Recommended Feats
A Seeker's feat selection is critical. Their native capacity for control is limited, and when access to magic items is restricted, feats (and the PPs they can make accessible) are the only way to custimize a Seeker outside of their native resources. In other words, Seekers can't afford to take fluff feats and rely on the strength of their class features and powers.
I will be rating all of the Seeker's class feats, because there are so few, but otherwise I will be leaving out any feat that would rate lower than Black. I'm also leaving out any racial feats for races that are rated less than Blue. If you can't find a certain feat below, it's probably because I don't think you should ever take it. (I say probably because there's a small chance I've overlooked a feat here or there.) If a race is missing from the Racial Feats section even though I've rated it Blue or higher, it's because there were no racial feats for it that I would ever recommend taking.
Overall, you have certain priorities when it comes to feats, which are described as follows:
1. Accuracy bonuses - Moreso than some other Controllers, you rely on hitting to apply your control. Make sure you do that. Expertise and CA-generation are the usual means, but there are a few others here and there.
2. Toolbox - You can use feats to widen the spectrum of control you can apply. Skill Power, World Serpent's Grasp, Novice Power, Psychic Lock- that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. Look to introduce whole new abilities to the Seeker's native body of powers.
3. Initiative - You really want to go first. You only need one or two feats here, but they're vital.
4. Power recovery - Your options are slim here, but anything you can do to reuse the few potent powers available to you will help you be that much closer to a good Controller.
5. Defense bonuses - Your defenses are not amazing by default, but there are some basic steps you can take to improve them. You need to get your feat bonuses to your NADs, which may be targetted more often than AC, and you should try to bump your AC by a point or two.
Class Feats
Heroic Tier:
Bloodied Elusion
(PHB3) - Short-range shift that happens under conditions you probably can't control, for the build that can shift with a Minor. Useless.
Improved Inevitable Shot (PHB3) - If you use a Crossbow, this is red. If you don't, it's still not worth a feat slot.
Inescapable Shot
(PHB3) - This slightly increases the likelihood that you'll be able to do something useful with Inevitable Shot. Very, very slightly.
Spiritbond Defense
(PHB3) - Overly conditional, insignificant benefit.
Strengthened Bond
(PHB3) - You don't want to be in melee enough to use this twice, but if you're bloodied, there's a good chance you're in melee more than you'd like anyways.
Paragon Tier:
Bloodbond Wrath
(PHB3) - Why why why would you not just take Vicious Advantage instead.
Inevitable Volley
(PHB3) - Hey, this is actually good. An extra RBA with a common trigger is good times, especially considering how good your RBA control is.
Primal Eye
(PHB3) - +5-9 damage on your At-Wills is not amazing for a Controller. It's nice, but you probably wan't to hold off on this til you've gotten some more important Paragon feats.
Punishing Rebuke
(PHB3) - An extra dice of damage one or two times per encounter? Please.
Epic Tier:
Inevitable Accuracy
(PHB3) - If you took Inevitable Volley, this feat is unlikely to do anything. Skip it.
Ruthless Price
(PHB3) - Immobilize is significantly better control than slow, but you're in epic tier now, and you deserve better.
Spiritbond Outrage
(PHB3) - Adding a prone to this is decent, but it's just so unimpressive at epic tier. There are better ways to spend your feats.
General Feats
Heroic Tier:
Armor Proficiency: Hide
(PHB) - You generally won't qualify til Paragon, but this is a great way to patch your otherwise meager AC.
Battle Caster Defense
(PHB3) - You shouldn't need this, but you might have a DM who loves forcing you to provoke, and a party who can't stop him.
(HotFK) - Spiritbond only- this patches the disadvantage of not having DEX. Initiative is important.
Cunning Stalker
(HotFK) - This is one of a few feats you can use to consistently get CA from range, which is very important for you simply because you need as much accuracy as possible
Expertise (Various) - Not a question of whether you will take it, but when, and which one. I'll be rating the benefits.
-Bludgeon Expertise (HotFL) - This is a nice perk for all the Dwarven Throwers out there.
Bow Expertise (HotFL) - Extra damage is okay- pity this doesn't help your control.
-Crossbow Expertise (HotFL) - This will really ease your targetting concerns, and simplify combat. Excellent.
-Heavy Blade Expertise (HotFL) - It's a small bonus, so it should only be relied upon if you have another large bonus to defense against OAs, like Battle Caster Defense or Githzerai Mobility.
-Light Blade Expertise (HotFL) - More extra damage. Meh.
-Spear Expertise (HotFL) - You shouldn't charge, take Master at Arms instead.
-Master at Arms (HotFL) - It's a pity the action economy is limited to weapons, but this can still be useful. A potion can be an improvised weapon, right? Kidding.
-Versatile Expertise
(PHB3) - No feat tax refund, but this is your only choice if you want to pick up some implement powers. Be glad it exists.
Distant Advantage (PHB2)- How useful this is depends on your party. In the right group, it can be extremely valuable.
Far Throw (PHB) - I don't think it's fair that this does so much less than the Far Shot feat, but when you're using thrown weapons you often need all the range you can get.
Great Fortitude/Lightning Reflexes (PHB) - You will have a bad NAD, and this is a decent way to patch it if you don't qualify for Superior Fortitude/Reflexes. That means you should never take Iron Will, though.
