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The Tol Haggerun Prophecy - 3.5 D&D [Ended]

Steve Gorak

Insight said:
Ralan | With the House Myrrkal Caravan, Abils Fields, Lurien

Ralan feels a sort of pressure in his mind. He's not quite sure what to make of it.

As Ralan deals with that for the moment, Avrick takes the opportunity to draw close to one of the hobgoblin riders, and stabs at the creature with his shortsword, drawing blood. The rider, in response, takes a swipe at Avrick with his flail, but Avrick dodges out of the way.

Ralan, seizing the chance to perhaps take out one of the hobgoblins, leaps at the wounded one, and strikes the rider in the kidneys, dropping the rider from his mount.

The riders regroup, forming a triangle around Talia. She stands amidst them, unsure of how to escape.

Before Ralan can act or get a good shot on one of the horsemen, the hobgoblin who seems to be the leader stops his mount and, intoning words of Evil power, halts Talia in her tracks. Avrick, unsure of how to react to this, flees into the forest.

"You can chase us, young one," the leader says cruelly, "But you cannot save your young friend here. She is OURS." Pulling Talia onto his steed, he rides into the forest, leaving a pair of horsemen, who stay back to see what Ralan might do.

Ralan screams at Avrick: "Don't run now, Talia needs us"

Ralan will use the trees as protection and throw javelins at the two remaining hobgoblins. He will try to feign as he does this, to get the extra sneak damage.

[OCC: Javelin-thrown (+3 ranged, 1d6+2 damage, x2, 30ft), Bluff : + 6, Hide : + 3,
Move silently : + 3, Diplomacy : + 6 (to convince Avrick to stay)]

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James Heard

Shuelsai Deng | Island of Marvoe, off the Coast of Lurien

Shuelsai nods at the man in the corner and consults with one of the barmaids before proceeding, "Whatever that man in the blue cloak is having, I shall have also," he says in Trade. As she walks off he makes his way across the tavern, greeting the people he passes with a smile and a handshake - sometimes even a pleasant comment or two- until he reaches the table, where he unfolds his headwrap and shows his balding pate before speaking.

"Ho! Friend, I see you are drinking alone, is that the state of the world as you wish it or might we tell each other tales over a glass this day?"

Evil Ujio

First Post
“Only three of you, I am insulted, surely you must know who I am…” Misha shakes his head with a vicious smile and draws his blade, Honor. He looks back to those behind and then forward, “So who wants to die first?”

If combat is to break out, Misha will charge the brigand ahead of him with his blade and use Power Attack (+2 damage, -1 strike, plus +2 from charge).


Insight said:
Sharma | In the Refeli Sea, Aboard the Just Looking

After several attempts to speak with Captain Spitsteel are met with utter failure, Sharma finds himself at sea.

OOC: I hadn't intended to speak to the Captain yet, it was just a forethought.

"Elya is easy on the eyes, is she not?" Imro asks, watching Sharma watching the half-elf maiden do her chores on deck. "Be careful not to stare too long," the first mate cautions. "Elya has a habit of cutting things off of those who are too... prying."

"As to what you can do aboard ship," Imro continues, "Stay out of our way. That would be well appreciated. No offense, but we run the ship just fine with the crew we've got. Although... if you have any carpentry skills, those might come in handy. We had to let our last carpenter go after he... well, he was apt to stare as well..."

Sharma smiles, "I won't stare, just occasionally admire." He pats Imro on the back, "I've never been a carpenter, but I can try my hand at it, although I promise nothing.

Jaroth came to join Sharma on deck after Imro had left Sharma to berate a cabin boy. "Sharma, how d'ya like the life of the sea so far?" the dwarven merchant asks. "I bet this crew could do with some cheering up, my friend. Captain Spitsteel isn't too keen about liquor on board his ship. I am an exception, of course, but the crew... well, let's just say we're lucky this is a short trip. Still, I'm sure if you were to regale them with one of your stories around dinnertime... wouldn't hurt your chances of making some friends."

Nodding to his inebriated friend, "I'm sure there are quite the few exceptions when you're on board," he says with a sly grin. "Now, as to a story, that I am always willing to take up, I'll try to remember a good sea tale."

OOC: Would Sharma know of any good sea tale which tells of a fetching half-elf maiden, spirited and witty. If he doesn't he'll try to spin something up in his head before he performs. Bardic Knowledge +3, Knowledge (nobility) +6



Clare Karaby | On the Road to Veltune, Lurien

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"Blessings upon you. My name is Clare, and I am going to the great bridge in Veltune. What dangers do you speak of?" she asks.

"The Great Bridge you say?" Baben asks. "Spanning the Chasm of Despair, I suppose. Not traveled much these days, good lady. Not since Viltorn Pass was re-opened."

A few of Baben's fellow merchants and guards come up from down the road, where the caravan halted, and gather round to see Clare. Womenfolk were generally seen as bad luck on these journeys, though Clare suspects that these men in particular did not see her as bad luck, certainly not the driver sporting the symbol of Pistis Sophia anyway.

"There are a few bands of brigands, and a few bugbears," Baben continues. "Nothing we can't handle, but my concern is that you travel alone."

