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To War Against Felenga (FINAL UPDATE POSTED!)

the Jester

Just as a note, that last update brought us to near the end of the session we played in the middle of May, and we then had a few week hiatus; our next game was June 16th. That means I'm reasonably caught up! I'm only three games behind!!

And for those of you chomping at the bit for the Simulacrum Wars, that all starts very soon...

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First Post
Wow, a whole cornucopia of updates!

the Jester said:
Just as a note, that last update brought us to near the end of the session we played in the middle of May, and we then had a few week hiatus; our next game was June 16th. That means I'm reasonably caught up! I'm only three games behind!!

Plus one.

the Jester


"So," Marius the Chronomancer breathes softly.

He sits at a simple wooden desk crafted by allies called from other planes, in a simple wooden cabin built by the same. Erected along one wall is a large, highly-polished mirror. He stares intently at it, scrying for potential allies in the coming storm. And he's found disturbing signs.

They've already gotten to so many of the greatest wizards, he thinks grimly. My simulacra have done well for themselves. I suppose there's a certain amount of pride to be taken in that... but they're very dangerous. Too dangerous. And with the magic they've developed- their so-called spell of liberation- I dare not give them too much time to act.

He considers the situation. A simulacrum, no matter how empowered, cannot learn or grow in power. It is limited to whatever energy is within it at creation. But it can spend that energy, at least to the limits it is able, and create more of itself. If it does not make them more powerful than itself, it will maintain control over them... and if it does empower them to be beyond itself, it will already be aware of the consequences, unlike me in my arrogance. I had to learn the hard way; the fact that they were the result means they already know. I know at least one of them has already essayed to make one even more powerful than itself, but I'm not sure about the rest; and I know they've broken apart, at least in location- not sure if they're working together or not now- and have approached and 'liberated' simulacra constructed by several of the more powerful practicioners of Cydra. Furthermore, I know that both Orbius and Malford have simulacra in their places right now- and they may have been subverted. I do not know for sure, but I do know that neither Malford nor Orbius is aware of the danger.

He sighs. Well, the first thing to do is to research a spell designed to destroy them. Marius' deconstruction, I'll call it...

He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and reaches out with his mastery of time and grabs hold of the flow. Like sand, it trickles through his fingers, but as he closes his mental fingers it slows... slows... slows... until his demiplane is passing at a far different rate than the Material Plane.

I have all the time in the world, he thinks, but so do my simulacra.


"They still have not triggered the spell," hisses Tamult. His fists clench. "How long must we wait? Have you forgotten that they slew our brother Chemnu?"

"I have not forgotten," intones the Master of the Bile Lords. "The spell will trigger when they are most vulnerable. To attack before then, when they have already shown so much might, would be foolish. Have you forgotten? They broke the seal. They destroyed the Crux Crystal. The bile no longer flows through the mountain. The land around it is cleansed."

"And so we wait," Tamult sneers.

"For now."

"And if the spell is never triggered?"

"We have time," the Bile King answers. "Have you forgotten how long your life may be, so long as it is fueled by the bile? Have you forgotten how long you and your brethren were locked within Bile Mountain? Have you forgotten that they will age and lose their strength, that they will wither to helplessness before they die?"

"I have not forgotten," Tamult says through gritted teeth. "But I thirst for vengeance. It is not impossible that they might outlive us, given the right conditions. And it is not impossible that they will try to assail us again."

The Bile King nods. "And yet none of them could stand before our combined fury." Slowly he draws his long blade from its sheath. There is the hiss of dripping liquid as bile bubbles from the edge, splashing on the marred stones at his feet. "None could stand before my blade."

"Then let us go to them, my King!" Tamult urges. "Let us seek them out and slay them all!"

"We have more important matters to attend to first," the master of the Bile Lords replies. "We must find the Queen."


Nigel smiles at the portal. The strange, writhing creature, all silvery feathered tentacles, pulses beside him. Nigel's head has swollen to almost the size of his chest, pulsing veins and arteries plainly visible beneath the surface. Since his apotheosis so much has been plain to him, and nothing is clearer than his need to seek out the entities beyond the portal.

