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To War Against Felenga (FINAL UPDATE POSTED!)

the Jester

A Question

Should I put the 'other adventure' (the political stuff in Tirchond, including Sheva, possibly Zeebo, and a few other old pcs, plus some new ones) in this thread, make a new thread or what? What do you think?

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No Trouble at All
That evening, Orbius and Jezebel have a drink. That's all.

Sure ....
(is Orbius played by the same person as Lester, or another player?)

Should I put the 'other adventure' ( ... ) in this thread, make a new thread or what? What do you think?

New sequencing, new dramatis personae, new thread.

Still lurking, still enjoying...



First Post
Re: A Question

the Jester said:
Should I put the 'other adventure' (the political stuff in Tirchond, including Sheva, possibly Zeebo, and a few other old pcs, plus some new ones) in this thread, make a new thread or what? What do you think?

That depends, how related to this one is it? If the events there have a direct and strong link to this one keep them in the same place. If they don't have much to do with each other give them they're own thread.

Side note: I started playing in an Exalted game about a month and a half ago and one of the characters, the Night Caste, is the anti-Lester. He's always saying "don't touch that" or "don't go near that" and don't go up the stairs." In the last game a few of us had to give him a small lecture on what it is to be an adventurer.

the Jester

The Dragon Attacks!

"This makes me nervous," mutters Drelvin. He can't help but think back to the time he fought the undead lake monster and lost a leg.

In fact, Drelvin's theme song is very simple:
Drelvin- he fought a lake monster!
Drelvin- he lost his leg!
Drelvin- he guards the Queen!
Drelvin- he lost his leg!
Drelvin- he slew a devil!
Drelvin- he lost a leg!

The lyrics vary, other than the refrain, for the poor fellow has lost his leg many a time. But not recently, not for years, in fact, and he's hoping that he won't lose it again any time soon...

Then, as the icebergs bob all around them and the Isle of Vu, on which are allegedly the Halls of the Unbound, and the icy rain patters down on them (which, naturally, the fiery Angelfire despises, oh does he hate it), there's an angry wet roar as the beast rises from the deep. A classic sea serpent in shape, long and sinuous, its neck seems to rear up and up and up- and then, as fast as a whip, it slaps down and seizes Drelvin by his leg, ripping him from the boat.

"Aargh!" the elven archer yells, struggling vainly to free himself. There's a huge wave of motion as the party frees weapons, fires arrows and moves towards it- it's just off the side of the rocking boat, and the motion throws the group off just enough that only Thrush manages to land a significant blow.

But Lester can fly, even here, due to his wings.

"Let go of Drelvin!" he cries, and slashes with his blade, drawing long slices across it even as it smacks at Thrush with its flukes. Sybele catches her balance and fires a virtual swarm of arrows at the monster, the shafts sinking deep into its hide. It gnashes its teeth around Drelvin's midsection; the archer cries out in pain.

"I've been wondering whether this will work here," Horbin the Holy comments to no one in particular, and he casts a spell and scrambles forward across the tilting deck towards the beast. Reaching out, he lays his hand upon it- and his harm opens terrible wounds all over it. "Gotcha!" the cleric crows as the sea dragon lets out a terrific squeal.

The monster's throat works as it tries to swallow Drelvin, and his voice rises reedily in a scream as he holds on to its teeth for dear life. Its huge tongue batters at him. "Die!" Drelvin screams, trying to kill it with his mask of the skull, but the spell fails to take full effect. Still, it's enough- the damage the spell's partial effect inflicts is enough to make it go limp. Malford tosses a rope to the archer and he and Sybele swiftly drag the elf through the freezing water and back to the small fishing boat. The beast lies quiescent on the water while our heroes batter at it with blades and arrows. Polo of the Storms remains standing, gaping in awe, through the whole thing.

"Look!" cries Orbius. He's pointing at the beast's rapidly regenerating wounds. Our heroes exchange another look, then redouble their efforts, trying to keep it down long enough to get to the Isle ahead.

But, Horbin knows, that won't be enough; if the thing lives, surely Polo of the Storms will be its prey on his way back to Icewater. So the cleric of Dexter invokes a series of spells to slay it outright, and though it resists two destructions and a slay living, his final death spell kills it and, with a horrible final wail, it sinks below the waters.

"By the gods!" Polo speaks at last. "The dragon was real!" Orbius, a tongues running, tranlates for the group.

"Of course it was," the L says, rolling his eyes. "These things are always real, and they're always waiting for adventurers to come kick their asses."

"Yes," Malford proclaims (first casting a translation spell of his own), "and the glory of the great god Malford has laid it low for all time!" For the brief duration that his spell lasts, he preaches his gospel to Polo while the drunken fisher poles them further along towards a rocky island dotted with ice, with a strange stone building atop it, constructed of loosely stacked stone blocks.

And, in just a few brief moments, they climb to it. A cold opening seems to lead within it...

