Cruel Flail (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC. The vanguard has a +2 bonus to hit while bloodied.
Hit: 2d6 + 10 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the vanguard's next turn.

Minor Actions
⚔ Shield Bash (weapon) ✦ At-Will 1/round
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature marked by the vanguard); +15 vs. AC. The vanguard has a +2 bonus to hit while bloodied.
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of the vanguard's next turn.

Vanguard's Mark ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Effect: Close burst 5 (one enemy in the burst). The target is marked until the end of the vanguard's next turn. If the target doesn't end its next turn adjacent to the vanguard, the vanguard can immediately charge the target as a free action and doesn't provoke opportunity attacks for the charge's movement.

ᗕ Covering Fusilade of Barbs ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +13 vs. Reflex. The vanguard has a +2 bonus to hit while bloodied.
Hit: 1d6 damage. Effect: Allies in the blast gain 5 THP and can shift 1 sq as a free action.

Ath +15

A disgusting, yet smaller, replica of the CAIPHON BLOATER emerges from the melty material of the original, hulking beast. The BLOATFIEND oozes and lurches toward the nearby, terrified townfolk.

* Instinctive Spawn: On an initiative of 10 + its initiative check, the bloater can use a free action to use spawn bloatfiend. If the bloater cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the bloater using spawn bloatfiend.

* Spawn Bloatfiend (summoning). Effect: The bloater spawns a bloatfiend in an adjacent square (Q20) and slides the bloatfiend 2 squares to Q22. The bloatfiend acts on the bloatfiend initiative.

LOCATION: P19, new Bloatfiend in Q22
CURRENT HP: 448/448

The BLOATFIENDs increase their number as one of the TOWNSFOLK succumb to Caiphon's corruptive touch.

Having assimilated one to their alien collective, they swarm upon the members of Vezzuvu's Bladeling Legions, setting into motion the playing out of the historical loop for yet another age.

F (Q22)

* Standard: Grotesque Slam (M1) vs T (R23)'s AC: r(15) +15 = 30. Hit. T (R23) turns into a Bloatfiend (R23).

* Move: 6 sq (circling to avoid OA) to M16.

F (R23)

* Move: 6 sq to R17.

* Standard: Charge to O16 and Grotesque Slam (M1) vs V2's AC: r(19) +15 +1 (charge) +2 (CA) = 37. Hit. 7 acid damage and V2 grants CA UtEoFNT.

F (S16)

* Standard: Caiphon's Beckon (R5) vs V2's Will: r(19) +13 +2 (CA) = 34. Slides V2 3 sq to K15 and Caiphonspsawn (J22) makes an MBA vs V2. Slam (M1) vs V2's AC: r(6) +15 +2 (CA) = 23. Miss.

* Move: 4 sq to O15.

F (U16)

* Move: 4 sq to O16.

* Standard: Charge to L15 and Grotesque Slam (M1) vs V2's AC: r(9) +15 +1 (charge) +2 (CA) = 27. Hit. 7 acid damage and V2 grants CA UtEoFNT.

F (T9)

* Move: 1 sq to S9.

* Standard: Grotesque Slam (M1) vs V1's AC: r(4) +15 = 19. Miss.

F (O8)

* Standard: Charge to Q9 and Grotesque Slam (M1) vs V1's AC: r(11) +15 +1 (charge) +2 (CA) = 29. Hit. 7 acid damage and V1 grants CA UtEoFNT.

LOCATION: M16, O16, O15, L15, S9, Q9
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 7 damage to V1. 14 damage to V2
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Changed Townfolk (R23) to Bloatfiend. V2 slid to K15. V1/V2 grants CA UtEoFNT. V2 is in Pestilential Body (Aura 1).

HAZARD's joy at being reunited with his Beloved is now tampered with the strangeness of the scene he witnesses in her company. The strange blade-creatures they fought before she is now telling him not to attack, while the weird almost creatures his instincts beg him to avoid are the ones he is told to fight. But she is all wise, and he will follow her directive.

But first, a happier assignment: he lopes over to the group of terrified people hiding under a tree and gambols around them, nudging and licking and whining and circling until they realize they have a protector. The man and his teenage son and daughter begin to scramble away, before the girl returns to grab her grandmother's hand to bring her along with them.

Then the hound summons his courage - to be as brave as his Beloved - and charges the mushroom cloud spider thing and slams into it, popping its outer membranes. Perhaps he will be more cautious next time, for at that instant of anhilating the thing, his head reverberates with the ultrasonic scream of pain and rage of the dying creature.

* Move: from A18 to F18, adjacent to T in G18.

* Minor: Calms and Inspires T to leave the scene, Hazard gains +2 Power Bonus to ATKs UEoHNT

* Standard: Charge S in F15: Move 2 squares from F18 to F16; ATK S F15: r20 +15 = 35/Autohit; S F15 Destroyed; TRIGGERS (S): Whisper of Death: Hazard takes 5 Psychic Damage

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Hazard +2 Power Bonus to ATK UEoHNT
SURGES: 11/11

The awful spector of the CAIPHON BLOATER replicates itself. The small version of the monstrosity besets a terrified nearby TOWNFOLK, intent on turning them into an abomination!

Noting the arrival of Caiphon's mortal enemies, the huge horror oozes, trundles, goops and crawls its way to the bestest boy who just delivered a Bantouk residence from their stricken state with his bestest boyisms! Its spore-laden body vomits something resembling an appendage at Hazard, causing our trusted canine to reel from the poisonous fumes!

* Minor: Spawn Bloatfiend (adjacent in Q17). Slide 3 squares to T14.

* Move: 6 sq to J19

* Standard: Charge to H17 and Spore Slam (M2) vs H's AC: r(11) +15 +1 (charge) = 27. Hit. r(5, 4) + 10 = 19 damage and
ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).

LOCATION: H17, new Bloatfiend in T14.
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 19 damage to H.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: H takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).
CURRENT HP: 448/448
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: NA. The Caiphon Bloater does not have Partial Concealment because only 1 of its 4 squares (H17) are obscured by the light foliage. The others are entirely unobscured to Hazard and the heroes.

CHANVATI, Merchant-Prince of House Audaseie, Psion Varipotent, Sojourner of the Chronotope, has been awaiting this meeting with his Empress for a very long time. Time to close the gap. All the gaps. He folds space between himself and his flanking comrades on the one hand and the far side of the battlefield on the other, and instantly the three reapparate closer to the palace walls.

With combatants everywhere, the Psion turns to a cluster of Bloatfiends near the burning pitch. Again, he manipulates the the Chronotope, and two of the Fiends are shunted into the pitch, screaming their baleful, alien deaths.

"Imperial guards!" he calls out. "See what succor is delivered to you on this day of battle! Chanvati Audaseie, Madnessbreaker, is here to safeguard the Empire, along with a host of potent allies! Witness my power of mind over space and time ... and tremble!

"Were you not raised on tales of the heroics of Genga, who fought with the Imperial Guard at the Death Giant siege of Bantouk during the Chychomneahantaek Dynasty? How her powerful psionics paralyzed the Death Giant King Snurre and how the Guard then routed his army? Such a victory will be ours if you show your mettle!

"And you, Imperial Majesty! I beseech Your Highness: do not fall victim to whatever prophesies reached you from the lips of The Oracle. My allies and I have sojourned across the Chronotope, undone deeds past and crafted new futures. Prophecy is but guesswork until bold action is taken to secure fate. Now is your moment, Empress. But you must act! Send in your Guard to seal our victory!"

* Move: Dimensional Shortcut on Q19; C teleports to S21 (partial concealment), BB teleports to R19, P teleports to O18

* Standard: Dimensional Scramble ABu1 on N15, ATK vs F M16, r11+13=24 vs 23 Fort. Hit. ATK vs F O16, r7+13=20 vs 23 Fort. Miss. ATK vs F O15, r13+13=26 vs 23 Fort. Hit. F M16 and F O15 KILLED. TRIGGERS SC (Immediate Reaction): Rally the Troops at the Gate, Primary Skill Arcana check, r3+16=19 vs 18 DC. Success. 1/4 Successes SC.

* Minor: Secondary Skill History check +16 vs 13 DC=Autosuccess for +2 bonus to Bita-Bousseh's subsequent Primary Skill check to Rebuke the Guards' Mettle.

* AP: Primary Skill Diplomacy check to Appeal to the Sovereign's Duty, r5+15=20 vs 18 DC. Success. 2/4 Successes SC.

LOCATION: C in S21, BB in R19, P in O18
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Partial Concealment
PP: 5/5

PA'AVU takes a moment to adjust to re-corporation. The Earth is solid under her feet, Air expansive in her lungs: she is present once again. And alert.... she thinks. The wordiness of her thoughts causes her to wonder if there are any lingering effects from her time in the Astral Sea tuned deeply into Chanvati's mind.

In a strange reflection of time and space, she faces the location she once was. Between There and Here is her beloved and beleaguered Hound, beset by the Caiphon Bloater. His dilemma sets her body into motion, fulfilling the plan her gosb'tar proposed moments ago in his instantaneous assessment of the battleground.

As the goliath approaches the deformed unearthly aberration, she assesses it for any weaknesses and finds one: sonic reverberation. She howls to the heavens, and its ooze-like surface shivers and vibrates uncontrollably, stunned in its place.

The bladeling nearby witnesses this and narrows their eyes in considering assessment. Pa'avu too considers: perhaps with a little more "persuasion" she can convince the enemy of this common enemy to be their friend ... if only for a time. She draws a deep and howls again, even louder and more terrifying this time.

* Move: 6 squares from O18 to I17, Flank with Hazard

* Standard: Primary Skill Nature to Show Them It Has a Weakness, r14+12=26 vs 18 DC. Success. 3/4 Successes SC. ATK: r20+12+2 CA =34 vs 18 DC, CB Stunned SE

* Minor: Rain of Hammers Ki Focus Daily Power: make at-will attack on enemy P already hit w/atk this turn: Howling Strike: r5+16+2 CA =23 vs 24 AC. Miss.

* AP: Stunt: Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend CBU5 vs V2 (K15): Intimidate: r3+13+2 CA=18 vs 18 DC. Success; Effect: All members of the Bladeling Legions treat all of the heroes as allies UtEoYNT. Sustain Minor while adjacent.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: CB Stunned SE; Bladelings = Allies UEoPNT, Sustain Minor
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Sigil of Companionship

The LEGION VANGUARDS have already assessed this situation in past practice. The physical and mental reps they've played out over the years coordinates both their thoughts and their efforts in perfect harmony. The pestilential aura of the Bloatfiends is like a fly to an elephant; irrelevant.

The goliath and her companions are capable and worthy allies against the Caiphon scourge. The vanguard will form up with them and beat back the alien menace…for now.

To that end, flails fly with perfect precision, shields defeat intended blows, footwork advances a future formation directive, and menace occupies their enemies' minds.


* Starts Turn: In Bloatfiend Aura x 2; 6 poison damage.

* Standard: Cruel Flail (M1) vs F (Q9)'s AC: r(10) +15 = 25. Hit. F (Q9) SLAIN.

* Move: 6 sq to L11 TRIGGER OA FROM F (S9). CRUEL SLAM (M1) VS V1's AC: r(5) +15 + 2 (CA) = 22. MISS.


* Starts Turn: In Bloatfiend Aura x 1; 3 poison damage.

* Minor: Vanguard's Mark (Recharge when first bloodied) on CB. Effect: Close burst 5 (one enemy in the burst). The target is marked until the end of the vanguard's next turn. If the target doesn't end its next turn adjacent to the vanguard, the vanguard can immediately charge the target as a free action and doesn't provoke opportunity attacks for the charge's movement.

* Standard: Cruel Flail (M1) vs S (J15)'s AC: r(8) +15 = 23. Hit. S (J15) SLAIN. TRIGGER WHISPER OF DEATH; CAIPHONSPAWN SLAIN. Effect: V2 takes 5 psychic damage.

* Move: Shift 1 sq to L16.

LOCATION: V1 in L11. V2 in L16.
CURRENT HP: V1 93/106. V2 84/106

The CAIPHONSPAWN vomit toward their targets like mutated bile/food byproducts and slash at them with something resembling a "claw." Hazard is besieged while a terrified Townfolk is changed forevermore into an abomination. The newly changed Townfolk rushes a Legion Vanguard who defends against the ferocity but a clean hit finds its way in a crease in the bladeling's armor!

S (J10)

* Move: 6 sq to E15.

* Standard: Claw (M1) vs H's AC: r(14) +15 (no CA as BF is stunned) = 29. H takes 12 damage.

S (H4)

* Move: 1 sq to H3.

* Standard: Claw (M1) vs T's AC: r(6) +15 = 21. T turns into a Caiphonspawn.

(Former Townfolk) S (H2)

* Move: 6 sq to L8

* Standard: Charge to L10 and Claw (M1) vs V1's AC: r(18) +15 +2 (CA) +1 (charge) = 36. V1 takes 12 damage.