"This is it?" the tentacled, writhing creature asks from its weird, lamprey-like orifice. "This is the portal to my home?"

"Yes," breathes Nigel exultantly. "Yes- to our home. I am one of you now." He turns and regards the creature, almost fluid in its writhing shapelessness. Its colors are beautiful to him- they are the colors of the unnatural. Of the pseudonatural.

"Well," comes a voice from behind them, "you've done your part, so you may use the portal at your whim. I caution you, though- it is very dangerous beyond."

Nigel turns to Marius. "You remember that?"

The chronomancer nods. "Oh, yes. I don't recall everything that my progenitor did- but that which I do recall, I recall far better than he. Beware, Nigel! The forces you will encounter are enough to drive any man mad!"

"Bah," Nigel waves a hand dismissively. "I'm not worried about it. And besides," he grins, "I'm mad already."

Taking a deep breath, he steps into the Far Realms.

Next Time: Back to our regularly scheduled story, as our heroes look for the Book of Olaf in the Library of Voldaith!

the Jester

The Book of Olaf

By midnight the party has reached the Library of Voldaith, thanks to Chairo's guidance. It was obviously once a proud-looking building, but now it's in ruins. The ceiling is mostly intact, though; hopefully things haven't been ruined too thoroughly by inclement weather. The place is large, with big piles of debris throughout it, the mark of fire in places. There are books everywhere.

A cursory search using detection magic fails to turn anything up. His stomach roiling, Orbius slices a rabbit's belly open and reads the steaming entrails.

Is the Book of Olaf in this library? Yes.
Where precisely is it? In the attic.
What does it look like? Red.
What is Chairo's alignment? Neutral.
Is it safe to rest in the Library of Voldaith? Yes.
Who is the most influential leader in this city? Rat Brain.
What is his alignment? Chaotic Evil.
About how many warriors does he command? 200.
Given our level of skill, what is the likely outcome if we fight his forces? Not too good.
Will he seek us out for what we've done to his champion? No.
From where we are, where must we travel to reach the Halls of the Unbound? North.
What guards the entrance to the Halls of the Unbound? The sea.
What other items on this plane would be of great use against Felenga? None known.
Is there anything in the attic we need fear? Yes.
What? The Book.
Why? It is of the Far Realms.
Can any of our group safely access the information within the Book? Unknown.
What do we have available to help avoid the negative effects of the Book? Unknown.

The Eye tells the rest of the group what he's learned, and collectively they mull. It's late, so they decide to sleep on it and search further in the morning- after all, it seems safe to rest here.

Zonzor, on the other hand, is busy being pissed off and exulting in his victory over Sir Breaker. He rides through the ruins for hours, trying to recruit more lackeys through threats, but the only man he finds flees after claiming to have the plague.

The next day the group searches the library thoroughly, both from within and without, until Thrush finally locates a trap door in the ceiling. When he pulls on it, a heavy staircase of a strange, glassy-looking metal drops down, and the group carefully ascends into a small hidden attic.

Within it is a strange book on a pedestal. The Book is strange looking, large and thick. It seems wrapped in wet red leather; when touched, the leather drips a thick, bloodlike fluid. It's creepy and disturbing, and worse, when Angelfire opens it and starts trying to read it, everyone feels a mental shock bore into them. The entire party cries out as the unnatural energies threaten their very minds, but only Zonzor seems unduly affected- this time. He's rather upset by it- his brain, never too sharp to begin with, has gone even duller. Orbius assures him that they'll help him when they can, then the group discusses the implications of this event.

"That's the first magic we've seen here," Orbius says through a dry mouth.

"I don't think this is very safe," Horbin comments.

"Maybe it's sealed in there for a reason," muses Malford.

The group confers, and they decide that, ideally, they would prefer to leave it behind. "But someone has to read it," Angelfire points out, "and since I've already started, I might as well be the one to finish it."

"I'll stand guard in case something goes awry," Horbin the Holy offers, and the rest of the group reluctantly agrees. There's no way to open the staircase from within the room; the party seals the two in, first telling them that they'll check in with them periodically.

"For Dexter's sake, be careful," cautions Malford, but the staircase has already slid shut and no sound penetrates it.