Grounding Shot (PHB3)- You prone things, and other people sometimes prone things. Turn that disadvantage into an advantage.
Hafted Defense
(PHB3) - A nice perk if you're throwing a glaive or a greatspear or I don't know maybe a talenta sharrash.
Hidden Sniper
(HotFK) - Concealment is really easy to get at higher levels, provided you don't have to deal with item rarity. This combines very nicely with Armor of Dark Deeds.
Improved Defenses (HotFL) - This is best taken in early paragon. You can take it earlier, but you shouldn't take it much later.
Improved Initiative (PHB) - If you don't go first, you lose a huge opportunity to fulfill an important controller function: dictate the terms of the battle.
Mark of Storm
(EPG) - Combined with a Lightning Weapon, this gets you forced movement on all your attacks, which is valuable. Being item dependent limits it, as does the fluff- many DMs won't let you take this outside of an Eberron campaign, and even then will restrict its access to half-elves.
Mark of Handling
(EPG) - Mounted combat offers a lot of options, and can be rewarding. You need this or Mounted Combat. This gives you a few more benefits, but is very campaign dependent.
Mounted Combat (PHB) - This or Mark of Handling is required for mounted combat to be very good, unless you stock up on Figurines of Wondrous Power with Mounts.
Nimble Blade (PHB) - Sometimes you throw daggers and you have CA a lot and you're very accurate, partially because of this feat.
Resilient Focus
(HotFL) - Failing saving throws is one of the most annoying things. You can do something about that if you want.
Skill Power
(PHB3) - There are more very good skill powers than you have utility slots for. You probably want this by L18 so that you can get both Land's Passage and Insightful Riposte, or earlier if you want both Earthbond Gift and Natural Terrain Understanding.
Shield Proficiency: Light (PHB) - If you're Spiritbond you probably qualify, and you get a better defensive boost than you do with Hide proficiency, and if you MC Fighter you can use Hindering Shield. You're limited to a one-handed weapon, though.
Speed Loader
(PHB2) - Hurray, now you can use a Superior Crossbow AND use your Minor actions for things. Invaluable.
Spring Step (PHB3) - Prone can really mess you up, especially if you aren't Bloodbond. This eases the pain.
Superior Fortitude (HotFL) - You will have difficulty qualifying for this before epic, and it will only add one to your Fort over Improved Defenses. The resistance is nice, but not important. Of course, if you get
Superior Reflexes
(HotFL) - This will get you CA in the first round, when it's difficult to get and most important to have. Excellent in combination with Armor of Dark Deeds and Hidden Sniper.
Superior Will (HotFL) - If you are dazed or stunned, your ability to apply control is compromised. So, don't be dazed or stunned.
Weapon Focus (PHB) - Damage is not what you're about. That said, everybody in the party is responsible for contributing to the party's damage. This helps you do your part.
Weapon Proficiency
(PHB) - If Bloodbonders want a +3 proficiency bonus, and Spiritbonders want to throw something decent, they'll need this feat.
World Serpent's Grasp (HotFK) - This is difficult to use at-will since Grappling Spirits only slows until the end of the target's turn, but being able to prone with out-of-turn attacks and APs is still really very valuable. There's just very few other ways to directly increase your capacity to control.
Vicious Advantage (PHB3) - A lot of your powers slow or immobilize, but you can't take advantage of this at-will. It's not bad, but Distant Advantage, Hidden Sniper, and Cunning Stalker are all better.
Paragon Tier:
Armor Specialization (Hide)
(PHB) - You probably won't be able to afford the 15 CON until epic, but this is a great boost to your defenses. The removal of the check penalty is a nice perk too.
Danger Sense
(PHB) - If your DM usually runs monsters with high init, then you'll need this in addition to your feat bonus. Otherwise, you probably won't have room for it, even though it's nice.
Distant Shot
(PHB) - This is only
black for Bloodbonders, but for thrown weapon users this effectively doubles your limited range.
Opportunistic Withdrawal
(PHB3) - This is a pretty useful tool for getting out of melee, if you still have trouble doing that. If you don't have CA through some other means, just have a melee ally come flank with you, then get out of there.
Polearm Gamble
(PHB) - This is only for Spiritbond Seekers who use a Polearm that has inherited the thrown property via weapon enchantment, but this is a great feat for that niche build.
Psychic Lock
(PHB) - This is mostly weapon dependent, but this is still a fantastic way for you to expand your ability to control. Penalties to attack are the least situational debuffs.
Spear Push
(PHB) - This is good for the traditional javelin-throwing Spiritbonder who takes forced movement powers, but not that good.
Epic Tier:
Bow Mastery
(PHB2) - Only take this if you have feats that let you recharge powers when you crit.
Deft Aim
(PHB3) - This makes your RBAs significantly more accurate, and is particularly valuable if you have an enabler in the party or you're frequently able to get through all your encounter powers.
Epic Fortitude/Reflexes/Will
(PHB2) - Patch that low Fort/Reflex!
Epic Resurgence
(PHB) - Many of you won't have access to an expanded crit range, but encounter power recovery is still nice.
Long Step
(PHB3) - This great for most characters, and it's just that much nicer when you can shift as a minor action.
Primal Resurgence
(PHB2) - Recharge your Dailies, just like a big boy Controller! This is much more limited than Arcane Mastery, of course.
Superior Initiative
(PHB3) - Remember Improved Initiative? Replace it into this.
