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Tokyo Crush!: A d20 Modern Game in the Godzilla Universe


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The ocean was like a sheet of glass as the Tano Maru out of Osaka made it's way eastward. Captain Misaka glanced down at the sonar and frowned. "Where did all the tuna go?" he mumbled to himself. Young Honda at the wheel glanced over and said. "What did you say Sir?"

Misaka turned and smiled to Honda. "Oh nothing Honda-san, I guess those big schools of tuna that we were following decided to go deep. Well at least we had a couple of good days of fishing in." The captain bent over his charts and he began to plot a new course south.

Honda was enjoying his first trip out on a tuna boat. Though he was starting to get alittle bored now that the tuna had disappeared. Smiling to himself, he thought of is girl back in Osaka. He was thinking of buying Mikki a new necklace with some of his pay. That red coral one that she kept talking about. Suddenly Honda saw something about 200 yards head. The water appeared to be churning and boiling. "Captain! What is that.."

Misaka looked up and saw the disturbance that was about the size of a baseball field. Looking at the sonar, the screen showed a solid return from just ahead. "That cannot be right!! Honda!! Bring us about!! Full back on the engines!.....

Honda began spinning the wheel to the right and thats when he saw it. It was rising from the water....going higher and higher into the sky. A great Roar shook the ship and shattered the glass windows.

Honda could only think of his girlfriend Mikki and her smile just as the wave of blue fire broke over the ship.............
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I am starting a d20 Modern game set in the universe of Toho's Godzilla and their other giant Monster movies. The game will be set in Japan and characters will be those who get caught up in the actions of forces beyond their understanding or control.

All the Godzilla movies, taken as a body of work, are inconsistent with each other, with basic science, and sometimes with basic logic. I have thus ruthlessly pared, snipped, extrapolated, and fleshed out to create a usable roleplaying universe. The resulting world is mostly the same as the current Toho Godzilla-verse (including Godzilla1954 and the second wave Godzilla movies.)

While the game will be set in Japan and most likely many PC's will be Japanese, I am no expert in Japanese culture or behavior. Here is a list of possible character concepts that would fit well into the game:

Character Concepts
Explorer: The Toho Universe still has its share of unexplored nooks and crannies, some of which may be home to things best left undisturbed. An explorer can be a member of a well-funded expedition, or an "Indiana Jones"-style loner.

Investigator: An investigator can be a private eye, work for an insurance company, or a government agent who had no idea where his inquiries would lead.

Kid: Many of the Godzilla movies were aimed at a younger audience, and they tend to be filled with vaguely-annoying children who befriend Godzilla and cheer him on to victory. I can't honestly say I recommend "kid" as a PC type, but completeness requires me to suggest it.

Physician: Any Godzilla campaign can use a doctor. Trust me.

Psi: Psionic powers are a subject of detailed study in the Toho Universe. The Telepath advance class is available for use in the campaign.


Reporter: It seems every Godzilla movie has a reporter or two in it, ready to get into serious trouble in search of a story. Recommended employers include the Tokyo Star, Nitto News, or Mu, The Super Mystery Magazine.

Sarariman: Corporate employees frequently play an antihero role in Godzilla movies, usually by attempting to exploit some dangerous artifact that a large monster feels obliged to protect. Slightly less greedy and short-sighted sararimen can easily be PCs.

Scientist: For every reporter in a Godzilla movie, there are two scientists. Specialties include biology, nuclear physics, and astronomy.

Soldier: A military PC can be a grunt assigned to civil defense, or the chief pilot of Mechagodzilla. They often learn that force can't solve every problem.

Spy: There are a lot of secrets to be stolen in the Toho Universe, including future technology, alien technology, and Godzilla DNA.

These are just suggestions though. If you have a different character concept thats fine with me.

Some of the Countries and Organizations that figure prominently in the Godzilla universe are:

Japan: Japan is the country most frequently attacked by Godzilla, and it has had to rebuild several major cities over the last five decades. Its scientists have also been successful at scavenging advanced technology from various alien invaders and time travelers.

Rolisika: Comprising the Bismarck Archipelago in the Pacific, Rolisika is similar in history, demographics, and culture to New Zealand. It was occupied briefly by the Japanese during World War II, and diplomatic relations between the two countries remain tense at best. Rolisika became a nuclear power in the 1950s. The Rolisikan External Affairs department (REA) is their subdued but effective spy agency. (In the real world, the Bismarck Archipelago is part of Papua New Guinea.)

Republic of Saradia: A small Middle-Eastern country, noted for its oil reserves, bio-technology, and lack of arable farmland. It is also on the borderline of becoming a "terrorist" nation. Organizations within Saradia include the Saradia Institute of Bio-technology (capable of mature TL8 bio-tech), and the Saradia Oil Corporation, which is partly a front for their spy network. (In the real world, Saradia is the Al Ahsa region of Saudi Arabia.)

Selgina: This mountain-locked country is located high in the Himalayas, and rigorously defends its borders against unwanted intrusion. The royal family (called the Sulna) are descended from Mysterian colonists. (In the real world, Selgina is the Indian province of Sikkim.)


