"They Rode to Perdition" starring Arcade's Gang (D&D/Boot Hill)

Silver Moon

Chapter 26, “Strangers at the Booth House”, August 1st, 1881, 5:15 P.M.

Given how quiet it is in the almost deserted Cantina, Arcade’s gang has no difficulty in hearing an argument going on inside of the kitchen, which is surprisingly in Common rather than Spanish. At the sound of Dorita yelling, “Take it back” Morgana decides to go see what the commotion is all about. She enters, seeing Dorita arguing with Hannibal Brown, the owner of Brown’s Ice House, who is carrying a large block of ice with a pair of tongs. “What is going on?” Morgana inquires. Booth sees Morgana and says “Good, you’re here. Get the rest of your Gang.” Hearing that, Arcade, Hank and Louie enter the room.

Dorita hasily yells out, “He brought this block of ice saying it is a present from that gambler Conrad Booth! I have enough ice until my regualar delivery tomorrow, and don’t need it. I am a good judge of character, and that Booth wouldn’t give his own mother a present. The only reason he would give me anything is because he must have been caught cheating and banned from the Long Branch Saloon, and wants to gamble here. Pedro will never allow that!” She yells this so fast that Morgana misses half of it, but Hank caught it all and repeats the parts that she missed.

Brown says, “No, he sent me here for another reason.” Brown then tells them about the four strangers seen entering the Booth house, and that Conrad Booth says he has no idea who they are and that he isn’t expecting any guests. He told Brown to bring deliver the ice and then pass on the message on to you, so as to not look suspitious. Dorita says, “So he doesn’t want anything from me? And I get to keep the ice?” “Yes,” Brown replies, which begins to calms down the agitated wood elf.

The group discusses how to deal with this turn of events. They decide to do some reconaissance, talking the centaur Qualtaqa into making a trip over to the Liberty Hill Mine and back via both sides of the booth house. The centaur returns to the Cantina twenty minutes later, reporting that all of the curtains on the building are drawn, but he saw some movement at a second floor front facing window.

The party discusses tactics, coming up with an initial plan of geting dynamite from the mine and then blow up the building. Arcade says, “That might be difficult, since the building is mostly made of brick. It could be very dangerous trying to try to get lit sticks of dynamite inside, and that Sam kid doesn’t appear to be around for us to send to do that.” “How about sending that centaur?” Hank asks. Morgana suggests that letting the Apache’s ambassador get blown up may not be the best tactic. She convinces them to wait until she’s had a chance to talk to Booth before doing anything.

She heads over to the Long Branch Saloon. Booth is sitting alone at the table, and she goes to join him. Keeping his voice low, he reiterates about not expecting any guests at all, and suspects the four might be after the money in his safe. She says, “Give me your key and we will go check it out. We’ll try not to get any blood on the curtains.” He hands her the key and replies, “Why would I care about blood on the curtains. I rent.” She says she will make it appear that she is his housekeeper, and raising her voice asks him “For some money to buy groceries.” He hands her a $ 20.00 bill, and with a twinkle in his eye, says “Better buy quite a bit. I hear I may be having some house guests.”

She heads towards the door, and is almost outside when one of the saloon girls asks Booth, “So Conrad, are you getting a little Indian on the side?” Morgana does a quick about face, and yells at the woman “Listen B**ch, I make my own way though honest work! I don’t have to…(phrase deleted to keep from offending Eric’s Grandma)…for a living.” The saloon girl’s jaw drops and she does not respond to Morgana’s verbal barrage. The rest of the bar is silent, except for a low murmor of “catfight, catfight” from several patrons. Morgana storms out of the building. The DM comments to Morgana’s player “Congratuations, in the course of a single afternoon you’ve now made a scene at both of the fanciest saloons in town.”

She heads directly across the street to Cook’s General Store, purchasing a large quantity of groceries. She tells them that she will have to go get somebody to help carry her purchases. They ask her to be quick about it, as it is already past their usual closing time. She returns to the Cantina, explaining her plan. She says, “I will play the part of the housekeeper and Louie will act like the lowly Chinese servant.” “Well, he’s pretty good at that,” Arcade comments. She continues, “We will bring the groceries into the card sharp’s house, look around, and kill anyone we see. We’ll leave all doors ajar, and you guys act as our backup. Come running at the first sound of trouble.” “Sounds rather risky,” Hank states. Arcade comments, “The riskiest part is her bringing Louie with her to a grocery store. Haven’t you heard what happened the first time he tried to buy rice?”

Before leaving they check to see who else is around to help out. The ogre Kentucky joins them, and the magic-user Manuel Gonzalez gets into position near a Cantina window, to cast spells if needed. They leave and Hank tells Arcade, “She’s insane you know.” Arcade ansers, “Yes. She is quite mad.”

Morgana and Louie arrive at the store and pick up the groceries. Once they are gone the Zeb and Hazel cook close up and lock the store, leaving out the back for their home. Once the two are out of sight the five members of the James Gang exit the nearby shed and proceed to the back door. Mae very quickly picks the locks the back door and the five head inside.

They find the three safes that the store has for sale, and Mae quickly opens both Harrisburg models with the correct combinations, finding them both empty. The Mosler model will take longer to open, and she gets out her tools. While Mae works on the safe, her four associates have started using acid and chisels to dissolve and remove the mortar on the brick wall separating the store’s western wall with the First National Bank next door. The sounds of their efforts are muffled by noises from the Peacock Saloon and Gay Lady Dance Hall and Saloon, both located on the other side of Cook’s store.

Meanwhile, Morgana and Louie walk past the front of the Cantina, and head down the alleyway between it and the Church, towards the front entrance of Conrad Booth’s 25x20 foot two-story house. He allies watch from inside the Cantina windows, guns at the ready to fire at the house’s upper windows at the first sign of trouble.

Morgana and Louie head up to the front door, which she then unlocks. They proceed inside, leaving the door slightly open. The large front room is unoccupied, and they walk past the staircase to the second floor on the rear wall of this room and through the doorway into the kitchen. The room is also unoccupied. Louie puts the groceries down on the table as Morgana unlocks and opens the back door.

Arcade, Hank and Kentucky have now left the Cantina via the side stable door, and cautiously make their way towards the Booth house from the side, using the Brown’s Ice House wall as cover. Hannibal Brown, his two children and other two employees wave at them from inside and Brown mouths the words “Good Luck”. Hank mutters to Arcade, “I tell you what. I think we’ve got ourselves a fan club.”

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Silver Moon

Chapter 27, "The Promise City Shootout of 1881", August 1st, 1881, 6:30 P.M.

Hearing a few boards creek from above, Louie gestures upstairs. Morgana nods, and loosens her sleaves to give herself better access to the throwing dagger on each wrist. She also pins her cloak to the side, making more accessible the concealed tomahawk strapped to her back. Morgana hands Louie some towels to carry, which he hides his pistol inside. She then wets a rag and loudly says, "Let's go clean the upstairs."

They head up the stairs, with Morgana taking her time washing the staircase railing. At the top of the stairs is a landing, with the doors into both second floor rooms both slightly ajar. "Let's do the back room first," she says, and then opens the door its full length. The 10x20 foot room appears to be unoccupied. Morgana moves around to the far side of the bed, and starts to make the bed while not taking her eyes off of the closed curtain in front of the room's only closet. Louie says, "There's a spot," and leans down on the floor beside the bed. While he appears to be cleaning the floor he looks under the bed, not seeing anybody.