Next Time: Going home at last? The Halls of the Unbound!

the Jester

In the Halls of the Unbound

Our heroes clamber through the rocky opening into a 35' square room. There's a strange globe of scarlet light that seems to emanate from the center of the place. It's about six feet in diameter.

As they enter, many of the group feel their hair start rising on end, almost as if they were in an electric field. There's a strange tang in the air. Other than the sphere, the room seems empty.

"Gah!" cries a voice from Lester's scabbard.

"Felix!" he shouts, and draws his sword partway free. "You can talk again!"

"This must be the way out," exclaims Drelvin.

"Let's not waste any time," the L says, excited, and reaches forward to touch the sphere...

Of course it might have been someone else who actually touched it first, but Lester will, as always, end up taking the fall for it. Even as Orbius calls, "Hold a moment," it's too late. There's no welcome flash of light to take them home or anything quite so simple. Instead, a strange sphere of glimmering colorless... something... slides off the globe of scarlet light and bobs before them. Orbius gives an inarticulate cry and backpedals away from it, not quite sure what to make of it, as swords are drawn. But... it isn't clearly a threat, not even clearly alive, so no one moves to strike it.

It floats towards Malford, trying to touch him, and he flips away from it, then hurls a phantasmal killer towards it. Unfortunately, he finds himself subject to his own spell!

Even so, Thrush, Zonzor and Angelfire move in, slashing with swords and Lord Ruin's axe. There's a spray of wobbly colorless stuff- is it liquid?- that flies out from it, and it seems to recoil to a certain extent. Sybele manifests displacement- extended- and starts firing arrows at the weird sphere.

Lester, taking his cue from Felix Optima Maxima's voice, blasts the sphere with a quickened flame arrow, but the creature (if it is a creature) doesn't seem harmed at all. Frowning, he shuffles out his trump of Var and starts concentrating. "Get ready to leave!" he shouts.

More arrows zip from Drelvin and Sybele, and the sword- and axe-wielders strike again and again. Angelfire slashes his falchion in a huge, savage arc and cuts the thing in two, and the globby stuff splashes to the ground, only to fade like ectoplasm.

"Weird," says Malford, dispelling his phantasmal killer. "Never seen anything like that before. And-" with a glare towards Lester- "don't touch anything!"

"It wasn't me!" Lester exclaims, but nobody listens, and the group turns their attention back to the scarlet light. The elementalist puts his trump away for the time being- it's cold, a good sign that it works- but he wants a last look around first.

"Magic seems to work here," Orbius reports happily, and the group searches for an obvious exit. There are none, and no secret doors turn up- in fact, given the haphazard construction of the place, it seems unlikely that there could be any.

"Maybe we have to provide our own way back," Horbin suggests, and the group slowly comes to agree.

Before they trump out, the party does a few things. Orbius casts a legend lore concerning the scarlet light, wanting to be certain they aren't overlooking anything vital, and receives this:
Melifu's last refuge of eldritch might
World's last magic held in scarlet light
His bones must be scattered to release the tie
That holds scarlet power condensed from the sky
Magic distilled, a danger to touch
Power of magic that damaged too much.

Meanwhile, Felix Optima Maxima and Shastruth, Lester and Drelvin's intelligent swords, have a discussion about how horrible it was to be in Arba, where they were reduced to almost nothing, barely alive. Lester even feels Felix Optima shudder in his hand.

"Well," says Chairo cheerfully in Draconic, "time to go!"

"What about him?" asks Lester, jerking his thumb at Zonzor. "Do we take him with us?"

Horbin points out that, with Polo of the Storms already on his way home, if they don't take Zonzor to Cydra he'll be stuck here, condemned to starvation. Although some of the party is reluctant, they agree to bring him with them.

And they all trump home... except Zonzor, who trumps to somewhere he's never even imagined.

Next Time: Return to Var! Simulacrum paranoia! Lester calls a meeting!


of course....

But of course it tried to bite my leg off....they always do.

Poor Drelvin, his legs must be extra tasty to monsters, or maybe they think they get a wish if they pull one off.



First Post
Politics Thread

You should post it as a seperate thread, entitled: Cydra: A Brief Political Interlude, or something to that effect.

the Jester

Back on Cydra

It is the first day of Rainmonth when the party steps through a rainbow back into Var.*

Having returned to Cydra, our heroes are faced with a dilemma: Marius' warning- a warning from a one-time enemy that they negotiated their way out of direct conflict with, one that now seems to need their aid, according to Sybele. She, for one, knows that she must respond to his need- but she has no idea how to get ahold of him.

He'll get ahold of me when he's ready, she figures- quite correctly, in fact.

The party discusses their recent low-magic experience and Orbius' legend lore, which seems to imply a way to return Arba to a more normal (to them, anyway) magical condition. In the end, though, they decide that it's none of their business and probably more trouble than it's worth.