United Nations: In the face of repeated global threats such as alien invasions, the UN has grown in power. As of the end of the 20th Century, it is not yet a world government, but its power is much greater than in the real world. The WSA, the WAF, and the UNGCC are under the aegis of the UN.

World Space Authority: This organization has organized several expeditions to the moon, and coordinates international space exploration efforts. A mission to Planet X is being contemplated.

World Air Force: The high-tech planes of the WAF have the mission of defending Earth's airspace. Three of its experimental vessels were instrumental in repelling the Mysterian invasion.


United Nations Godzilla Countermeasures Center: The UN founded this organization in the early 1990s to deal with the threat posed to the world by Godzilla. It has since expanded its mandate to include all kaiju, and other "special circumstances" such as alien invasions. It is a large, well-funded organization, headquartered in Japan.

G-Force: The armed branch of the UNGCC. In addition to conventional weaponry, electron cannon tanks, and maser artillery, G-Force constructs and uses such borderline TL9 super-weapons as Mechagodzilla and MOGERA.

Psychic Center: The psionics branch of the UNGCC. This division works closely with the Psionics Research Institute in the nurturing of psi-active individuals capable of aiding in the fight against Godzilla.

G-Force Special Detachments: Small groups of four to eight UNGCC specialists are sometimes organized into special teams for a particular short-term or long-term project. They are designated with a Greek letter. The current G-Force Alpha is assigned to the constant monitoring and study of Godzilla.

Interpol: The real Interpol's mission is to facilitate the sharing of information among the law-enforcement organizations of the world. In the universe of Godzilla, it also investigates criminal activity "which constitutes a threat to the world as a whole, or significant portion thereof". Not infrequently, they are among the first to discover otherworldly conspiracies. Its trans-national powers were granted in the wake of the failed Mysterian invasion, but only apply in the 178 member states (Saradia and Selgina, for example, are not members).

Islands: Several islands in the Pacific have been home to monsters at one time or another. Lagos was the original home of the godzillasaurus that became Godzilla. Infant Island was where Mothra's egg was discovered. Other islands of note include Adona, Burse, Birth, and Monster Island (some of which may be the same island with different names).

Psionics Research Institute: The most noteworthy center for psi research in the world, headquartered outside Tokyo. (Referred to by various names in the movies.)

Miyajima Laboratory of Geology and Metallurgy: A medium-sized research lab.

Tsukuba Laboratory of Bio-technology: A major Japanese bio-tech firm, which developed the anti-nuclear energy bacteria.
Ocean Exploration Institute: A non-profit organization dedicated to charting the next-to-final frontier.

Japanese National Land Bureau, Special Disaster Research Council, Godzilla Unit: As of 1989, this was the only Godzilla-response organization in the world. It was underfunded and understaffed, but quickly proved its worth when Godzilla was freed during the Biollante affair. It is today a major component of the SDRC, and works closely with the UNGCC.

The Teiyo Group: One of the largest mega-corporations in Japan, with interests ranging from military submarines to dinosaur-oriented theme parks. It was founded by the commander of the Japanese troops who encountered the proto-Godzilla on Lagos island, Major Yasuaki Shindo. Japan's resurgence after WW2 is partly credited to his financial genius. In the future, this company will grow in power as Japan does, and will be the largest corporation in the world by 2204.

Bio-Major Corporation: A large, amoral American bio-tech company, responsible for a great deal of industrial espionage, and indirectly at fault for the release of Godzilla during the Biollante affair.

Mu, The Super Mystery Magazine: A sensationalist magazine devoted to the weird and unexplained in the modern world. A couple steps better than the Weekly World News, but below Omni. Its logo is based on the all-seeing pyramid.

Defcon: Godzilla
The Special Disaster Research Council has set up a graduated scale of alarms to quantify response to a possible threat by Godzilla.

First Alarm System
In case any chemical, geological, meteorological, or psychic (other than physical) sign of Godzilla's action is confirmed.

Second Alarm System
In case any physical sign of Godzilla's action (such as voice or motion) is confirmed.

Third Alarm System
In case Godzilla appears.

Fourth Alarm System
In case Godzilla's landing on any specific coast of Japan is positive.

Japan's Policy on Nuclear Weapons
1. Japan will never possess nuclear weapons.
2. Japan will never allow another country to bring nuclear weapons into its territory.
3. Japan will never ask other countries to use nuclear weapons on its behalf.

Here is a time line which would be common knowledge to a starting character

1944: In the original timeline, a godzillasaurus is encountered by Japanese and American troops on Lagos Island in the Pacific. It is badly wounded by American naval cannon, but survives. In the revised timeline, travelers from the 23rd Century then teleport the beast to the other side of the island, and release three "dorats" (created from Death Ghidorah DNA) onto the island.

Early 1950s: Dr. Daisuke Serizawa develops the so-called "oxygen destroyer", a biochemical process that forces oxygen in organic compounds to bind with hydrogen, causing the rapid liquefaction of organic tissue.

