"They Rode to Perdition" starring Arcade's Gang (D&D/Boot Hill)

Silver Moon

Referenced in "Plots & Places" for an upcoming game with this campaign setting, so Bumped to be more easily found.
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Silver Moon

"The James Gang Comes to Town"

Chapter 17, “Three months later…”, July 29th, 1881:

A little over three months have passed since we last visited with Arcade’s Gang, which has been a relatively quiet time for them in Promise City. During the month of May, Circuit Judge Nathan Isby came to town for Louie’s trial. After hearing testimony from the El Parador Cantina witnesses the Judge declared Louie innocent of murder, declaring that the killing was done in self-defense. Marshal Bret Hollister was not pleased with this decision, and has continued to suggest that Arcade and his associates should move on.

Also in May, Morgana and Sam finally received their back pay for work on the Rocking H Ranch. The ranch owner, Forest Morand, sent the money to them via his son Zachary, who owns the Morand Cartage Company in the northeast corner of Promise City. Zachary mentioned that he might want to hire Arcade’s Gang as additional guards if he ever needs to have a valuable shipment to send.

In early June the railroad line being constructed between Tombstone and Promise City ceased construction. The official reason was that the railroad company needed to temporarily allocate their resources to complete a railroad line in the northern part of the state, however the rumor has it that Kris Wagner, owner of the local Wells Fargo Stagecoach, bribed them to stop construction as it would have severely hurt his business.

In mid-June the Liberty Hill Mine struck a very profitable silver vein. Additional miners were hired, and Arcade’s Gang was reinstated as full-time guards for a three-week period while the majority of this vein was mined. The Gang has now returned to being only on retainer, at half-wages. The English Duke and his male halfling associate have now moved on to visit his other mines, but the halfling’s sister Sydney Sue has decided to remain in Promise City.

Arcade’s Gang has continued to be omitted from mention in the papers. During this time they have also taken on a few odd jobs. Arcade and Morgana have started doing some large animal veterinary work, and Morgana has also assisted as mid-wife for a few human births. Louie has done some odd jobs at half-orc Charlie Wong’s Laundry, where the owner’s daughter Mary Wong seems to have taken an interest in him. Sam has worked part-time at Driscoll’s Tannery. Overall, the Gang’s individual incomes have exceeded their cost of living, for a slight profit for each (3d20$ and %cents).

While the town itself is not very large, being a mere four by six city blocks, the Gang has stayed pretty much in the poorer southeastern corner of town, where most of the non-humans reside. They occasionally see a few wealthier towns folk coming into the El Parador Cantina to partake of the female entertainment, but otherwise have had minimal contact with the more respectable members of town. Furthermore, the banker Frank Condon, doctor James Eaton, and Great Western Boarding House Owner Bill Watson have formed the Promise City Civic Association, whose main goal appears to be to institute Law and Order to the town and run out “undesirables” like Arcade’s Gang.

The Gang has made friends with the employees and residents of the Cantina, as well as several neighbors. The Cantina is owned by wood elves Pedro and Dorita Figueres, whose daughter Sanoma sings and dances to the maraca and concertina music provided by Estaban Fuente, who also serves as the Cantina’s bouncer. The Cantina’s three resident harlots, Estaban’s sister Maria, Pepita Alverez, and Angelica Husesca provide other entertainment. Angelica’s four-year-old half-elvan son Ricardo assists the Cantina’s human workman Grant Keebler. Estaban has also been teaching the lad how to pick pockets. The other two employees, who reside elsewhere in town, are the bartender Jose Ramirez and his twin brother Carlos who runs a gambling table at the establishment.

In addition to Arcade, Sam, Louie, Sydney Sue and the centaur Qualtaqa, there are now four other long-term residents of the Cantina, all non-human. These are an older wood elf named Manuel Gonzalez, who is believed to be a retired priest; Juan Gomez, a charismatic wood elf hired gun, who has had moderate luck with gambling; Kentucky “Shotgun” Krugg, an ogre who was once a slave, who works as both a hired gun and a miner at the Liberty Hill Mine; and Nils “Great-Axe” Svelsfjord, a dwarven prospector who has been trying to stake a new claim in the hills near town.

The neighbors that the Gang knows best include their associates Morgana, who resides in the tree grove behind the adjacent Celtic & Mexican church, run by the priest Thomas Valdez, both half-elves. Their associate and fellow mine guard Hank resides across the street at the Great Western Boarding House. The half-orcan Wong family resides nearby, and consists of Charlie and Li Wong, and their children Mary and Harry. Another family that the Gang has come to know is the Toluccas, who are chicken farmers of the wood elf race. They consist of Juan and Maria, and their children Roberto, Consuela and Manuel. Roberto is infatuated with the female entertainers at the Cantina, and Consuela often sings along with Sanoma and Morgana.

Other friendly neighbors who spend time at the Cantina include Cole Rixton, a respectable human who owns a nearby furniture store. Hannibal Brown, a human who runs Brown’s Ice House next door also begins his day with breakfast at the Cantina. The party also sees his children Maxwell and Liza, both in their early twenties. Liza is a flirt, who has currently caught the attention of Rixton, Hank and Juan Gomez. Maxwell dislikes both Hank and Gomez, wanting her to take up with only Rixton. Ice House employees Samson Hill and Beecher Lawson also spend time at the Cantina, usually with the female entertainers.

The last two neighbors that the party has gotten to know are a pair of successful gamblers who live in the house behind the Cantina. They are humans Conrad Booth and Paget Flashman. These two usually have their first meal of the day at the Cantina around noontime, before heading over to the their tables at the Long Branch Saloon. Pedro is content that they have no interest in gambling at the Cantina, as they have a less-than-stellar reputation and have been banned from two other saloons in town.

Silver Moon

Chapter 18, “News of the James Gang Arriving Soon!” July 29th, 1881:

It is the middle of the morning, and Arcade, Louie, Morgana and Sam meet on the first floor of the El Parador Cantina for breakfast. The meal is interrupted by the arrival of Angelica Young, the teenage wife of the typesetter at the Promise City Harald. Her one-year old son Mark is situated in a pack on her back, and she is carrying a stack of the latest edition of the Newspaper, selling them at the various taverns and saloons in town.