LOCATION: E15, H3, (new S from T) L10
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 12 damage to H. 12 damage to V1
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Changed Townfolk (H2) to Caiphonspawn.

"Warriors of the Imperial Guard! You know me by sight and reputation as once a member of Her Imperial Majesty Scheherezade's court, BITA-BOUSSEH, barrister of Bantouk's justice system and former Imperial advisor. Countless times in the past I witnessed your bravery. Subduing a rampaging monster-headed giant brought in for justice from the desert. Or slaying a creature summoned from the Abyss after a spell went wrong in the contests at the Congress of Savagery. Where is your mettle now? You are no greenhorns, quaking in your boots at the sight of challenge. You are Imperial Guards! Show us your bravery or be reviled by history as craven dogs, unworthy of their titles."

The barrister turns her back on the Palace walls and stalks towards the battle herself, alone. She breathes a secret sigh of relief when a volley of ballistae bolts launches from the crenellations, arcing high over her head and striking down two of the Bloatfiends. The Guard has heeded her cry!

"Pa'avu, strike that monstrosity again! Show them all how true bravery and loyalty look!"

The Halfgiant raises her great sword, Velmech'ti, and brings it down upon the disgusting creature before her, a resounding blow.

The mechanical sound of winches, wood, and iron as the gate raises is quickly followed by the thunderous clatter of hooves as the Empresses' Guard storms the battlefield to drive off the enemies of Bantouk!

* Standard: Rebuke the Guard's Mettle, Primary Skill Intimidate check, r13+7+2 Chanvati Secondary Skill buff=22 vs 18 Moderate DC. Success 4/4. SC COMPLETED. Effect: The Empress calls for the gate to be raised and her guard to rally to the heroes' aid. The heroes gain 15 THP at the beginning of each round and all attacks vs their enemies have combat advantage UtEotE as the guard floods the battlefield. TRIGGERS: Artillery Volley R20 vs 1, 2, or 3 creatures: ATK vs F T14, r2+15=17 vs 24 AC. Miss. ATK vs F S9, r19+15=34 vs 24 AC. Hit. ATK vs F O16, r14+15=29 vs 24 AC. Hit. Fs S9 & O16 KILLED.

* Move: 4 squares R19 to N21

* Minor: Bedevil the Fray, R5 on P, TRIGGERS P MBA vs CB, r19+16+2 CA=37 vs 24 AC. Hit. r8+9=17 damage

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: Fs S9 & O16 KILLED, 17 damage to CB

V1 81/106 Currently allies to the heroes, grants CA UtEoFNT
V2 84/106 Currently allies to the heroes, grants CA UtEoFNT
CB 431/448 Stunned (SE), Vanguard Mark V2 UtEoV2NT
* The heroes gain 15 THP at the beginning of each round and all attacks vs their enemies have combat advantage UtEotE as the guard floods the battlefield.



The terrible CAIPHON BLOATER staggers and gloops about, eventually shaking itself free from the grip of the primal spirits of nature which infuse the natural world.

* Stunned (SE) Ends instead of Spawn Bloatfiend.

Instinctive Spawn
On an initiative of 10 + its initiative check, the bloater can use a free action to use spawn bloatfiend. If the bloater cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the bloater using spawn bloatfiend.

The BLOATFIENDs increase their number as one of the TOWNSFOLK succumb to Caiphon's corruptive touch.

Having assimilated one to their alien collective, they swarm upon Bita-Bousseh who struggles to defend herself against the alien onslaught and the dismay that she was unable to save one of her fellow citizens!

Meanwhile, a member of Vezuvvu's vanguard easily turns an awkward slam away with a well timed parry of its shield.

F (T14)

* Standard: Grotesque Slam (M1) vs T (U13)'s AC: r(20) +15 = CRIT. T (U13) turns into a Bloatfiend (U13).

* Move: 6 sq to Q20.


* Move: 6 sq to O17.

* Standard: Charge to N20 and Grotesque Slam (M1) vs B's AC: r(14) +15 +1 (charge) = 30. Hit. 15 THP - 7 acid damage = 8 THP remaining for B and B grants CA UtEoFNT.

F (L15)

* Standard: Grotesque Slam (M1) vs V2's AC: r(4) +15 +2 (CA) = 21. Miss.

LOCATION: Q20, N20, L15
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 15 THP - 7 damage = 8 THP remaining for B.
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Changed Townfolk (U13) to Bloatfiend. B grants CA UtEoFNT. B and V2 are in Pestilential Body (Aura 1).

HAZARD desperately tries to hold onto his naturally good-natured and hopeful self while being bombarded by strange aberrant creatures. They remind him of the othertimes, before his Beloved rescued him from that cruel man.

Then he senses her bright and shining energy, just beyond the larger, more terrifying of the creatures, and the Hound knows he is no longer alone on the field. Not only that, he senses a hopefulness in the air, even beyond her presence, countering the strange spores he can see floating around him.

Fear no longer ruling his canine brain, he backs out of the trap the smaller beast set. As he does so, he sees his target: what looks like a meaty giant spider's leg within the larger one's massive and squishy body.

With his sharp teeth and powerful jaws, Hazard the Hound bites and grabs the pseudo-pedipalp and - pulling it out of the strange mass of body parts and goo - flings it away. Then he prepares himself for any retaliation coming his way.

* Start Turn: OG 10 poison damage. 15 THP-10 = 5 THP.

* Move: Shift 1 square from F16 to F17

* Standard: Bite vs CB: ATK r16+15+2 CA (w/P) =33 vs 24 AC. Hit. Damage: r9+10+1 Sigil =20 Damage to CB

* Free: Furious Comeback (Encounter): Trigger: H's ATK damages enemy: spend Surge/regains HP (20)

* Minor: activate Savage Protector: gain +2 AC

* End Turn: Save vs OG poison; r(17); Succeeds.

CURRENT HP: 54/83 +0 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Savage Protector +2 AC; SC Advantage: 15 THP each round, enemies grant CA EoE
SURGES: 10/11

Replicating itself once again, the CAIPHON BLOATER flanks Pa'avu with a duplicate abomination and then proceeds to unleash a flurry of horrid appendage swings, hurtling both Pa'avu and Hazard toward the anti-infantry caltrops set up to protect Bantouk soldiers and citizenry!

No longer beset by the Goliath and her trusted canine friend, the huge alien creature wades into melee with the bladeling vanguard menacing it.

* Minor: Spawn Bloatfiend (adjacent in I16). Slide 1 sq to J17.

* Standard: Appendage Mash (M2; one or two creatures) vs H's and P's Fort: r(8) +13 -2 (Vanguard Mark V2) = 19. Miss H. Effect. Slides H 2 sq to H19. r(13) +13 +2 (CA) -2 (Vanguard Mark V2) = 26. Hit P. r(3, 2, 3) +7 = 15 - 15 THP = 0 damage. Effect: Slides P 2 sq to J19.

* AP for Standard: Appendage Mash (M2; one or two creatures) vs H's and P's Fort: r(14) +13 -2 (Vanguard Mark V2) = 25. Hit H. r(4, 2, 5) +7 = 18 - 5 THP = 13 damage. Effect: Slides H 2 sq to J21. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW FOR HINDERING TERRAIN OR PRONE IN I20. PLAYER OPTS TO SAVE FOR PRONE IN I20; r(9) FAILS. HAZARD IS IN HINDERING TERRAIN OF J21. r(20) +13 -2 (Vanguard Mark V2) = CRIT P. r(6, 6, 6) +7 = 25 damage. Effect: Slides P 2 sq to K21. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW FOR HINDERING TERRAIN OR PRONE IN J19. PLAYER OPTS OUT OF SAVE FOR PRONE. PA'AVU IS IN HINDERING TERRAIN OF J19.

* Move: 3 sq to K16

LOCATION: K16, new Bloatfiend in J17.
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 13 damage to H. 25 damage to P.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: H slides to Hindering Terrain of J21. P slides to Hindering Terrain of K21.
CURRENT HP: 411/448
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 1/2 AP remaining. Vanguard Mark V2 UtEoV2NT.

CHANVATI witnesses the ferocious attacks leveled upon the Caiphonian abomination by his bodyguard and her hound. "Impressive," he thinks. Then the Bloater returns their blows two-fold and trebled.

"What bravery! But they know not fully what they face."

And so he reaches out with the telekinetic power of his mind, freezing the Bloater immobile before launching it across the battlefield into the center of the burning pitch, completely annihilating one of the Bloatfiends in its path. The Bloater bubbles and blisters, emitting a horrendous squealing sound as the flames lick its form.

The Merchant-Prince smiles. That's when he notices the two Fiends closing on him and the smile inverts. Reaching out into the Chronotope, he bends and slows time and space, shrouding himself in a shimmering haze that hides him from his enemies' sight.

* Standard: Living Missile R10 on CB, r14+13+2 CA=29 vs 25 Fort. Hit. Immobilized (SE)

* Minor: Living Missile Attack R10 on CB, Slide CB 6 squares K16 to P13, ATK vs F L15, r16+13+2=31 vs 22 Reflex. Hit. r5,6+7=18 damage. F L15 KILLED, 1/2 damage (9) to CB and CB falls Prone. TRIGGERS BURNING PITCH HAZARD ATK vs CB, r14+13=27 vs 20 Reflex. Hit. (Evade Countermeasure would not avoid this.) r6+5=11 fire damage, grants CA + 5 OG fire damage to CB (SE)

* Move --> Minor: Mind Shroud, Superior Cover & Slowed UEoCNT

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: F L15 KILLED, 9 damage + 11 fire damage to CB
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: CB Prone in Burning Pitch Hazard (will take OA at SoCBNT), Immobilized (SE), grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE)
CURRENT HP: 60/60 +15 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Concealment, Superior Cover + Slowed UEoCNT, CA vs enemies UEoE
PP: 5/5

PA'AVU ignores the sharp bite of the caltrops as she makes a quick assessment of the battlefield and of her Hound. "Come with me to the horned lady, sweet boy. Protect each other."

The goliath presses close to the fiend threatening the tiefling, distracting its attention, so that her beloved Hazard has safe passage. Then she moves into place next to her temporary ally to fight by their side.

* Starts turn in caltrops: takes 5 damage

* No Action: Athletics check vs caltrops: r6+16=22 vs 18 DC. Success. Not Slowed

* Standard: Pressing Strike: Shift 2 squares from K21 to M19; ATK vs F N19: r5+16+2 CA =23 vs 24 AC. Miss.

* Move: Howl of the Alpha Wolf CBU 5: one ally in burst: Slide Hazard from J21 to L21, Pa’avu shifts up to 3 squares to M17 (adjacent to V2)

* Minor: sustain Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend

LOCATION: M17, H to L21
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Bladelings = Allies, Sustain Minor
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: SC Advantage: 15 THP each round, enemies grant CA
SURGES: 11/11

Reunited (and it feels so good), the LEGION VANGUARDS deploy strategem after strategem, dominate the battlefield, leave no flank exposed, cover their allies, and vanquish their enemies.


* Standard: Cruel Flail (M1) vs S (L10)'s AC: r(20) +15 = CRIT. S (L10) SLAIN. TRIGGER WHISPER OF DEATH; CAIPHONSPAWN SLAIN. Effect: V1 takes 5 psychic damage.

* Move: 4 sq to M15.

* Minor: Covering Fusilade (Encounter) CBl3 vs F (J17)'s Ref: r(19) +13 = 32. F (J17) SLAIN. Effect. V2 gains 5 THP and can shift 1 SQ to M16.


* Minor: Covering Fusilade (Encounter) CBl3 vs CB's Ref: r(6) +13 +2 (CA) = 21. Hit. r(3) damage. Effect. V1 gains 5 THP and can shift 1 SQ to N16.

* Standard: Charge to M19 and MBA Cruel Flail (M1) vs F (N20)'s AC: r(20) +15 = CRIT. F (N20) SLAIN.

LOCATION: V1 in N16. V2 in M19.
CURRENT HP: V1 76/106 +5 THP. V2 84/106 +5 THP.

The CAIPHONSPAWN surge toward Pa'avu and the Bladeling Vanguard's defensive line. The pair work in concert to foil the abomination attacks with shield, angles, footwork, armored gauntlets, and weaponry.

S (H3)

* Move: 6 sq to I9.

* Standard: Charge to M15 and MBA Claw (M1) vs V1's AC: r(1) +15. CRIT MISS.

S (E15)

* Move: 5 sq to J16.

* Standard: Charge to L16 and MBA Claw (M1) vs P's AC: r(10) +15 = 25. Miss due to V1 Phalanx Formation (P has +2 AC and damage while adjacent).


The Bloatfiends emit a noxious blight of acid that burns BITA-BOUSSEH's lungs, leaves her coughing, her eyes watering. She blinks the tears away in time to look up as one of the Bladeling Vanguards charges in her direction. But instead of striking her, it lashes out with its flail, catching the fiend on the side of its skull, which caves in. The fiend crumples. Bita-Bousseh meets the Vanguard's eyes. They nod at each other.

