First Post
Azryah nods to the acolyte in thanks.
"Thank you muchly. I believe I will wait to speak with the high priest, or his clerk, then."
With that, she heads off in the direction indicated to wait patiently, statuesque, until someone can help her with answers.
[sblock=OOC]I'm personally content to let RP work it out, at least in-so-far-as ensuring that all characters are, indeed, interested. If it turns out after some RP that 7 people truly want to go, then we could go from there? That's my take on it. I'm not entirely certain that Az will want to go, but undead is not something to take lightly, so she at least needs some more info before deciding. In fact, I'm not even sure it's undead, she's just currently assuming that based on oth PC comments in the tavern, but this is why she needs more information before committing.[/sblock]
As Azryah departs she notices a trail of blood, leading down a corridor of the temple, acolytes much like the one who you spoke with are cleaning the mess.
Jynxx, content that he has a general idea of the goings on, turns back to the acolyte. "It would seem... you are in a trouble of sorts. Enough so that your fellow disciples are scurrying around in panic."
"Given your god, and the rumor of undead... this must be terrible indeed to have the faithful nervous. While I wait, tell me what you can. I'd more more than willing to hear the tale twice."
Snapping his head away from the departing Deva, the acolyte continues in a whipser, using the sound of scrubbing to keep his voice from echoing into others ears, Talk of trouble in the catacombs, and a few priests have gone missing. Not to mention the state bodies have been showing up in... at that he pauses in his duty, I wish the new cleric and his friends would stop bringing them in through the front. he points to a trail of blood further off, one that he has yet to clean. Anyway, I'm not important enough to know much else, or dumb enough to tell you if I did.
"I'll wait. If the rumor's true, I'm in for sure. No chance I'll let such things fester again."
EDIT: re-reading page 3 I can see that I jumped the gun with announcing undead they are mentioned in posts before CaBaNa adventure call and I can surmise by several comments of leaving and CaBaNa's own character there that it's tail of some other adventure. Sorry IC we shouldn't know anything concrete about undead, only that it's temple of Lauto looking for help...
The acolyte assumes that means he's dismissed to return to his duty, and he does so quietly.
Papolstaanas the kobold enters the temple with Kaeysari the shifter. He is babbling excitedly while skipping closely enough at her side that she has to be careful to avoid clonking him on the head with her glaive as she walks. "--not much, although Mother insisted that I learn the sword, she says that all true gentlemen have to know how, so that they can fight robbers and defend ladies and such, and there's other things I can do, I sort of learned them by myself in the woods, I mean, it's a little hard to explain, but I won't let you down, I really--"
Upon seeing the others gathered, Papolstaanas immediately becomes more subdued. "Has... has anyone given out any information yet?" he asks timidly. "About the, the job, I mean."
The group meanders after Azryah and into the waiting room. Cyr, who had arrived just behind Azryah overhears the hesitant Kobold as he enters the room.
"We're told to wait." states one of two statues present. Only eyes move to track little creature and even that is hard to say with uniform color of deva eyes.
Without pointing, but with the direction of his gaze making it clear that he is talking about the devas, Papolstaanas leans toward Kaeysari and whispers, "What are they?"
Unfortunately for Papolstaanas, the rooms shape lends to secrets being heard, and his voice echoes into others ears.
"They're called Devas," says Kaeysari. "As to what they are, I'm not sure. They say that they're reincarnated spirits of some sort, continually reborn in the world. Interesting that they've come to this place, although I suppose they need to work like anyone else."
"Devas?" Papolstaanas whispers. "Are they decent honorable churchgoing folk or brutish untrustworthy monsters?"
Kaeysari snickers uncontrollably at this. "If those are the only choices, I'd put them in the first category, I guess."
OOC: I think we all moved since waiting implied waiting in the room designated by that acolyte.
Amused at pseudo-secret whispering, Cyr turns toward the pair. He starts somewhat stern, just to see the reaction, but soon he is lost in the lecture of history.
"We are angels, kobold. You may speak to us directly. Each one of us choose to be bound to mortal plane in mortal shell to better enjoy its changeability and infinite variations of the same. We are immortal, insofar we'll be reborn when this body fails. It can happen now or in hundred years.
Now with that little bit of history over, I am Cyr Iannes, invoker of The Storm Lord. What is your name?"
I was thinking we're closer to entrance as nobody indicated that he goes except for Azryah. And reading carefuly, one can surmise Cyr followed since MetaVoid describes two statues and obviously assumes we're all there.
Though Rockslide was one of the furthest back, his voice could be heard even in the waiting room,
"Meh! Wait, wait! You need help, you don't let your helpers wait! C'mon Lucky, let's get this sorted out, let that poor fellow to his chores. We go and see big honcho!"
With that Rockslide stomps down the corridor and looks like he'll knock (well, actualy booms) on the door of the office, but then he turns
"Are you coming?"
That short pause seems to give him some sense, looking at two devas waiting.
"They should know...being what they are...I can wait a little while, better then in the tavern...*rumble rumble*"
The rest is lost into mutterings and head shaking. Finally, he stops and freezes, much like devas. He lasts in that position for whole minute before stomping around the waiting room again.
[sblock=Passive Perception 15]
A small well oiled hatch quietly slides open during the raucous dwarfs tirade.
A mesh screen hides the eyes that are inevitably watching the group.
Chaku, not being of religious affiliation or very experienced in proper ettiquette, quietly follows the group (presumably) as they follow after Azryah toward the waiting room and the eventual meeting with the High Priest Belingras.
[sblock=OOC]I was confused as well, so hopefully with everyone going to the waiting room, we can all be together and my poor int 8 brain can stop hurting.[/sblock]
Azryah watches Rockslide stomping around in amusement, although her face shows no emotion. After a moment, she inquires:
"Was there more trouble in the lobby? It did seem like things were tense, but I didn't hear any sounds of danger yet."
Jynxx nods, "Chores must be done even in a state of near panic."
The bards walks quietly down toward the waiting room, pondering why, since all of the holy men seemed nervous, did they care about chores?
[sblock=ooc]I didn't even think about separate rooms, so I'll just assume we're in the same place I guess [/sblock]
Somewhat mortified about being overheard (he really was trying not to be, this time) Papolstaanas answers Cyr in a mumble. "Papolstaanas. Um, from Bacarte." He then shuts his mouth, apparently without any intention of opening it again. He takes his oversized backpack off and climbs up on one of the chairs to sit with his feet dangling.
[sblock=passive perception 15]
You hear a click, as if a hatch has closed.
A few clicking noises, and the grand entryway opens, out steps a diminutive Halfling. He carries a clipboard with inkwell attachment and seems to permeate the air with snobbery. Vut is zee meaning of zis?! Rabble mucking about in zee vaiting room vill not be tolerated. State your buzinezz, or be gone. He stands with his weight shifted to one foot, clipboard on his hip, quill hovering over the inkwell. The look on his face is one of pompous arrogance, staring over his glasses at the assembled group.
Sorry about the lengthy wait.
I'll update once more before I go to bed, just to drop some story elements in case they influence character decisions. I'm anxious to get on with this, which means if someone hasn't dropped within 48 hours, I'll be choosing a group and making the adventure thread.
Wanted to mention a few more things I thought of while working on the story.
Immediate interrupts and reactions.
Please try to give conditions under which your character would use these. I'm likely to allow them after the fact, but reserve the right to deny their use as well.
Also, If you don't have a link to your character in your sig, please place a link in the first post of every new page.
Ministats; I like these, they are very helpful! Please try to use them during combat, I'm not super picky about this, but it's nice.
Any OOC questions?
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