The main stories in the prior week’s paper had been rather exciting, concerning the shootout between Billy the Kid and Sheriff Pat Garrett in the nearby New Mexico Territory. Since she is holding a larger than usual stack of papers, indicating a large print run, everyone present assumes this edition will be equally exciting, and every patron in the tavern pulls out a nickel to purchase copy. Everyone at Arcade’s table does the same, despite the fact that the half-orc Louie is only beginning to learn to read. All four get caught up in the story on page one, which has the headline “James Gang Arriving Soon!” in huge type across the top.

The story reads as follows:

Outlaws Frank and Jessie James have been identified as being the leaders of the Gang responsible for the robbery of the First Bank of Albuquerque, New Mexico Territory, on the morning of July 19th. Two guards were killed during the attack and three citizens were wounded including the Bank’s President, Josiah Holbert.

The James Brothers had become famous while members of the James/Younger Gang, which disbanded following a failed robbery in Northbridge, Minnesota on September 7, 1876. Under the leadership of Jesse James the gang became active again in October 8, 1879 with a train robbery in Glendale, Missouri. They next struck on September 3, 1880, robbing a Wells Fargo Stage in Mammoth Caves, Kentucky. The Gang's subsequent robbery was of a payroll officer in Muscle Shoals, Alabama on March 11th of this year.

On June 10th they held up a bank in Riverton, Iowa. Three current members of the James Gang, Jim Cummins, Bill Ryan and Clarence Hite were spotted in late June watching a bank in Wichita, Kansas, but departed prior to United States soldiers arriving on the scene. Iowa is fourteen hundred miles to the northeast, Wichita is a thousand miles to the northeast, and Albuquerque is only three hundred miles in that very same direction. It would appear that the James Gang is now moving is a straight line towards southeastern Arizona Territory.

This reporter finds these movements of the James Gang to be either a frightening coincidence, or clear evidence that Cletus James has made good on his threats to bring his notorious cousins to our fair city. Readers of the Promise City Herald will recall that Cletus James was the leader and sole survivor of a group of four citizens that were ruthlessly gunned down in our city during two separate incidents on April 17th and 21st of this year. The individuals responsible for the attacks on Cletus and his friends remain within Promise City, and are presently staying at the El Parador Cantina.

When asked about the impending situation Marshal Bret Hollister was quoted to say “If both of those gangs want to kill each other, that’s fine with me. We don’t need any of their type around here. I just hope the good citizens of Promise City are able to stay out of the line of fire.

Morgana is the first to finish reading, and comments “This James Gang does not impress me, being recognized at all these different places. Why would they rob all of those places and also let people know that they did it? Wouldn’t robbers that were any good keep from being identified?” Sam comments “Maybe they don’t care.” Louie adds, “More likely, they want people to know who they are, to enhance their reputations.”

Arcade comments “Damn, why did the paper have to print where we are staying.” “Hey, at least they didn’t mention any of us by name” Louie comments. It then appears that other patrons of the establishment have the same concern, as several short-term guests get up and inform the Cantina owner Pedro that they will be checking out, and then hurry up to their rooms to pack. After getting Morgana to translate a few of the bigger words, Louie comments “Doesn’t look like the Marshal plans to do anything to stop them.” “Except maybe hide behind his desk,” Morgana mutters.

They all then turn the page, reading page two, which begins with the headline“Billy the Kid still at Large, May have joined up with the James Gang!” The story reads as follows:

As reported in last week's edition of The Promise City Herald, the notorious outlaw and convicted criminal William H. Bonney, also known as Billy the Kid, remains at large. He was last sighted on July 13th in Fort Sumner, New Mexico Territory, where he shot and killed Sheriff Pat Garrett.

Earlier this year Bonney had been captured, and on April 13th Judge Warren Bristol sentenced him in Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, to hang a month later. On April 28th Bonney escaped from the Lincoln County Jail, killing both of his guards. Following the escape Sheriff Pat Garrett and two of his deputies began searching for Bonney. The trail led to Fort Sumner, where Bonney and Garrett had a mutual friend. A shootout followed at the friend's home, leaving Garrett dead.

This reporter finds it to be an interesting coincidence that both Billy the Kid and the James Gang were committing crimes in central New Mexico Territory during the same week, and speculates that there might be a connection. Bonney could have certainly traveled the one-hundred-sixty mile trip to Albuquerque during the intervening six days between the murder of Garrett and the bank robbery. Bonney could be of great assistance to the James brothers, knowing the New Mexico Territory well.

The bottom third of the page is filled with the following ad:

Come and Dine at O’Reilly’s Café –Often called “The best breakfast in Promise City”! A nickel will buy you fried eggs, beef stew, coffee and toast. O’Reilly’s also serves up a mighty fine lunch. Located on Front Street right off of Main Street, just behind the First National Bank of Promise City.

After reading the page, Sam comments “Pretty shocking news.” Arcade casually replies, “I would certainly agree with that statement. Since when has O’Reilly’s started to serve beef stew with their breakfasts? We’ll have to go back there again soon to try it.”
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Silver Moon

Chapter 19, “A visit with the Deputy Sheriff”, July 29, 1881:

The gunslinger and mine guard Hank awakens mid-morning. It is after breakfast hours at the Great Western Boarding House and too early for lunch, so he decides to head across the street to the El Parador Cantina for something to eat. Along the way he passes the woman selling newspapers, and buys himself a copy. Entering the Cantina, he sees the four part-time mine guards that he works with sitting at a table reading the newspapers, the half-orc holding his upside down.

Hank pulls up a chair at the table and sits down. Arcade nods in his direction, and then looks back at the paper. Hank orders a mug of coffee from Dorita, and begins to read his own newspaper. When he gets to the bottom of page one he stops and says to Arcade “What exactly did you do to tick off this Cleatus James character?” Arcade answers “Not much, I just shot him in the chest.” “Any particular reason?” Hank asks. Arcade answers, “I didn’t care for the name Cleatus.” Louie interjects “He was picking on me, and Arcade decided to help.”

Hank asks, “What exactly are you going to do now? The paper tells where to find you.” Arcade replies “Well, I could just stay with Morgana in the tree grove behind the church.” “Only if or when you are invited!” she emphatically responds. “This is the wrong time to be fickle,” Arcade tells her. Morgana replies, “I’m not fickle, I’m independent.”

Louie asks Hank “Are there any rooms available at your boarding house across the street?” Hank replies “For you? Forget it. The Boarding house owner is one of the men who wants you guys run out of town.” Louie says “Well, why don’t we just shoot the guy and take over his place?”