Almost immediately after their return they check in on the simulacra of King Malford and Orbius. Though the group is more than a little paranoid, everything seems fine at first glance. The L tries to instill doubts in the simulacra about their ability to function as individuals by pointing out that "everywhere you go there are more of you," but Orbius intervenes and sends his duplicate off on an errand.

"You should give me more respect," Malford's simulacrum gripes, "I'm a King."

Finally, as the afternoon shadows lengthen and the western sky turns red as the sun sinks in the sea for the second half of its daily journey, the party settles in to sleep a restful sleep for the first time in what seems like forever. Zonzor is fascinated and a little frightened by the wonders around him, especially the many non-human creatures like those he's fallen in with. Elves, dwarves, gnomes, half-bloods of various kinds- he spirals into dreams of strange demons and weird lands.

When morning rises on the next day the party sets out on a number of individual errands. Zonzor sticks with Angelfire. He doesn't know the language, law or customs, and he seems unlikely to stay out of trouble on his own, so the Coilite gladly accepts his company and they go to a weaponsmith, Angel looking for a scythe. After a long search, he finds one, but it's well out of his price range. Sensing the problem and understanding that a local guide is very important, Zonzor plunks down almost 20,000 gp to help the purchase along! Meanwhile, at the L's direction, Orbius scries out one of Lester's old apprentices- a man named Anvar, brought to mind by a casual comment of Horbin's. After locating him, the Eye issues a sending to him, asking him to come speak to Lester about his experiences with the clockwork horrors aboard the steelships. Anvar seems reluctant- he appears to have retired to a simple life in the mountains, farming a small plot and spending much of his time in meditation, but with a snort, Lester determines to go to him as soon as is viable.

Lester also announces an official adventurers' meeting at sundown.

"Who the f*ck are you to call an 'official' meeting?" Sybele demands.

"I don't recall an election making you party leader," Horbin retorts when the L tries to open his mouth.

"Well, look, I just want to get everyone together and talk about things-"

There's another general outpouring of anti-authoritarianism from the party, until Drelvin says, "You can make this a lot easier by promising us all beer," and Lester seizes the idea with both hands (now that his arm's been restored) and enthusiastically agrees.

As the afternoon draws on, Sybele challenges Drelvin to an archery contest. He declines with a sardonic grin and escorts her to his regiment of crack archers drilling on the fields. Although Thrush and Horbin both give him a little ribbing, Drelvin snorts and replies, "I don't need to prove anything." Sybele takes the opportunity to wow the troops with her skill, but several of them are roughly as good with a bow as she is, and so the afternoon slips by. Thrush stays with his woman- increasingly showing her pregnancy- and watches her muscles admiringly, never admitting even to himself that her newly increased size makes him doubt his ability to satisfy her.

Drelvin keeps a sly eye on the ice-born simulacra. He's a guardian, and he definitely doesn't want any trouble from a false Malford.

Horbin, deep in contemplation in his temple, prays for guidance. He wonders whether it's appropriate to aid Lester, an agent of elemental good. After all, conservative Galadorians would say that all faiths other than the worship of the Light (Galador, his son Dexter and the Emperor Prayzose) are deceived and are, in truth, the worship of Bleak, the Black Sun. But somehow, Horbin can't accept that point of view- he thinks back to the raving of a madman on a Peshan street long ago. It's all about the good, he thinks, and comes to the rather startling realization that, as priests of Dexter go, he's a liberal progressive. He's willing to aid other faiths of good nature- by the Abyss, even evil faiths, if it's for a good cause! He can't help but wonder what Sheva is doing... how her life is going on Tirchond. He recalls other clerics he's aided in the past, such as his old friend Clambake... and Anvar, an elementalist and magma paraelementalist that he dealt with years ago. Another old friend.

And, of course, when the L's meeting comes, it's to talk about Anvar. "I propose we go to visit him," Lester says, and Horbin gladly agrees, though the rest of the group neither knows him nor sees the point.

Orbius agrees to teleport himself, the L and Horbin to Anvar, but first he offers a suggestion that piques the interest of the group. "We could send our simulacra out to infiltrate the bad simulacra," he offers. Between Marius' ominous message and the fact that Malford's sim was already approached once, some time ago, by a subversive simulacrum, the party's a little concerned. In the end, however, they decide that the risks are at least as great as the potential rewards and decide to hold off.

As Lester's meeting dissolves, Horbin, Orbius and he prepare to go visit Anvar...

*This is the same date that the other group's tale will begin (the political thread, yet to be titled and a little while yet before I write it up- we need to play out the second session before I can start, lest things be revealed prematurely!). Note that said tale will feature the return of Captain Clambake!

Another note about the political adventure- it will relate, albeit not super directly (at least at first) to this one. I'll keep 'em seperate, though.

Next Time: A visit with Anvar! Dinner with the Queen! And a definite sign that Felenga hasn't forgotten our heroes!

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