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The village of Prumen


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DarkMaster said:
You shoot a few arrows randomly with no apparent results, the sniper is not answering back.
The captain finally gets there with a few others militian. The captain seems nervous, he never like to loose soldier, during peace time because of all the buraucracy that both of you will have to fill. Military reports during peace are usually quite exhaustive. Also you both know most of the militian and their family personally.

" heard their is at least one sniper hidden in the wood." says the captain, you quickly brief him on the situation and he gives the following order "Ok, there seems to be something to protect in the middle of this field. I suggest we wait around doing rounds and wait for the sun to rise to investigate the area"

Marcus you want to take the first round with two other militian?" "I will go back to sleep, there is no reason to panic it is probably just another orc trying to play with us, but we still need to keep an eye on it in case it aggravates."

You have no recollection of any such attack from the orcs. Orcs usually attacks the village at night but are usually very obvious and loud.

"Beg your pardon Captain", Marcus says in confusion, "but this doesn't seem like an orc attack to me. I've never known orcs to be this sneaky; they usually charge in yelling. This bastard not only snuck into town, but it set an ambush outside the town as well. Are you sure it couldn't be something else?"

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Cannibal_Kender said:
"Beg your pardon Captain", Marcus says in confusion, "but this doesn't seem like an orc attack to me. I've never known orcs to be this sneaky; they usually charge in yelling. This bastard not only snuck into town, but it set an ambush outside the town as well. Are you sure it couldn't be something else?"
Drommund look at you annoyed, You know he doesn't like it when you question his order. He takes you apart. "This is too dangerous, I am not taking the responsability of losing someone else to this shooter" he pause, takes a deep breath and "What's your plan full fledge assault, might work but we will lose at least one guy. You are already injured, you won't go far."

"So I leave you, doing your round and we will see tomorow" The captain turns his back and leave. You are left with two militian who look at you hoping to see some actions. What is wrong with the captain, you have a strange impression about the whole situation.

"Lieutnant, we go or not?" ask one of the soldier.


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Oculus, Cloistered Cleric/Domain Wizard

DarkMaster said:
"The captain only said that the small wizard needs to come up with some kind of strategy to figure out what's wrong in this village, sorry if I can't help you more than that".

Oculus thinks about responding, but decides against it. These soldiers wouldn't understand anyway. Life is simpler when you're a warrior, he muses.

"Alright. Call me Oculus. And this is Jasper. What are your names? If you're ready, let's go. On the way, you two can tell us what you know about the village."

OOC: Do Oculus and Jasper know anything about the village?


First Post
silentspace said:
Oculus thinks about responding, but decides against it. These soldiers wouldn't understand anyway. Life is simpler when you're a warrior, he muses.

"Alright. Call me Oculus. And this is Jasper. What are your names? If you're ready, let's go. On the way, you two can tell us what you know about the village."

OOC: Do Oculus and Jasper know anything about the village?
OCC: There is not much to know about this village. You know that the village is at the border of the King's land. that they often have to deal with humanoid tribes and therefore probably have an oversized militia. You don't know anything specific about this village except that the population is around 2000. It is almost a small town. OCC I will not show all the knowledge roll, because it could provide some hints]

The two soldier are named Jraq and trolm, they are both from the northern province (the one that has access to the sea), It is their first time in the central province and they never heard anything about the village of Prumen.

On the way there they also ask Oculus what are there orders once they get into town. They don't want to go against your plan.


First Post
Jasper Conrad

DarkMaster said:
The soldiers take a long look at you after you finished asking your question. One of them then answers. "Well... No, we aren't supposed to meet with the captain, and sorry he never told me either. He actually never tell us the full details of any mission. On my first assignement with him, I finally figured out that our mission was some kind of suicidal mission when the captain ordered the small unit to charge on an heavily fortified enemy position. Most of the unit was killed in a few seconds, I was seriously injured and fell inconscious. When I woke up I was in camp bed with a healer on my side, I never undestood why I did that. Most of us in the 82nd are trained to never questions orders, and we are not asked to understand them just to execute them. I know that soldiers in other unit usually have a hard time understanding that. You cannot be scared of something you don't know, .. right?"

The soldier pause to look at your reaction, he obviously seems amused by your obstination.

"The captain only said that the small wizard needs to come up with some kind of strategy to figure out what's wrong in this village, sorry if I can't help you more than that".

Jasper will be taken aback for a moment, amazed by what he just heard. Then his face grows dark. I'm getting really sick of these soldiers treating my like a liability. They don't know anything about me! And there's something 'wrong' in Prumen? What in Gehenna does that mean? "Well I'm not a member of the 82nd, I'm a diviner and it's my job to know things. I plan on getting some answers next time we see the captain."

OOC: Prumen is Jasper's hometown, so hopefully he knows something about it.


First Post
DarkMaster said:
Drommund look at you annoyed, You know he doesn't like it when you question his order. He takes you apart. "This is too dangerous, I am not taking the responsability of losing someone else to this shooter" he pause, takes a deep breath and "What's your plan full fledge assault, might work but we will lose at least one guy. You are already injured, you won't go far."

"So I leave you, doing your round and we will see tomorow" The captain turns his back and leave. You are left with two militian who look at you hoping to see some actions. What is wrong with the captain, you have a strange impression about the whole situation.

"Lieutnant, we go or not?" ask one of the soldier.

Marcus looks oddly at the Captain as he walks away.