Everyone goes back to reading his or her papers. Hank reads page two, which mentions that Billy the Kid may have joined the James Gang. “Mighty bad news, this James Gang coming to town.” Arcade replies “Yeah. I’ve heard that El Paso is good this time of year.” Morgana comment “Run away?” Louie says, “We could all go work for the railroad. It’s far away from here.” Arcade says, “We could find a place that we could fortify and hold up in, and wait for them to come.” Morgana states, “Why bother? Given how accurate this paper has been before I doubt they are even coming here.”

Hank says, “I hope you learned your lesson about this. Don’t leave anyone you fight alive, it will only come back to haunt you.” The group speculates about what the James Gang will do. Morgana comments, “If I were them I’d hit the two banks first.” Hank asks, “Would the banks in a little town like these even have enough money to interest them?” Arcade replies, “Well, there are four working silver mines in this town. The banks are probably sitting on a decent amount of cash.”

They ask Pedro his opinion, and he suggests they go talk to the law. “Why bother? The Marshal is quoted in the paper to say he doesn’t give a damn,” Sam comments. Pedro replies, “Not him, he’s just paid to look after things in town. I meant the Sheriff, who is the law for Cochise County. The Deputy Sheriff’s office is at the corner of Main and Front streets.” The five decide to go and talk to the Deputy Sheriff.

As they enter the small one-room brick building the Deputy Sheriff asks what they want. Arcade introduces himself, to which the Deputy Sheriff says, “Oh, I’ve been expecting you guys. I guess I owe you an apology.” “What for?” Morgana asks. He replies, “For using you as bait. I worked with Parker Baxter on the text of those newspaper stories.” “Any particular reason?” Arcade asks.

The man introduces himself as Colin Hunter, saying that he works for County Sheriff Johnny Behan, whose office is in Tombstone. Behan had summoned him to Tombstone two days earlier to discuss the James Gang situation, after which Hunter returned to Promise City and met with Parker Baxter to work on the newspaper stories.

“But why did you pinpoint us?” Morgana asks. Hunter replies, “I have very limited resources to guard against the gang, basically myself and two other deputies that will be coming in on today’s stagecoach, so needed to try to narrow the number of potential targets. Look at the ads in the paper. Several of them make references to where the businesses are in relation to the banks. My office is situated equidistant to both banks, one across the street the other two buildings south of here. That should attract the James Gang to both of them as targets.”

“And us!” Louie exclaims. Hunter answers “Yeah, but you’re Arcade’s Gang. You guys can take care of yourself just fine.” “How do you figure that?” Hank asks. Hunter answers “Parker Baxter has told me about what you guys are capable of.” Morgana interjects “Parker Baxter is also a drunk, why would you believe anything he says?” Hunter answers, “You guys are too modest. Everyone in town knows of your Gang’s reputation.”
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Silver Moon

Chapter 20, “Acquiring Allies”, July 29, 1881:

Arcade asks the Deputy Sheriff, “Do you know how many members are in the James Gang?” Hunter replies “No, not yet. But a pair of Federal agents will be arriving on tomorrow’s stagecoach with more information. You may want to come back then. Actually, what I’m really hoping for is that the newspaper will scare them off completely. I’m sending out copies of this paper to be circulated around Tombstone, and the towns of Galeyville and Dos Cabezas, which they will probably travel through one of those places to get here unless they come over the mountains. Jesse and Frank prefer to take places by surprise, and this publicity may be more than they bargained for.

Morgana says that she knows something about the gang, and then spins a bard’s tale about once when Frank and Jesse James were on the run following a robbery, and were given food and lodgings by an elderly woman who did not know who they were. During breakfast the following day she told them of how the bank was foreclosing on her farm, as he could not come up with the $ 900 she needed to pay in back taxes. The boys took out $ 900 of their loot, gave it to the woman, and told her to bring it to the bank and to be sure to get a receipt. She did as they instructed, after which they then robbed the bank to get back their $ 900, plus a bit more.

Hunter thanks her for the story, saying that he had not heard that one before. She replies “You’ll hear that and more if I wind up dead because of your story in the paper. I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you for all eternity.” The Deputy Sheriff is unsure of how to take that comment. Louie comments, “She does a pretty good job of haunting us while she is still alive.” The Deputy Sheriff decides to break the now increasing level of growing tension by inviting them to join him in a drink.

They walk down the street to the Long Branch Saloon, one of the larger establishments in town, and he buys them all a drink. This saloon does not allow anyone to hold firearms, and the Deputy Sheriff and the party are required to check their guns at the bar. Morgana comments, “I’m sure that is why those gamblers Booth and Flashman prefer to gamble here.”

They have a pleasant conversation with Hunter, who explains how he and one other Sheriff’s Deputy in Galleyville are the law for the Eastern half of Cochise County. His primary work responsibility is Indian relations, which is why he normally leaves the law enforcement in the town to the Marshal. Since Marshal Hollister has chosen to not involve himself in this current situation it falls upon the County Sheriff’s office to do so.

Following the drinks at the saloon, Arcade’s Gang decides to wander over to O’Reilly’s Café, to see if the newspaper editor might be there. He isn’t, but the smell of freshly made beef stew is enough to prompt the group to sit down for an early lunch. During lunch Arcade declares, “We need a plan people!” Louie says, “Maybe those Federal agents will help. I hope they arrive in town before the James Gang does. Morgana suggests, “I think we need to talk to the Apache Indians. They could prevent the James boys from getting here through the mountains.” “Good idea,” Arcade comments.

The lunch is interrupted by the arrival of a well-dressed gentleman who introduces himself as Dick Lester, and asks if he can talk to them about some business? “What type of business?” Arcade asks. Lester explains that he is the town undertaker, and wishes to see if any of them would like to make arrangements for themselves at Lester’s Funeral Parlor. He begins to explain about the different types of caskets that he has available. Morgana says, “You’re not taking my measurements!” (Lester replies with a comment that Eric’s Grandmother would not approve of.) Arcade then forcibly ejects the man from the Café, with the undertaker yelling back “Fine. Be that way. At least I’ll get paid for issuing the death certificates.” Arcade replies, “Yes, but they won’t be ours.”

The group decides what to do next, and Louie suggests they go harass the typesetter at the newspaper office just for fun. Arcade says, “No, I like Morgana’s idea about talking to the Apache. Let’s go see what the centaur thinks of that idea.” The group heads back towards the stables at the El Parador, and find the centaur. Hank actually does the talking, knowing Qualtaqa best due to the two guarding the mine together on a full-time basis. Qualtaqa suggests that the group all stand guard duty this evening, and that he will then go talk to the Apache.