A man with a rifle then steps through the doorway to the room saying, "Stay right where you are." The closet curtain is then slid to the side, to reveal a young man with a pistol, who steps out of the closet. Morgana's hands are currently filled with the two bedsheets, and she flings one at each of the foes. One brushes against the man in the doorway and falls to the floor, but she is more successful with the closer one, the sheet completely draping over the man.

The man with the rifle reacts to Morgana's sudden movement, turning his rifle towards her. Still lying on the floor by the bed, Louie draws and fires his pistol up at the man, hitting him in the left shoulder. Louie also slides most of his body under the bed to make himself a smaller target. The man with the rifle swings it back in Louie's direction and fires. The bullet goes into the orc's shoulder, but his armor manages to slow the bullet enough to keep it from penetrating very deep.

At the sound of the gunfire Arcade, Hank and Kentucky charge through the back door and head in the direction of the stairs. The ogre has the longest pace, and makes it to the staircase first, starting to charge up it with the two human gunslingers right behind him. A man with a rifle then steps out onto the landing from the front room at the top of the stairs.

Back in the room upstairs, Louie and the first rifleman each shoot at each other, both hitting, but neither fatally. The man covered by the blanket starts to pull it off of him. Once the man's gunhand is uncovered Morgana makes it the target of her first throwing dagger, slicing into the man's wrist and causing him to drop his pistol, as he yells out an explicative.

The rifleman on the landing fires into Kentucky's chest as the ogre fires his shotgun up at the man. The ogre is struck, but the bullet misses all vital organs. Kentucky's shotgun blast fired too low, totally destroying the top two stairs below the landing, with only a few pieces of shot striking the man's feet and legs. The man receives only minor wounds from this, his feet and legs being covered by heavy leather boots and chaps. Both Arcade and Hank fire around the orge at the man on the landing, Hank's shot missing and striking the ceiling, but Arcade manages to hit the man's side for a minor wound.

Louie's next shot misses, but so does his wound opponent's. The man near the closet manages to finally get the sheet off of him, and Morgana notices a second pistol holstered on his belt. He begins to reach for it, but is not as fast as the Magic Missile spell she throws. This knocks him back, giving her time to toss her second dagger, which strikes him for what appears to be a rather painful hit in the abdomen. At this point she is already reaching across her back for her remaining weapon.

Bounding off of the last intact step, Kentucky "Shotgun" Krugg leaps towards the rifleman, and fires his shotgun when the barrel is pointing directly at the man's face. The man's head is obliterated and the torso collapses onto the landing. The back of the man shooting at Louie is now only two feet away from the ogre, who decides to use his now empty shotgun as a club to strike the man. Before he can swing the shotgun, a shotgun goes off from the front room. Hank and Arcade both see the shot enter the ogre's back and exit his chest. Kentucky's body then collapses onto the landing.

Morgana's tomahawk flies though the air just as the man is unholstering his pistol. The tomahawk lands with fatal impact in the man's groin area (not unlike the tomahawk throw by Jay Silverheels from the now classic Johnny Carson Tonight Show segment). Outside the room, both Hank and Arcade intentionally fall forward from the top intact stair, their shoulders landing against the two bodies, Arcade fires his pistol into Louie's foe in the rear room and Hank firing his rifle at the shotgun holder in the front room.

Arcade misses, but Louie manages to get a fatal shot into his foe this time, and the antagonist collapses. Louie looks across the landing into the front room and into the face of his former nemesis, Cleatus James. Blood is spurting out of James's shoulder as a result of Hank's wound and he drops his shotgun, but still stands. The players joke about the being called Arcade's Gang, and how he is the worst shot of the group, still having never killed anyone.

Louie stands up and yells at Cleatus "Me Bad Thunder" (the translation of his orcish name) "Don't mess with me." The orc then fires his pistol, the bullet passing over Arcade and Hank's heads, but missing the opponent. Hank also fires his rifle again at James, but also misses. Cleatus draws his pistol with his unwounded arm and takes aim at the orc. Before he can get the shot off Arcade pivots around and fires up at James, killing him.

Meanwhile, over at Cook's General Store. Mae Clarke has finally gets the safe to open, finding $ 865 in cash inside. Enough bricks have mpw been removed for the petite Mae to crawl through to the First National Bank, and she begins working on the lock to the bank's latest model Diebold vault while the others continue to remove more bricks to widen the opening. They then hear the distant gunshots. Clarence Hite is handed the cash from Cook's safe and told by Jesse James "Sounds like the shots are coming from where the others are. Go and investigate. Just act like an innocent bystander. If the others can use our help come back and get us. If they are beyond help, get out of town, and we'll meet you back at the rendezvous."

Silver Moon

Chapter 28, "The Death of Billy the Kid", August 1st, 1881, 7:15 P.M.

The smoke begins to clear. Arcade and Hank do a quick check of the second floor to verify that no other enemies are hiding. Morgana casts a few Cures onto the wounded Louie, who has three bullets in him and would now be dead without the added protection from the armor. The bodies are each searched, with Arcade finding $ 18.51 and a ring of keys on Cleatus, while Hank and Louie find less than $ 10.00 on each of the riflemen. Morgana however finds a total of $ 146.52 on her opponent as well as the two high quality pistols.

The furniture in Conrad Booth's bedroom has been moved, and the wall safe uncovered but still unopened. The group debate trying to open it, but decide not to since "None of them made it out alive, so they would assume that we stole it. And if the safe is open Booth would say the money we found on these guys is also his." Arcade hands Morgana the key ring, and she is surprised to find them to be regular keys instead of skeleton keys and lockpicks.

The party hears shouting outside on the street, and peer out the front window. Deputy Sheriff Colin Hunter is peering around the corner of the Cantina pointing a rifle at the building, and yells out again "What's going on in there?" Hank yells out, "The fight is over. We have a bunch of dead bodies in here." Hunter cautiously approaches the building and heads inside. A crowd begins to gather on the street outside.

Hunter asks Arcade "So, what exactly happened?" Arcade replies, "We walked in here and killed everyone." The others give a little more detail. "Anyone hurt?" he asks. Hank replies, "The ogre bought it." Morgana adds, "The orc got shot a few times too, but he'll live." Hunter begins to check the bodies, confirming the identity of Cleatus James. He does not recognize the two riflemen. He freezes up at the sight of the one Morgana killed, and says "I'll be right back."

Hunter returns along with Deputy Sheriff Breckenridge, who takes a good look at the body and says, "Yep. It's him." "Who?" Morgana asks. Breckenridge replies, "William Bonney. Also know as Billy the Kid." She asks, "Is there a reward on him?" Breckenridge says, "I believe that there is. Don't know the amount though. We can find that out."

Arcade, Hank and Louie begin talking about each wanting a share. Morgana only hears part of the conversation and thinks they are talking about her. "Nobody gets to share me!" she yells. Arcade says, "We don't want you. We're talking about he reward." She replies, "Well you don't get either."

Things begin to calm down and word spreads through the town like wildfire about the death of Billy the Kid. Conrad Booth arrives soon, pleased to see that his safe is still intact. Hank tells the gambler, "Sorry about the mess." He replies, "What do I care. I
don't own the place."

The newspaper editor Parker Baxter approaches the party back at the El Parador Cantina, and tries to convince them to let him write up the story collaboratively with them. As he put it, "This is big news, and it is going to be written up by other people if I don't. You're better off working with me on the 'official' version." They agree, requiring to see a written version before anything appears in print. At Morgana's insistence the story credits it all to Arcade's Gang, without going into too much detail as to who killed who.

