Thirst for power (Finished) (Knight Otu judging)

Patlin said:
Didn't see that edit till just now. :)

Were you going to award xp for the council fight?

A party of 2 ECL 4s and 1 ECL 3 facing 2 CR 4s and 9? CR 2s is ranked as "Overpowering" by the encounter calculator and would normally result in 2,700 xp for Draig and 2,600 for Beamer and Banion.

You certainly didn't defeat them, and while fleeing for them wasn't a small feat, it didn't lead to anything constructive. So in my opinion there's no need for a XP award for that.

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Let me know if this accounting looks ok.

Items and sale values:
wand of scorching ray (21 charges) - 945
short sword +1 - 1180
mw short sword - 180
14 short sword - 70
7 chain shirts - 350 (not sure about this one)
wand of cure light wounds (36 charges) - 270

Group expenses:
Fee for Artea - 30

Total 2965 -> 988.3 per person.

Beamer paid the fee for Artea and is keeping the wand of scorching ray so that totals 915 of his share. Draig has the wand of cure light wounds, so make sure to include that as Draig's personal item when used in future adventures (subject to how Draig would handle it). So everyone keeps the items they have:
Banion gets 988.3 gp cash
Beamer gets wand and 73.3 gp cash
Judging by the epilogue, Draig is owed 718.3 gp cash from Banion and Beamer. I don't think they had a chance to meet up to settle accounts.

So in my opinion there's no need for a XP award for that.
I would agree with that. I don't think we even knocked any of them unconscious.

Looks like I forgot to include the cost to identify the wand and the short sword. That would be 220 gp off the top. New total would be: 915 on the dot. Exactly the price of the wand. That worked out nicely. Beamer and Banion owe Draig 645.

On page 39 of the DMG it says "Overcoming the challenge of a trap involves encountering the trap, either by disarming it, avoiding it, or simply surviving the damage that it deals."

If getting out of the room alive was no small feat, surely it deserves more xp than walking down the hallway and getting shot by a poison arrow trap. How much xp is clearly debatable, but I still maintain it ought to be worth something.

On another topic, can we say we somehow managed to deliver Draig his gold? Perhaps through a fund transfer through a bank from another city to Orussus? Otherwise I can note "Draig's Gold: 645 gp" on my character sheet, but he may not get it for a real time year or two...

I'd say the challenge in that scene was "Flee the scene," myself, even if it led to an earlier-than-expected end of the adventure. I'd be inclined to say that some XP could be given for that. obviously not the same as winning the fight, and not as much as normally for such a challenge. I'd be inclined to call it a CR 3, and perhaps halve the normal award from that (266 (133) for B&B, and 300 (150) for Draig). But that's your call.

Well, as WMasters doesn't seem to be about anymore (and no one's expressed an opinion unless I missed it) I'll assume we found a way to get Draig's money to him.

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