The group then heads back into the Cantina, where another round of drinks are ordered. Currently sitting down for lunch is the hired gun wood elf Juan Gomez, who gets into a discussion with Hank about the James Gang. Gomez jokes about the situation maybe ending the fact that they are both rivals for the hand of Liza Brown. Hank comments “I’ve about lost interest in her anyway. She’s a bit too pushy for my taste.” Gomez says that he was only kidding, and that they can count on him to help out if they need any help against the James Gang. The dwarven prospector Nils “Great Axe” Svelsford is also in attendance, and he too offers to assist them.

Morgana approaches another Cantina resident, the elderly Mexican priest Manuel Gonzalez, and comments “Are you worried about the James Gang coming here?” He looks to her and asks, “Are you?” She replies, “Yes, of course I am.” He comments, “Then I may be able to help you. Are your friends trustworthy?” She replies, “I do not know the gunslinger Hank that well, but I would trust the others with my life". Gonzales says “Let me go speak to Dorita about this.” He heads into the kitchen.

A few minutes later Dorita approaches the table, and asks the party to join her for a private discussion in the part of the Cantina where she and Pedro live. The party follows her into that section, where Gonzalez is already seated in a chair. She says that if they are willing to keep a secret she might be able to offer them great assistance in the upcoming battle with the James Gang. The party all assure her that they can be trusted.

She then tells them that Gonzalez is her grandfather, and that he is not a priest but a wizard. Wizards are not trusted in most parts of North America, and Manuel even more so, as he fought with Santa Anna’s army at the Alamo. Although it happened 32 years ago, feelings about the Alamo, and of the deaths of the Texans at the hands of the Mexican soldiers and mages, still run deep. She explains that Gonzalez had lived in west Texas until recently, when his identity was found out. He fled, and has been living here with his granddaughter ever since.

Gonzalez explains that he is a rather powerful mage (8th level) and is willing to help the party in their upcoming fight. He also offers to apprentice a member or two of their party, which Morgana immediately accepts. She tells the elderly wood elf that in the event that he casts any offensive spells in battle he should make it appear that they come from her instead. Arcade thanks Dorita and Manuel for their generous offer of assistance. She says, “Well, I like you guys and you are good customers, but personal self-interest also enters into this. Chances are the Cantina won’t be getting much business until this situation is resolved.”
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Silver Moon

Chapter 21, “Seeking out more information and assistance,” July 29, 1881:

The group head back to their respective rooms to get some sleep, as they are planning to be up for quite a bit of the night. Around sunset they meet back up in the Cantina lobby for supper, finding them to be the only customers. They then head over towards the Liberty Hill Mine just as the six miners are finishing up for the day. The mine’s principal owner, Graf Holzer, says “Howdy. I heard about what is going on. Talk to Kentucky.”

The party approaches the miner and hired gun Kentucky “Shotgun” Krugg, an ogre who had also been a slave prior to the Civil War. Krugg says, “Mister Holzer says that I can help you guys instead of mining for the next week or so.” “You don’t mind? It could be trouble,” Morgana comments. The ogre replies “Sounds like easier work to me. I got the nickname ‘Shotgun’ for a reason.” Morgana asks, “What do you use for shot?” “Usually scatter,” the Ogre replies, “Been shooting all my life.” Arcade comments, “Wait a minute? They trusted a slave with a gun?” Krugg smiles and says, “Sure. I helped protect the master’s livestock from predators.” “In Kentucky? What type of predators?” Morgana asks. Krugg grins and replies “Wolves, foxes, bears and rustlers.”

The ogre says he is going to go get some food and shuteye, and will join up with them in the morning. Once the miners are gone the centaur Quletaqa heads off to the northeast. The others settle into a quiet night of guard duty.

July 30, 1881:

Shortly after midnight Morgana hears the sound of horse hooves approaching. The centaur is seen approaching alongside a mounted rider. They approach, the rider dismounting. Arcade, Louie, Morgana and Sam recognize him as the Chief of the Apache. The Indian leader gestures to Hank, and asks, “Who is this?” Arcade sarcastically replies, “He’s my lover,” which earns him a dirty look from Hank. “Who are you?” Hank asks. The Indian replies, “I am Geronomo.” Hank is taken aback by this, and mutters, “Well I’ll be damned.” Morgana adds, “You probably will be.”

Geronomo thanks the party for keeping his ambassador Qualtaqa safe within the town. Morgana says, “You are very welcome. We now have a favor to ask of you.” She then explains about the group of human bandits known as the James Gang, that they might be trying to get to Promise City by way of the mountains. She explains that the Deputy Sheriff has used her and her friends as bait to attract them to this region. He asks about the safety of Qualtaqa, and is assured that the centaur should be okay as long as he maintains a low profile in the Cantina’s stable and not spend time around the town itself during the next week.

Geronomo agrees to stop any groups of armed humans who try to travel though the mountains. “Why are you so willing to help us?” a skeptical Arcade asks. The Chief gestures to Morgana and then Louie saying, “She is of the people. He is…of something. You humans protect them, and my ambassador. I will help protect you as well.” He then tells Morgana, “Let your Deputy Sheriff know that we will stop all groups of armed humans we see. To avoid confusion and mishaps please have him keep the soldiers away from the Mountains.” Morgana answers, “I will”, with a smile coming to her face as she realizes that was actually his primary motive for agreeing to help. The Indian chief rides off. The group remains on guard duty until dawn.

At dawn Morgana heads immediately to the Deputy Sheriff’s office. An unknown armed human answers the door. She says, “I’m looking for the Deputy Sheriff.” He replies, “I am Deputy Sheriff Billy Breckenridge.” “No, the usual one,” she replies. “Let her in,” Colin Hunter’s voice yells out. She enters, with Hunter and another man still lying on two of three cots in the room. Hunter says “Billy and John joined me yesterday. Guys, this is the female member of Arcade’s Gang.” She tells them about the meeting with Geronomo, to which they thank her and agree to get word to the Army to stay out of the Mountains for the indefinite future. She departs.

Being up all night the Gang decides to sleep until mid-afternoon, telling Kentucky to wake them if any trouble starts. Once awake, they eat and just hang around the Cantina until it is time for the afternoon Wells Fargo stage to arrive from Tombstone. Arcade, Louie, Hank, Morgana and Sam head over and watch for the stage. Two well-dressed men wearing side arms exit the stage, each carrying a travel bag, and walk directly to the Deputy Sheriff’s Office, entering it.