Then the Tiefling does her best to repay the debt, freezing with fear the alien hearts of one of the Caiphonspawn threatening the other Vanguardsman and Pa'avu and also the Bloatfiend preparing a charge upon her savior. The weird abominations die of the fright her glare produces.

The barrister sees a Bantoukian citizen cowering near the palace gates amid the flood of Imperial troops issuing forth. She cannot bear the idea of another citizen transformed into an alien monstrosity, and so takes off towards them at a slow trot.

* Starts turn: Rolls to Recharge Bedevil the Fray, r4. Fails. (But at least I remembered to roll it?)

* Standard: Infernal Glower R10 (one or two creatures), ATK vs F Q20, r9+13+2 CA=24 vs 21 Will. Hit. F (Q20) KILLED. ATK vs S L16, r18+13+2=33 vs 20 Will. Hit. S (L16) KILLED. TRIGGER WHISPER OF DEATH (psychic); THE SPAWN DIES. Effect: Each enemy adjacent to the spawn takes 5 psychic damage. P TAKES 5 PSYCHIC DAMAGE.

* Move: 5 squares, N21 to S17

CURRENT HP: 69/69 +8 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: SC Advantage: 15 THP each round, enemies grant CA EoE

A Bladeling reinforcement (wave for rd 3) enters the scene astride the back of a giant scorpion. The VOLCANIC ARCANIAN hops from the saddle as the massive beast moves off to deal with Caiphonian scourge elsewhere. Holding its burning orb implement skyward, the Arcanian prepares to launch a volley of acid and flame!

Since you guys are presently allies, here is the Volcanic Arcanian @darkbard and @Nephis. Goes on Init 13 (sq A13).

Volcanic Arcanian
Medium elemental humanoid (fire), bladeling
Level 10 Artillery XP 500
HP 84; Bloodied 42 Initiative +5
AC 24, Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Will 23 Perception+8
Speed 6 Resist Fire 10

Standard Actions
(⚔) Magma Touch (fire) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8+10 fire damage.

(➶) Burning Bolt (acid, fire, implement) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10+5 acid and fire damage, and each enemy adjacent to the target takes 3 fire damage.

➶ Stream of Pyroclasm (acid, fire implement) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6+10 acid and fire damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to AC and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).

Triggered Actions
➶ Orb of Denial (implement) ✦ Encounter
Trigger: An enemy makes a successful saving throw.
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. Will
Hit: The target fails the saving throw.

Arcane Surge ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The arcanian hits an enemy with an implement attack.
Effect (Free Action): The attack deals maximum damage to the enemy.

Arcana +13, Athletics +7

V1 76/106 +5 THP, currently allies to the heroes, grants CA UtEoFNT
V2 84/106 +5 THP, currently allies to the heroes, grants CA UtEoFNT
A 84/84 Currently allies to the heroes
CB 388/448 Immobilized (SE), prone, grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE), in Burning Pitch Hazard.
* The heroes gain 15 THP at the beginning of each round and all attacks vs their enemies have combat advantage UtEotE as the guard floods the battlefield.



A disgusting, yet smaller, replica of the CAIPHON BLOATER emerges from the melty material of the original, hulking beast. However, the opportunity for the newly minted BLOATFIEND to harangue the heroes or corrupt the terrified townfolk is quickly ended by the (ironically Vezzuvian) inferno of the burning pitch!

* Instinctive Spawn: On an initiative of 10 + its initiative check, the bloater can use a free action to use spawn bloatfiend. If the bloater cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the bloater using spawn bloatfiend.

* Spawn Bloatfiend (summoning). Effect: The bloater spawns a bloatfiend in an adjacent square (Q12) TRIGGERS BURNING PITCH HAZARD ATTACK (CREATURE ENTERS THE HAZARD) vs F (Q12)'s Ref; r(19) +13 = 32. Hit. F (Q12) SLAIN.

CURRENT HP: 388/448
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Immobilized (SE), prone, grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE), in Burning Pitch Hazard.


HAZARD gives a sharp bark of relief after having been swept out of the field of sharp ouchies. Then, seeing the shambling, oozing thing too close to his Beloved, he trots over to protect her.

Single-minded in his offensive attack, the Hound ignore his Beloved's outstretched hand trying to stop his impetuous move. A moment later, as the dying thing explodes in a noise that pierces through his mind, Hazard gives a whine in pained understanding.

* Move: 6 squares from L21 to K15

* Standard: Snap & Snarl vs. S M15: r17+15+2 CA =34 vs 22 AC. Hit. S M15 DESTROYED; TRIGGER WHISPER OF DEATH (psychic); THE SPAWN DIES. Effect: H & V1 BOTH TAKE 5 PSYCHIC DAMAGE

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES ET AL: S M15 DESTROYED; 5 Damage to V1 & to H; 0 to both (0 THP remaining V1, 10 THP remaining H).
CURRENT HP: 54/83 +10 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Savage Protector +2 AC; SC Advantage: 15 THP each round, enemies grant CA EoE
SURGES: 10/11

A caustic, mind-numbing plume of purple coo vomits forth from the CAIPHON BLOATER as it replicates itself. The small version of the monstrosity navigating the burning pitch, intent on besetting a terrified nearby TOWNFOLK and turning them into an abomination!

As it sizzles against, armor, fur, and flesh, the mind-altering substance compels the heroes and their allies into the burning pitch with the awful abomination!

Whether guided by the vision and poise of the primal spirits of earth or her physical prowess, Pa'avu desperately defends herself against an onslaught of lashes from Caiphon's twisted avatar. She finds her feet pulling free of the burning pitch, but her form careens wildly toward the anti-cavalry caltrops!

* Start of Turn: OG 5 Fire. TRIGGER THE BURNING PITCH (CB starts its turn within a square of burning pitch): r(15) +13 +2 (CA) = 30. Hit. r(3) +5 = CB takes 8 fire damage and grants CA and takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).

* Move: Stand from prone.

* Standard: Caiphon Plume (CBl5 origin sq P13) vs H/P/V1s' Will: r(15, 18, 9) +13 = Hit H/P/V1. r(5, 9) + 10 = 24 acid and psychic damage. H takes 14 damage (-10 THP; (BLOODIED), P takes 9 damage (-15 THP), V1 takes 24 damage (BLOODIED; TRIGGERS VANGUARD'S MARK REFRESH), and all are pulled up to 4 squares, and immobilized (save ends); H (N13), P (N14), V1 (O14). TRIGGERS BURNING PITCH HAZARD ATTACK (CREATURE ENTERS THE HAZARD) vs H/P/V1's Ref; r(18, 1, 9) +13 = Hit H/V1 and Miss P. r(3, 5) +5 = 8 fire damage to H and 10 -10 (Resist Fire) = 0 fire damage to V1. H and V1 grant CA and take ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).
Effect: The blast (purple outline) creates a zone UtEoCBNT. Any creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 acid damage.
IMMOBILIZED ON P TRIGGERS (IMM REACTION; EFFECT A SAVE CAN END) SHRUG IT OFF (ENCOUNTER): Effect: You make a saving throw against the triggering effect. If you succeed, you shift 1 square as a free action. r(15). Save vs Immobilized successful. P shifts to O15.

PA'AVU sneers and recalls an epithet that the young githyanki spat out in the middle of their climactic battle in The Astral Sea. She gives voice to it with toothy menace; "Ukvitch-kuchk." Somewhere in The Spirit Realm, the primal spirits that imbue her with supernatural strength stifle their equivalent of "eff yeah(!)" as she casts off the shackles of Caiphon's vitality-stealing, psychic attack.

* AP for Standard: Appendage Mash (M2; one or two creatures) vs P's Fort x 2 (both attacks): r(3, 13) +13 = 16, 26. Hit P x 1. r(4, 5, 1) +7 = 17 damage (BLOODIED). Effect: Slides P 1 sq to N14 back into Burning Pitch Hazard (can't trigger twice on same turn so no effect).

* Minor: Spawn Bloatfiend (summoning). Effect: The bloater spawns a bloatfiend in an adjacent square (Q12) TRIGGERS BURNING PITCH HAZARD ATTACK (CREATURE ENTERS THE HAZARD) vs F (Q12)'s Ref; r(4) +13 = 17. Miss. Slide F (Q11) 3 sq to T8.

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs Immobilized; r(7) +5 = 12. Succeeds. Saving Throw vs CA and OG 5 Fire; r(1). Fails.

LOCATION: P13, new Bloatfiend in T8.
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: H and P lose remainder of THP. H takes 22 damage, P takes 26 damage, V1 takes 24 damage.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: H immobilized (SE), grants CA and takes OG 5 fire damage (SE), is in Burning Pitch Hazard and Caiphon Plume Zone of N13. P is in Burning Pitch Hazard and Caiphon Plume Zone of N14. V1 immobilized (SE), grants CA and takes OG 5 fire damage (SE), is in Burning Pitch Hazard and Caiphon Plume Zone of O14.
CURRENT HP: 375/448
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 0/2 APs. Caiphon Plume on cooldown. CB grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE), in Burning Pitch Hazard.

Realizing that his protective vantage beneath the boughs of the cedar has outserved its purpose, CHANVATI steps forth toward the field of battle, wreathed still in the shimmering psionic haze that clouds his form from the sight of others.

"Sahtree, do not despair!" he calls out. "Your bravery wins us this day! You and the hound have bought me the time I need to hold the enemy fast. And then the moment is yours for retribution!" Though still licked by the flames of the burning pitch, Pa'avu feels her spirit roused by the balm of Chanvati's words, her reserves of energy unleashed to continue the fight.

The Psion manipulates the ki energy latent in all matter into a hand-like vise that grips the Caiphonian Bloater where it agonizes in the center of the burning pitch and squeezes.

* Move: 2 squares (Slowed), S21 to R19

* Minor: Rousing Words CBu5 on P: Target: You or one ally in the burst; Effect: The target can spend two healing surges. P spends 2 Surges (now 9/11) and regains 44 HP (now 23+44=67/85).

* Standard: Force Grasp AUG2 R10 (one or two creatures) vs CB, r18+13+2=33 vs 25 Fortitude. Hit. r8,3+7 +5 Vulnerable force=23 force damage & Immobilized UEoCNT

* Ends turn: Mind Shroud expires, Slowed & Superior Cover end

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 23 force damage to CB
CURRENT HP: 60/60 +15 THP
PP: 3/5

Drops of acid sizzle against her earthen brow as PA'AVU finds herself back in the pitch. She puts out one hand to catch the bladeling as it stumbles, trying desperately to catch its balance.

Then, as the vanguard regains its footing, Pa'avu turns to her beloved Hound, comforting him with a quick brush of her hand on his singed head and toothy grin. Hazard gives a hopeful bark in chorus with the HOWL his Beloved gives in her attack. She swings Velmech'ti flatly into the bloater with a thunderous slam that causes it to shudder violently.

Then, after stretching her arms apart, holding Velmech'ti in her left hand, she slams her hands together, very close to the entity, in a move she learned from Gae'al - a carefully orchestrated slam causing damage without pushing her enemy away. The gladiator had explained that she used this method of this attack when she sought not to give her opponent a way to sneak out of her reach. Pa'avu simply wants to keep the bloater cooking ... until it is burned to a crisp.

* Starts turn in Caiphon Plume Zone and Burning Pitch Hazard: takes 5 Acid Damage and OA from Pitch Hazard: TRIGGERS IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT: Evade Countermeasure (Enc): r10+7=17 vs. 18 Acrobatics DC. Fail. ATK: r15+13+2 CA = 30 vs. 22 Reflex. Hit. Damage: r3+5=8 Fire Damage to Pa'avu

* Minor: Sustain EoMEiMF (adjacent V1)

* Minor: Iron Resurgence on Hazard: Hazard loses 1 Surge & spends 2 Surges, receiving 40 HP + 10 THP

* Standard: Thundering Howl (enc) vs. CB: r9+16+2 CA =27 vs. 24 AC. Hit; Damage: r8+9+2 (Phalanx Formation) +5 Vul Thunder=22 Thunder Damage to CB; 2nd attack CBL 3 [O-Q, 11-13]: r5+4+2 (Phalanx Formation) +5 Vul Thunder=14 Thunder Damage to CB, forgo push; TOTAL: 36 THUNDER DAMAGE TO CB

* Save vs. Ongoing Fire Damage: r10. Succeeds

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES ET AL: 13 Fire Damage to P; 40 Thunder Damage to CB
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES ET AL: Bladelings = Allies, Sustain Minor; Hazard regains 40 HP & 10 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: SC Advantage: 15 THP each round, enemies grant CA
SURGES: 9/11

Forming up and laughing amongst the (harmless to them) burning pitch, the LEGION VANGUARDS immerse themselves in the glorious and ironic circumstances. Praise be to Vezzuvu and shall their enemies be reduced to cinders in the fiery purge!