Meanwhile, Clarence Hite had heard that Billy the Kid and his companions were dead, so headed out of town. He found Bill Ryan, who was waiting with the horses. Hite filled in his friend and then rode back to the rendevous point. An hour later Ryan saw Jim Cummins and Mae Clark heading down the street, looking like a couple, and carrying luggage appropriated from Cook's General Store. They joined Ryan and then tied the luggage filled with money from the First National Bank onto the horses of their four recently deceased companions. Cummins and Clark then rode off with the extra horses, leaving Ryan to wait for the James brothers. A half hour later Frank and Jesse James cautiously made their way back, and then rode away to rejoin their companions.

August 2nd. 1881:

By the time the party awaken for the day word about the other robberies committed by the James Gang is now all around town, with a total of over $ 22,000 having been taken. A posse is being formed to go look for the outlaws. Arcade, Hank, Louie and Morgana have no interest in joining the posse, but volunteer Sam so that the gang can't be accused of not helping out.

Conrad Booth expresses his gratitude to the party by extending them $ 500 in table stakes at his gambling table. It is also discovered that there was a $ 500 reward for Billy the Kid, placed by the Governor of the New Mexico Territory. Agents West and Gordon verify the death of Billy the Kid and assist Morgana with the paperwork to file the claim for the reward, warning her "Territorial Governments aren't known for their efficiency, so don't expect to receive the money anythime soon." The bodies of Billy the Kid, Cleatus James, Bob Ford, Charlie Ford and Kentucky Krugg are laid to rest on Boot Hill.

August 3rd to 10th, 1881:

The posse fails to locate the six surviving members of the James Gang. Elton Hubbard, Morgan Condon and Frank Condon experienced the greatest losses from the robberies, and have to sell a number of properties owned by them around town to stay solvent. Cook's General Store also has cash flow problems, and they sell the piano to Morgana for a bargain price.

Gambler Conrad Booth's reputation is increased by the newspaper publicity, and he buys his house from the Condons and kicks gambler Paget Flashman out. He moves down to living on only the first floor, keeping the second floor as it was left following the Promise City Shootout, to show exclusively to people who choose to gamble with him.

Arcade's Gang are treated as local heroes by about half the town, while the more respectible people in town blame them for attracting the James Gang to their community in the first place.

The End (for now).

Silver Moon

Module #123 - Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

Chapter 29, “Another Ten Weeks Have Passed…”, October 23rd, 1881:

Another ten weeks have passed in the town of Promise City. Arcade’s Gang continues to be either the most famous or most infamous group of citizens depending upon who you talk to, with the story of the “Death of Billy the Kid” having been reprinted in newspapers around the world. Equally famous now is the gambler Conrad Booth, whose poker table at the Long Branch Saloon is often filled, especially when Arcade decides to join the game. The $ 500 in table stakes that Booth extended to Arcade is now down to $ 280, which is still an ample amount to keep him coming back.

The Gang continues to work as part-time security at the Liberty Hill Mine, although it is primarily their reputation that has kept trouble away from the mine, with the actual guarding now limited to only a few hours each night (and that mostly by Sam). Even Louie has discovered that people in town tend to shy away from him, fearing trouble from the Gang, although he still hasn’t gotten up enough courage to attempt to purchase rice. Louie continues to court Mary Wong over at the laundry, commenting that “I now seem have the best starched shirts in town.”

Arcade has added to his “mysterious stranger” look by purchasing for himself a black leather duster and hat, as well as making sure that his mustache is always well waxed. He and Morgana have continued to have a precarious relationship, with him noticing that “She only calls me ‘Sweetie’ whenever I’m winning at cards and she then takes my winnings.” Although she had allowed the initial newspaper reports to credit Billy the Kid’s death to the entire gang she has allowed word to get around town that she was actually the one who was responsible.

Midway through the afternoon on this cloudy autumn day Deputy Sheriff Colin Hunter wanders into the El Parador Cantina and over to the table where Arcade, Hank, Louie, Morgana and Sam have just finished their mid-day meal. “Mind if I join you? I’ve got a couple of things to talk about.” “Help yourself,” Arcade states. Morgana quips, “What are we accused of doing this time?”

Hunter says, “I wanted to update you on the reward money.” “Do you have it?” Morgana asks. He replies, “No, but it looks like you will get it. That Federal Agent James West helped pull the right strings to get the payment started.” A discussion about West follows. Most of the party remembers West as being a Caucasian in his thirties but Arcade seems to remember him a colored gentleman in his twenties. Hunter tells them that “The New Mexico Territorial Legislature has now put together a bill to authorize the appropriation.” Hank comments, “That doesn’t sound to me like that money will be coming here anytime soon.”

Arcade says to Hunter, “So you traveled here all the way across two states just to tell us “no money”? Hunter replies, “Nah, I just walked here from down the street. The information came in today’s mail. Although, there’s one more thing I’d like to talk to you about.” Louie says “Ah, I get it. You were trying to soften us up by telling us ‘no money’.”

Hunter states, “The other thing I wanted to tell you is that my boss, the County Sheriff, wants to talk to you.” Arcade says, “Fine, have him pull up a chair.” Hunter answers, “Actually, he’s not here in Promise City, he’s in the County Seat, Tombstone. We’d like you go there on tomorrow morning’s stagecoach.” Morgana again states, “What are we accused of doing this time?”

Hunter replies, “Nothing as far as I know. I think he wants to talk to you about the Apache. Sheriff Behan was the one who talked the army out of going into Geronimo’s hills.” Arcade comments “He probably wants to make new conditions for the Indians.” Arcade gestures to Louie and asks “Can I bring the ugly half-orc with me?” Hunter replies, “Bring whoever you want.” Morgana interjects, “Fine, all five of us will go. And you’re paying the round-trip stage fare.” Hunter reluctantly agrees to this. Hank volunteers to ride shotgun atop the stage.

Hank says, “Should we think about bringing along Hakuna Matatta? Maybe he could help pull the stage” Cassie states, “The centaur’s name is Qualtaqa, and no, we’d probably better leave him here. But I think that he and I should probably check in with Geronimo before we go.” Louie asks, “Do you need me to go with you?” Morgana replies, “I’m the one who single-handedly took down Billy the Kid. I don’t need anybody.” She gets up and leaves. Hank comments, “I tell you what. Somebody sure sounds sure of herself these days.” “Tell me about it,” Arcade comments with some frustration.

Morgana and Qualtaqa ride out to the hills and shortly after nightfall meet up with Geronimo. The Apache Chief reiterates that the humans should stay out of his hills and keep the treaty that was originally made with Cochice. Morgana states that she will do what she can to keep the humans away, but wishes to first confirm that the Apache have not been causing trouble with any human settlements. He states that the only raiding parties that the tribe has conducted recently have been against the enemy wood elves across the Mexican border. She thanks him. Geronimo concludes the discussion by stating that “If the humans come into my land they can expect war.”

Back at the Cantina, the group decides to call it an early night, as four-hour stagecoach rides and hangovers do not make for a good combination.

October 24th, 1881, 8:30 A.M.

The gang arrives at the Wells Fargo office for the morning stage to Tombstone. The two drivers assigned to this run are Chuck Nevers and Newton Gilly. Hank knows Gilly from when he boarded at the Great Western Boarding House, and the two exchange handshakes. A mailbag and a few boxes are loaded up onto the stage.

