D&D 5E To much 5th edition content?

It's never about too much content. It's always an issue of good content.
So far, the list of 5th edition books that I consider useful are the Player's Handbook and the Monster Manual.
I think the DMG is incredibly valuable content. Too many people downplay it but tell me the rules for experience or how to customize monsters. What are the grim & gritty rules? How do you make an intelligent sword? How do you design an encounter? How many encounters per day is the expectation, it’s not one balanced encounter.

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I don't think it's really a controversial take to say that the DMG would be considered inessential by some. It's probably the least "essential" DMG of any edition I can think of (to be fair, I haven't read much of the 4th ed one and I know they took magic items out of it, so maybe that beats it, idk).

Out of curiosity which classic D&D concepts would you say are missing?

Me, I mostly have the warlord and high level martials actually being high level.
I would add martial arcane classes have been OVER acknowladged, but not in a unique way. Bards, ELdritch Knights, Arcane Tricksters, and even bladesinges are all useing OTHER spells. (most wizards) but they don't have any spells uniqe to them.

1 thing I would want is a 1/2 or 1/3 caster with weapon trianing and atleast a few spells just for them.

non spell useing complex classes would be nice (like your warlord example)

epic expansion (I don't mean over 20 but it could) just options for something in the last 5ish levels

I would add martial arcane classes have been OVER acknowladged, but not in a unique way. Bards, ELdritch Knights, Arcane Tricksters, and even bladesinges are all useing OTHER spells. (most wizards) but they don't have any spells uniqe to them.

1 thing I would want is a 1/2 or 1/3 caster with weapon trianing and atleast a few spells just for them.

non spell useing complex classes would be nice (like your warlord example)

epic expansion (I don't mean over 20 but it could) just options for something in the last 5ish levels
Yep that's the thing. We have so many gish subclasses and yet none of them bring anything like the prior edition gishes did to the table.

If you add more, you're just adding to the bloat even more. If you don't add more, those gaps remain unfilled. It's a no win situation.

Yep that's the thing. We have so many gish subclasses and yet none of them bring anything like the prior edition gishes did to the table.

If you add more, you're just adding to the bloat even more. If you don't add more, those gaps remain unfilled. It's a no win situation.
yup... WOtC has painted itself into a corner in many ways

I have to say that there is so much 5e content being generated right now it is rather amazing.
Whether WotC or through 3rd party KS.

My last DTRPG was just this side of nuts, and my next one at the end of March equally so. This next one will include a lot of Age of Sigmar stuff, and any other 5e product releases, plus late backing or KS stuff.

Classes is the main thing. Of which warlord is the most obvious. We have battlemaster which has a few support focused features, but in the end it's still a front line hit things class.
I've said in the past I think this could be fixed by adding a new fighting style for Direct The Strike and a couple of maneuvers including one that makes someone spend hit dice.
We still don't have a psion either.
Aberrant Mind Sorcerer hits almost every single point of a sorcerer. Uses power points (fully interchangeable between metamagic and spells) and has all the psionic abilities/spells including getting to use them like psionics.
And despite having tons of gish subclasses, we don't have any which replicate how the swordmage/duskblade/magus acted in prior editions.
The swordmage is very different from the other two. Delivering a spell through a sword should, I agree, be a thing - but it's starting to drift into the territory of the Paladin smite spells (with the Paladin having expanded massively thematically and pressuring Gish classes because of it)
No playable plant race which is a shame. They're such a meme in pathfinder and I wish DnD has something similar.
No ice/winter themed subclasses for any class which is surprising.
Storm Herald Barbarian has Tundra as one of the choices and Circle of the Land Druids get arctic as a choice. There should however be both clerics and sorcerers of winter.
I would add martial arcane classes have been OVER acknowladged, but not in a unique way. Bards, ELdritch Knights, Arcane Tricksters, and even bladesinges are all useing OTHER spells. (most wizards) but they don't have any spells uniqe to them.
Bards certainly have unique spells. I don't think they have many but they definitely have Vicious Mockery as a cantrip and Dissonant Whispers at first level. (Note: this does not include subclass poaching). Possibly unique spells for subclasses would be an idea.
1 thing I would want is a 1/2 or 1/3 caster with weapon trianing and atleast a few spells just for them.
Both Ranger and Paladin qualify here.

The swordmage is very different from the other two. Delivering a spell through a sword should, I agree, be a thing - but it's starting to drift into the territory of the Paladin smite spells (with the Paladin having expanded massively thematically and pressuring Gish classes because of it)
Yeah that's another issue with a gish class focused around hitting magically. That's been moved more onto paladin this edition. But then despite paladin's theme being expanded, it doesn't even remotely approach arcane/elemental themed subclasses.

Ranger also has some spells focused on weapon attacks however. Ensnaring strike, seating smite, lightning arrow. So it's not completely paladin exclusive.

Even more frustrating is that the magic initiate feats, and the fey/shadow touched feats don't allow access to the smite type spells either. So you can't even feat your way into that playstyle as an arcane class.

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