* Start of Turn: In Caiphon Plume Zone (5 acid damage) and Burning Pitch Hazard 5 fire (OG) - 10 (Resist Fire) = 0 Fire damage. TRIGGERS Burning Pitch Hazard; OA vs V1's Ref TRIGGERS V1 IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT: Evade Countermeasure (Enc): r(1)+6 =7 vs. 18 Acrobatics DC. Fail. ATK: r(7)+13 +2 (CA) = 22. Hit. Damage: r5 +5 -10 (Resist Fire) =0 Fire Damage and V1 grants CA and takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).

* Standard: Cruel Flail (M1) vs CB's AC: r(9) +15 +2 (Bloodied) +2 (CA) = 28. Hit. r(1, 3) +10 = 14 damage, and CB is marked until the end of the vanguard's next turn.

* Minor: Shield Bash (A-W M1, 1/round; one creature marked by the vanguard) vs CB's AC. r(7) +15 +2 (Bloodied) +2 (CA) = 26. Hit. CB is dazed until the end of the vanguard's next turn.

* Ends Turn Saving Through vs grants CA and 5 (OG) fire damage; r(2). Fails


* Move: 3 sq to P19.

* Standard: Charge to P14...TRIGGERS BURNING PITCH HAZARD OA vs V2's Ref TRIGGERS V2 IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT: Evade Countermeasure (Enc): r(13)+6 =19 vs. 18 Acrobatics DC. Succeeds for +2 Ref def vs attack. ATK: r(7)+13 = 20. Miss.

...and MBA Cruel Flail (M1) vs F (N20)'s AC: r(11) +15 +2 (CA) = 28. Hit. r(3, 5) +10 +2 (Phalanx Formation) = 20 damage and forego marking to keep V1's mark.

LOCATION: V1 in O14. V2 in P14.
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 46 damage to CB
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: CB is marked by V1 and dazed UtEoVNT.
CURRENT HP: V1 47/106. V2 84/106 +5 THP.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Phalanx Formation (both V1/2), V1 Barbed Fusilade exhaust and grants CA + OG 5 fire (SE), V2 Barbed Fusilade exhaust and Vanguard Mark exhaust

A horn from the Vanguard blows loudly in a particular burst.

The Vezuvuu-imbued VOLCANIC ARCANIST registers the "ally" signifying-tone of the horn and disregards the defenders of Bantouk, focusing instead on their alien foe. Clad in red-robes with darkened fringe looking the part of cooling and encrusting lava, the wild-eyed figure holds its burning orb aloft and channels a gout of terrible pyroclasm at the Caiphon Bloater. While it might be impervious to the caustic acid, the burning fire scorches its revolting flesh.


* Move: 6 sq to G15.

* Standard: Stream of Pyroclasm (R10) vs CB's Ref: r(17) +13 +2 (CA) = 32. Hit. r(5, 3) +10 = 18 acid and fire damage and CB takes a -2 penalty to AC and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both; already has the latter)

➶ Stream of Pyroclasm (acid, fire implement) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6+10 acid and fire damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to AC and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 18 damage to CB
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: CB takes a -2 penalty to AC and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both; already has the latter)
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Stream of Pyroclasm on cooldown.

BITA-BOUSSEH watches the others surrounding the abominable Caiphon Bloater. They do go work, but what of the citizenry? It is cliche to note that heroes mock barristers and dignitaries and accountants as paper-pushers who do no real work in the world. But here she is, barrister of the Bantouk Court rushing to the aid of the common citizen while the heroes play at their struggle of arms.

She crosses the field, avoiding the carefully strewn patches of caltrops. When she reaches the terrified civilian, a courtier of some kind from his rich garb, she soothes, "You are safe now, friend. This nightmare will soon be over, your life restored to its comfort <and boredom>" (this last under her breath). "Go now, to your family and friends."

Then the barrister once again invokes the supernatural fear of the Hells, catching first the Bloater and then its offspring in her Infernal Glower. The last succumbs instantly in its tracks, never more to trouble the citizens of her home.

* Starts turn: Rolls to Recharge Bedevil the Fray, r4. Fails.

* Move: 6 squares S17 to X11

* Minor: Calm and Inspire (scene stunt) T Y11; +2 power bonus to ATK UEoBBNT

* Standard: Infernal Glower R10 (1 or 2 creatures), ATK vs CB, r13+13+2 CA +2 power bonus=30 vs 22 Will. r2+10=12 damage. ATK vs F T8, r20=CRIT. F T8 KILLED.

CURRENT HP: 69/69 +15 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: SC Advantage: 15 THP each round, enemies grant CA EoE, +2 power bonus ATK UEoBBNT

V1 47/106 Barbed Fusilade exhaust
V2 84/106 +5 THP, Barbed Fusilade exhaust, Vanguard Mark exhaust
A 84/84 Currently allies to the heroes, Stream of Pyroclasm cooldown
CB 236/448 Immobilized UtEoCNT, marked by V1 and dazed UtEoV1NT, grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE), -2 AC (SE), in Burning Pitch Hazard, Caiphon Plume cooldown.

* The heroes gain 15 THP at the beginning of each round and all attacks vs their enemies have combat advantage UtEotE as the guard floods the battlefield.



A disgusting, yet smaller, replica of the CAIPHON BLOATER emerges from the melty material of the original, hulking beast. However, the opportunity for the newly minted BLOATFIEND to harangue the heroes or corrupt the terrified townfolk is quickly ended by the (ironically Vezzuvian) inferno of the burning pitch!

* Instinctive Spawn: On an initiative of 10 + its initiative check, the bloater can use a free action to use spawn bloatfiend. If the bloater cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the bloater using spawn bloatfiend.

* Spawn Bloatfiend (summoning). Effect: The bloater spawns a bloatfiend in an adjacent square (Q12) TRIGGERS BURNING PITCH HAZARD ATTACK (CREATURE ENTERS THE HAZARD) vs F (Q12)'s Ref; r(9) +13 = 22. Hit. F (Q12) SLAIN.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: H begins turn in Caiphon Plume and Burning Pitch Hazard.
CURRENT HP: 236/448
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Immobilized UtEoCNT, marked by V1 and dazed UtEoV1NT, grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE), -2 AC (SE), in Burning Pitch Hazard, Caiphon Plume cooldown.


HAZARD tries to wrest his feet from the acidic mire holding him still in the blazing puddles, but the noise of the flames confuses him. Another blast of fire singes his coat at he whines in protest.

He decides that he needs to bite as much of that weird enormous if squishy purple creature: that's where all the trouble started! He tries to pounce, but his feet are still tangled in fiery branches and that acidic mire. No matter: he still pulls a good chunk out of it.

That's when it happens: at first only a small trickle of thick violet ooze seeps from the bite. Then, very suddenly, there is another explosion of a plume of acid hitting not only the hound, but his Beloved and their two new friends as well. Hazard yelps in pain and leans against her, looking for comfort and courage.

* Starts turn in burning pitch hazard & caiphon plume: takes 5 ongoing Fire Damage & grants CA SE + 5 Acid Damage & Immobilized SE = 10 Damage - 15 THP = 5 THP remaining. TRIGGERS OA BURNING PITCH HAZARD: TRIGGERS: EVADE Countermeasure (Enc): Immed Interupt: Acrobatics Check: r3+7=10 vs 18 DC. Fail; ATK: r20+13+2 CA=35 vs. 21 Reflex. Crit. Damage: 8+5=13-5 THP =8 Damage

* Minor: deactivate Savage Protector

* Standard: Bite vs. CB: r15+15+2 CA=32 vs. 24-2=22 AC. Hit. Damage: r8,4+10+2 Phalanx = 24. CB BLOODIED. TRIGGERS (FREE ACTION ON BLOODIED): CAIPHON PLUME : vs. P: r7+13 -2 (SoP) =18 vs 20 Will/Miss; vs V1: r8+13 -2 (SoP) =19 vs. 22 Will/Miss; vs V2: r14+13 -2 (SoP) =25 vs. 22 Will/Hit; vs H: r14+13 -2 (SoP) =25 vs. 20 Will/Hit; Damage: r7,10+10=27 Acid Damage: H = 27 damage, V2 27 -5 THP = 22 Acid damage.

* Minor: activate Savage Protector: +2 AC, etc

* Save vs Ongoing Fire & CA: r20. Success; Save vs Immobilized: r7. Fail

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES ET AL: 24 to CB; 27 Acid Damage - 5 THP = 25 V2 (via CB); 50 Acid & Fire Damage to H - 15 THP = 35
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Immobilized (SE), Savage Protector (+2 AC), Phalanx (+2 AC & Damage), SC Advantage
SURGES: 8/11

With the senses of the CAIPHON BLOATER discombobulated by the Vanguard's shield bash, the abomination just retches and vomits out a vile spew of acid on sheer instinct, covering the battlefield and its enemies in toxic sludge!

* Start of Turn: Dazed. Caiphon Plume recharge; r(5). Recharges. OG 5 Fire. TRIGGER THE BURNING PITCH (CB starts its turn within a square of burning pitch): r(6) +13 +2 (CA) = 21. Hit. r(4) +5 = CB takes 9 fire damage and grants CA and takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).

* Standard: Caiphon Plume (CBl5 origin sq P12) vs H/P/V1/V2s' Will: vs. P: r(18)+13 -2 (SoP) =29 vs 20 Will/Hit; vs V1: r(10)+13 -2 (SoP) =21 vs. 22 Will/Miss; vs V2: r(4)+13 -2 (SoP) =15 vs. 22 Will/Miss; vs H: r(11)+13 -2 (SoP) =22 vs. 20 Will/Hit; Damage: r(4, 7)+10=21 Acid Damage: P = 21- 15 THP = 6 damage. H = 21 damage (BLOODIED).

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs CA and OG 5 Fire; r(8) +5 = 12. Succeeds. Saving Throw vs SoP; r(14) +5 = 19. Succeeds.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: H takes 21 damage, P takes 6 damage and loses all THP.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: H and P immobilized (SE). H, P, V1, V2 in Caiphon Plume Zone UtEoCBNT
CURRENT HP: 198/448
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 0/2 APs. Immobilized UtEoCNT, marked by V1 and dazed UtEoV1NT, in Burning Pitch Hazard, Caiphon Plume cooldown.

CHANVATI can no longer stand by and watch as his allies are showered by spewing acid. With a shout, he races towards the Bloater, drawing his dagger and entering the acidic miasma and burning pitch. His lungs fill with noxious fumes and smoke, but he fights past the debilitating discomfort, coughing, and thrusts his violet-hued dagger into the corpulent abomination's form.

His voice rises above the fray.

"Witness, allies all, as the Madnessbreaker brings ruin upon this incarnation of the Insanityclad!" And those who combat the abomination take great heart.

* Move: 6 sq (1 DT) R19 to Q14; TRIGGERS: 5 acid damage (enters Plume) 15 THP-5=10 THP, OA from Burning Pitch Hazard TRIGGERS Evade Countermeasure (Immediate Interrupt) Acrobatics r10+10=20 vs 18 DC. Success. +2 Ref vs OA. ATK r17=13=30 vs 25 Ref. Hit. r3+5=8 fire damage & C grants CA and takes 5 OG fire damage (SE), 10 THP-8=2 THP

* Free: Battle Harness armor Property: Draws byeshk dagger

* Free: Bracers of Mental Might (Enc): use INT for next STR attack roll

* Standard: Stand the Fallen (Daily): ATK vs CB, r18+15+2 CA=35 vs 24 AC. Hit. r8,2,1+1+2 (Vanguard Phalanx) =14 damage. Effect: Each ally within 10 squares of you can spend a healing surge and regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (P, H, V1, V2 spend Surge + gain 3 additional HPs each, P +25 HP, H +23 HP, V1&2 +29 HP each).

* Free: Byeshk dagger Daily, Trigger: You hit with an attack using the weapon. Effect: A target of the attack is dazed until the end of your next turn. An aberrant creature is also restrained and cannot teleport until the end of your next turn.

* Ends turn: Saves vs Pitch, r7. Fails

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: CB dazed, restrained, cannot teleport UEoCNT
CURRENT HP: 60/60, 2 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: grants CA & 5 OG fire (SE), Evade exhausted

After his inspiring charge and assault against the Caiphon Bloater, Chanvati looks up to observe its effect upon his allies. PA'AVU, despite the acid burning her lungs and the flames of the burning pitch at her feet, shakes off the worst of these effects, the debilitating immobilization caused by wracking coughs.

With a giant hand released momentarily from Velmech'ti, she reaches out and grasps one of the Bladeling Vanguards by its spiked shoulder. "Together, we defeat this beast!" she assures the mutant.

Then the Goliath turns her full attention back to the Bloater, bellowing a shout, vein pulsing in her forehead as she froths and strikes it a brutal blow with her blade.