They travel for the next four hours across the Arizona countryside, on the winding dusty trail. None of the three men up top are all that talkative, with fewer than forty words being spoken during the entire trip. As they near Tombstone they reach where a five-mile long section of railroad track had been sited, with the road now being much smoother. They pass by several buildings and farms along the outskirts of town. A large number of buildings are seen a half mile in the distance. Newton tells Hank, “There she is. The bustling community of Tombstone.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 30, “Welcome to Tombstone”, October 24th, 1881, 1:00 P.M.:

The Wells Fargo stage rides into the community of Tombstone. The city itself is rather small, consisting of two main streets named Allen and Freemont that are intersected by six other streets named First through Sixth (a map of 1881 Tombstone can be found at the following link: http://ferncanyonpress.com/tombston.../tombsmap.shtml ). The Stage lets the group off at the corner of Allen and Forth streets, with Newton Gilly pointing out to Hank where the County Sheriff’s Office is located.

Arcade’s Gang enters the brick building, finding it to be about twice the size of the Deputy Sheriff’s Office back in Promise City. Both jail cells are currently unoccupied and the only one present is a Deputy Sheriff who introduces himself as Jeb Dalton. Hank steps forward to shake his hand saying, “Hank Hill, and I tell you what. I’d like to introduce you to the group responsible for killing Billy the Kid.” Dalton’s jaw drops and he exclaims “Arcade’s Gang. The Deputy asks to hear the story but Arcade only answers, “He met an untimely end.” The Deputy then says, “The Sheriff has been expecting you.” “Well, go get him,” Morgana comments.

Dalton leaves and quickly returns with Sheriff Johnny Behan. Behan dismisses his deputy and asks the Gang to have a seat, thinking them for coming. He says, “The United States Cavalry commander over at the nearby Fort Huachuca is wondering when the soldiers can head back into the Dos Cabazes and Chiricahua Mountains. They had agreed to stay out while the Apache who lived there stopped all Caucasians in order to prevent the James Gang from coming through there. That was almost three months ago, and the James boys now seem to be long gone.”

Morgana had arrived wearing her Native American garb, and speaks up, using her bard abilities to add a level of persuasiveness to her appeal. She tells the Sheriff that the threat to the County from the James Gang still remains, what with a beloved cousin of Frank and Jesse having been killed in the Promise City robberies. She also reiterates that there have been no skirmishes of any kind between the Caucasians and Apache since the travel ban into the mountains was enacted, which is making life easier for both the Cavalry and the County Sheriff. She emphasizes that the current agreement should remain until they have definite proof that the James Gang are not planning to return on a quest of vengeance.

Sheriff Behan concurs with her assessment and says that he will speak to the Army about maintaining the present status. Several party members sense that there will be a quid-pro-quo to his acquiescence, which then follows. He asks them to do him the favor of handing around Tombstone for the next several days. “Any particular reason?” Arcade asks.

Behan says, “Well, yeah. Deputy Hunter has told me about the two factions that have developed over in Promise City, with the cowboys who like the rough-and-tumble lifestyle as opposed to the Promise City Civic Association..” “Who want us run out of town,” Morgana interjects. “You want us to stay here so that they get their way?” Louie inquires. Behan interjects, “Oh no, this isn’t about Promise City at all. We actually have the same situation here in Tombstone, only worse. The tension between the factions have been escalating and I’m afraid that things are about to fly off the handle ” “So you asked for us to make sure that they do?” Arcade asks.

Behan replies, “Oh no, I think your presence in town will help to defuse the situation.” All of the members of the gang burst out laughing at that suggestion. The Sheriff states, “Don’t laugh, I’m serious.” Morgana comments, “You expect us to be a claming influence?” Arcade points to Louie and says, “This guy gets shot at just for going into the grocery store!” Hank adds, “Yeah, and another member of our group is seventy-five percent horse, and he’s the nice one!” Behan replies, “Dagnabit, don’t you underestimate yourselves. Your reputations precede you. Both sides will think twice about causing trouble with you around, at least until they can figure out whose side you’re on.”

Morgana asks, “Exactly where do you fit in?” He replies, “I’m on neither side, but I am a bit more sympathetic to the cowboy way of life. I admire folks who live off the land and put in an honest day’s work. That law-and-order group is nothing but a bunch of money-grubbing bullies who take advantage of those who are less fortunate.”

“So who exactly are these folks?” Arcade asks. Behan replies, “The law group is comprised of three brothers known as the Earps. Virgil Earp is the Marshal of Tombstone and his brothers Wyatt and Morgan help him out. They own a number of business interests in the town, including a saloon, a number of buildings and stakes in several local silver mines. They tend to push people around and act like the own the whole place, although I guess they do own a fair share of it.” Arcade comments, “I’ve heard of those Earps.”

“Who heads the Cowboy faction?” Hank asks. Behan answers, “A group known as the Clantons. Newman Haynes “Old Man” Clanton started a ranch out by the San Pedro River eight years ago. Most of the cowboys in the region work for them at the Clanton Ranch. They are rumored to also be involved in some less-than-honest practices, such as cattle rustling, but nothing has ever been proven. The patriarch of that group is a man named Ike Clanton, and he doesn’t taken kindly to being pushed around by anyone, let alone the Earps.”

“And if they don’t take kindly to authority figures what makes you think they’ll listen to us?” Morgana asks. Behan replies, “Well, I think they’ll think twice about taking any shots at the people who killed Billy the Kid. Rumor has it that back when the Clanton Ranch got started William Bonney was one of their ranch hands.” Arcade interjects, “Hold it, are you saying that we killed one of the only guys who ever put in a good days work around here?”

The Sheriff says, “Look, I’m not asking you guys to do anything except hang around the town for a few days and intimidate both groups of potential troublemakers.” Morgana says, “Fine, but we’re only staying a couple of days. Any longer than that and I’m sure Louie would get shot.” Behan glances at the half-orc and says, “My, my, I believe the little lady likes you.” Louie answers, “She supports the whole gang, and I’d watch the ‘little lady’ comments if I were you. She was the one who actually killed Billy.”

Hank says, “So, will any of the bars in town actually let the half-orc in?” “Sure, as long as you’ve got cash. There are around a dozen bars in town, three of the main ones right on this Street.” Arcade says, “Sounds good. If we get thrown out of a bar we’ll just move onto another one. We’ll make sure that people know we’re here before the night is through.”

Morgana says that she would like to freshen up before they go anywhere. Hank says, “I tell you what, why don’t we find us a place to stay before we do anything else. I’m sure one of these taverns must have some rooms.” “Actually, I’ve already found you a place to stay,” the Sheriff interjects adding, “Head down the street a block to the Harwood House, near the corner of Freemont and Third Streets. It’s right after Fly’s Photo Gallery and Boarding House and near Jersey’s Livery Stable.”

“Any particular reason why you picked that place?” Arcade asks. Behan replies, “The owner, Jake Howard, is a friend of mine and he said he had some rooms available. If I’m paying for your stay here I want it to be where I can get a good rate. Besides, it’s safer for you to stay somewhere that doesn’t have a tavern, especially given your group’s reputation.” Sam comments, “Yeah, some drunk might try to make a name for himself by killing us in our beds.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 31, “What’s Up Doc”, October 24th, 1881, 3:00 P.M.:

Arcade comments, “Sheriff, you said that the Earps owned a Saloon. Which one?” Behan replies, “Haffords Saloon at the corner of Allen and Fourth.” “We’ll make sure we hit that one tonight,” Hank states. They thank the Sheriff for his hospitality and he thanks them for helping out.