The group walks over in that direction. Arcade suggests that they wait, but Morgana decides to barge right in. She comes back outside, and gestures for the rest of the Gang to join her. The Office is rather cramped with ten people now inside it. Colin Hunter first points to Morgana and her companions, introducing them as “Arcade’s Gang, who I’m sure you have heard about.” “Otherwise know as ‘the bait’”, Louie interjects. Hunter then gestures to the two better-dressed men, one a handsome man in his late thirties wearing a green suit, the other a heavier-set man in his early fifties wearing a gray suit, and states “And these two gentlemen are from the Federal Government.”

The more handsome man extends his hand in greeting towards Arcade, and says “Hello. My name is James T. West, and my associate is Artimis Gordon.” One of the players comments, “I guess we should have seen that one coming.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 22, “Night of the Lady Safecracker”, July 30, 1881:

Louie comment, “West? You mean this whole part of the county is named after you?” Ignoring the orc, West tells the deputies and gang, “Artemis and I have been on the trail of an expert safecracker, who we believe is now working with the James Gang. “Your Gang?” Louie comments. “No!” West exclaims. “But you said your name was James.” “My first name is James! The gang is Frank and Jesse James. Anyway, we believe that this safecracker is now working with them. An individual matching her description was working with them at the bank robbery in Albuquerque eleven days ago.”

West asks, “How much do you guys know about safes?” Morgana replies “A little..” and then goes into a lengthy description about locking mechanisms, tumblers and types of combinations used. West and Gordon are both amazed at this Indian woman’s knowledge of such things.

West then says, “Artemis, for the benefit of everyone other than her, why don’t you give us a short history about safe manufacturers. Artemis Gordon begins “Most of the large East Coast banks originally started with large vaults and safes made by the Chubb Brothers of England, but due to the high cost of shipping such heavy objects across the ocean a number of United States safe companies soon developed. Currently there are about a dozen domestic manufacturers, although the market is dominated by the three largest, the Mosler Safe Company of Hamilton Ohio, the Diebold Safe and Vault Company of Canton Ohio, and the Harrisburg Safe Company of Harrisburg Pennsylvania.

Harrisburg Safes use to be the top company, with their reputation being built upon the fact that the locks were uniquely engineered to be unbreakable and robbery-proof. They became the second largest after the great Chicago fire ten years ago, where a number of Diebold safes were found to have their contents intact, as the publicity from that then made Diebold the main company. Harrisburg Safe’s popularity continued to wane following the death of the company’s Chief Engineer and Locksmith, with Mosler now being the second largest.”

West continues “The United States Secret Service became involved in the case two years ago, as a result of a counterfeiting ring that ravaged the states along the east coast. Most counterfeiters are caught when trying to distribute the fake money, but this ring operated by secretly breaking into bank vaults and then replacing real currency with the fake, the thefts often going unnoticed for some time. What our investigation found in common with these thefts was that all of the banks involved had safes and vaults from the Harrisburg Corporation.”

Gordon continues, “We visited the Directors of that company, who reluctantly divulged the suspected identity of the person responsible. Her name was Mae Clarke, the widow of their former Chief Engineer and Locksmith Josiah Clarke. Following her husband’s death in a plant accident she had approached the Board of Directors about hiring her. They knew that she had visited her husband’s private workshop everyday, bringing him lunch and sharing a private lunch hour with him. She told the Board that she never actually ate with her husband, using the lunch hour to test out the latest lock designs. She said that she also tested every safe and vault before it left the plant, and volunteered her skills at the same pay scale that her husband received. They did not believe her, and only gave her a small stipend as compensation for her husband’s death.” “The equivalent of a gold watch,” Arcade mutters. “Stupid men,” Morgana adds.

West continues, “Artemis and I decided to go meet this woman. We approached her house, and the attractive thirty-year-old woman let us in. She must have suspected why we were there, as she lured us into her study and then shut the door. We quickly discovered that the wooden walls, floor, ceiling and doors to that room were only a façade, and we found ourselves locked inside of a metal vault.” Morgana mutters “More stupid men.” Gordon glares at her, and says, “We were not without our resources. We managed to escape the trap, but by that time she was long gone.”

West continues, “For the next year that she was on the run, banks and private homes that had Harrisburg vaults and safes found themselves subject to robberies. The company worked to replace the locks on all products they had sold during the prior decade, assuming that she had a copy of the combinations, but she managed to get the new locks opened just as easily. As the company’s reputation back east waned and they rapidly lost business to their two competitors, they decided to send the Harrisburg sales force west of the Mississippi River.” Arcade interjects, “What? They just assumed that a woman wouldn’t be able to travel west on her own?”

West says, “Apparently, but as you have surmised, as the company’s products moved west, so did their nemesis. For the past year Mae Clarke is rumored to have been working with the Douglas Gang*, as most of their robberies were at locations with Harrisburg products. Two other Federal Agents captured the leaders of the Douglas Gang during a robbery in California a few months ago. A woman matching Mae Clarke’s description was with them, but she once again managed to escape. She now appears to have moved on to the James Gang. It is not surprising that Jesse and Frank would want someone with her talents, as their disastrous robbery attempt in Northfield, Minnesota was foiled in part due to their being told that the safe was on a timed lock and could not be opened.”

Gordon continues, “According to the records from the Harrisburg Company three safes have been shipped directly here to Promise City. The Silverbell Mining Company purchased a large vault as well as a smaller wall safe. Condon’s Bank purchased a large vault. Cook’s General Store is also said to have purchased a number of safe from a California distributor, some of which were probably Harrisburg models.”

West says, “We hope to catch her here.” Arcade says, “I don’t know. Once she’s gotten use to riding on a horse you’ll never get her back into civilized society.” That earns him a dirty look from Morgana. She then comments, “It sounds to me like a case of poetic justice. I’d say she is entitled to ruin that company. My inclination would actually be to help her.” Arcade interjects, “I have to admit, it does sound somewhat appealing to me.”

Morgana continues, “I wonder if she is willing to take on an apprentice.” “Or five,” Louie interjects. The Federal agents are taken aback by this turn of the conversation, and West reiterates that she is an accomplice to a group of outlaws, who killed two people in the most recent robbery. Louie comments, “Yeah, we know. We read about it here,” pointing to his newspaper, which he is again holding upside down.