Unfettered Stride
(PHB) - Difficult Terrain will never trap you in melee again.
Racial Feats
Xen'drik Weapon Training (Heroic, EPG) - For one feat, you get your feat bonus to damage and proficiency with one of the best thrown weapons- the Heavy Blade property is beautiful because it lets you get Githyanki Silver, which in turn lets you Psychic Lock.
Clutch of Darkness (Heroic - FRPG) - The bigger burst increases the likelihood that you'll be able to trap an enemy within your Cloud of Darkness, which means you can more easily use it to inflict Blind. Useful, but situational.
Eyedark Strike (Paragon - D373) - Here we go. This is a huge increase in the utility of your racial power, and a big boost in your efficacy as a Controller. Note that you don't have to trigger this on an attack- anytime you cause a damage instance, you can use this to add a blind. One of the least costly ways to significantly improve Seeker control.
Master of Fire and Darkness (Paragon - FRPG) - Essentially grants you a use of Darkfire 1/enc, which is a decent way to encourage focus fire and get CA when you couldn't otherwise. If your DM is a stickler for RAW, you need to take this to get Curseborn powers to work.
Lolth Blessed (Epic - D382) - Combo with Eyedark Strike to let you blind things even more frequently.
Dwarven Weapon Training (Heroic - PHB) - If you're a Dwarf, it's probably because you want to throw a big weapon instead of a javelin. This gets you there, and saves you a feat on Weapon Focus.
Dodge Giants
(Heroic - PHB) - Not useful in heroic, but later most of your enemies will be Large or larger, and this becomes an easy, untyped +1 AC/Ref.
Dwarven Durability
(Paragon - PHB) - Your defenses aren't amazing- make sure you can last through the beating you take.
Wood Elf Agility (Heroic - FRPG) - Feats that are strictly skill bonuses are usually not good enough to be worth a feat slot, but this is a favorite of mine, and Seekers don't have an overwhelming number of good feats anyways.
Elven Precision (Heroic - PHB) - This is just a little extra insurance to help you land an important attack. It's not much, but you get to apply it when you need it most.
Running Shot (Paragon - PHB) - Thanks to this feat, elves can Run better than any other race, and with the right equipment you can make the Run action very potent. Good if you frequently have the chance to kite.
Dutiful Servant (Heroic - DSCS) - Good, but only if you have a Leader who is constantly granting you RBAs.
Markings of the Victor (Heroic - PHB2) - That first attack roll is almost always a crucial one. This helps ensure you don't botch it.
Githzerai Blade Master
(Heroic - D378) - If you want to throw +3 prof weapon that's bigger than a d6, this is the feat for you. Fullblade proficiency and a boosted Weapon Focus all in one.
Dakshai's Body-Mind Union (Heroic - PHB3) - Often, Iron Mind isn't enough to turn a hit into a miss. Often, that hit come with some debilitating effect; this gives you very good odds at keeping you from being disabled.
Githzerai Mobility (Paragon - D378) - Congratulations, you're better at ignoring OAs than an Artful Dodger.
Shared Danger Sense (Paragon - PHB3) - A group bonus to initiative is nice- this one isn't very big, but it will stack with almost anything.
Peerless Reaction (Epic - PHB3) - If you're considering Adamantine Mind, skip it and take this instead. Githzerai can shift 3 when they second wind, and this lets you interrupt a hit with your second wind, potentially letting you move out of range of the attack before it lands.
Adept Dilettante
(Heroic - D385) - Thanks to this feat, Half elves are the only ones who can get orb proficiency without 13 INT or CHA, though it takes them two feats to do it. This also opens up some interesting options for At-Will control.
Defending Dabbler
(Heroic - D385) - If you are out of an enemy's reach, a -2 to hit anyone but you is just a -2 to hit, and that's the kind of thing you want to be doing.
Versatile Master
(Paragon - PHB2) - The only reason to be a Half-elf Seeker. It is assumed that you will take this.
Archery Mastery (Heroic - D400) - This is not actually a half-elf feat, but obviously you've got to be a half-elf to take this feat. This will
Action Surge (
Heroic - PHB) - Landing your attacks at pivotal moments is important. This is one way to do that.
Stubborn Survivor (Heroic - FRPG) - This will be active most of the time and stacks with Resilient Focus, which you should take first.
Twilight Training (Heroic - MP2) - This has come up in a lot of my games. Sometimes you can't just pop a sunrod because you're trying to sneak.
Action Recovery (Paragon - PHB) - Won't help you throw off stun or dominate, but still useful.
Foamgather Heritage
(Heroic - D386) - Only situationally useful, but opens up the Foamgather Warrior feat.
Sunspray Warrior
(Heroic - D386) - Net-using Seekers only: untyped +1 to hit with an odd At-Will (I haven't fully explored its potential) is good. Every net user should consider this.
Sunspray Heritage
(Heroic - D386) - Only situationally useful, but opens up the Sunspray Warrior feat.
Sunspray Warrior
(Heroic - D386) - Mounted Seekers only: untyped +1 to hit with melee or ranged powers, and a decent At-Will you can keep if you plan on being in melee for some reason.
Wolfstone Heritage
(Heroic - D386) - The stance is okay since you get it for free, but this feat is really only useful as a prerequisite for Wolfstone Warrior.