The gang heads over to the Harwood House, which is on Freemont, the back of the building facing towards the O.K. Corral over on Allen Street. They introduce themselves to Jake Harwood (brother of William A. Harwood, Tombstone’s first Mayor) who has been expecting them. He says he has five rooms available, four on the second floor and one on the first, and asks how many they will need. “We’ll take all five,” Morgana states, “And make sure that mine has a tub in it.” He hands her the key to the first floor room, saying that he prefers to not have to lug the water upstairs, and says he will get the tub filled right away.

Morgana’s key has #3 on it, and the others are #6, #7, #9 and #10. “How many guest rooms you got here?” Hank asks. Howard replies, “Ten, four on the first floor six on the second.” “Who are the other two living on the second floor?” Arcade asks suspiciously. Howard replies, “Two long-term tenants. Neil Tolsohn is in room #5. He’s a bartender down the street at the Occidental Saloon. The guy in room #8 is Rex Hooper. He works for the Territorial Governor as a member of the Arizona Rangers, and is usually away on patrol, so you probably won’t even see him.”

“Let’s meet back here in a hour,” Arcade states. Everyone heads to his or her respective rooms. Morgana tells Howard to go fetch the water. She inspects the tub in her room, casting a Clean Cantrip on it to eliminate evidence of past bathers. She waits for Howard to draws her bath for her and then departs. She then casts a druid spell to heat the water up to a comfortable temperature before sliding into the tub. She sings during the bath, her voice resonating through the building.

When they join up in the lobby she changed her appearance, looking once again like a dignified upper class Easterner rather than an Indian maiden. Jake Howard does not act at all surprised by the change, and she comments to Arcade “He’s more observant than you are.” “That’s not saying much,” Louie comments. Sam has brought his rifle, which Howard says needs to be left back I the room, stating “There is a city ordinance against carrying firearms in the street. Nobody ever bothers about side arms, as long as they stay holstered, but carrying around a rifle is asking for trouble.” Sam quickly brings it back to his room, actually feeling safer without it now that he has heard about the city ordinance.

They all head over to the Paradise Saloon for some supper. It is still early, with only a few patrons in the establishment. Each of the men order either a beer or beer and a shot of whiskey. Morgana orders wine, and is brought a glass of a vile smelling maroon-colored liquid that may have once been wine but was clearly not stored properly. She reconsiders and gets a beer instead. They each order the house special for the meal, a bean and beef stew with freshly baked bread.

Arcade attempts to drop his name several times during the meal but the bartender either has never heard of him, doesn’t believe it’s really him or doesn’t care. At the end of the meal the three humans decide to go bar hopping. Morgana decides that she wants to go shopping instead and Louie offers to accompany her. “Alright, but don’t let him try to buy any rice,” Arcade warns.

The two of them head over to “Cole’s General Store” on Freemont Street, where she asks to see what they have in stock for material. She buys a few yards of a dyed linen material and asks the proprietor if there is a tailor in town. He gives them directions to a place over on Allen Street.

As the sun sets in the distance the guys head down the street to Haffords Saloon. By this point it is started to fill up with patrons. They stand out, as there do not appear to be any cowboys in this establishment, with the patrons all look to be residents of Tombstone. A good-sized man with a thick mustache is sitting at a barstool drinking heavily, so Hank and Arcade move up to the bar, sitting on either side of him.

Hank nods in the man’s direction and introduces himself saying, “Howdy, name’s Hank Hill. I just got into town a few hours ago.” The man downs another drink and replies, “Hello, name’s Doc Holliday. What brings you to Tombstone?” Arcade speaks up, saying “He’s with me. Are you a Physician?” “Yep,” the man replies, as he orders up another glass of whiskey. Arcade extends his hand in greeting, giving Holliday a firm grip while stating “Name’s Arcade.” Holliday’s handshake tightens in response as he says “Arcade? From Promise City?” “A’Yup,” is Arcade’s response. “Why are you here?” Holliday asks. “Got bored, decided to check out a few other places,” is Arcade’s answer.

The three continue to sit at the bar drinking, without any further conversation. After an hour Arcade pays the tab then leaves, with Hank and Sam following him out. Once out on the street Hank says, “I’ve heard of that guy. He’s suppose to be bad news.” “That’s what I’ve heard as well. Shouldn’t take too long now for word of our arrival to get back to the Earps.” Hank replies, “Think you’re right there. I tell you what, we should now find us a cowboy bar, for word to get back to that other group.”

Across town, Morgana and Louie are at the Dubois Tailor Shoppe, where the proprietor Jacques François Dubois has been taking measurements to fit her for a dress. During the fitting she converses with him in fluent French, getting him to talk about himself while revealing nothing more than the fact that she is unmarried about herself. Louie continues to play his usual role of being her valet. The Frenchman has shown her several examples of his work throughout the shop and she is pleased with what she sees, pointing out which lace she wants him to use to.

When he is finished he inquires as to when she wants the dress to be finished. She says, “I guess I’ll want it as soon as possible, as I don’t know how long my team, Arcade’s Gang, will be in town.” The man’s jaw just about strikes the floor at hearing that, and he stammers out “Arcade’s Gang! Sacra bleu! The one’s who shot Billy the Kid?” She replies, “Actually, he wasn’t shot. I killed him myself with my knives.” Louie adds “That’s not entirely true. It wasn’t just your knives, you finished him off with a hatchet.” The tailor’s face turns pale. She then sweetly asks, “Now, when did you say the dress would be ready?” He swears that it will be completed by the morning, even if he has to stay up all night working on it. She thanks him and then departs with Louie, the two of them heading back to the Boarding House.

The other trio has found themselves their ‘cowboy bar’ further down Freemont Street, namely the aforementioned Occidental Saloon. “You Neil Tolsohn?” Hank asks the bartender. The man replies “Yah,” in a thick Scandinavian accent. Hanks replies, “We’re boarding over at the same place as you.” Arcade adds softly, “But you may want to keep that fact to yourself.” Hank interjects, “You’re about to find out why” Arcade then raises his voice and states “Name’s Arcade. You might have heard of me.” Everyone inside the building reacts to hearing that, and the trio is soon being bought drinks and asked to tell the story of the ‘Promise City Shootout’, as the incident has come to be called.

They stay at this Saloon until close to midnight. One of the more interesting people they meet is the notorious Johny Ringo, who tells them of a near shootout that he almost had a few months back with Doc Holliday. He says that he and the Doc had cleared the streets and were both fixing to draw on each other when Deputy Sheriff Billy Breckenridge intervened and with a few other bystanders managed to stop the fight. Arcade comments that he met Breckenridge back at the Promise City Shootout, and that the Deputy Sheriff was the one who positively identified Billy the Kid’s body. As the evening progresses Ringo speaks loudly of his desire to kill Wyatt Earp, who he considers to be the worst one of the Earp brothers.


First Post
Interesting stuff. I look forward to seeing how the Gunfight at the OK Corral works out with these characters involved! :D

As a point of interest, what sort of classes and levels are the characters and NPC's in this?