Within two days, it's apparent that it will take a week for Angelfire to learn what he must from the Book; but fortunately, no one molests our heroes. Zonzor's intellect slowly returns to him; growing bored after a couple of days, he rides off to try to find the retainer who abandoned him, riding to his farm, but to no avail. Cursing the disloyal man, he returns to the Halls of Greypeak in a foul mood.

Meanwhile, on Cydra, in Malford's capitol of Var, High Priest Turdlin of Malford receives an unexpected visitation....

Next Time: Turdlin receives a message! Our heroes head north! Danger and excitement, and- oh yeah- Lord Ruin!!


First Post
Can't wait for Lord Ruin. Couple quick questions:

1) While Orbius actually communes, he is a cohort of Lester. Does the group usually get together and come up with questions or is it all the L?

2) Whats up with the Far Realms?

3) I just saw Pirates of the Carribean. Did you base Clambake's afflcition on that story (the gloom, etc)? Some of it seemed so familiar just from reading your older story hour.


the Jester

Technik4 said:
Can't wait for Lord Ruin. Couple quick questions:

1) While Orbius actually communes, he is a cohort of Lester. Does the group usually get together and come up with questions or is it all the L?

The group usually comes up with questions before he starts, then James (Lester's player) runs the actual questioning, since if you talk to someone while he's communing the spell ends. ;)

2) Whats up with the Far Realms?

Heh heh heh... what exactly do you mean? If you have the MotP, you can look up the Far Realms and get an idea of what they're like. Boy, it sure would suck to have to travel into the Far Realms, wouldn't it?

3) I just saw Pirates of the Carribean. Did you base Clambake's afflcition on that story (the gloom, etc)? Some of it seemed so familiar just from reading your older story hour.


Nope, that was all me (although greatly inspired by the player's choice to take up the captain's hat!) Was it a good flick? I've been considering going myself sometime this weekend...

the Jester

Turdlin Receives a Message

Turdlin the Smirv, High Priest of God-King Malford the Magnificent, frowns as he walks out of the throne room, having just received an audience.


Stroking his grey chin, the svirfneblin ponders. Sitting on the throne, receiving him a few moments ago, was someone- or something- that looked like Malford, dressed like him, even spoke with his voice. But as he walks away, Turdlin becomes more and more convinced that it wasn't him.

He didn't know everything he should have, the priest thinks as he exits the castle. And there was something... funny... about the way he held himself. It was almost as if he was... not whole.

His concern growing with every step, Turdlin stays deep in thought as he follows the Royal Road downhill towards the streets of Var proper. Less than a quarter of the way down, a figure steps from the side of the road and stops before him. Startled out of his reverie, Turdlin looks him over. Though he does not know the man, it's plain to see that he's a wizard or sorcerer of some sort. It's also plain that he's been watching the high priest for some moments.

"Turdlin the Smirv," the man breathes softly. "You are Malford's high priest, are you not?"

"Yes," the svirfneblin answers hesitantly, a dozen questions starting to form in his mind.

"Did you notice anything unusual in your audience with him?"

How did he know that? Turdlin wonders. Aloud, he replies, "Yes..."

The man leans in close, eyes burning. "That is because it is not your King! It is a simulacrum, an imposter!" Turdlin gasps, but still wonders whether it might be one of Malford's many ploys. The human continues, "I do not know for certain if it has been compromised, but there is great danger in such magicks now. It is possible that it is no longer under your lord's control." Taking a deep breath, the wizard says softly, "Malford may need your aid more than ever, Turdlin. Will you help me to help him?"

Suspiciously, the gnome asks, "What do you want?"

"All I wish is for you to deliver a message to one of his companions, as well as a message to him." The man pulls a tightly wound scroll from within the pocket of his fine cloak. "And tell King Malford- and Orbius, who accompanies him- not, under any circumstances, to empower simulacra!"

A few short hours later, back in his demiplane, Marius reclines in a large soft chair. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, he sighs to himself. I only hope that Malford's priest reaches him in time. My instructions to the temporus were clear and unambiguous- take him to them as swiftly as possible. I only hope that its powers will remain on that accursed plane where the magic has been bottled up so long! If it cannot bear him to them, my message shall not arrive. But with luck, the temporus' mastery over time will allow it to use its powers as it could have a thousand years prior. If I am wrong...