Wolfstone Warrior (Heroic - D386) - The AP feature is incredibly unimportant, but Wolfstone Frenzy is one of the least costly ways to get At-Will forced movement. This is black because you have to be in melee, which means it's for very niche Spiritbond Seekers, probably playing Polearm shenanigans.
Beast Within (Paragon - PHB3) - A Minotaur feat that works if you aren't in melee! Conditional attack bonuses are pretty good, even when the condition (bloodied) will probably be in effect less than half of the time.
Born in Darkness (Heroic - D391) - This has come up in a lot of my games. Sometimes you can't just pop a sunrod because you're trying to sneak.
Bred for Battle (Heroic - DSCS) - Init bonus that stacks with feat/power bonuses? Good. Untyped attack bonus during the crucial first round? Good.
Shadow Exile (Heroic - D391) - Being untargettable for a round is great- that's why Feywild Jaunt is so good. Unfortunately this doesn't let you move like that power does.
Psychic Focus (Heroic - PHB3) - If you are using a Mindiron Crossbow, this is strictly superior to Weapon Focus- but damage is still not a high priority.
Powers - At-Will
Why You Need Biting Swarm and Grappling Spirits
Grappling Spirits is the only hard control a Seeker can apply At-Will. The ability to shut down at least some of a monster's options is something a Controller needs to be able to do At-Will. There will be times, of course, when slow+no-shift is not a useful status effect. Biting Swarm is one of the only pieces of non-situational control Seekers get. They need it in order to function as a Controller when none of their other too-situational powers are useful. So, to sum up, two of their at-wills are vital to their role, and the other three are terrible.
Biting Swarm (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon.This is the Seeker's best At-Will by a hair. It's hard control, it's a good solid debuff, and it's UNCONDITIONAL. Unlike the vast majority of Seeker powers, it's going to be useful no matter what the circumstances are. If your party is fighting a Solo melee monster, and you don't have this power, there's a good chance that you won't be able to exercise any useful control. Oh, and it's an RBA. Perfect. Side note: Use a Mindiron Weapon and Psychic Lock to boost the penalty to a healthy -4.
Elemental Spirits (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Varies, Weapon. The intent here is to give Bloodbond Seekers a tool to exploit vulnerabilities and other elemental goodies, and to apply a soft disincentive for enemies to group around the target. In practice, what it does is give the target a damage aura that it can use against you and your allies. This is actually better for Spiritbond Seekers who have a low DEX mod, who can use it to pop minions without risking much damage to their allies, or who can use it with Mark of Storm to get some forced movement. If it weren't kind of useful on a character with no DEX, it would be Red.
Grappling Spirits
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This is the second best Seeker At-Will, which is to say that it's the other good one. An enemy that is slowed and cannot shift will have a lot of trouble closing to melee distance, or disengaging from your Fighter. Pick up World Serpent's Grasp, (have that Fighter get it too) and the lockdown will be very thorough. This is your only at-will hard control, and it's better than many of your encounter powers. Love it forever.
Guardian Harrier
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This is not as bad as the other two bad At-Wills, though the fact that it isn't one of the two powers you need to take keeps it from being Black. It is an RBA, and it is usable in melee, but the fact is that the control rider is too soft. It's intended to force a monster to move out of a desirable position, but instead it reads, more or less, "the target takes a small amount of damage unless it wants to move."
Thorn Cloud Shot
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Poison, Primal, Weapon, Zone. Using this power is actively harmful to your party. Monsters have far more hp than PCs do, (and often resist poison) and so they can ignore the zone, but your allies usually can't afford to. Because the zone is always centered on the target, you can't use it on targets that have engaged your allies in melee without hurting those allies too. There is nothing good about this.
Powers - Heroic Tier
Level 1, Encounter
There isn't a clear winner at this level; do you want
Possessing Spirits for a situational multi-target daze, or
Steel Forest with a rare bit of true AoE with some weak area denial?
Level 1 Encounter List
Flickering Arrow
(PHB3) - Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Gives the target an aura that imposes a mild attack penalty on other nearby enemies. The target is unaffected. Enemies will move away from the target before attacking next turn, but only if doing so is not inconvenient. This is not the kind of 'control' effect that is worth spending a standard action on.
Mischief Spirits
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Even if this was a daze, and not just prone, it would be terrible. This is situational control that you must apply before you know whether or not the situation will call for this power. It counts as an RBA, but since this isn't as good as your At-Will RBA, that is irrelevant.
Possessing Spirits
(PHB3) -
Targets Will, Keywords Charm, Primal, Weapon. Daze at first level is great, and multi-target daze is wonderful. Unfortunately, in order to use this power a lot of pieces have to fall into place: First, you have to have a target with a good MBA that you know about. Second, that target has to be adjacent to another target. Third, you have two chances of missing- the initial (admittedly very accurate) attack and the target's MBA. If either miss, no daze. Still one of your best picks at this level.
Serpent Arrow
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This suffers the same problem as Mischief Spirits, except that the effect is stronger and even more situational. Sliding something later is just so, so much less useful than sliding something now. Don't take this, even if you're Spiritbond.
Spider Spirits (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Poison, Primal, Weapon. The poison keyword hurts here, since a good number of monsters (mostly undead) are immune and therefore ignore both the damage and the slow/defense debuff. On the other hand, the defense debuff is not situational at all, which is a pleasant departure from other Seeker encounter powers.