Silver Moon

Tallarn said:
Interesting stuff. I look forward to seeing how the Gunfight at the OK Corral works out with these characters involved!
I'm looking forward to it too. Next week's game should be very interesting indeed! (BTW Tallarn, Kriskrafts plays Morgana)

Tallarn said:
As a point of interest, what sort of classes and levels are the characters and NPC's in this?
The character classes are listed in the first post. Our group starts all new playing characters at 2nd level, zero experience. At the start of this current module all were still at that level, although some will be at 3rd by the time we finish (assuming they are still alive). In accordance to Boot Hill rules, most NPC's are also in the 1st to 3rd level range, although the Earps are currently at 4th and Doc Holliday is 6th. Here's the next chapter, from last Sunday's game:

Chapter 32, “And this bird can sing”, October 25th, 1881, 7:00 A.M.:

Morgana and Arcade are the first two awake, and head outside for a private Druidic ceremony welcoming the sunrise. They head back inside, seeing a different man now at the main desk than we there the night before. He introduces himself as Howard A. Harwood, Tombstone’s first Mayor and also Jake Harwood’s brother. “So you own this place?” Howard replies, “Yeah, I let Jake manage the place, my primary occupation is selling lumber, but there has been so much building lately I’m sold out. That’s why your rooms were now available.” “You stored lumber in our rooms?” Arcade questions. Howard answers, “Sure, I needed to keep it somewhere.”

Louie soon joins them and says that he is hungry. Howard tells them “Most of the taverns aren’t open this early, but several never close so you could get something to eat there. You might want to try the Bird Cage Theater down the street.” The three of them head off, soon seeing the place that they had been told about (http://clantongang.com/oldwest/birdcage.html). The building has three sets of front double door and they enter through he center set.

Upon entering the building they quickly surmise the facility is a den of iniquity with multiple gambling tables and 14 cage-crib compartments with pull around curtains suspended from the ceiling along the walls where various female entertainers can do performances, both public and private. A dance hall stage lines the far wall. All of the walls have numerous bullet holes in them.

Morgana is attired in her Indian maiden clothing while the half-dozen other females seated in room are wearing pieces of sheer material that barely qualifies as clothing. A poker game is going on at one of the tables in the basement. The three sit at a different table on the main floor and a middle-aged woman wearing a cloth bathrobe comes over and asks what they would like. “Whatever’s good for breakfast,” is Arcade’s reply.

The party eats a breakfast comprised of an oatmeal mash, hash brown potatoes and beer that are surprisingly good. Shortly after nine both Hank and Sam wander into the place and join the others. Morgana inquires as to whether she can use the piano along the side wall and the older woman says, “Sure, go right ahead.” Morgana begins with a few lively European pieces followed by a classical piano concerto.

Hank finishes his breakfast and then wanders downstairs to the card game. Three players are attired in suits and ties, the other two are dressed as cowboys. “Game been going on long?” Hank asks. “Started after this place opened, eight months ago,” is the response. “You guys been here all that time?” Hank inquires. One of the better dressed men replies, “Most of it, players keep coming in and out. Care to sit in?” “Don’t mind if I do,” Hank answers, pulling up a seat.

There is not much conversation at the table during the next hour, although Hank does find out that one of the men playing is an Earp brother, although not one of the three that the Sheriff spoke of. This one is James Earp, who says that he is the proprietor of The Sampling Room Saloon, another Tombstone tavern. During the hour Morgana begins singing to the piano music, again alternating the pieces to provide a diverse and eclectic array of songs that illustrates her full vocal range. A pair of grizzled prospectors enter the building, one human the other dwarven, and she shifts to playing and singing a Norse opera, singing half the lines in the Dwarven language.

The dusty old human prospector wanders over to the piano. He has long white hair and a matted beard. He smiles at her, revealing that he has several missing teeth, and says, “You’re new here. I haven’t tried you out yet.” Morgana adds into the next verse of the song the line “And you’re not going to.” The rebuffed man wanders over to the bar, and Louie whispers to Morgana “You never know, he might be rich.” The man complains to the Madame about the attitude of the ‘new bird’. The woman replies, “She doesn’t work her, but she sure can sing,” as Morgana reaches the conclusion of the song, hitting the highest octaves of the line “We’ve all died and gone to Valhalla.”

Hank has had very good luck at the table (The DM having told the player “You have a 70% chance of loosing, roll percentiles to see how badly you did” and the player then rolling a 93!) After less than an hour he has nearly doubled the $20 he had first put into the game, and decides to start loosing so as not to anger the other gamblers at the table. One of the men glances upstairs and asks, “So, why do you hang out with an Indian and a Chinaman.” Hank replies, “It’s a job.” He then gestures up to the other table and adds “My associate Arcade keeps all types of folks with him.” The men at the table all show some surprise at the mention of Arcade’s name and one says, “I take it he’s the older one?” “Yeah,” Hank replies.

Having now established his reputation Hank feels that it is now safe to cash out of the game, ending up $ 15 ahead. He wanders back up to the other table. One of the harlots eyes the cash in his hand and follows over to the table, trying to catch his eye. Hank does not appear to be overly interested so she walks up to Arcade and asks, “Care for some company?” Arcade gestures to 15-year-old Sam and says, “I’m more concerned about my friend here. He’s twenty-two and has never known the comfort of a woman.” She says it will cost $ 5 to which Arcade says, “I’ll give you $ 10 if you make sure it stays out of the newspaper.” Hank interjects, “I’ll make it $ 15 if it does make the paper.”

She takes the money from Hank, and then leads Sam up a rolling staircase and to one of the oversized bird cages. The curtains are then pulled shut. Morgana switches over to playing some love songs. When he doesn’t return right away she begins singing a song making up lyrics about how he is forever gone. Sam eventually makes his way back to the table. Hank says to Arcade, “Looks like he survived.” Arcade replies, “Yeah, I was afraid at first that she’d come back and give you a refund.”

Morgana decides that it is time for her to go pick up her new dress. Louie agrees to accompany her but the three humans decide to stay where they are, Arcade commenting, “I think Sam needs to rest a spell.” They head over to the tailor shop and Mr. Dubois enthusiastically has the dress ready. She examines the intricate workmanship, concluding that it would have taken him far longer than the fifteen hours to make, and yet he doesn’t look tired. She tries it on and it fits like a glove.

She concludes that since France is know for its mages that he must be one, but he denies that when she asks him directly. He wraps up the dress and they leave the shop, with Dubois breathing a sigh of relief. She comments “Looks like I found myself a tailor.” Louie replies, “Yeah, but next time you might not want to scare him so much.” “Why not? It gets me this level of quality.” she replies.
Last edited:

Silver Moon

Chapter 33, “The Clantons and the Earps”, October 25th, 1881, 11:00 A.M.:

Morgana and Louie head outside, seeing a pair of men down the street at the West End Corral unloading a wagon of freshly slaughtered beef into the adjacent meat market. One man is older than the other, a bit heavy set, with a goatee and mustache. The other is younger and clean haven. They head down that way and Morgana approaches the wagon, looking over the beef. She asks about purchasing some and the older man replies, “You’d have to ask the meat broker inside, we’ve already sold it all to him.

Arcade, Hank and Sam make their way around the corner and join up with the others. Arcade gestures to the wrapped up package she is holding and asks, “Did you get your new glad rags?” Louie answers, “Yes, and then she try to buy hunk of cow.” Hank asks her, “What would you do with it? Never mind, I don’t want to know?” Arcade decides that “cow” sounds like a good idea, and suggests they find a restaurant that serves steak. “You eat steak? I thought you were a druid?” Louie comments. Arcade answers, “I’m a druid, I’m not dead. It’s alright to eat animals as long as they are treated properly and killed humanely.” Hank comments, “You’re a druid? Why do I hang out with you?”