*(Don’t strain your brain trying to remember who this gang was. The original “Douglas Gang” were actually from the Boot Hill chronology, being playing characters in the original game play tested by Gygax and Blume prior to the game system’s publication.
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Silver Moon

Chapter 23, “Checking out safes and pianos”, July 30th, 1881:

The group returns to the Cantina from the Deputy Sheriff’s Office. The old wizard Manuel Gonzalez is waiting for them, and asks Morgana if she would like to head off into the desert with him for the magic training. Arcade mutters, “Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Louie picks up on the innuendo, adding, “Yeah, he wants to show her his wand.” The rest of the day is uneventful.

July 31st, 1881:

Arcade, Louie and Morgana sit down for breakfast in the Cantina in the middle of the morning to discuss what to do next. Morgana suggests visiting the buildings with Harrisburg brand safes. Arcade and Louie disagree, stating that it isn’t their problem. She heads off on her own, while the other two just hang out in the Cantina.

She first goes to the office of the Silverbell Mining Company, and convinces the clerk Earl Hogan to go find the owner, Elton Hubbard. Hubbard vaguely remembers her from when she investigated the broken pipe to the smelter three months earlier and asks what he wants. She warns him about the safecracker. He says he already knows, having conversed to the Federal agents the day before. She asks to see the vault, to which he is rather skeptical saying, “What business is this of yours?” She explains that she is looking out for the interests of her employer, the Liberty Hill Mine, which uses his smelting operation.

She manages to convince him to show her the vault, a large Harrisburg model. She copies down the serial number and notes the manufacturing date of 1779. She asks about the wall safe, which he refuses to show her, stating that it is well hidden and will not tell her which of his four buildings it is within. She suggests to him, “If it is that well hidden I would suggest you keep all of your money there for the near future, rather than in this vault.”

She next heads back to the Deputy Sheriff’s Office, to converse again with West. She asks how long ago Mae Clarke’s husband died, and is told four years. She then asks if the new locksmith was an apprentice of the late Josiah Clarke, and is told that he was. She replies, “Then the age of the safes won’t make a damned bit of difference, she knows all the same tricks to get into them.”

She convinces West to join her for a visit at Cook’s General Store, as they have not been informed yet about the safecracker. They cross the street to the store, and speak to the proprietors Helen and Zeb Cook. They currently have three safes in stock, two Harrisburg models and a Mosler. The Harrisburgs are both older models, and the shop’s owners are informed that, “The safecracker knows the combinations, and will have no trouble opening them.” They are currently using one of these for their own receipts, and decide to move their money over to the Mosler. West asks about past purchasers of safes, and is told that one was sold to the Palace Saloon and another to gambler Conrad Booth. Neither Helen nor Zeb remember which manufactuer's brand those were.

Morgana returns to the Cantina, knowing that Conrad Booth usually begins his day there with the noontime meal. When the gambler and his housemate Paget Flashman arrive she joins them, telling them about the potential safecracker. She asks to see Booth’s safe, which he agrees to show her following the meal. Flashman is offended, saying “You won’t let me anywhere near it.” Booth replies, “I trust her more than I trust you.”

As Booth and Morgana get up to go she says, “Come along Louie.” The orc follows, and Arcade decides to join as well. Booth seems annoyed at the inclusion of the others, but proceeds to his house, which he unlocks and then leads them upstairs to his bedroom, which also has a locked door. Once inside, he moves a painting on the wall, behind which is an older model Harrisburg safe. Arcade suggests that he find a less obvious place to put it, but Booth explains, “I can’t easily do that. I don’t own the place, I rent it from the Condon brothers.” Louie suggests finding something bigger to put in front of it, with Arcade suggesting that Booth purchase a four-posted bed for that purpose.

They leave, and Booth rejoins his companion to head down to the gambling tables at the Long Branch Saloon. He thanks the party for their advice, to which Morgana replies, “No problem, just remember to not cheat any of us at cards.” Arcade says to Morgana “It’s been a while since we’ve done any gambling. We should do that again.” She replies, “You just want to see me in a dress again.” He answers, “Not necessarily.”

The three discuss plans of how to proceed, coming up with a plan to change the sales records over at Cook’s General Store, assuming that the James Gang will go there first. The three head over and are surprised when Zeb Cook tells them he doesn’t keep written records saying, “Why bother. Until the County or Territory institute a tax there is no reason to go to that extra work.”

Before leaving, Morgana takes an interest in one of the most exotic items for sale in the store, an upright piano. She sits down on the piano bench, and begins to play Mozart’s Fortieth in C. “Having fun?” Arcade asks. She replies, “Yeah I am. The Cantina’s has been too quiet these past few evenings. I need to find somewhere else to perform.” Helen Cook is impressed by the music, and suggests, “There are a number of the nicer saloons have pianos. Or you might want to buy this for your Cantina. It can be purchased at a price of only $ 100.00.” Morgana doesn’t comment on the price, and asks, “What is the best saloon in town?” Helen replies “The Palace Saloon.” “The same place that bought that other safe from you?” Morgana comments. Helen replies “Yes”.

Silver Moon

Chapter 24, “The Palace Saloon”, July 31st, 1881, 4:00 P.M.

Morgana goes to the bathhouse to clean up, using the scented soaps, and then fixes herself in her “Eastern” attire, with the corresponding change in hair style. She then heads north up Freemont Street, to the corner of Freemont and Sierra. The Palace Saloon is a large three-story wood and brick structure on the corner.

Morgana enters the building. The first floor consists of a bar along the entire opposite wall with a wall-sized mirror behind it, a dozen tables, a small table with a roulette wheel, a staircase along the eastern wall and a small stage with piano along the western wall. There are currently around a dozen patrons, in addition to the bouncer, bartender, gambler and four saloon girls. The furnishings in the building are fancier than those of any other drinking establishment in town. She notices that, like the Long Branch Saloon, patrons here are required to check their firearms.

She informs the bartender that she wishes to talk to the owner, and is directed to the gambler sitting at a table nearby. She approaches the man, and asks about employment as a singer. He looks her over from head to toe, introduces himself as Evan Adair, and says, “Come back this evening and sing a set. Depending on the reaction we might then talk about a regular job.” “Fair enough,” she says.