Steel Forest
(D389) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. You're a controller- do you want to be able to AoE in heroic tier without spending a Daily? If so, then you pretty much need to take this power. The zone of difficult terrain with damage on entry is passable area denial, and it happens on an effect. It's soft control, but it at least has some value, and you need the AoE. If you don't want Possessing Spirits, this is what you take.
Level 1, Daily
Swarming Bats is the best of a bad field, though it's
not as good for Spiritbonders and
Rime Strike isn't that much worse. Choose from those two, they're still way better than the other three.
Level 1 Daily List
Fungal Blooms
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Conjuration, Poison, Primal, Weapon. Single-target immobilize (save ends) is only slightly better than your encounter powers or Grappling Spirits, and that's the only thing this power has going for it. The damage caused by entering one of the effected squares is trivial, there's a chance it will miss, and only one can be triggered per monster turn.
Persistent Arrow
(D389) -
Targets AC, Keywords Conjuration, Primal, Weapon. Basically, you hit something for some damage, and the only control involved is that the target takes some damage if it enters a specific adjacent square of your choosing. One time after that, you can use a Minor to make another attack that prones. This is all mind-blowingly underwhelming.
Rime Strike (PHB3) - Targets AC, Keywords Cold, Primal, Weapon, Zone. Single-target immobilize (save ends) is okay, though it's not great, and you also get to make the zone unpleasant for the duration of the encounter. Lackluster.
Spirit Rider (PHB3) - Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. You do some damage, and then after that either minions will not end their turns adjacent to the target, or the target will move away from any minions before attacking. That's seriously all this does.
Storm of Spirit Shards
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Friendly burst damage. This Swarming Bats but a smaller area, and with all of the (already unimpressive) control stripped out. Don't take this.
Swarming Bats
(PHB3) - Targets Reflex, Keywords Primal, Weapon, Zone: This is a bunch of different little goodies that add up to make a solid power. You get Weapon vs NAD accuracy on a 5x5 friendly AoE, you slide all the enemies you hit, you create a big patch of difficult terrain that, while unfriendly, is movable and has the minor benefit of making enemies grant CA. Sustain Minor, but what are you using those for? If the map has a burst 2 chokepoint somewhere, this can win a fight. Otherwise, it can lock artillery and skirmishers in melee. This is not as good for thrown weapon users- this power really wants a good long range behind it.
Level 2, Utility
Train Acrobatics and take
Agile Recovery (or Perception/
Far Sight). There is nothing good here.
Level 2 Utility List
Harrying Spirits
(PHB3) - This doesn't make sense. It's basically a Daily tool to discourage an enemy from targetting you, but the effect isn't potent enough for the enemy to care about it. Also, the trigger is bizarre and unrelated to the effect.
Warding Arrow (D389) - The best of these, there's a small chance you'll be able to turn a hit into a miss with this power. Alternately, you can just burn it for CA. Meh.
Hunter's Instinct
(PHB3) - You are not a Striker. All this does is lure you into melee.
Stag's Grace
(PHB3) - If you're Bloodbond, you avoid OAs with your Minor Shift. If you're Spiritbond, you can use a melee attack or two until you're able to disengage. If you really think you need this, just buy Shadowdance Leather armor instead.
Stone Spirit Ward (PHB3) - This is decent for Spiritbonders if you can anticipate when you're going to be taking multiple attacks- sometimes combat doesn't go how you planned, after all.
Level 3, Encounter
Everybody wants
Escaping Shot here, though
Stampede Shot is actually competitive for Spiritbonders.
Level 3 Encounter List
Burrowing Shot (PHB3) - Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This is the encounter version of the Spirit Rider D1. For one round minions will avoid being adjacent to the target. Almost worthless.
Escaping Shot (PHB3) -
Targets Will, Keywords Primal, Psychic, Weapon. You get a daze on a Weapon vs NAD power that you can use in melee and that includes a shift (a big one if you're Bloodbond), and the Psychic keyword can be useful. This is what a decent controller power looks like.
Seeker's Due (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. The Bloodbond extra damage rider offers no control is not worth considering, so let's look at this for Spiritbonders. What's that? STR mod penalty to attack rolls? That's fantastic OH WAIT, the power requires you to use a bow, even though the good rider is for the build that uses thrown weapons. This power is a cruel joke that needs to be errata'd. If it is, it will be blue or sky blue. If you're play a Spiritbonder, ask your DM to waive the weapon prereq. and then take this.
Spectral Scorpion Sting
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Conjuration, Poison, Primal, Weapon. The idea here is to discourage enemies (including the target) from leaving squares near the target. If the penalty for doing so interrupted movement, and not damage that any significant enemy will ignore, this power would be worth a Standard Action.
Stampede Shot
(PHB3) -
Targets Fortitude, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This is an accurate attack with some solid forced movement. Spiritbond especially will get a lot of mileage out of it, and the Seeker can use all the forced movement it can get. Good pick.
Winter Spirit (PHB3) -
Targets Fortitude, Keywords Cold, Primal, Weapon. This is a straightforward power; it immobolizes a thing, and you can use it as an RBA. This is not bad, but it doesn't do much to expand your Controller toolbox. You can hamper movement effectively already with just your At-Wills.
Level 5, Daily
Everything is bad except for
Ensnaring Shot, so take that. You could take
Protecting Spirits if, I dunno, your DM only runs solos or something.