"Well done, my friend," the Psion thinks.

* Starts turn: Immobilized, in Caiphon Plume Zone (takes 5 acid damage), in Burning Pitch Hazard TRIGGERS OA r9+13=22 vs 22 Reflex. Hit. r7+5=12 fire damage & grants CA, 5 OG fire damage (SE)

* Minor: Boots of Free Movement (Enc Power): Make a saving throw against a slow, immobilize, or restrain effect that a save can end. r14+2 Boots Property=16. Saves. Immobilized ends.

* Minor: Sustain EoMEIMF

* Standard: Rage of the Crimson Hurricane (Daily): CBu1 (each enemy in burst), ATK vs CB, r11+16+2 CA=29 vs 22 AC (debuffed). Hit. r10+7+2 Bloodied +2 Phalanx Formation=21 damage. Effect: Each target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). You enter the rage of the crimson hurricane. Until the rage ends, the first time you hit an enemy with a primal melee power each turn, each enemy adjacent to you after the attack is resolved takes damage equal to your Strength modifier (5).

* Ends turn: Save vs grants CA + 5 OG fire damage, r1. Miss.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 21 damage to CB
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 5 Rage damage to adjacent enemies after hit with primal attack, grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE), Phalanx Formation, SC Advantage: 15 THP each round, enemies grant CA EoE
SURGES: 8/11

The LEGION VANGUARDS simultaneously sense victory at hand and an admixture of confusion and strength-of-heart as their strange bond with their new comrades-at-arms seems to be cementing in this crucible of deadly combat against a mutual, alien foe.

Bulwarked by the show of courage and prowess of the human that has formed up with them in the burning pitch, the Vanguard becomes emboldened and hammers at the Caiphon scourge with their flails.


* Start of Turn: In Caiphon Plume Zone (5 acid damage) and Burning Pitch Hazard 5 fire (OG) - 10 (Resist Fire) = 0 Fire damage. TRIGGERS Burning Pitch Hazard; OA vs V1's Ref. ATK: r(12)+13 +2 (CA) = 27. Hit. Damage: r(4) +5 -10 (Resist Fire) = 0 Fire Damage and V1 grants CA and takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).

* Standard: Cruel Flail (M1) vs CB's AC: r(20) +15 +2 (CA) +2 (CA) = CRIT = 22 damage, and CB is marked until the end of the vanguard's next turn.

* Minor: Shield Bash (A-W M1, 1/round; one creature marked by the vanguard) vs CB's AC. r(3) +15 +2 (CA) = 20. Miss.

* Ends Turn Saving Through vs grants CA and 5 (OG) fire damage; r(12). Succeeds


* Start of Turn: In Caiphon Plume Zone (5 acid damage) and Burning Pitch Hazard. TRIGGERS Burning Pitch Hazard; OA vs V1's Ref TRIGGERS V1 IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT: Evade Countermeasure (Enc): r(5)+6 =12 vs. 18 Acrobatics DC. Fail. ATK: r(19)+13 = 32. Hit. Damage: r7 +5 = 12 -10 (Resist Fire) = 2 Fire Damage and V1 grants CA and takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).

* Standard: Cruel Flail (M1) vs CB's AC: r(4) +15 +2 (CA) = 21. Miss.

* Ends Turn Saving Through vs grants CA and 5 (OG) fire damage; r(14). Succeeds

LOCATION: V1 in O14. V2 in P14.
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 22 damage to CB
CURRENT HP: V1 71/106. V2 84/106.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Phalanx Formation (both V1/2), V1 Barbed Fusilade exhaust, V2 Barbed Fusilade exhaust, Vanguard Mark exhaust

Sensing the tide of battle crescendoing, the Vezuvuu-imbued VOLCANIC ARCANIST summons all of its arcane might. Red-robes flail out wide, buffeted by a powerful blowback from the volley of pyroclasm the mighty spellcaster launches against the Caiphon Bloater. The aberrant horror cannot hold out much longer!


* Start Turn: Stream of Pyroclasm Recharge; r(6)

* Move: 5 sq to L15.

* Standard: Stream of Pyroclasm (R10) vs CB's Ref: r(11) +13 +2 (CA) = 26. Hit. TRIGGERS ARCANE SURGE (ENC - FREE ACTION; HIT WITH IMPLEMENT ATTACK): THE ATTACK DEALS MAXIMUM DAMAGE. 22 acid and fire damage and CB takes a -2 penalty to AC and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both; already has the latter)

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 22 damage to CB
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: CB takes a -2 penalty to AC and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both; already has the latter)
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Arcane Surge exhausted, Stream of Pyroclasm on cooldown.

BITA-BOUSSEH races past caltrops, skirts the edge of the moat, and, breathlessly, reaches the last citizen endangered by the apocalypse brought to Bantouk.

"Get to safety, child!" she admonishes. "And where are your parents?" she wonders. Then remembers the Caiphonspawn and fumes.

Heart racing from her efforts--the courtrooms don't require endurance runs--she channels Hell for what she hopes is the last time this encounter. She feels the Bloater tremble under her gaze.

* Starts turn: Rolls to Recharge Bedevil the Fray, r3. Fails.

* Move: Run 8 squares X11 to V5, avoiding caltrops & moat

* Minor: Calm and Inspire (scene stunt) T V4; +2 power bonus to ATK UEoBBNT

* Standard: Infernal Glower R10 (1 or 2 creatures), ATK vs CB, r18+13+2 CA +2 power bonus -5 Running=30 vs 22 Will. r9+10=19 damage, forgo slide.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 19 damage to CB
CURRENT HP: 69/69 +15 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: grants CA & -5 ATK USoNT, SC Advantage: 15 THP each round, enemies grant CA EoE, +2 power bonus ATK UEoBBNT

V1 71/106 Barbed Fusilade exhaust
V2 84/106 Immobilized (SE), Barbed Fusilade exhaust, Vanguard Mark exhaust
A 84/84 Currently allies to the heroes, Stream of Pyroclasm cooldown
CB 100/448 Crimson Hurricane O5 5 (SE), marked by V1 and dazed UtEoCNT, -2 AC (SE), in Burning Pitch Hazard, dazed and can't teleport UEoCNT, Caiphon Plume cooldown.

* The heroes gain 15 THP at the beginning of each round and all attacks vs their enemies have combat advantage UtEotE as the guard floods the battlefield.



A disgusting, yet smaller, replica of the CAIPHON BLOATER emerges from the melty material of the original, hulking beast. The BLOATFIEND evades the worst of the Burning Pitch to worm and lope its way to an optimal position to transmit its pestilence!

* Instinctive Spawn: On an initiative of 10 + its initiative check, the bloater can use a free action to use spawn bloatfiend. If the bloater cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the bloater using spawn bloatfiend.

* Spawn Bloatfiend (summoning). Effect: The bloater spawns a bloatfiend in an adjacent square (Q13) TRIGGERS BURNING PITCH HAZARD ATTACK (CREATURE ENTERS THE HAZARD) vs F (Q13)'s Ref; r(2) +13 = 15. Miss. Caiphon Bloater slides Bloatfiend 3 squares to P15.

LOCATION: R12, Bloatfiend in P15
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: H begins turn in Caiphon Plume and Burning Pitch Hazard.
CURRENT HP: 100/448
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Crimson Hurricane O5 5 (SE), marked by V1 and dazed UtEoCNT, -2 AC (SE), in Burning Pitch Hazard, dazed and can't teleport UEoCNT, Caiphon Plume cooldown.

The BLOATFIENDs sloops and drips and waddles, shedding the pestiliential contents all the while, and assails a member of Vezuvvu's vanguard with its grotesque appendange. The armor-clad myrmidon easily turns the slam away with a well-timed parry of its shield.

F (P15)

* Standard: Grotesque Slam (M1) vs V2's AC: r(9) +15 +2 (CA) = 26. Miss (Phlananx buff).

CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: C, V1, and V2 are in Pestilential Body (Aura 1).

HAZARD looks to his Beloved for direction against this foe that boggles his canine mind. As Pa'avu froths and swings her sword, she gives out a ferocious snarl, and the hound takes his cue thusly to tear at the creature with his jaws once again.

Then Pa'avu calls out, "Back, boy, back!" and sweeps one hand in commanding motion.

The dutiful hound lunges out of the pitch and scampers to safety, heeding his Beloved's desires.

* Starts turn: Immobilized (SE), Savage Protector, Phalanx Formation, SC Advantages; +15 THP, Takes 5 acid damage (Plume), TRIGGERS OA from Burning Pitch Hazard, r16+13=29 vs 21 Reflex. Hit. r2+5=7 fire damage & grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE both); 15-5-7=3 THP remaining.

* Standard: Snap & Snarl vs CB, r17+15+2 CA +2 Phalanx=36 vs 24 AC. Hit. r4+10+2 Phalanx=16 damage and Marked UEoHNT.

* Minor: Rabid Lunge (Enc): Effect: The reach of Hazard’s Melee powers increases to Melee 2 and he ignores the effects of the dazed, immobilized, and slowed conditions until the end of his next turn.

* Move: 6 squares (no OA from CB due to Dazed) N13 to P7.

* Ends turn: Save vs Immobilized, r3. Fails. Save vs grants CA + 5 OG fire, r20. Succeeds.

CURRENT HP: 44/83 +2 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Immobilized negated UEoHNT (Rabid Lunge), Savage Protector (+2 AC), SC Advantage
SURGES: 7/11

Beset by flame, arms, and arcana, the CAIPHON BLOATER lashes out wildly at its enemies. Their phalanx and will to defeat their enemy renders impotent the alien display of rage.

* Start of Turn: Dazed. Caiphon Plume recharge; r(1). Fails. OG 5 Crimson Hurricane. OG 5 Fire. TRIGGER THE BURNING PITCH (CB starts its turn within a square of burning pitch): r(13) +13 +2 (CA) = 28. Hit. r(5) +5 = CB takes 10 fire damage and grants CA and takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both).

* AP for Standard: Appendage Mash (M2; one or two creatures) vs P's Fort x 2 (both attacks): r(8, 12) +13 -2 (marked) = 19, 23. Miss x 2.

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs Crimson Hurricane; r(3) +5 = 8. Fails. Saving Throw vs CA and OG 5 Fire; r(13) +5 = 18. Succeeds. Saving Throw vs SoP; r(17) +5 = 22. Succeeds.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: na. Caiphone Plume Zone ends.
CURRENT HP: 64/448
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 0/2 APs. Crimson Hurricane O5 5 (SE), marked by H, in Burning Pitch Hazard, dazed and can't teleport UEoCNT, Caiphon Plume cooldown.

CHANVATI can no longer hold within the desire to speak aloud the turmoil that had been growing, even here with the flames of burning pitch licking at his vestments.

"Proud warriors of the Legion of Ruth! Do you not see what we accomplish together? Where before were enemies, now stands a far more potent force allied against an alien corruption that threatens us all! Let us continue together as allies, defeat this loathsome foe, and then confront the Empress and her advisors, bringing our combined force of arms against whatever alien threat remains.

Though he was once my bitter enemy, I spared the life of Bita-Bahlin because I saw the truth of his words, hidden under layers of deceit: a cleansing is necessary for Bantouk, for the Empire of Hageri. But let us do that with as little further bloodshed among us as we can. Too many have fallen already!"

The Psion slides out of the burning pitch, circling their Caiphonian foe, though flames still lick his clothing.

* Starts turn: +15 THP; Takes 5 OG fire damage (15-5=10 THP), TRIGGERS Burning Pitch Hazard OA r16+13=29+2 CA=31 vs 23 Reflex. Hit. r6+5=11 fire damage (10-10 THP & 1 point fire damage) & grants CA + 5 OG fire damage (SE both)

* Standard: Cement the Alliance with the Legion of Ruth (Scene Stunt); As a result of your shared combat against a common foe, you seize the opportunity to seal that alliance.; Prerequisite: You must have Healed one of their members before making the skill check; Standard Action: Diplomacy, History, or Intimidate vs Hard DC (26); Effect: Permanent alliance with the Legion of Ruth. Diplomacy check r17+15=32 vs 26 Hard DC. Success.

* Move: 5 squares (outside DT) Q14 to R10 (doesn't trigger OA from CB, dazed)

* Ends turn: Save vs grants CA + OG 5 fire damage, r5. Fails.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: dazed, restrained, can't teleport on CB end
CURRENT HP: 59/60, 0 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: grants CA & 5 OG fire (SE), Evade exhausted

CALLING COMBAT. Caiphon's forces have been defeated (CB has only 64 more HP and there isn't any more real threat here).

HEROIC TIER FINALE: Players will vignette the climax and denoument here. We'll pick up "Season 2", their Paragon Tier of play, months or more down the line from the events vignetted below.
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Because @Nephis has an arm injury that limits her typing, I'm going to post here for both of us, after much consultation and back and forth on the PCs, builds, goals, and so on.