Marius heaves a sigh.

If I am wrong, it is worth remembering that the simulacra would have no power there either. As a last resort, the world of Arba could be a retreat.

I pray that I am correct, that my message will be delivered, that Sybele will come to me and bring her companions. I pray that they will see that our interests coincide, at least for now.

I pray that they will not oppose me in this.

He closes his eyes to sleep.


the Jester

Lord Ruin

"We have to take the book with us," Angelfire tells them. "It can guide us through the Far Realms. But it isn't like a map..." He trails off, shakes his head. He looks exhausted. "We have to take it with us," he repeats.

They head north, towards the Dragon's Gap. Zonzor is angry, roaring from time to time at the abandonment of his followers. Only one remains, and he looks nervous about the whole thing, what with traveling with bat-winged Lester and huge Sybele. Zonzor is a dangerous storm cloud.

Chairo, the man from the plane of Perisophis, is so relieved to have a chance to leave, that he has wept. To have his magic back-!

Our heroes move on, into an area of shallow gulleys and rocky rises. "Are you pregnant, my lady?" Chairo politely asks Sybele. She nods and smiles. His face remains blank.

The second morning of their trek, they meet up with Turdlin, who Malford seems to know, as evidenced by his falling to one knee before him. "My Lord!" he cries, bowing his head. Malford greets him with utmost dignity and introduces him as Turdlin, his high priest. "But how do you come to be here, Turdlin?" he asks.

"It was a wizard, my Lord!" Turdlin exclaims. He sent me with a message for you- and for one named Sybele.

"Describe this wizard," Malford says, even as Sybele states, "I am Sybele."

And so Turdlin delivers a scroll to Sybele, who opens it to find a message from Marius, and the deduction most members of the group had already made is verified. She is sworn to obey him thrice; this shall be the first time. And he invites her friends to come, offering to pay well.

A warning, too, to beware simulacra. And Turdlin tells Malford what Marius told him to: "Don't, under any circumstances, empower simulacra." A warning that sets Malford's and Orbius' heads both spinning with its implications. "That fool," Malford whispers to himself.

The second evening of their journey north, the party finds a camp of soldiers. There are a number of tents; it looks as though there are a half-dozen men or so down there. They fly a flag that Zonzor points out as Lord Ruin's- an iron fist breaking a shield.

Then he rushes in and strikes. He's looking for a fight, and unfortunately so are Lord Ruin's people. There's an exchange of blows and everyone's raging, tumbling in and flanking and there are blades everywhere. Blood flies as one of Ruin's men slices open Zonzor's lackey's belly; his guts fall out to tangle around his feet and he topples over dead. Zonzor shouts in anger.

Thrush is moving in, and the rest of the group is just starting to realize that something's going on here when the central tent opens and a towering human emerges from it. "I AM LORD RUIN!" he roars. "I KILL FOR PLEASURE! WHO DISTURBS MY SLEEP?"

He's immense- about 6’8”- with a shaved head. He wears a thick fur cloak- the skin of a polar bear- over his armor, and is criss-crossed with a horrible density of scars. His dark brows loom over small black eyes, and his lips have been entirely removed, leaving his speech slurred and hard to understand. He is extremely frightening to behold, except, of course, for seasoned adventurers.

Orbius doesn't really want to be picking random fights, so he's backing away, but he fires a crossbow bolt nonetheless. The group is moving into action, but it's too late to get the drop on their enemy, as Lord Ruin rages and charges Zonzor, critting him for 101 points of damage (after Zonzor's damage reduction)! The power of this blow is enough to make the entire party gulp. Not good! But the melee is on, and in this place called Arba there isn't much else. Ruin's six henchmen are tumbling all around, doing amazing things with flanking, inflicting telling wounds again and again on Zonzor, and now one of them knocks him prone! Angel finds himself beset by one, its razor-sharp scimitar slicing again and again at him. Horbin, too, is assaulted.