Level 5 Daily List
Call of the Ghost Wolf
(PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Conjuration, Primal, Weapon. You pick a square next to the target, and enemies don't want to be adjacent to that square, Sustain Minor. This would be good if the conjuration was moveable or punished moving away, but it isn't and it doesn't, so it's not.
Coralling Shot
(PHB3) - Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Reliable, Weapon. This is an interesting form of forced movement that lets you bunch up two or three enemies. It's situational, though Dailies can afford to be to a degree, but they need to be more powerful to make up for being situational. If it weren't reliable, this would make a good encounter power.
Cursed Dart
(D389) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Psychic, Weapon, Zone. Stiff but situational penalty to the target for ending a turn adjacent to its allies (immobilize is ignorable for artillery that is out of melee range or for melee that has already engaged). Unfortunately, the effect is (save ends), so you get a round or two of the enemy not bunching up. Great. Skip this.
Ensnaring Shot
(PHB3) -
Targets Reflex, Keywords Primal, Weapon, Zone. This is the first power you get that allows you to hamper the movement of multiple targets, and it does this beautifully. This is an excellent example of a power being really good while retaining mechanical identity unique to the Seeker. Pin down enemies until you miss, and even then enemies can get stuck in the zone you leave behind. Sustain Minor, but you can handle that.
Protecting Spirits (PHB3) -
Targets Will, Keywords Primal, Weapon. It's a friendly AoE, and it pushes and prones. It's not bad, but the effect is just not powerful enough to be a Daily. It would be a good encounter power.
Wildfire Shot
(PHB3) -
Targets Reflex, Keywords Fire, Primal, Weapon. Discourages grouping by threat of spreading ongoing damage. If this was an encounter power, it still wouldn't be Blue.
Level 6, Utility
Basically, choose between
Earthbond Gift and your favorite Skill Power, there are lots of good ones.
Level 6 Utility List
Blurring Stride (PHB3) - Good defensive ability, but the Sustain Minor is annoying and unnecessary, and you have to move 3 squares in a single move action to get the concealment. Better for Spiritbond, who can shift out of melee and still have enough actions to attack and move 3 squares.
Cloak of Quills (PHB3) - If you have STR you're Spiritbond, and I guess you're supposed to be in melee provoking OAs? No, you're not. Stay away from melee and don't provoke OAs and don't take this power.
Eagle's Aim (PHB3) - Strictly inferior to the Perception L2 Skill Power Far Sight.
Earthbond Gift (PHB3) - Temp hp when you're bloodied is good- 2x WIS is close to surge value for you. You don't really care that much about being weakened, but that's just a little icing.
Swirling Arrows (D389) - When it triggers you get to target the enemy you intended to target with the attack that triggered Inevitable Shot in the first place, which is nice, but it's too situational. On average you'd get to use this about once every other encounter.
Level 7, Encounter
Feyjump Shot is the Seeker's only Sky Blue encounter power in heroic, don't leave home without it. (It's not a bad idea to keep it for your entire career, actually.) Spiritbonders whose DMs don't ever use Artillery/Controllers can justify taking
Windstorm Shot instead, and have boring DMs.
Level 7 Encounter List
Feyjump Shot (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Teleportation, Weapon. This is a kind of control that other Controllers can't quite duplicate, and the kind that can, under the right conditions, win encounters. Basically, if the enemy has a vulnerable, inaccessible target and a mean frontliner guarding that target, you force them to switch places (no matter how far apart they are) and daze them both, leaving the vulnerable target wide open for your Strikers. Even if swapping the positions of two targets isn't particularly helpful, you can still daze them both. This is a situationally great encounter power, but it's the only Seeker power that can totally win an encounter sometimes, which is what Control is about. Keep this through epic tier.
Thunder Spirit (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Prone is trivial for you to accomplish if you have World Serpent's Grasp, and if you don't, it's still worse than most other things you could do with a Standard action. Deafened is worthless. This power is worthless.
Tremor Shot (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This is another one of those annoying power that imposes no control on the thing you actually target. You can count on targeting maybe one thing with the secondary attack. A slide 1+CA-grant on one or two targets is pathetic. The only reason this isn't Red is that you probably can't slide with an At-Will.
Wasp Sting Shot (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Poison, Primal, Weapon, Zone. Oh boy, more WIS mod poison damage that enemies will ignore if they want to be in the zone you made. We're getting toward the higher end of heroic, this kind of thing isn't funny anymore.
Windstorm Strike (PHB3) -
Targets Fortitude, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Spiritbonders can get a sizable push here, real AoE is rare for Seekers, it's friendly, and you aren't forced to center the burst on a target. The push is still not impressive enough at this level to merit more than a Black rating, but it is at least not bad.
Level 9, Daily
A heap of broken images, where the sun beats and the dead tree gives no shelter. MC, take Adept Power. Hell, take a Theme powerswap.
Level 9 Daily List
Binding Shot (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. If you hit two targets, you slide one next to the other, and they they can't move apart even by teleporting. The effect, however, only has a 1/16 chance of lasting past one round. This is is better than purple only because you can slide a vulnerable target into melee, and that's valuable- IF there's a vulnerable target who doesn't want to be in melee but is within 5 squares of an enemy who is melee.