"No", he finally says to the soldier's questions. "The Captain gave us orders, and we'll follow them."

Marcus will sit somewhere where he has a good view of the field, but some cover as well.


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Kangaxx said:
Jasper will be taken aback for a moment, amazed by what he just heard. Then his face grows dark. I'm getting really sick of these soldiers treating my like a liability. They don't know anything about me! And there's something 'wrong' in Prumen? What in Gehenna does that mean? "Well I'm not a member of the 82nd, I'm a diviner and it's my job to know things. I plan on getting some answers next time we see the captain."

OOC: Prumen is Jasper's hometown, so hopefully he knows something about it.
OCC: Sorry I completly forgot about that.

The soldier look at you not knowing if they should laugh or be scarred. "Like you said we are soldier, and you are a Devinator.... whatever like you said, so you do the knowledge thing and we do the fighting thing".

OCC: Extra knowledge since you are from there I gave a modifier. You know almost everybody there and the only wrong thing about Prumen that you could see is from an old story from one of the elder (that is now deceased) about the massive burning of the northern witch some few hundred years ago. The elder was saying that the king army fought a huge groups of witche and their allies near the village, all their corpse where burned and buried not far from the village. Probably nobody knows about this story anymore in the village. There was no known witch manifestation during the last 200 years at least. You know that because as a young boy you went through alot of the village records and there were no mention of witch anywhere. Records older than 200 years were almost all burned, in a major village fire. Some record still exist but you never found them.

For more mundane information just ask and I will answer


First Post
Cannibal_Kender said:
Marcus looks oddly at the Captain as he walks away.

"No", he finally says to the soldier's questions. "The Captain gave us orders, and we'll follow them."

Marcus will sit somewhere where he has a good view of the field, but some cover as well.
You sit there protecting the area for the rest of the night with the two other militian, you feel their frustration they would have liked to assault the sniper and avenge the mayor's brother. But they do not complain they are well trained and don't question order, how stupid they can be.

OCC Now I need to get Nac Mac input in order to continue all the others. I am expecting everybody to be in the village by late afternoon. Solomon, Marcus are now very early in the morning 1-2 am, Telic 6-7 pm is still in the evening of the previous day and the two wizard are early in the morning 7-8 am.


First Post
Oculus listens to the exchange between the soldiers and Jasper. Oculus wasn't so bothered about how the soldiers treated him, but he is starting to grow angry at how they are treating Jasper, his senior at the University. Jasper was a better wizard then he was. Soon he'd be learning the next power level of spells, while Oculus still had a while to catch up. Stupid fools, they should know better than to treat a wizard of Jasper's caliber like that!

DarkMaster said:
On the way there they also ask Oculus what are there orders once they get into town. They don't want to go against your plan.

When the soldiers say this, Oculus snaps.

"Orders? You must be the dumbest soldiers in the 82nd! Captain Farimond must have taken the best soldiers with him and left us the bottom of the barrel! Your orders? What did Captain Farimond say? Your orders are to guard us and obey our instructions! That means keep watch for any trouble and stay alert, do you understand soldier? Jraq? Trolm? Answer me! You are to stay out of our way and not interrupt when we're interacting with the townspeople, but stand watch and be ready for battle. You are on duty, that means in taverns you are not to indulge in alcohol or other drugs that will dull your senses. Do you understand?"

Whew, I must calm myself down. I hope I haven't gone too far. But maybe that's the kind of talk soldiers are used to hearing, maybe they respect that kind of talk.

Oculus straightens his robes and heads off to the village, talking in Draconic with Jasper, about what he knows about Prumen.


First Post
silentspace said:
Oculus listens to the exchange between the soldiers and Jasper. Oculus wasn't so bothered about how the soldiers treated him, but he is starting to grow angry at how they are treating Jasper, his senior at the University. Jasper was a better wizard then he was. Soon he'd be learning the next power level of spells, while Oculus still had a while to catch up. Stupid fools, they should know better than to treat a wizard of Jasper's caliber like that!

When the soldiers say this, Oculus snaps.

"Orders? You must be the dumbest soldiers in the 82nd! Captain Farimond must have taken the best soldiers with him and left us the bottom of the barrel! Your orders? What did Captain Farimond say? Your orders are to guard us and obey our instructions! That means keep watch for any trouble and stay alert, do you understand soldier? Jraq? Trolm? Answer me! You are to stay out of our way and not interrupt when we're interacting with the townspeople, but stand watch and be ready for battle. You are on duty, that means in taverns you are not to indulge in alcohol or other drugs that will dull your senses. Do you understand?"

Whew, I must calm myself down. I hope I haven't gone too far. But maybe that's the kind of talk soldiers are used to hearing, maybe they respect that kind of talk.

Oculus straightens his robes and heads off to the village, talking in Draconic with Jasper, about what he knows about Prumen.

Your speech seems to have some kind of an effect on the soldier. You feel that you will have to do much more to really earn their respect.

Trolm answers "Fine, we will take care of the security and not mingle at all with Intelligence gathering" Jraq add "And..." hesitating "no alchool".

Both of you have that feeling that those guys are good only for one thing: fighting, in other environement they seem to be a nightmare to control. They really don't fit the stereotypical idea of the Mergovian soldier that the King and the Governement are trying to promote. The image of a highly disciplined soldier, with high moral standard of justice. Not that you care much about it but it breaks a myth about them that you had since you were young children.

Voidrunner's Codex

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