Chanvati sighs. Eighteen weeks have passed and, finally, the last of the Traitors to Bantouk is being executed. This is what passes for speed in a bureaucracy, even one hastened by the demands of the occupying force. But tradition and inertia hold sway even under the duress of a thousand Bladeling warriors, for Bita-Bousseh has been able to persuade the invaders of the necessity of legal process in the incising of Caiphonian taint from the Court of the Empress. Else an all-out rebellion and civil war loomed.

The barrister’s brother, now Legate Bita-Bahlin, ambassador and go-between for the Imperial apparatus and the occupying Legion, raises his arms and lifts his sightless face as the crowd reduces its volume to a dull roar. The hooded man next to him with the great axe shuffles nervously and adjusts his gloves.

“Citizens of Bantouk!” cries out the Tiefling, “I welcome you to the Congress of Savagery on the behalf of Conquering General Fazgarok and Her Imperial Magnificence, Scheherezade, Empress of Hageri and Ruler of the Desert Tribes.” The young woman behind Bita-Bahlin smiles half-heartedly; the bladed figure beside her raises a fist in triumphant recognition.

“This is a day that will live in history as the culmination of Bantouk’s rescue from a corrupting influence within, one that threatened the sanity and lives of every citizen. Today, former General Heng, Ruler of the Ten Armies, meets his death for dereliction of duty, trafficking with unwholesome extraplanar entities, and treasonous counsel.” The crowd gives a lusty roar.

“Before the Axeman administers justice, it is right and proper that we all give thanks to General Fazgarok and all the warriors of the Legion’s phalanxes, for without their essential aid we would all now be mindless and formless abominations in thrall to madness.” There is less applause, tempered even by audible grumbling and hisses.

“This has been a long eighteen weeks,” Chanvati thinks, “with no end in sight.”

We're eliding quite a bit of time here between the climactic scene ending Heroic Tier and the start of Paragon Tier play. We imagine that the scene at the palace gates ended with Empress Scheherezade capitulating to Chanvati and the Legion of Ruth's demands that she subject her Council of Advisors to a purge, culminating in this final execution. While spared her life and title, the young woman (we imagine a mid-teenager, like 15 or 16?) is currently little more than a figurehead, as the Legion of Ruth has occupied Bantouk. However, the Legion needs the existing bureacratic structure of the city to make anything function, so plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

The official state church of Hageri has incurred similar culling, as those tainted by Caiphon have been identified and executed. The Church of Omthala, however, has sat out the siege and political aftermath, a neutral entity biding its time as per custom (and previously established fiction!) to exert its influence once the dust settles. Of course, they have other, dark designs, too, as evidenced by their attempts at raising a Revenant Avenger to combat Ibhea's growing power in the hinterlands.

Chanvati has largely been laying the political groundwork for (1) undoing his accession to the occupation of the city by the Legion of Ruth barbarians; he, as well as the citizenry, at large, grows restless under Bladeling rule; and (2) reordering the political dynamic of the Empire to prevent such perfidy from within by establishing a counterbalancing Senate to the throne. However, he has also been experimenting with his command of the Chronotope, utilizing his contacts and the facilities of Xerxes's School for Gifted Psicrafters.

Pa'avu has noted the subjugation of the Empress and likens their positions: both are strong women who were raised within constraints (Pa'avu as a once-feral raider enslaved as a bodyguard, Scheherezade as a young Imperial subjugated first by corrupt advisors and now by a conquering force) but who have grown to autonomy. As Pa'avu has claimed equality to Chanvati through her actions, she will aid Scheherezade in claiming the fullness of her birthright.

Arunny, Omthala's Searing Voice and Maba's Piercing Eye, having satisfied herself as to her family's fates, received a most startling portent, "a vulture feasting with relish on a bloody, mammalian heart ... a valley with unusually heavy purple clouds that sting the eyes of anyone looking at them ... a seemingly solid ancient tree slowly rotting inside...." She knows this is a scene of the past, when Nerull's Cult held sway in ancient times and Caiphon was making its first incursions into the mortal realm, or so it is told. With Qamra and Uzmehr, she hastens back to Dolg Hana, to reconvene with Ibhea to investigate how they may take their struggles against Nerull into the timescape.

Ibhea, though sober and strangely penitent in some aspects post-battle and injury, has become megalomaniac in his belief that he is Delban's Black Flame given life. Further, he has taken a villainous turn, reclaiming Poor Gan's bones from the funeral pyre for use in the consecration of an item of power: the Girdle of Skulls (see below). He has abandoned any practical management of the temple construction to Xin Mae, who also coordinates oversight of the faith's growth across the Dolgs, and beyond. Though the scrivener is delighted to be not only witness to but instrument of history, he no doubt fears for his comrade's sanity.

We have composed the following Quests as we envision them for the PCs going forward, not prescripted story but rather premise for playing to find out as the heroes advance into Paragon and (hopefully!) Epic Tiers. Of course, this is all provisional and subject to the direction actual play takes, which could very well shift goals and drives in unexpected ways. One will note that there are several conflicting imperatives among the Quests below, but we think 4E's system is robust enough to handle competing PC goals as well as group play!

Arunny: Major Quest (Paragon): Elevate Maba, the Moon Maiden, to a place of veneration and worship within Hageri society. Major Quest (Paragon): Root out and destroy the Cult of Nerull. Major Quest (Epic): Redeem Delban from madness and unify the tripartite godhead (Delban/Maba/Omthala).

Chanvati: Major Quest (Paragon): Cast out the corrupting forces of Caiphon from the material world—permanently. Major Quest (Paragon): Remake the Hageri political landscape such that (a) the Legion of Ruth retreats from Bantouk to its desert strongholds, (b) imperial power is counterbalanced by a Senate, (c) elevating House Audaseie (and himself as its representative) as Leader of the Senate. Major Quest (Epic): Destroy the Far Realm so that Caiphonian corruption (including mind flayers and other such aberrations) does not threaten the Chronotope.

Ibhea: Major Quest (Paragon): Return to a time and place (Itirilimish before its destruction?) when Delban’s religion flourished in the land in order to learn from past practitioners the magic necessary to destroy his bitter enemies, the Legion of Ruth. (It is distinctly possible that such a time also saw a flourishing of the worship of Nerull.) Major Quest (Epic): Convert the Empire of Hageri to a theocracy, with the worship of Delban and his mother (Omthala) as central to the culture.

Pa’avu: Minor Quest (Paragon): Free the Empress Scheherezade from the shackles of a conquering force (The Legion of Ruth). Major Quest (Paragon): Break the bond of servitude our new allies in The Legion of Ruth owe to Vezzuvu, eternal enemy of Stoneroot. Major Quest (Epic): Exact vengeance upon Vezzuvu for destroying Stoneroot’s initial incarnation and defeating Moradin.

We would like to proceed with Chanvati and Pa'avu first. Perhaps this can be best enacted through the following Minor Quest, which brings together Chanvati's and Pa'avu's desires for the Empress.

Minor Quest: Convince the Empress that by establishing a new political order in Bantouk (one with a counterbalancing Senate), she both frees herself from the need of an Imperial Council and removes any pretense for the Legion of Ruth to remain in Bantouk as an occupying force providing stability and safety for its citizenry.

Chanvati, level 11
Human, Psion|Warlord, Time Bender
Discipline Focus (Hybrid): Telepathy Focus (Hybrid)
Warlord Leadership: Canny Leader (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlord: Hybrid Warlord Will
Psionic Augmentation (Hybrid): Hybrid Encounter Power
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort
Background: Merchant Prince, Nibenay - Walker of the Exalted Path, Tyr - Embedded Spy (Merchant Prince Benefit)
Theme: Noble Adept

Str 9, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 21, Wis 13, Cha 18.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 15.

AC: 24 Fort: 19 Reflex: 23 Will: 29
HP: 65 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 16

Arcana +16, Insight +17, History +16, Diplomacy +16, Bluff +16

Acrobatics +10, Dungeoneering +10, Endurance +9, Heal +9, Intimidate +12, Nature +10, Perception +11, Religion +14, Stealth +9, Streetwise +12, Thievery +9, Athletics +7

Bardic Ritualist: Ritual Caster
Human: Bardic Ritualist
Level 1: Staff Expertise
Level 2: Unarmored Agility
Level 4: Bard of All Trades
Level 6: Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Level 8: Superior Will
Level 10: Improved Initiative
Level 11: Cunning Stalker

Hybrid at-will 1: Dimensional Scramble
Hybrid at-will 1: Direct the Strike
Hybrid Encounter Power: Powerful Warning
Noble Adept Encounter Power: Adept's Insight
Hybrid daily 1: Living Missile
Hybrid utility 2: Mind Shroud
Hybrid daily 5: Stand the Fallen
Hybrid utility 6: Rousing Words
Hybrid at-will/encounter 7: Force Grasp
Hybrid daily 9: Mind Blast
Hybrid utility 10: Dimensional Shortcut
Time Bender encounter 11: Bonds of Time

MBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d8+1 damage; with Bracers +16 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage (once/encounter)

Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Alchemical Reagents (Arcana) (10), Disguise, Writing case, Residuum (Any) (1350), Ceramic hand focus, Piezoelectric topaz Zills, Acrobat Boots (heroic tier), Healer's Sash (paragon tier), Philosopher's Crown (heroic tier), Gloves of Piercing (heroic tier), Battle Harness Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Accurate staff of Psicraft +1, Byeshk Dagger +1, Bracers of Mental Might (heroic tier), Choker of Eloquence +2, Floating Lantern, Imperial Oration (heroic tier), Chosen of Tectuktitlay, 930 gp
Glib Limerick, Unseen Servant, Animal Messenger, Hold Portal, Seek Rumor, Enchant Magic Item, Sending, Anthem of Unity, Inquisitive's Eyes, Linked Portal

Pa'avu, level 11
Goliath, Barbarian, Stoneblessed
Feral Might: Thunderborn Wrath
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Ki Focuses)
Background: Wandering Duelist, Feral Raider, Noble's Guard (Wandering Duelist Benefit)
Theme: Iron Wolf Warrior

Str 21, Con 17, Dex 17, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 11.

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10.

AC: 26 Fort: 26 Reflex: 24 Will: 22
HP: 92 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 24

Athletics +16, Intimidate +13, Endurance +12, Perception +18, Heal +12

Acrobatics +7, Arcana +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +7, History +4, Insight +9, Nature +13, Religion +4, Stealth +7, Streetwise +5, Thievery +7

Level 1: Monastic Disciple
Level 2: Monastic Adept
Level 4: Versatile Expertise
Level 6: Wasteland Wanderer
Level 8: Markings of the Blessed
Level 10: Improved Defenses
Level 11: Cunning Stalker

Barbarian at-will 1: Howling Strike
Barbarian at-will 1: Pressing Strike
Monastic Adept: Crane's Wings
Monastic Disciple: Iron Soul Flurry of Blows
Barbarian encounter 1: Resurgent Strike
Iron Wolf Warrior Encounter Power: Iron Wolf Charge
Barbarian daily 1: Thunder Hooves Rage
Barbarian utility 2: Iron Resurgence
Barbarian encounter 3: Thundering Howl
Barbarian daily 5: Rage of the Crimson Hurricane
Barbarian utility 6: Shrug It Off
Barbarian encounter 7: Wolf's Bound
Barbarian daily 9: Rage of the Death Spirit
Barbarian utility 10: Howl of the Alpha Wolf
Stoneblessed encounter 11: Mountain Sweep

MBA: +17 vs AC, 1d10+9 damage

Adventurer's Kit, Climber's Kit (2), Crowbar, Grappling Hook, Hunter's Kit, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Marauder's Hide Armor +2, Vanguard Greatsword +1, Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +2, Javelin (3), Belt of Vigor (heroic tier), Helm of Vision Unclouded (paragon tier), Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Boots of Free Movement (heroic tier), Badge of the Berserker +1, Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier), Verdant Presence (Primal Blessing), Sovereign Glue (heroic tier), Stone of Earth (paragon tier), Elven chain shirt (heroic tier), 800 gp

Arunny, level 11
Half-Elf, Cleric|Invoker, Divine Oracle
Eldritch Strike: Eldritch Strike Constitution
Hybrid Cleric: Battle Cleric's Lore
Covenant Manifestation: Manifestation of Preservation
Hybrid Invoker: Hybrid Invoker Will
Hybrid Talent: Channel Divinity (Hybrid Cleric)
Half-Elf Power Selection: Dilettante
Background: Missing Master, Divinely Inspired, Missionary Life (Missing Master Benefit)
Theme: Seer

Str 14, Con 21, Dex 9, Int 12, Wis 21, Cha 11.

Str 13, Con 16, Dex 8, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10.