Nature's Vengeance (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon, Zone. A small slide is made much more potent when it comes with an immobilize. The zone it creates discourages enemies from being adjacent to the target by threat of their being immobilized and then restained if they try to attack, which is actually discouraging. That the zone applies to the original target is a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately, discouraging enemies from staying in a zone is just not a useful thing to do.
Spirits of Fire and Ice (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keyword Cold, Fire, Primal, Weapon. The ongoing damage is immaterial. This is just a single-target immobilize, which is was barely even decent at level one. Pass.
Squall Spirit (PHB3) -
Targets Fortitude, Keyword Lightning, Primal, Thunder, Weapon. Ugh, ugh. This power doesn't even pretend to offer any control, and doesn't make up for it by offering anything else. Waste of ink.
Level 10, Utility
Feywild Jaunt or bust!
Level 10 Utility List
Burrowing Stride (PHB3) - Not very useful in combat, but out of combat it's pretty good. Excellent for scouting or otherwise being sneaky. This is very, very DM/campaign dependent. If find you're easily distracted between combat encounters, pick something else.
Far Step Arrow
(D389) - It's an encounter teleport! But you aren't a Striker, so there's no guarantee you'll be killing nonminions. Also you can't use it to escape melee without OAs. It's the most useless encounter teleport.
Feywild Jaunt (PHB3) - Now THIS is an encounter teleport; don't be fooled by the fact that it doesn't say teleport anywhere. Use it at the end of your first turn, and when Team Monster is blowing all their encounter/recharge powers you'll be safely off the grid, and free to choose where you begin your next turn.
Host of Sparrows (PHB3) - This triggers outside of your turn, and ends when your next turn starts, which is to say that the duration is very brief. It's a reaction, so insubstantial doesn't affect the triggering attack. This is only good if you are the enemy's only viable focus-fire target, in which case it may save you a little damage. It can also get you out of melee if no other monsters get turns between your turn and the triggering attack. This is mediocre.
Sheltering Underbrush (PHB3) - Cover for your allies and difficult terrain on a relatively small, immobile, Sustain Minor burst as a Daily? Completely unimpressive. I wouldn't take this at any level.
Powers - Paragon Tier
Level 13, Encounter
Wow, only two of these powers are trash! You probably want
Swarming Spirits, but if your DM gives everything burst powers or blindsight you can go with
Rabid Shot instead, unless everything is poison immune with burst powers or blindsight, in which case you get
Wind Spirits.
Level 13 Encounter List
Cordon of Thorns
(D389) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon, Zone. Unfriendly AoE that leaves a zone behind- in just the side of the 3x3 square that's furthest from you. So, a 3-square line. The punishment power that triggers if that line is crossed before the end of your next turn is an attack that does decent damage and slows. Problems: the zone is too small, the placement too limited, and the punishing attack can only be used once.
Feymire Trap (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Teleportation, Weapon. This is what Seeker heroic tier encounter powers should look like. Useful, solid, but not particularly impressive.
Rabid Shot (PHB3) -
Targets Fortitude, Keywords Poison, Primal, Weapon. Forcing a charge is excellent; you get hefty forced movement that provokes OAs, and you can take advantage of any interesting effects the target might have on its BMA. The poison keyword spoils this power somewhat- it has no effect whatsoever on undead with their poison immunity.
Raven Wing Shot (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Because the extra damage actually gets some of your damage mods, it is slightly better control than the Seeker's usual 5 poison damage, but this kind of soft control is not okay when you can have a blind.
Swarming Spirits (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Hey, now this is good, noncircumstantial control! You blind the target and give it an aura 2 that gives other enemies -2 to hit. If you're Bloodbond that's an aura 5. You'll enjoy this power for a long time- other controllers get AoE blind at this level, though.
Wind Spirits (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Friendly AoE that pushes, prones and doesn't provoke? Good, especially with the Spiritbond's increased push, but in paragon, with such a weak effect, the burst should really be larger.
Level 15, Daily
You want
Fey Sinkhole, unless you've done a silly thing like start with 12 INT and MC Wizard for orb proficiency so you can use an Item Daily to force a failed save against
Wave of Sleep.
Level 15 Daily List
Arrows of Misfortune
(D389) - Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This works exactly like Persistent Arrow, a D1, except that you can affect two targets with it, and you get a double attack against each one, which is decent damage at least. Still, weak punishment that only protects two squares is pretty worthless, and the debuff on the secondary power is even less impressive.
Corrosive Slime (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Acid, Primal, Weapon. I wouldn't take this power if it were a level 1 At-Will. It's that bad. The effect can keep things from coming back to life, but if you choose powers like this there's no guarantee you'll be able to kill things in the first place.
Fey Sinkhole (PHB3) -
No Attack (Secondary Targets Will), Keywords Primal, Psychic, Teleportation, Weapon, Zone. This is the best power Seekers have gotten so far. This is how you daze those monsters that shake off daze before their turn comes around. As long as you keep hitting (and you should, this is Weapon vs Will) and the target's allies can't slide him out of the zone, the target won't be able to escape or stay not-dazed. What's that? It also triggers Psychic Lock and kills minions? Excellent.
Triple Raptor Shot (PHB3) -
Targets Reflex, Keywords Primal, Weapon. If you really want to multiattack, take MC Ranger, take Adept Power, and swap this for Confounding Arrows so you can stun something while you're at it. This is a good Striker power, but you are a Controller.