Two buildings are nearby, the Alhambra Saloon and Big Nose Kate’s Saloon and Grand Hotel. The two men have finished unloading the wagon and enter the Alhambra. Arcade decides the other looks fancier, and to go there. Hank comments, “Not sure about the name though, why would a woman want to point out that she has a big nose?” Arcade replies, “I don’t know, maybe she got the idea from the tavern her sister opened, Wide Ass Mary’s.”

They enter the building and are very impressed with the interior. There is a wide and handsome staircase covered by an elegant carpet and supporting a heavy black walnut banister. Upstairs they see a main hallway leading to several rooms. Downstairs has a parlor and the walls are adorned with rare and costly oil paintings. The furniture is of walnut with rich cushions of silk and a piano is in the far corner. The adjacent dining room is of the same good taste, with three chandeliers, handsome centerpieces on each rich walnut table, and place settings of cut glass, china, and fine silverware of the latest style in cutlery.

A woman whose facial features clearly indicate that she is the Kate the place is named for approaches them. She takes a close look at their rustic attire and asks if they are sure they are in the right establishment. After Arcades introduces himself she immediately reconsiders, apologizes for the misunderstanding, and ushers them over to a table. Arcade comments to his Gang “Having a reputation has its advantages.” Hank replies, “Yeah, I’ll bet there have never been any orcs or Indians in this place before.”

The meal is excellent as this is obviously the best restaurant in town. All of the other patrons dining in the room appear to be respectable citizens, the men wearing suits and ties and women in fine dresses. While waiting to order desert everyone hears some shouting out in the streets. Several of the patrons get up and head over to the window to see what is going on. The party stands up and go over there as well, except for Morgana who says, “Why should we care. We’re not getting paid.” Arcade reminds her, “As a favor to the Sheriff for keeping the humans away from the Apache.” “Okay, fine,” she replies and follows him to the window.

A man in a suit is arguing with the two cowboys who unloaded the wagon in front of the Alhambra Saloon. In addition to the yelling the cowboy then raises a fist and his sidekick does likewise. “Who are those people?” Morgana asks. Hank says “The better dressed one is Doc Holliday, I don’t recognize the others.” Kate says “That’s Ike Clanton and his friend Tom McLaury.” A man in a black suit approaches to break up the argument. He threatens to arrest them both, and they each head their separate ways. “And him?” Arcade asks. “He’s the Tombstone Marshal, Virgil Earp,” is Kate’s reply. “Would he really have arrested the Doc?” Hank asks. Kate replies, “Sure, he’s arrested his own brother Wyatt before for disturbing the peace.”

They watch Virgil Earp continue down the street and enter the Crystal Palace Saloon. “Why’d he go in there?” Louie asks. Kate answers, “He has his office on the second floor.” Arcade decides that it is time for him and his gang to pay the Marshal a visit. They head down to the Saloon and up a staircase to the second floor. There are offices there for Town Marshal Virgil Earp, Judge Wells Spicer, and one belonging to County Sheriff Johnny Behan. Only Earp’s is currently occupied.

They enter and Earp asks what he can do for them. Arcade identifies his group, to which Earp says, “Yeah, I heard you were in town. You’re not planning on starting any trouble are you?” Arcade says, “None at all. From what I saw in the street others are causin’ you trouble.” “Nothing I can’t handle on my own,” Earp replies. Hank says, “I met that Doc Holliday last night. Seems like one tough customer.” Earp answers, “I can handle him just fine without any of your help.” The group figures they’ve overstayed their welcome, so leave the office.

Arcade, Hank and Sam decide to continue to check out the various drinking establishments in the town. Louie heads down to the West End of town, known as ‘Hop Town’, which is the Chinese Quarter. Morgana head back to the boarding house, takes a long bath, gets fixed up in her new dress, and then returns to Big Nose Kate’s. Kate recognizes her despite the change in appearance and welcomes her back. Morgana asks if she can use the piano and Kate says, “Help yourself.” Morgana spends a few hours playing and asks if she can come back at play in the evening, which Kate is happy to agree to.

The gang meets up for supper in the Chinese Quarter, with Louie directing them to the best place for oriental cuisine. They then head over to the Oriental Saloon, finding it to be a gambling hall for humans with oriental décor. They are also told that the Earps have a major stake in the gambling operation of this establishment. The games are higher stakes than Hank is willing to try out, and he suggests that he and Arcade find somewhere else. Morgana heads back to Big Nose Kate’s. Louie and Sam decide to go back to the boarding house and get to bed early.

Shortly after her arrival at Kate’s Morgana sees Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury come downstairs, apparently staying at the Grand Hotel. They each down two shots of whiskey at the bar, then head out in search of a poker game. Morgana spends the evening playing, with people dropping change in a cup she’s placed atop, her end of night total being $ 3.68. She also finds out that Big Nose Kate is Doc Holliday’s girlfriend.

Across town, Hank and Arcade have made themselves at home at the Occidental Saloon. Hank once again has good luck at cards, being up $ 63 by around midnight (The player rolled a 98 for his percentile roll this time). Arcade whispers to him to start loosing before he gets them both shot. An inebriated Doc Holliday enters the saloon and joins the game at about this time. After Hank looses around $ 20, a little to each other player, he bows out of the game. Virgil Earp enters around the same time, and stands at the end of the bar nursing a beer.

October 26th, 1881:

At around 1:00 A.M. a very drunk Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury stagger into the saloon. They sit at a table and start a card game with Pony Deal and Buckskin Frank Leslie, two of the people that Hank and Arcade and played with at Johnny Ringo’s table the night before. Holliday finishes his current hand, then gets up and walks over to that table. Holliday bellows, “I heard you’re going to kill me, Ike. Get out your gun and commence.”

Clanton shows that he is unarmed, while Virgil Earp makes his way over to the table. He approaches Holliday and suggests that the two of them leave. Before they are out the door Ike Clanton yells to Holliday, “We’ll kill you tomorrow when the others come to town.” Holliday wants to head back inside but Virgil manages to get him to leave. Clanton gets up to follow them out, but McLaury manages to stall him a few minutes. They then leave, with Hank and Arcade behind them.

Once out on the street they see Virgil Earp and Doc Holliday are now a few bocks away heading west, but Wyatt Earp is standing in the middle of Allen Street glaring at Clanton. Ike yells to him “Tell your consumptive friend, your Arizona nightin’gale, he’s a dead man tomorrow!” Wyatt matter-of-factly replies, “Don’t you tangle with Doc Holliday, he’ll kill you before you’ve begun. Earp heads off in the direction of his brother, while Clanton and McLaury head east back to Big Nose Kate’s. Hank and Arcade decide that the excitement for the evening is over, and head back to the boarding house.

Silver Moon

Chapter 34, “At the Breaking Point”, October 26th, 1881, 7:00 A.M.:

The sound of a rooster crowing in the distance wakes Morgan, lying in the bed in Arcade’s room alongside her occasional lover. She washes up and dresses and tells him that she will be heading back to Big Nose Kate’s. Arcade says that he will be along with the others once they are awake.