She heads back to the Cantina, telling Arcade and Louie about her audition this evening. They have a light supper, and she then leaves to head back to the Saloon. Arcade and Louie decide to go listen to her, and both clean up and dress in their best clothing. They head off in that direction just as it is starting to get dark.

She enters the Saloon and notices that a good size crowd has gathered. Card games are going on at two tables, every barstool is filled, and the chairs at most of the tables are occupied. The bouncer, whose name appears to be “Dave” is now acting as a second bartender alongside the other, who she hears people refer to as either “Deacon” or “McCoy”.

Morgana has to wait until one of the six saloon girls now present finishes singing a series of bawdy songs. Adair introduces her as “As newcomer to town, who has hopes of becoming an entertainer.” Morgana sits at the piano, and begins playing and singing a part from a Norse Opera, which the patrons have little reaction to. The then follows it up with a dozen songs running the full spectrum of highbrow classical to lively raucous bar songs. She plays the piano for most of these, but sings a few without accompaniment.

Midway through her performance Arcade and Louie arrive at the Palace Saloon. The bouncer stops their entry, informing them that the orc Chinaman is not allowed inside. “We came to hear the woman sing,” Louie says. The bouncer replies, “I don’t care why you came here. Hit the road. We don’t like your type here.” “What if I promise not to buy any rice?” Louie asks. “Humans only,” the bouncer exclaims. The two eventually give up, and head back to the Cantina.

She waits until Adair completes a game of cards before wrapping up her set, and then approaches the man, who now has one of the saloon girls hanging on his arm. “Well?” she inquires. He replies, “Not bad at all. It is a bit noisy and crowded now to talk business. Why don’t you stop by tomorrow mid-afternoon and we can talk about regular employment.” “Fine, I’ll see you then,” she says, and exits.

She arrives back at the Cantina, excited about how well the audition went. Louie tells her, “We’re sorry we weren’t there to support you. We tried.” Arcade gestures to Louie, and says, “They had a humans only policy, and wouldn’t let him in.” Morgana replies “Really? Well I just think I’ll wear my regular clothes for my appointment tomorrow.”

August 1st, 1881, 1:30 P.M.

The morning is uneventful, with Morgana receiving more magic training for Manuel Gonzalez and Arcade taking Louie a short distance out of town for some more target practice. After lunch Morgana heads over towards the Palace Saloon, attired in her full Indian regalia.

As she starts to enter the Saloon the bouncer Dave moves to block her entrance. She attempts to move around him, and he moves to further block her. “I have an appointment with Mr. Adair.” “I don’t think so Indian,” the bouncer answers. In response she begins singing, duplicating one of the songs from the night before. “Now do you believe me?” she comments. “Quit your whaling. I said go away,” the bouncer replies.

The bartender comes over to the door asking, “Is there a problem?” Morgana interjects, “Yes. I have an appointment with Mr. Adair, and he won’t let me in. I sang here last night.” McCoy does a bit of a double take, and then says, “You didn’t sing here dressed like that. Go clean up and then come back.” She refuses, emphatically stating “Go get Mr. Adair, I have an appointment.” McCoy leaves, but rather than coming back with the owner he returns with a loaded shotgun, which he levels at her and says, “I believe you’ve been asked to move along. Go.” “Lady, you’re leaving or you get shot,” the bouncer comments.

She defiantly holds her ground, and then begins to sing again. McCoy continues to point the shotgun and her. Both he and the bouncer attempt to talk to her, but she cannot hear them over her singing. She attempts to raise her voice to an octave that will break glass, and is almost there when she feels a hand on her shoulder.

She turns, and is facing the town’s Marshal Bret Hollister. He tells her, “Ma’am, I would strongly suggest that you move along. I can’t have you standing here blocking the doorway keeping patrons from entering.” She points to the two in the doorway, and says, “I’m not blocking anything, they are. And nobody has even tried to enter.” “Only because she’s making a scene,” the bouncer exclaims. Hollister tells her, “I’m afraid I have to agree with them. If you won’t leave on your own I’ll have to arrest you.” She finally gives up and walks away; telling the men in the doorway “Your boss won’t like hearing that you made me miss my appointment.”

She heads back to the Cantina and pouts. Louie tries to cheer her up, with Louie suggesting that they go back and burn the building to the ground. “Only if we remove all of the booze first,” Arcade comments. Louie replies, “We can’t remove any of it. They won’t let us through the doors.” Arcade says, “Why don’t we send Sam after them.” Morgana comments, “What is he going to do? Meek them to death?”

Hank enters the Cantina and joins Arcade, Louie and Morgana. She continues to pout and complain, and Hank asks what she is upset about. Arcade says, “She went over to the Palace Saloon to make trouble.” She replies, “I did not! What difference does it make how I dress to go to an appointment.” Arcade answers, “If it really didn’t make any difference then why didn’t you go in your Eastern attire? You knew your Indian get-up would cause trouble after what happened to me and Louie!” “What happened?” asks Hank. Louie interjects, “They wouldn’t let us in last night.” Arcade adds, “Yeah, I think it was because Louie didn’t have a tie.” Hank surmises, “I would imagine that the patrons there would have been happy to throw him a ‘necktie party’.”

Arcade looks back to Morgana and says, “You can’t tell me that you really expected any other outcome?” She evades his question, and says “I wore these clothes because they are more comfortable. I didn’t want to have to put that corset back on.” Louie asks “What’s a corset?” Arcade replies, “It’s like a bellows, except that you fill it up with boobs instead of air.” Hank comments to Arcade, “Have you ever thought of writing a Dictonary? Morgana offers to let Louie wear one. He declines. The four continue to just sit around the Cantina, being the only customers.

Silver Moon

Chapter 25, “Arrival of the James Gang”, August 1st, 1881, 2:30 P.M.

Meanwhile, two miles northwest of Promise City, a group of ten riders have now approached a burnt out barn alongside an abandoned farmhouse. Former Promise City resident Cleatus James had brought this group to this location. The group had circumnavigated way around the towns of Tombstone and Dos Cabezas to avoid being seen. The open fields that they then traveled through for the past several miles belonging to the Lazy S Ranch. These fields were deserted, as the Shaw family that owns the ranch, and their hired hands, are all away on a cattle drive. This allows this group to approach close to town without being noticed. The old farmhouse had once belonged to the Shaw family, before they built their larger farmhouse five miles further west, so was deserted.