Turdlin screeches in fear but nervously stands his ground, jabbing with his shortsword at the lackeys. The party fights back against the fierce assault- none of these guys are amateurs, that's for sure! They're slicing and dicing to terrible effect, good at getting into flanking and better from it than without it.

Thrush, as always, demonstrates why exactly he's the man with his greatsword. He drops the first of Lord Ruin's henchman, then plows into the next. Sybele fires a ton of arrows into the mix, each landing home to punishing effect, staggering the man. A feeble seeker missiles zips in on Lord Ruin, but he sneers as they blast him. Still, he gives a brief look to Orbius, one that is very speculative.

Lester flies in like a demon on his wings, but Lord Ruin's men keep fighting as if they'd seen such things before.

The whole group's mixing it up, now; blows are being traded. The villains of this piece are tumbling around like circus acrobats, but several of our heroes know just where to put their blades,* and Malford and Turdlin both jab one of the henchmen as he attempts to somersault past them. Angelfire's surrounded as Zonzor tumbles away himself, and the scarlet Coilite is slashed across the belly like Zonzor's lackey, though to less effect. Blood gushes, but Angel's innate toughness lets her grimace and keep fighting.

Everyone's bloody, except for Orbius. He reloads the crossbow, cursing the uselessness of combat spells here, then cheers as Thrush slices another of the lackeys cleanly in two with his gleaming greatsword and keeps relentlessly coming on, smacking the next one up time after time after time, driving him back, breaking ribs, leaving the man a glaring bloody mess- still standing, but shakily. Thrush grins at him.

Lord Ruin is foaming at the mouth, growling gutterally and swinging his deadly-looking greataxe wildly at Turdlin, slicing him only once, but for a telling wound. Staggering, Turdlin shakes his head, and for a moment it looks like he's done for- but then Angelfire gets a clear shot and grins, unleashing a mind blast at Lord Ruin.

The man rocks back, giving out a garbled cry, and his axe drops from his nerveless fingers. He's shaking, stunned. And our heroes pile on, Angelfire unleashing a deadly blow from his falchion, Malford firing off an arrow of acid, Zonzor and Lester rushing in to join the attack on him, Turdlin poking him in the groin. Thrush keeps mowing down the lackeys, and Sybele peppers one til he falls, and now its everyone on the main guy. Angelfire's the one who lands the killing blow, even as the last of his men-at-arms is slain by a relentless Thrush.

Breathing heavily, they stop hewing and only then do they realize that they've won. That Ruin- he was tough! And so were his henchmen! But they weren't unbeatable. They divide up the loot, and just for kicks Orbius checks it for magic. To his surprise, there seems to be some residual magic in the axe- or, more properly, on an oil that's been worked into the axe. This is quite a surprise, given the nature of the plane they're on, but it's a pleasant one. Lord Ruin also has a pouch of a strange substance, and when they divide the loot Thrush takes it. This turns out to be a drug called luhix, according to Malford. The party travels on for a while; when they halt for the evening, Turdlin gives a sermon about the glories of Malford, and Lester testifies, then pleads with Malford to let him, the L, be his angel of adventure. "Aw, c'mon," he begs, but Malford puts him off for the time being. After all, Lester does have a certain... reputation.

That night first Thrush and then Sybele try the luhix. While they do so, Jezebel- now 17- leads Orbius away and talks to him. He becomes uncomfortable- it's clear she's coming on to him a little- and he tries to lead the conversation in other directions. "Tell me about your dealings with Marius," he asks.

"You remind me of him," she tells him. They end up looking at the stars and talking late into the night, but there's no hanky-panky.

They travel onward the next day, now through the snow...

*I use the countertumbling variant in Sword and Fist- basically an opposed tumble check to take your attack of opportunity.

Next Time: Icewater and the Dragon's Gap!

the Jester

Icewater and the Dragon's Gap

Our heroes continue north. Snow is on the ground; the sun is south in the sky. Soon they have to blaze a trail. Angelfire is profoundly uncomfortable; his fiery nature is not at all at home here.