She walks into the Saloon, finding Ike Clanton, Tom McLaury, Sheriff Behan and another man playing a card game called Fero. Kate confirms that it was an all night game. When the current hand ends Behan attempts to talk Ike into going up to his room to sleep. Marshal Virgil Earp enters the Saloon at this point and suggests it as well. Ike asks Virgil to deliver a note for him to Doc Holliday, which Earp refuses to do. Ike then says, “You’re in together with him, well give a note to your brother Wyatt,” and scribbles out something else. Virgil refuses to do that as well. Clanton curses and then he and McLaury go to the bar and order drinks. Morgana approaches Earp and Behan, saying, “Clanton appears to be very drunk.” Behan replies, “Yeah. I figured if he stayed up all night and kept drinking he’d spend today sleeping it off.” “Let me see what I can do,” Morgana comments.

She heads over to the bar and picks him pocket then goes into the next room and reads the notes, both of them threats. She returns and starts playing the piano, with soothing songs. Clanton and McLaury eventually head upstairs, to presumably sleep. She then goes out to do some shopping and is not there when the other members of Arcade’s Gang arrive. “Where’d the little lady go?” Hank asks Arcade. Sam warns Hank, “I don’t think you should be calling her that.” Chinaman Louie comments, “She wouldn’t move so quickly if her feet were properly bound.”

Ike Clanton comes downstairs carrying a rifle and hurries outside. “That doesn’t look good,” Arcade states. They head outside, soon running into Morgana and tell her that Ike Clanton is running around with a rifle. She heads back inside and tells one of the employees to go find Kate, or else her boyfriend might get killed. She goes back outside and they all head down the street.

Ike Clanton is further down the street and is now arguing with Virgil and Morgan Earp. Clanton argues that he needs his rifle for self-defense, that Doc Holliday threatened him. Virgil confiscates the rifle and Morgan begins to shove him around until Arcade’s Gang approaches. At that point they march Ike over to Justice of the Peace Wallace. Virgil tells the judge that Clanton violated the town ordinance about having firearms in the street. Clanton again claims self-defense. The Justice fines him $ 27.50.

Just then another commotion occurs outside on the street, as both Wyatt Earp and Tom McLaury had heard that the others were at the Justice’s place and arrive simultaneously from opposite directions, bumping into each other. Wyatt actually apologizes but the drunk and sleep deprived McLaury just yells insults in return. Wyatt removes his Buntline Special from its holster, picking it up like a club, but then reconsiders hitting McLaury after Arcade walks up to them.

Clanton and McLaury head back to Big Nose Kate’s while the three Earp brothers head away the other direction. Arcade’s Gang decides that the situation has been defused, and all head off to get a bite to eat at Kate’s. Clanton is back at the bar and Arcade comments “Good thing he didn’t get shot back there, he wouldn’t want to get any blood into his alcohol system.” Morgana decides it is time to do something about his drinking before the man loses all control. She goes to the bar and sits beside him, then uses her bard abilities to plant a suggestion that he should drink coffee rather than beer. She then convinces him to head upstairs to get some sleep. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, she then joins the others for a meal.

A short while later they see Tom McLaury outside in the street, talking to a pair of cowboys who have just rode up. The three of them head off. “That doesn’t look good either,” Arcade comments. The Gang heads over to the Tombstone Jail to see if Sheriff Behan is there. He isn’t, so they then go to the second floor of the Crystal Palace Saloon to check his office, but he isn’t there either. (Actually, he’s at his home sleeping, having staying up all night with Clanton and McLaury.) Just as they are about to leave Virgil Earp arrives back at his adjacent office.

The Gang no sooner starts to talk to him when somebody else runs upstairs, yelling, “The Clantons are over at the gunshop.” Morgana says, “Can’t be, Ike is sleeping.” The man replies, “No, Billy Clanton, he and Frank McLaury just got into town.” Arcade states, “The last time a Frank and Billy came to a town we were in there was trouble.” The Marshal lets off an explicative. “What gunshop?” Hank comments. Earp replies, “Only got one in town, Spangenbergs over on Fourth Street.” “Mind if we tag along?” Arcade asks. Earp replies, “If you do you’d better keep your guns in their holsters.” “No problem,” Hank states.

They all head down to the gunshop. When they arrive to see Frank McLaury standing outside of the shop arguing with Wyatt Earp. Billy Clanton and Tom McLaury are also standing there, putting cartridges into their gunbelts. Wyatt tells his bother Virgil, “Caught them coming out the shop with a new Winchester rifle and ammunition.” Tom McLaury tells Virgil, “Since when is buying a new rifle a crime? It’s not loaded.” “Keep it that way within city limits,” Virgil replies. Frank McLaury shoves the rifle into a saddlebag on the back of his horse.” Wyatt comments, “Well, he didn’t tie that horse up properly. It wandered up on the sidewalk. That is a crime.” Virgil manages to calm his brother to clam down.

The Earps and Arcade’s Gang all follow Billy Clanton and the McLaurys back to Big Nose Kate’s, then continue on back to the Crystal Palace Saloon. The Earps sit at one table and order lunch. Arcade’s Gang takes a different table and orders food for themselves. During the meal Wyatt keeps glancing over at the other table. After the meal the two Earps head upstairs to Virgil’s office. Arcade’s Gang decides to head back to the boarding house.

They then see both McLaurey brothers, both Clanton Brothers, and somebody that they do not recognize (Billy Claiboure) standing together with two of their horses in the alleyway off of Freemont Street between Fly’s Photo Gallery, the Jersey Livery Stable, and the Harwood Boarding House. Arcade gestures for the group to head into the boarding house, as these men are standing outside of the Morgana’s room. They all head to her room, and Louie uses his thieving skills to carefully raise up the glass windows with the curtains still drawn, so that they can discreetly hear what the cowboys are talking about.

They hear the men talking about bushwhacking Doc Holliday when he comes by, saying that this is the route he always takes going from Freemont to Allen Street. The party talks about how to deal with this, deciding to go talk to them, but reconsider when Sheriff Behan shows up. The Sheriff speaks to the cowboys and then confiscates a shotgun that Ike Clanton now has. He wants to take the handguns too, and the newly purchased rifle on Frank McLaury’s horse, but McLaury defiantly states “I ain’t giving up my weapons till you disarm the Earps, they have been threatening to kill us.” Billy Clanton says that he won’t give up his guns, as he is planning to leave town soon.” Behan warns them that if they set foot on the street carrying loaded firearms they will be in violation of the law and subject to arrest. He then leaves.

The Clantons then flag down a kid and hand him a note, saying “Give this to Doc Holliday down at Haffords Saloon.” Arcade and Morgana decide to go follow the kid and intercept him if at all possible. The others are told to stay in the room and continue to listen to the cowboy’s plans. Unfortunately they are slowed down getting out of the boarding house and are unable to reach the Saloon before the messenger gets there. They enter the building, seeing Holliday reading the note. Wyatt, Morgan and Virgil Earp are all in the room, as is Sheriff Behan.

Holliday finishes reading the note and says “Ike Clanton is challenging me to a showdown over at the O.K. Corral.” Virgil says that he needs to go and disarm the cowboys. Behan says that he has already disarmed them, taking both a shotgun and rifle away from Ike Clanton this day. Virgil says that he will have to see that for himself. It appears that both Earp brothers and Holliday are preparing to go with him. Arcade speaks up at this point saying, “No. You wait here, I’ll do it.” The Earps exchange glances then look back at the leader of the now famous Arcade’s Gang. After a long pause Virgil says, “Go right ahead.” Arcade and Morgana leave, heading north to Freemont Street and then east to return to the alleyway.
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