This group was comprised of nine men and a woman, with the group’s leader being the notorious outlaw Jesse James. All but one of this group had participated in the robbery of an Albuquerque, New Mexico bank two weeks earlier. Following the robbery the money was divided up, most of which was then sent “home” to locations in Missouri and Utah with two other gang members no longer with the particular group.

Shortly after that the Gang crossed path with the notorious William H. Bonney, otherwise known as Billy the Kid. Billy proved to be quite useful, knowing the New Mexico Territory well, and was able to get the gang safely away from the posse that had been pursuing them. In the time since then the young outlaw had begun to overstay his welcome, making unwanted advances to the Gang’s only female member Mae Clarke. He had also begun to challenge and question Jesse’s decisions and authority.

Almost as annoying was Jesse and Frank James’s second cousin Cleatus James, who had used his family connections to discover the James Brothers secret hideout two months ago, and then talked them into making this trip to southeastern Arizona. The current plan was derived based on Cleatus’s knowledge of Promise City, and where large quantities of money would be located. The plan called for the team to later split up into two groups, and neither Jesse nor Frank had any reservations about sending Billy the Kid and Cleatus as part of the group with the more dangerous assignment. Accompanying that pair would be the Ford Brothers, Charlie and Bob*, whom Jesse had begun to sense a bad feeling about

*Note: In the real timeline, James Gang member Bob Ford was the person who betrayed and killed Jesse James in 1882 to collect the reward money.

It was decided that this building would be the rendezvous point for later this evening. The horses were fed and watered, while the Gang ate a light meal. Frank James walked around the building with his friend Bill Ryan, deciding upon a secret location for Ryan to stash the loot from the first phase of the planned robberies. The Gang then mounted up and rode towards town. Cleatus called for them to stop at a hilly area not far from town, where Ryan then took all of the horses and rode back to the abandoned farmhouse while the other proceeded on foot.

From a hill overlooking the town Cleatus pointed out to the others their two initial objectives, a small clapboard house on the outer end of the town’s northeast corner, and a large three-story clapboard home, the westernmost building in town, not far from the hill with the smelting operation. Cleatus led his quartet to the smaller of these two buildings, while Jesse, Frank, Mae, and James Gang members Jim Cummins and Clarence Hite headed around the western end of town, cautiously approaching the building from the rear.

The larger building had a locked back door, which locksmith and safecracker Mae Clarke was quickly able to open. The five quietly made their way inside, and caught the live-in housekeeper Hazel Thomas by surprise. Once Jesse James identified himself by name and brandished his weapon Hazel did not hesitate to show them the secret location of the safe belonging to the home’s owner, Elton Hubbard. Mae cross-referenced the safe’s serial number to a list that she carried, and then correctly dialed the combination. The contents of the safe were emptied into a satchel. Mae then left behind a hand-written note, and then relocked the safe. Mrs. Thomas was then gagged and tied into a chair on the third floor, and the group departed.

Across town, Cleatus led his group into the 10x20 foot two-room building that was home to Scott and Mona Taylor. Guns were shoved into the faces of the Taylors, who were told to not make a sound. The windows and shutters to the building were the all shut, and the couple were gagged and tied to the center support beam of the building. The group waited for almost an hour, until there was a light rap on the door. The door was opened, and their other group entered. Jesse James then introduced himself to Mona, telling her exactly what she was going to do next, and what the lethal consequences would be to her husband if she failed to do as instructed.

Mona was untied, the gag removed. She then left the building, accompanied by Jim Cummins and Mae Clarke. Mona and Mae both carried cleaning supplies, with a pistol hidden inside the pile carried by Mae. Cummins had an armload of firewood, with his sawed-off shotgun concealed inside of it. They passed two other homes, and then crossed Sierra Street, going up to the large two-story wooden home that was the home of bankers Morgan and Frank Condon. Mona was employed as the cook and housekeeper for the bankers and quickly unlocked the door using her own key. A few people passed by on the street during this time, but do not pay any real attention to the trio.

Mona then led them directly to the hidden wall safe. Mae Clarke took one look at it and then let out a string of explicative, as it was a Mosler model rather than a Harrisburg. The safecracker calmed down and took out a set of tools, and then spent nearly an hour on it before the safe’s door finally opened. The effort proved to be worth the wait, as the safe is stuffed full with cash. The money was piled into a pair of buckets and covered with rags. She again left a prepared letter in the safe, then shut and locked it. The three returned to the Taylor residence, where Mona was again tied and gagged.

A quick count of the money from the Condon safe showed a haul of almost $ 11,000 as well as a ring of keys that is immediately handed to Cleatus. Over $ 4,000 was taken from the Hubbard safe. The rest of the contents from the Hubbard safe are various deeds and other legal documents, which Cleatus tossed into the wood stove and then lit. Frank James puts the money into two satchels, and made his way towards the hills to the north. He returned a half hour later saying, “Bill has it.” Bonney tells the bound Taylors’ “If we hear any sounds coming from this building during the next two hours we will set it on fire.”

It is now getting towards evening, and the Gang splits up again into the two separate groups, heading off in different directions. The group with the James Brothers head through back alleyways and wait over half an hour until Sierra Street looks to be deserted before they casually cross it, then make their way behind more buildings over to back door of Cook’s General Store. The store is still open for business and the five outlaws decide to hide in a nearby storage shed and wait until the store closes for the day.

The other quartet had made their way around the outskirts of town, and come up from the south, their destination being the home of gambler Conrad Booth. They make their way along the south hill, going around Brown’s Ice House to the back door of Booth’s house. Ice House employee Beecher Lawson notices this quartet at this back door, but since they use a key to get inside, assumes they have permission from Booth to be there. Cleatus James’s back was to Lawson, so he didn’t recognize the former town resident.

Lawson does mention this to Ice House owner Hannibal Brown. Brown replies, “Probably just some house guests. I saw that a new bed was delivered there yesterday, which he must have purchased for his friends to sleep on. I’ll be heading over to the Long Branch Saloon in a few minutes with today’s ice delivery, so I’ll ask Booth later if he’ll be needing more ice during their stay.”

Back next door, once inside the building, the four outlaws spend a short while looking for the safe. Using the stolen keys they get the upstairs bedroom doors unlocked, and eventually find the safe on the bedroom wall behind a large four-posted bed. Once that is done their only instructions are to wait until Mae Clarke arrives to then open the safe. Cleatus continues to peer out of a second floor window at the El Parador Cantina next door, hoping to get a glimpse of the man who wounded him several months earlier, the mysterious stranger known as Arcade.
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