The little town of Icewater houses less than 500 people. The party enters an inn as fast as possible, shivering from the cold. Lester's wings are cloaked, but not especially hidden; our heroes definitely look out of place. But the town's mood changes from sour suspicion to cheery jubilation when the group displays Lord Ruin's body, which they took along with them. Soon the entire town turns out, and the streets are filled with rejoicing folk. Most of the townsfolk are simple fishers or eke out a living as farmers; but clearly, there are some old warriors who have retired here, and they keep an eye on our heroes. Dangerous strangers indeed, to have slain Lord Ruin!

The townsfolk sieze Ruin's body and drag it to a pyre, where they burn it amidst much throwing of rotten fruit. Men come to urinate on the fire, and as the night wears on it becomes a sight to throw burnable garbage on, the fouler the better.

Malford uses his illusions to project a slideshow of the battle (properly emphasizing his accomplishments, of course) while Turdlin loudly proclaims the glory of the God Malford. Then Malford and Lester put on a fireworks display with their magic, and choruses of oohs and aahs rise from the crowd. In all, their first public relations success on Arba.

Later, as the festivities continue in the town, our heroes return to the inn to seek information. "Tell us about this 'Dragon's Gap,'" Orbius asks the bartender.

The man blinks. "Why, that's the sea we're on. Good fishin' in there." He grins.

"Why is it called that?"

"Oh, posh! Just old legends, nothing to 'em."

"I see... Do you know of the Halls of the Unbound?"

Scratching his chin, the barkeep replies, "Sure! Little isle, oh 'bout two days out the Gap."

"Is there someone in town we could hire to take us across?"

The jolly man bursts out laughing. "Sure, you wanna wait til spring. There's icebergs now- it's not safe, not by a longshot."

"There's Polo of the Storms," suggests a patron at the bar. "He's the only one crazy 'nuff to be out fishin' in it."

Our heroes head to the docks, where this Polo of the Storms is said to be, but there's no one there. However, Orbius' sharp eyes pick out a small boat out to sea.

As for the sea, it is indeed full of icebergs. They float happily along the water in many places, and one presumes that they're below the surface too, right? Probably as many you can't see as those you can, which numbers easily in the dozens... might be able to go from berg to berg afoot, a little bit. But... not safe? That's for sure.

They wait for a while, then Malford has Lester fly him out to the boat. The man within it is probably in his 40s, with receding white hair in long, salty tufts. There's a large bucket packed with ice and half full of fish in his boat and he's holding a large net.

"Behold," cries Malford thanks to a tongues spell, "I am the god Malford! I need transport," he adds.

"Hrmph," Polo grunts, and for the price of a hundred gold he agrees to take them to the Halls of the Unbound. He cackles. "The call me Polo of the Storms 'cause I'm the only one who goes out durin' the bad storms! Needs my fish, I do." They agree that they'll meet in the morning. Polo tells them that it'll be about a two-day trip.

That evening, Orbius and Jezebel have a drink. That's all.

Our heroes rest. Several of them toss and turn; they're attempting a dangerous crossing with a dangerous item where their magic doesn't work well- hardly at all, in fact. In the morning they meet Polo at the docks and realize that he's stinking drunk. He rambles about how he's got to stay up for the whole time to fend off the bergs, but that's okay because he has a root to chew that'll keep him up the whole time and there's nothing to fear, he won't fall asleep, though he'd like it if someone would stay up to give him someone to talk to and on and on and on.

After about four hours of travel there's a horrible scraping sound. "Oops!" cries Polo of the Storms, swiftly pushing against something underwater with his pole. "Heh heh," he says, shrugging, and keeps moving.

A little later, Angelfire spots something in the distance- a serpentine shape, enormous, looping across the water. "The dragon," Malford guesses. Our heroes tense... but nothing emerges from the water to menace them, not yet.

"Nonsense!" laughs Polo. "There's no dragon!"

Orbius sighs and accepts some of the root as night comes on. He doesn't want this tweaker to be the only one awake out here, no way. Polo keeps on blathering and drinking the whole time and he doesn't seem to be eating.

Dawn starts to creep in from the south, and that's where we'll leave our heroes for now: partway across the Dragon's Gap, in a wee boat rowed and poled by a drunken tweaker, in water full of floating ice and maybe some kind of dragon... with no real working magic.

Next Time: You guessed it- the Dragon Attacks!

Voidrunner's Codex

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