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The village of Prumen


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silentspace said:
OOC Oculus has the Cloistered Cleric Lore ability, I don't know if that helps or not.
OCC :I forgot about that.

roll 13 + 5 = 18

In the northern part of the country, there are a lot of legend about tatooed witches that were burned in the first northen collony. These witches story are still told to kids to scare them to go to bed.

According to the story these witches, prevented the king at the time to colonize the northern part of the country. They were allied with various humanoid tribes and were controlling animal herds.

[OCC I hate those walking encyclopedia ;) ]

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Cannibal_Kender said:
"I had nothing to do with this death Karn", Marcus replies. "I only arrived here myself. As you can see I am not armed with my bow."

He eyes the old man's crossbow warrily. "The Captain (Marcus stresses the word) is due to arrive shortly, as I have sent for him. Unless you want to explain another death, you'll put that weapon down."
"Marcus I know you are a bad boy, but I never expected you would be part of this. I know all about your little secrets, Nowaday I don't need much sleep and I see what you are doing at night. As a officer of the law I must put an end to all this."
He look nervously around to see if you are really alone, you can see sweat on his face, he looks very nervous.
"You all say I am crazy, so that people don't pay attention to me"
"I will report you to the captain and tomorrow your body will be hanging at the end of a rope".
The captain is taking forever and Karn is still menacing you with the crossbow, he might be old and weak but he can use his crossbow with more profiency than any of your militian.


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DarkMaster said:
"Marcus I know you are a bad boy, but I never expected you would be part of this. I know all about your little secrets, Nowaday I don't need much sleep and I see what you are doing at night. As a officer of the law I must put an end to all this."
He look nervously around to see if you are really alone, you can see sweat on his face, he looks very nervous.
"You all say I am crazy, so that people don't pay attention to me"
"I will report you to the captain and tomorrow your body will be hanging at the end of a rope".
The captain is taking forever and Karn is still menacing you with the crossbow, he might be old and weak but he can use his crossbow with more profiency than any of your militian.

(OOC: Marcus will try to placate Karn, assuming that hanging at the end of a rope means that Karn won't kill him right now)

"Ok Karn", Marcus will say, "lets just remain calm. We'll both wait for the Captain to arrive."
He looks at the old man.

"No one in the village thinks you are crazy Karn. Everyone here respects you, as a valued member of the militia."

Have to keep talking to him. My little secrets? He knows what I'm doing at night? What in the...Obviously the old fool's gotten a lot more touched in the head lately, Marcus thinks. Better play along, and placate him.
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Marcus try to calm down the old Karn, but he is quite stubborn he is convince you are part of a conspiracy. You wait about one minute when you finally see the captain approaching.

"Karn, Marcus" yelled the captain taking his breath. "what's happening?". Karn explain to the captain his vision of the story. As he hears him you can notice a smile on the captain's face. "why would Marcus killed the poor man"

Karne answers "Because he knew too much about the conspiration, I told him not to ask too much question, but he didn't listen".

The captain seem amused by Karne's story. "Karne lower your weapon, Marcus was investigating the murder, Gror the new militian told him about the murder. Don't do something you could regret"

Karne doesn't lower his weapon. "Gror, I never trusted him either, captain open your eyes your troops are playing you. You are so blind, if I was in charge none of this would happen".

Karne is not paying too much attention to you, he is now more focused on the captain you could take the opportunity to grapple him.


First Post
DarkMaster said:
Marcus try to calm down the old Karn, but he is quite stubborn he is convince you are part of a conspiracy. You wait about one minute when you finally see the captain approaching.

"Karn, Marcus" yelled the captain taking his breath. "what's happening?". Karn explain to the captain his vision of the story. As he hears him you can notice a smile on the captain's face. "why would Marcus killed the poor man"

Karne answers "Because he knew too much about the conspiration, I told him not to ask too much question, but he didn't listen".

The captain seem amused by Karne's story. "Karne lower your weapon, Marcus was investigating the murder, Gror the new militian told him about the murder. Don't do something you could regret"

Karne doesn't lower his weapon. "Gror, I never trusted him either, captain open your eyes your troops are playing you. You are so blind, if I was in charge none of this would happen".

Karne is not paying too much attention to you, he is now more focused on the captain you could take the opportunity to grapple him.

Marcus will lunge and tackle Karn, trying to grapple and ultimately disarm him of the crossbow.


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Jasper Conrad

silentspace said:
Oculus will offer Jasper use of his spellbook to learn Charm Person, and anything else he wants to learn, if he thinks that will be helpful in their information-gathering. (Figured might as well suggest it :) )

OOC: Minor update to spells done.

Jasper will take Oculus up on his offer, and also offer to let Oculus use his spellbook. "It's fortunate that they hired wizards to talk to the locals." Jasper will joke with Oculus as they prepare spells. "We're experts at trolling in taverns. I wonder if we are getting paid for this?"

[OOC: Updated my character in the Rogue's Gallery, swapped out mage hand and magic missile for message and charm person. Also paid for the inn room.]


First Post
Cannibal_Kender said:
Marcus will lunge and tackle Karn, trying to grapple and ultimately disarm him of the crossbow.
Karn is taken by surprise.
Marcus jump to grapple Karn,
attack roll 8 + 3 touch attack succesfull

Marcus grapple roll 10 +3
Karn grapple roll 16 + 4

Marcus is not able to get a hold of Karn. The old man experience allowed him to dodge your grapple attempt.
Marcus roll 13 + 6
Karne roll 8 -1
Captain roll 9 + 1

Both the captain and yourself take the opportunity to jump on him I will assume that the captain is helping your attempt and that Karne is flanked

Marcus grapple roll 19 + 3 + 4
Karn grapple roll 15 +4

You and the captain get a hold of the old man. he drops his crossbow, shouting insults at both of you and keeps on saying that everybody is doomed and that the village will be soon be burning and blood will be flowing down our streets. Gror, give a hand to the captain leaving free to investigate the body. You approach the body, the men is wearing a backpack, the four arrow have red feather, they were probably not crafted in the village, the bowyer only uses white feathers.

He wears a leather armor and has a long sword and a crossbow as weapon. You didn't know him much. He was some kind of scientist who was very often exploring the neighboring forest, he was also working with the woodcutters to determine where and when to cut the trees. As for being eaten you cannot identify more than rats bite, you simply wonder why the rats were so aggressive.


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Kangaxx said:
Jasper will take Oculus up on his offer, and also offer to let Oculus use his spellbook. "It's fortunate that they hired wizards to talk to the locals." Jasper will joke with Oculus as they prepare spells. "We're experts at trolling in taverns. I wonder if we are getting paid for this?"

[OOC: Updated my character in the Rogue's Gallery, swapped out mage hand and magic missile for message and charm person. Also paid for the inn room.]
Once your spell are prepared, you go down the stairs. When you get in the entrance you notice two of the soldiers eating breakfast. You approach them and they let you know that the captain and the others were already gone.
"The captain told us that we had to stay to insure your security. He also told us to take our order from the little men, he will be in charge of our group" the two soldier continue their eating in between two bites one of them add (not taken care to finish swallowing)"Oh and Valeria let us that for you" pointing to Oculus. You take the paper and notice a message that was written very quickly "Sorry, I had no choice".

You eat breakfast (OCC included in the night) prepare your horses, ask the Inn keeper where Prumen is "You continue straight on that road, you can't miss it" and leave.

[OCC I will have to stop your thread here, I need to know what is happening in the village before I can continue. Feel free to ask question to the soldier or give them some order]

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