It's a pretty delicious slice of pie, but far from the whole pie. It reminds me a little of Star Trek: the Next Generation. I have no doubt some other Trek show would have come along and done a good job, and there have been several good Trek shows (including movies). But TNG struck gold with great chemistry among the cast and now it's a memorable part of the Trek legacy. Similarly, CR has become a flagship D&D show that will be remembered fondly for years to come, and I'm sure it did bring lots of new people to the game, but the brand would keep on chugging and some other group would have become the Flagship D&D show.
But, unlike the Shatner / Nimoy grudge, the folks at Critical Role seem to be really upstanding and decent people on the whole. I'm genuinely happy for their success.
But, unlike the Shatner / Nimoy grudge, the folks at Critical Role seem to be really upstanding and decent people on the whole. I'm genuinely happy for their success.