Wave of Sleep (PHB3) -
Targets Fortitude, Keywords Primal, Sleep, Weapon. This is a big friendly AoE that can daze and render things unconscious, which is one of the best status effects. You have almost no way to force failed saves, however, and the AoE daze (save ends) isn't extraordinary. That Wizards do this at level one makes it look that much worse. Also, lol @Sleep keyword.
Level 16, Utility
You should be trained in Insight, and you should take
Insightful Riposte. If you can't take that for some reason, I guess
Earthfriend or
Sure Sight will serve.
Level 16 Utility List
Bramble Hide (PHB3) - You get a little defensive boost that you can pop if you foresee getting caught in melee. Kills minions that try to attack you, also. Meh.
Earthfriend (PHB3) - Once per day, at the cost of using a different Sustain Minor Daily or using your Bloodbond shift, you let your whole party ignore difficult terrain. It's pretty situational, but it can turn a whole encounter around, even though it's more of a Leader thing.
Ephemeral Wings (PHB3) - This is a slight upgrade to the Ranger U2 Yield Ground, which is embarrassing. It's still not a bad choice, though- that's a particularly good Ranger power.
Sure Sight (PHB3) - Also conditional, but being able to see no matter how much the DM wants to obscure things is potent. Darkness in various forms is a common obstacle.
Level 17, Encounter
Everything but
Sprite Dance is utterly, unbelievably awful.
Level 17 Encounter List
Convocation of Arrows (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. Exactly the same amount of control as Twin Strike. Utter trash. You should be ashamed of yourselves, designers.
Flesh-Tether Shot (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. The most optimal use of this is to discourage a distant melee enemy from closing to melee range. This will not dissuade him from doing so, or impede him from attacking. The Bloodbond rider literally does nothing whatsoever, since dazed targets already grant CA.
Infestation of Moths (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Polymorph, Primal, Weapon. You slide a thing (big distance if you're Spiritbond), give it a huge defensive boost (are you kidding me?) and blind enemies next to it UNTIL they move away, which they won't have any trouble doing. Purple, because you can use it on your Fighter to slide him next to a priority target. THE OPTIMAL USE OF THIS IS ON YOUR ALLY.
Seeker's Peerless Shot
(D389) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This is Seeker's Due, from L3, all over again. The weapon requirement restricts it to Bloodbond, but the Bloodbond rider is worthless and the Spiritbond rider is better even than blind. This is made of spite and bile.
Sprite Dance (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Teleportation, Weapon. This is actually good! It's like Feyjump Shot, but with a range limitation, and you don't have to hit twice to achieve the effect of dropping enemy artillery onto your Fighter's lap. You don't get to daze, but you do get more freedom in the destination square and you grant a Free MBA. This isn't Sky Blue only because at L17 we expect better.
Level 19, Daily
Just like every other level, everything is bad except for one power, which is practically mandatory. This time it's
Captivating Missile, one of my favorites.
Level 19 Daily List
Black Arrow of Fate
(D389) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Psychic, Weapon, Zone. Bloodbond only, you give the target an aura that makes him daze other enemies near whom the target ends its turn. The aura is save ends. Even if the target can't just move away from other enemies, conditional daze isn't worth a Daily.
Captivating Missile (PHB3) - Targets AC, Keywords Charm, Primal, Reliable, Weapon. An RBA power with real control! But really, dominate is great, and there are no silly conditionals you have to deal with. This is straight-forward. Don't miss the Reliable keyword, which is nice.
Conflagration Spirit (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Fire, Primal, Weapon. Ongoing damage is not control. Ongoing damage is not control. Say it with me.
Fury Spirits (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Conjuration, Primal, Weapon. This is Fungal Blooms, but without the Poison keyword. Let me rephrase: this is trash that's like other trash, but different.
Grasping Vines (PHB3) -
Targets AC, Keywords Primal, Weapon. This power encourages bad tactics or missing in order to get an effect that is only decent as a level one encounter power.
Rending Vines (PHB3) -
Targets Reflex, Keywords Primal, Weapon, Zone. It's Ensnaring Shot, but upgraded. Bigger burst, with restrain instead of immobilize. The problem is, that's not a huge upgrade, and Ensnaring Shot was level 5. Fey Sinkhole is a lower level and does the same thing but much better.
Powers - Epic Tier
Level 22, Utility
Guiding Spirit is a good choice, but if you don't have too many competing immediate powers,
Land Passage is an outstanding defensive tool.
Guiding Spirit (PHB3) - If you don't have a Leader who liberally distributes large power bonuses to hit, then this is fantastic, and really it's still good if you do. Pop this before you make an important attack, and you drastically reduce the odds that you'll choke.
Land Passage (PHB3) -
You and maybe an ally are simply not available for Team Monster to target- and unlike Feywild Jaunt, this only activates when and if you're attacked, which means that it's guaranteed to waste your enemy's actions. Jaunt, by contrast, will usually just force enemies to attack your allies instead. Be very mindful of initiative order when you bring an ally with you- they'll have to delay after you to get their normal turn, and that might not be desirable.
Nature's Passage (PHB3) - This is only situationally useful in combat, though it's better out of combat. Phasing is generally only useful one or two rounds per fight- this would be better as an encounter power with a brief duration. You should be doing much better than this at this level.
Primal Morass (PHB3) - Hey, a utility power that his controller-y! Oh