"My driver, Daelis, asked that we at least offer to shepherd you to your destination," Baben adds. "It is a fine idea, as we are to stop in Veltune anyway, on the way to Mitea."

The driver with the symbol, upon hearing his name (he must have good hearing), lifts his hat as if to say 'hello' to Clare.



Jacoby | In the Northwestern Reaches of the Viltoe Mountains, Mitea

Ambrus said:
Jacoby looks up, way up, at Raster's massive bulk. Bleary eyed, Jacoby begin hesitantly: Well, Uhm... Please Sir, what is happening? Why are we in such a hurry? Is the chapel much farther? Amber and I have been riding steadily for nearly two days with only an hour out of the saddle to eat. By Bahamut I will do my best to carry on, but I would know why... if I could, uh, sir... please.

"Woah, slow down there, little feller," Raster says calmly. "There's time if you need to rest. We're not in that big of a hurry. It will all become clear. This is a journey for YOU, Jacoby. A journey of discovery, of yourself and the greater world around you. It's not for me to tell you everything. Be patient, and it will come to you. The Great One has instilled faith in you."

The bear sits down. "Got anything to eat? I'm starvin'."



Ralan | With the House Myrrkal Caravan, Abils Fields, Lurien

Steve Gorak said:
Ralan screams at Avrick: "Don't run now, Talia needs us"

Ralan will use the trees as protection and throw javelins at the two remaining hobgoblins. He will try to feign as he does this, to get the extra sneak damage.

[OCC: Javelin-thrown (+3 ranged, 1d6+2 damage, x2, 30ft), Bluff : + 6, Hide : + 3,
Move silently : + 3, Diplomacy : + 6 (to convince Avrick to stay)]

OOC: Just so you know, bluffing to feint only works in melee combat.

Ralan gets one chance to toss, and misses.

The riders, ignoring Ralan's attack, continue on into the forest. Ralan calls after Avrick, who has completely vanished into the forest.

Ralan is now alone. Following the riders somewhat, he can see where they have gone, through the forest to the other side, and up a grassy hillock, where they completely disappear from Ralan's view.



Shuelsai Deng | Island of Marvoe, off the Coast of Lurien

James Heard said:
Shuelsai nods at the man in the corner and consults with one of the barmaids before proceeding, "Whatever that man in the blue cloak is having, I shall have also," he says in Trade. As she walks off he makes his way across the tavern, greeting the people he passes with a smile and a handshake - sometimes even a pleasant comment or two- until he reaches the table, where he unfolds his headwrap and shows his balding pate before speaking.

"Ho! Friend, I see you are drinking alone, is that the state of the world as you wish it or might we tell each other tales over a glass this day?"

The man, easily Shuelsai's elder, raises his head, revaling craggy, weathered features, and a wispy white beard. "Ah, yes, the Visitor. You have come. Please, sit down."

A barmaid pauses next to Shuelsai, a tall drink on her tray.

"We have much to discuss," the old man says. "And time is growing short."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Insight said:
Clare Karaby | On the Road to Veltune, Lurien

"The Great Bridge you say?" Baben asks. "Spanning the Chasm of Despair, I suppose. Not traveled much these days, good lady. Not since Viltorn Pass was re-opened."

A few of Baben's fellow merchants and guards come up from down the road, where the caravan halted, and gather round to see Clare. Womenfolk were generally seen as bad luck on these journeys, though Clare suspects that these men in particular did not see her as bad luck, certainly not the driver sporting the symbol of Pistis Sophia anyway.

"There are a few bands of brigands, and a few bugbears," Baben continues. "Nothing we can't handle, but my concern is that you travel alone."

"My driver, Daelis, asked that we at least offer to shepherd you to your destination," Baben adds. "It is a fine idea, as we are to stop in Veltune anyway, on the way to Mitea."

The driver with the symbol, upon hearing his name (he must have good hearing), lifts his hat as if to say 'hello' to Clare.
"Then I thank Daelis for his kindness, and you for your compassion, Baben. I would welcome help against the dangers of the road, for I must reach the bridge at Veltune. I have business there, a holy quest. Please, if anyone if your group is in need of healing or aid, I would help them," Clare says with a smile, as she approaches the wagon to climb aboard (or walk beside, whichever is appropriate).



Misha Koldun | In the Viltoe Mountains Outside Veltune, Lurien

Evil Ujio said:
“Only three of you, I am insulted, surely you must know who I am…” Misha shakes his head with a vicious smile and draws his blade, Honor. He looks back to those behind and then forward, “So who wants to die first?”

If combat is to break out, Misha will charge the brigand ahead of him with his blade and use Power Attack (+2 damage, -1 strike, plus +2 from charge).

The cloaked figures do not reply, and attack!

OOC: Misha wins initiative.

Misha charges Figure One, and strikes for 7 points of damage. It is not immediately clear, but Misha can tell from body language that Figure One is wounded.

Figures One and Two are to Misha's front, and Figure Three is behind Misha. The other two close to melee combat and, drawing chaos maces, attack. They attack in numeric order but only Figure Three hits, inflicting 4 points of damage.

Misha, drawing his sword, Honor, gnashes teeth and assaults the first cloaked figure, drawing first blood. The others converge, drawing wicked maces as they do, but only one of the figures is able to penetrate Misha's defenses.

Voidrunner's Codex

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