AC: 27 Fort: 22 Reflex: 18 Will: 27
HP: 72 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 18

Perception +18, Insight +22, Heal +15, Endurance +15

Acrobatics +4, Arcana +6, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Dungeoneering +10, History +6, Intimidate +5, Nature +10, Religion +6, Stealth +4, Streetwise +5, Thievery +4, Athletics +7

Level 1: Battle Awareness
Level 2: Wary Fighter
Level 4: Hybrid Talent
Level 6: Mighty Crusader Expertise
Level 8: Superior Will
Level 10: Improved Initiative
Level 11: Versatile Master

Channel Divinity (Hybrid Cleric): Favor of the Gods
Dilettante: Eldritch Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Hand of Radiance
Hybrid at-will 1: Brand of the Sun
Hybrid encounter 1: Thunder of Judgment
Seer Daily Power: Cast Fortune (homebrew iteration)
Hybrid daily 1: Moment of Glory
Hybrid utility 2: Divine Call
Hybrid encounter 3: Death Surge
Hybrid daily 5: Silent Malediction
Hybrid utility 6: Stream of Life
Hybrid encounter 7: Tide of the First Storm
Hybrid daily 9: Fourfold Invocation of Doom
Hybrid utility 10: Word of Vigor
Divine Oracle encounter 11: Prophecy of Doom

MBA: Eldritch Strike +16 vs AC, 1d10+7 (now at At-Will thanks to Versatile Master)

Adventurer's Kit, Lucky Charm +2, Boots of the Fencing Master (heroic tier), Casque of Tactics (heroic tier), Onatar's Forge +2, Unforgettable Cudgel Morningstar +2, Reflexive Drakescale Armor +2, Crest of Vigilance Eternal (paragon tier), 1300 gp

Ibhea, level 11
Human, Warlock, Master of Flame
Eldritch Strike: Eldritch Strike Charisma
Eldritch Pact: Sorcerer-King Pact
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Light Blade)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Rod)
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort
Background: Fugitive from a Vengeful Rival, Street Urchin, Heretic (Fugitive from a Vengeful Rival Benefit)
Theme: Ordained Priest

Str 9, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 19, Wis 11, Cha 21.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16.

AC: 24 Fort: 19 Reflex: 23 Will: 24
HP: 75 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 18

Arcana +14, Thievery +11, Stealth +14, Streetwise +17, Bluff +18, Religion +18

Acrobatics +6, Diplomacy +10, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance +6, Heal +7, History +9, Insight +7, Intimidate +12, Nature +5, Perception +5, Athletics +4

Human: Arcane Prodigy
Level 1: Mindbite Scorn
Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Accurate dagger)
Level 4: Cunning Stalker
Level 6: Tyrian Bureaucrat
Level 8: Novice Power
Level 10: Path of the Scarred
Level 11: Versatile Expertise

Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Strike
Level 1 Ordained Priest Feature: Shining Symbol
Warlock encounter 1: Shadow Tentacles
Warlock daily 1: Decree of Khirad
Warlock utility 2: Beguiling Tongue
Warlock encounter 3: Flame Spiral
Warlock daily 5: Deathly Conduit
Warlock utility 6: Deliverance of Faith
Warlock encounter 7: Lure of Loyalty
Warlock daily 9: Command Insanity
Warlock utility 10: Mirror Darkly
Master of Flame encounter 11: Fanning the Flames

MBA: Eldritch Strike +17 vs AC, 1d4+7 damage

Adventurer's Kit, Bottle of Wine (3), Doctrinal book, Thieves' Tools, Leather Armor of Dark Majesty +2, Bracers of Escape (heroic tier), Gloves of Eldritch Admixture (heroic tier), Boots of Elvenkind (heroic tier), Phylactery of Divinity (heroic tier), Necklace of Keys +1, Obsidian Steed (heroic tier), Rod of Corruption +1, Shielding Blade Accurate dagger +1, Girdle of Skulls, Symbol of Victory +2, 800 gp

Girdle of Skulls
Girdle of Skulls Level 12 Rare
By plucking a skull from the belt, you can call forth a skeleton to do your bidding.
Waist Slot 17,000 gp
The girdle starts with four charges. When you take an extended rest, the item regains one charge.
Utility Power ✦ Daily (No Action)
Trigger: You reduce a creature to 0 hit points or fewer.
Effect: The girdle gains a charge (maximum of four).
Utility Power (Summoning) ✦ Encounter (Minor Action)
Requirement: The girdle must have at least one charge.
Effect: Expend a charge. You summon a skeletal warrior in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of you. The skeletal warrior is an ally to you but not to your allies, and it lacks actions of its own. Instead, you spend actions to command it mentally, choosing from the actions in its description. You must have line of effect to the skeletal warrior to command it. You and it share knowledge but not senses.
When the skeletal warrior makes a check, you make the roll using your game statistics, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties.
The skeletal warrior lasts until it drops to 0 hit points, at which point you lose a healing surge (or hit points equal to your surge value if you have no surges left). Otherwise, it lasts until you dismiss it as a minor action or until the end of the encounter.

Skeletal Warrior
Medium shadow animate (undead)
Level 12 Summoned Creature
40; Healing Surges none, but you can lose a healing surge for the creature if an effect allows it to spend one
AC 28, Fortitude 24, Reflex 26, Will 22
Speed land 7
Standard ActionAt-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the skeletal warrior's next turn.
Minor ActionAt-Will 1/round
Effect: The skeletal warrior walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls.
Opportunity ActionAt-Will
Trigger: An adjacent enemy marked by the skeletal warrior shifts or uses an attack power that doesn't target the skeletal warrior.
Attack: Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +17 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage.

Medium natural humanoid, tiefling
Level 11 Controller (Leader) XP 600
HP 74, Bloodied 37, Surge 18, Surges per day 8; Initiative +7
AC 25, Fortitude 22, Reflex 22, Will 24 Perception+7, Low-light vision
Speed 6
Resist 10 Fire (5 + 1/2 L)

Infernal Glower (At-Will), Fear
Ranged 10, Target: one or two creatures
Attack: +14 vs Will
Hit: 2d6 +10 damage, and Bita-Bousseh slides the target 3 squares

Bedevil the Fray (Recharge 6)
Minor Action
Attack: Ranged 5 (one ally)
Effect: Bita-Bousseh slides the target 3 squares, and they make a melee basic attack as a free action against an adjacent enemy.

Infernal Wrath (Recharge 4,5,6), Fire
Free Action Close burst 10
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of her hits Bita-Bousseh.
Target: The triggering enemy in the burst
Effect: The target takes 2d4 +8 fire damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of its next turn.

There Will Be Order
Immediate Reaction (Encounter)
Trigger: Bita-Bousseh or an ally within 5 squares of Bita-Bousseh is bloodied or knocked unconscious.
Effect: Bita-Bousseh or the ally spends a healing surge and gains an additional 1d6 hit points and saves against 1 effect that a save can end and shifts 3 squares, ignoring difficult terrain.

Lawyer's Dodge
Move Action (Encounter)
Effect: Bita-Bousseh shifts 3 squares and can shift through difficult terrain until the end of her next turn.

Mirage Arcana (Daily), Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Nethermancy, Psychic, Shadow, Zone
Standard Action; Area burst 2 within 10 squares (creatures in the burst)
Attack: +14 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6+10 psychic damage, and the target is dazed, cannot leave the zone willingly, and cannot see creatures outside the zone (save ends all). If the target is already dazed, it takes 5 extra psychic damage.

Languages Common, Supernal
Acrobatics +7 (Escape), Bluff +14, Insight +12, Stealth +9

S 11 (+5) D 14 (+7) W 14 (+7)
C 12 (+6) I 16 (+8) C 14 (+7)

A Dog Named Hazard Level 11 Brute
Medium natural beast (animal) XP 600
HP 89; Bloodied 44; Surge Value 22; Healing Surges 11 Initiative +7
AC 23, Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 20 Perception+12
Speed 6

Standard Actions
(⚔) BiteAt-Will
Special: Hazard cannot use this attack while Savage Protector is enabled
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC.
Hit: 2d6+ 10 damage, or 3d6 + 10 damage while the dog is within 2 squares of an ally.

⚔ Bedeviling AssaultDaily
Attack (Standard Action): Melee reach (one creature) +16 vs. AC
Hit: 3d6 +10 damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, once per round when an ally hits the target with a melee attack, you can make a melee basic attack with combat advantage against the target as a free action.

Minor Actions
Rabid Lunge
Effect: The reach of Hazard’s Melee powers increases to Melee 2 and he ignores the effects of the dazed, immobilized, and slowed conditions until the end of his next turn.

Savage ProtectorAt-Will
Effect: Hazard gains +2 Armor Class, cannot use Bite, gains Snarl and Snap and Harrier. This Effect can be ended with a Minor Action.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Snarl & SnapAt-Will
Special: Hazard must enable this power through Savage Protector
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC.
Hit: 2d6 + 10 damage
Effect: Hazard marks the target until the end of Hazard’s next turn.

(⚔) HarrierAt-Will
Special: Hazard must enable this power through Savage Protector
Trigger: An enemy that is marked by Hazard and is adjacent to it shifts or makes an attack that doesn’t include it as a target.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (the triggering enemy); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 +10 damage, and Hazard slides the target 1 square.

Triggered Actions
Furious Comeback
Special: Hazard cannot use this while in Savage Protector
Trigger: Hazard’s attack damages an enemy
Effect (Free Action): Spend a healing surge.

Skills Athletics (Escape) +14, Perception +12
Str 18 (+9) Dex 14 (+7) Wis 14 (+7)
Con 14 (+7) Int 10 (+5) Cha 11 (+5)

Equipment: Sigil of Companionship (Heroic Tier)
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Alright. Back at it. Good stuff!

Just going to throw some fiction out there. Lets try to make it as grabby as possible, as soon as possible and get to an initial conflict toward the end cited in your Minor Quest: Convince the Empress that by establishing a new political order in Bantouk (one with a counterbalancing Senate), she both frees herself from the need of an Imperial Council and removes any pretense for the Legion of Ruth to remain in Bantouk as an occupying force providing stability and safety for its citizenry.

They're called The Wardenguard. An esteemed member of both The Legion and the Empress' Guard escort Chanvati, Pa'avu and Bita-Bousseh everywhere around the ample wards of Bantouk...for their safety. Of course, everyone knows that is nonsense. Its for the safety of any dissidents making a foolish move against the clergy, the crown, and the occupying force primarily. Any body cleaved in twain by Pa'avu or otherwise maimed by Chanvati might become the fire that lights the fuse of outright rebellion.

But even that is nonsense. If every dissident soul in Bantouk weren't already cowed by these inquisitions and executions, and they very much are, there still wouldn't be one foolish enough among them to take up arms against the very few that led the route of Caiphon's malign influence.

No, Rietka and Yazdan are escorts positioned for surveillance far more than anything else. Both sides of this affair want ears and eyes in the inner circle of our heroes...an invisible leash not unlike the one tethering them from the Material World to the Astral Sea.

"A proper execution makes my blood long for a sparring session set to the pound of aggressive drum."

The Bladeling commander lovingly sharpens the curved blade across her lap.

“Not you, Yazdan the Yellow,” she chides. Turning to Pa’avu, “what say we make a spectacle of the marketplace in your wretched city, half-giant?”

You let me know when you feel like you’ve got the makings of a good obstacle to a conflict you can set a zoomed-in Goal to.


Yazdan looks ready to draw right here and now at Rietka's slight: the Imperial Guard's reputation already took a serious hit on the day of the siege, and so feelings are still quite raw. So Pa'avu intervenes quickly.

"I would like nothing more than the opportunity to plant your spiked back in the sand, Rietka." The Goliath stands to do just that. The extended time away from Bantouk in the wilds of the mountains and desert wastelands has rekindled the feral fire within her gut. It has been too long since she bested those minotaurs at the Audaseie estate, physically wrestled and dueled to assert her dominance as is the way of her people.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Chanvati leaps to his feet, arms outstretched between the two warriors. "This is no place for this kind of contest! They are about to execute a man, and we cannot allow sparring in the streets. More public violence is exactly the spark the kindling of Bantouk does not need! But if you two must sate your desire for fisticuffs, I propose we make our way after the execution to Xerxes's School for Gifted Psicrafters. I have an appointment with Tectuktitlay, current headmaster, and I can arrange for you to spar in the Danger Chamber, a training space for students that makes use of Ki Amplification and Psionic Illusion Manipulation to replicate dangerous scenarios in which students can drill--against each other or psionic projections--in a safe space.

"What say you, Pa'avu? Rietka?"

Having discussed the situation with @Nephis , she indicates that Pa'avu does wish to spar with Rietka but that she would find the current grim milieu inappropriate for such an occasion.

Our goal here is twofold: (1) Pa'avu hopes to ferret out the Bladeling Horde's level of dissatisfaction with the sedentary state of being an occupying force in an urban setting; any indication Rietka might make that they grow restless might provide leverage in interactions with the Empress to convince her that acceding to the establishment of a Senate might hasten the Legion of Ruth's departure and a resumption of her autonomy. (2) Chanvati wishes to consult with Tectuktitlay, a noted scholar of ancient history and government, about the period following Emperor Zalthomet's reign in the Fourth Dynasty, when attempts to set up a longstanding Bantoukian Senate failed, so that history's repetition can be avoided.

Alright, cool. Lets call this a pair of different Complexity 1 Skill Challenges, each with separate goals and levels. The first one is more difficult because the Bladeling Horde is a disciplined group that isn't apt to "complain down or outside" of their chain of command. So level +2. The second is right in Chanvati's sweet spot and this is "home turf" so lets call this of-level.


Complexity 1 SC, Level 13 SC.
Goal: Ferret out the Bladeling Horde's level of dissatisfaction with the sedentary state of being an occupying force in an urban setting.
DCs 14/20 (NAD/AC of-level @ 23/25)
0/4 Successes (0 Hard DCs available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available

Rietka lets the reoriented offer marinate in her mind for not more than a moment. Full eye contact with Pa'avu; "these arrangements would be acceptable...and I would understand. I wouldn't want a humiliating martial defeat at the hands of a superior opponent be center-square amongst the judging public...I accept." (1)

<smash cut to Danger Chamber of Psicrafter's Guild>

The monk hands the arcane apparatus, an iron tiara with an encrusted focusing gem, to both Rietka and Pa'avu. The Bladeling rolls it over in her hands, looking at every subtle aspect of its make...trying to detect the emanations of its enchantment. An absent-minded "harrumph" from her; a little something to convey that she isn't impressed with this Bantouk technology. (2)

The aged and reserved Yazdan is a simple, well-mannered, kind cavalryman. He defers to those of lesser station as he is able to, without setting a "bad" precedence for his troops under him. He earned honors in the charge against Caiphon's menace at the palace.

Taking in the sight before him, the man has a youthful glee in his eye. To Pa'avu, sheepishly; "...would...would it be possible of I joined your sparring session? I know my advanced age and the lack of a horse to carry me aloft puts me at terrible disadvantage...I know I am not a match for either your or Rietka. But I would be honored...and truly...intrigued beyond measure...if I could join your...astral scrum...I suppose? My presence would prove useful as I'm at least versed in multi-factional skirmishes." (3)

Feel free to make a move against Rietka's sleights of (1) or (2) or both if you so choose. If you do and the move generates a Failure, the consequence will be "take -1 to your next Primary Skill." The fiction will stay the same.

However, you will have to deal with Yazdan's sheepish request of (3) regardless. It might shame his feelings and station to be rejected as such or perhaps he would just deal with it? It also might earn Rietka's judgement or wrath...


Complexity 1 SC, Level 11 SC.
Goal: Consult with Tectuktitlay about the period following Emperor Zalthomet's reign in the Fourth Dynasty when the attempt to establish a Bantoukian Senate failed.
DCs 13/19
0/4 Successes (0 Hard DCs available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available

The recessed, cathedral chamber is cut from the granite, vertical rise to the heavens of The Dusk Wall. The ancient formation was believed to have been erected during the primordial battle of The Dawn War and its destruction by same grave event is believed to be the signal of The Dusk War that will end all times.

On the stone dais at the far end, Tectuktitlay sits, eyes closed, in quiet contemplation. A soft drip-drip-drip of water and the subtle thrum of a singular note reverberating repeatedly by a corporeal gong struck by psionically manifested mallet. (1) Young students, similarly positioned in a circle around the master, attempt to stack small rocks with their minds.

Without a hint of anyone entering the chamber and posture unperturbed, the sensory-deprived monk intones verbally; "...was Zalthomet ultimately deliverer from woe or did he send us spiraling headlong into it?" (2)

If you want to wrest control of psionic mallet and play an alternative note on the gong, make that move and reveal its meaning/directive (1). Though there are no Hard DCs, here, this would be a Hard DC of 27 and earn you 2 successes in the challenge. Failure would put 1 Hard DC on the docket of this SC, which I can use to deploy for a future obstacle at my discretion (but not for (2) above).

If you're not so inclined to engage with (1), answer (2) exclusively as it must be resolved.
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CHANVATI observes silently the students for a moment, their faltering attempts to stack stone upon stone recalls his days as a youth (so much younger than his current 26 years!) working similarly with Tectuktitlay, Mirage Moonstar, and the other professors of Xerxes's school. Ah, if he had but had the opportunity to study with the great man Xerxes, himself! Ah, youth! Ah, regret!

Then the Merchant-Prince turns his mind, and the full force of his psionic potential, to the psionic mallet and very real gong. The bossed, brass instrument is suspended in an elaborate frame of carved wood set between the master and the source of the counterpoint of drips falling from the Dusk Wall and collecting into a shallow pool at its base. The psionic mallet quivers as Chanvati feels Tectuktitlay resist and attempt to retain control, but student has exceeded master. Chanvati pauses just a half-moment to read Tectuktitlay's emotional response, then strikes the gong not on its boss but next to it, the repeated E flat note abruptly curtailed with a single, triumphant D.

Rocks fall as the assembled students lose focus on their task. Who would challenge the master in this way, in his own hall?!? A few gasps and even an audible whisper or two reverberates in the great space. "New master ... impertinence ... will they duel?"

Tectuktitlay, meanwhile, unperturbed, eyes closed, simply repeats his question, "Was Zalthomet ultimately deliverer from woe or did he send us spiraling headlong into it? You have not answered me, Chanvati ... Stout-mind no longer, it seems. Chanvati, Master of the Ego Fortress!" There is a gentle chiding in the stressing of that last title.

Chanvati considers. "Master Tektuctitlay, there is much I wish to beg of your wisdom on this matter. It is my own conclusion, based on copious research and lessons in this very institution, that Emperor Zalthomet hastened Hageri's woe, for in the founding of the Senate of his time he conceded too much power to the Church of Omthala in the establishment and control of that hoary body. The people of Bantouk wanted accountability, not outsiders with their own agenda, separate from Empire! Omthalans have always despised Hageri's rulers for their official sanctioning of Mavi-ishiq, Lord of the Heavens; and in assuming a place of prominence in the old Senate this rivalry bled into partisan political behavior.

"So it is my assertion that Zalthomet misstepped by allowing any religious interference in governance whatsoever. Would the power of the Imperial body be counterbalanced by a Senate, that assembly must be drawn from the heads of merchant houses and guildmasters and esteemed nobles and even tradesfolk of the lower caste, those with a vested interest in the eternity of Empire, not those with concern primarily for another kind of eternity.

But Zalthomet's plan was a good one, if poorly executed, I think. It is on this matter that I seek your own, estimable opinion."

I'll accept the challenge and wager against your (1) above: Chanvati uses Insight as a Secondary Skill to discern what effect striking the D note might have on his former master, reading the acknowledgement of Chanvati's rise to power not as threat but as an accomplishment the mentor should be proud of in his former student, +17 vs 13 Easy DC = autosuccess for +2 to

Chanvati's Primary Skill Arcana check to wrest control of the psionic hammer from Tectuktitlay, r9+16+2 SS=27 vs 27 Hard DC. Juuuust made it. Success x2.

For your (2) above, Chanvati makes a Primary Skill History check to establish his understanding of the historical record, r3+16=19 vs 19 Moderate DC. Wowzers. Could these rolls be any closer? Success.

3/4 Successes (0 Hard DCs available)/0 Failures/0 Secondary Skill Available

Telepathically, Master Tektuctitlay commands the room who then answers him in kind:

Master Tektuctitlay: "In what order did your stones fall pupils?"

Pupils: <Looking around and then struggling to piece together the daisy chain of events>

Master Tektuctitlay: <Gives a perfect depiction of the events including the order of the students' failures and their personal contributions to it>

Pupils: <The equivalent of telepathic gasp of awe>

Master Tektuctitlay: "Are you the mallet, the gong, or the note intoned? Are you the rock, the water's perfect surface, or the cascading ripple?" (1)

Pupils: <Collectively intimidated, none of them offer an answer>

The room is a vault of silence.

That question is clearly meant for Chanvati as much or more than for the children; the answer relates to the machinery and legacy of Zalthomet's initiative...and surely on any subsequent initiative that iterates upon his initial idea. MEDIUM DC


Rietka lets the reoriented offer marinate in her mind for not more than a moment. Full eye contact with Pa'avu; "these arrangements would be acceptable...and I would understand. I wouldn't want a humiliating martial defeat at the hands of a superior opponent be center-square amongst the judging public...I accept."
PA'AVU holds the bladeling's stare for a long moment and allows amusement to grow in her generally stoic face. Then, she grins ... with all of her teeth. "And so we will retire to another venue so that your humiliating martial defeat at the hands of a superior opponent will be less ... public." For a very brief, delicious moment, Rietka's eyes widen enough that the goliath imagines she can actually see the pitch black pupils within the purple black irises. Then, the bladeling wardenguard acknowledges the scoring hit with a nod. (1)

<smash cut to Danger Chamber of Psicrafter's Guild>

At Rietka's disparaging sniff, Pa'avu's mind sweeps her back to her childhood where memories of skirmishes with children and mentors dance and scrape against each other: memories of spiderbites, near-drownings during wrestling matches in the cool spring under the view of mountains, trees and trees and trees - racing to climb up them, leaping across to tackle each other out of them, tearing limbs off them to ... tear limbs off each other. These memories fade into harsher battles - all out in the magnificence of the natural world - where her light and her skills both shine sharpest and brightest. She can almost taste the sand on her tongue as it cut at her and empowered her. Nostalgia brings a soft smile to her lips, a fact noticed with consternation by her opponent. Seeing this brings Pa'avu out of her revery, and she says simply, "Outside, that's the proper place for battle," apparently feeling she is agreeing with the bladeling's unstated views ... as perhaps she is. "With these," the goliath says, holding up her "tiara," "we can at least pretend to be outdoors and feel less like we are doing battle in this overcrowded den." This last is said with a grin.(2)

Pa'avu's grin is echoed by the calvaryman, who asks, somewhat sheepishly,

"...would...would it be possible of I joined your sparring session? I know my advanced age and the lack of a horse to carry me aloft puts me at terrible disadvantage...I know I am not a match for either your or Rietka. But I would be honored...and truly...intrigued beyond measure...if I could join your...astral scrum...I suppose? My presence would prove useful as I'm at least versed in multi-factional skirmishes."

His words bring Pa'avu's focus away from her challenger, and the goliath cocks her head to one side, studying him with consideration. Then she grins again. Gesturing with her chin to the polearms leaning on one of the walls, she says, "v'chi'etsu*, you look like you can handle one of those. That should give you back the advantage of horses!" She slaps both of her opponents on the back, causing them to stumble for a moment before catching their balance, then rubs her hands together with glee. "Let's do this!"(3)

* Grandpa or old man (affectionately) in Giantish

(1) Pa'avu makes a Primary Skill Intimidate check to reign in Rietka's ego: r11+13=24 vs Moderate DC 20. Success.

(2) Pa'avu makes a Primary Skill Nature check to recall skirmishes and battles out in the open - a much better locale for a duel - in order to establish a commonality and sympathy with Rietka: r8+13=21 vs Moderate DC 20. Success.

(3) Pa'avu makes a Primary Skill Athletics check to assess the ability of Yazdan to keep up with them in the skirmish/duel: r15+16=31 vs Moderate DC 20. Success.
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CHANVATI strides forth into the center of the vaulted chamber. He scans the faces of the young ones, looking expectantly at him. Curiosity. Awe. Some fear. Then he returns his gaze to the old man, cross-legged, eyes closed. He studies Tectuktitlay's emotionless features, recalls each word of his riddle.

Then, in his sweet tenor, he sings a simple melody:

One must have a mind of winter
To regard the frost and the boughs
Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

And have been cold a long time
To behold the junipers shagged with ice,
The spruces rough in the distant glitter

Of the deep winter sun; and not to think
Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
In the sound of a few leaves,

Which is the sound of the land
Full of the same wind
That is blowing in the same bare place

For the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.
The Psion allows a silence to settle over the assembled. Then he speaks out again, eschewing telepathic communication:

"Master Tectuktitlay, I have been to the mountains. I have known cold. I have felt the astral wind blow against my cheek and destroyed my enemies under the blazing sun in the bare desert.

"I have stared into the face of nothing, multiple times now, and I know that it is always with us and very real.

"And thus I will answer your question, respected friend. I am neither mallet, gong, nor note; am rock, surface, and ripple all at once. I am Chanvati Audaseie, Madnessbreaker, Time Bender! And the world will never be the same in my wake!"

Chanvati uses Insight to read his former teacher's intent to show the futility of such categories in the face of an uncertain future, Primary Skill check, r3+17=20 vs 19 Moderate DC. Success. [Coincidentally, he uses the opportunity to assert his own significance, regardless. Master of the Ego Fortress, indeed!]
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