1954: Atomic testing on Bikini Atoll (near Lagos) transforms the godzillasaurus into Godzilla I (and, in the revised timeline, begins the process of changing the dorats into King Ghidorah).
Godzilla I destroys much of Tokyo. The oxygen destroyer is used to (apparently) kill him.

1957: The Mysterians attempt to invade Earth and steal human women, but are driven off through internal sabotage, and the use of the newly-developed electron cannon and markelite gun. The Mysterians' giant tunneling robot is recovered, but only some of its technology proves decipherable.

1984: Godzilla I reappears, awoken by volcanic eruptions. The Super-X main sky battle tank (based in part on Mysterian tech) is used against him, but is only somewhat successful, and is destroyed. Much of Tokyo is again leveled before Godzilla is lured into a volcano and trapped.
During the clean-up procedures, Godzilla cells are stolen from Japanese scientists by agents of an American bio-tech firm, the Bio-Major Corporation, and then again stolen from those agents by a Saradian spy. Saradian scientists begin attempting to create immortal wheat by extracting the regenerative abilities of the Godzilla cells.
Meanwhile, Japanese scientists create anti-nuclear energy bacteria from their supply of Godzilla cells.

1989: A cross between rose, Godzilla, and human DNA escapes the laboratory and grows to 300 feet in a nearby inlet. It is named Biollante. Godzilla is freed from the volcano by Bio-Major agents, and battles Biollante. The fight is a draw, and Godzilla returns to the sea, while Biollante goes to the stars. (The Super-X II is also destroyed in the conflict.)

1992: Princess Selina Sulna, of the Selginan Royal Family, appears in Tokyo disguised as a vagabond. She begins to prophesize about a destructive monster appearing on Earth.

Travelers from the 23rd Century appear, and ask for Japanese aid in going back to 1944 and stopping Godzilla from ever coming into existence. Their actual plot is to create a second monster to further devastate Japan, and prevent it from becoming a world power in the 23rd Century.
The travelers, accompanied by several natives of 1992, go back to 1944.
King Ghidorah emerges, and begins destroying cities under the remaining travelers' control. Godzilla also appears from the sea.
The travelers return, and reveal their true colors. One of them (a 23rd Century Japanese) betrays them, and destroys their computer. Without their control, King Ghidorah is defeated by Godzilla.
Godzilla travels to Tokyo, and is destroying the just-completed city hall when Cyber-Ghidorah arrives from the future. Cyber-Ghidorah defeats Godzilla, but is itself destroyed in the process.
The UNGCC is founded. It salvages Cyber-Ghidorah, and Japanese technology receives another boost through analysis of the 23rd Century technology.

1993: A medium-sized meteor strikes Earth, and Battra and Godzilla awake. Simultaneously, a Mothra egg is discovered. Mothra and Battra fight, then team up to defeat Godzilla. Battra is killed, and Mothra travels into space to divert another, larger meteor.
Anticipating the possibility of battling Mothra, the UNGCC creates Garuda, a highly-maneuverable aerial heavy-assault vehicle. It proves unnecessary.
Godzilla cells, apparently carried into space by Mothra or Biollante, encounter a crystalline Skyllan, which restructures itself based on the Godzilla DNA. The resultant "SpaceGodzilla" begins its journey toward Earth.

1994: Based largely on 23rd Century tech, Mechagodzilla is created by the UNGCC. It is defeated in its first battle with Godzilla.
An unhatched godzillasaurus egg, and a recently-hatched Rodan egg, are discovered. The godzillasaurus emerges while under human care, and proves to be peaceful.
A technique is discovered for combining Mechagodzilla and Garuda, improving the versatility of the UNGCC's anti-Godzilla options.
In battle between Godzilla, Rodan, and "Super"-Mechagodzilla, Godzilla is nearly defeated, until Rodan sacrifices itself to provide Godzilla with enough radiation to regenerate its damaged secondary brain. Godzilla defeats the UNGCC forces, then returns to the sea with "Baby Godzilla".
The UNGCC begins work on MOGERA, a new anti-Godzilla weapon.
The Psi-Force brance of the UNGCC is formed.

1995: SpaceGodzilla comes to Earth, and is only defeated by the combined force of Godzilla and MOGERA.

1996: Godzilla attacks Hong Kong, and the first signs are noticed that his radiovorous biology is out of control. It is feared that a world-devastating nuclear explosion may ensue.
The secret of the oxygen destroyer is rediscovered. Certain microscopic organisms are exposed to it, and begin to grow into large destructive beasts.
Baby Godzilla reappears, considerably larger. He is lured to where the Destroyer is rampaging, and nearly killed. Godzilla engages the Destroyer, and defeats it. He then experiences meltdown and dies. The radiation is absorbed by Baby Godzilla, who grows to full stature and becomes Godzilla II.
In the wake of Godzilla's meltdown, world opinion turns against the use of nuclear power, and the existence of nuclear weapons. The slow process of world disarmament begins.

1997: Death Ghidorah is freed by a human construction team. Mothra attempts to subdue it, and is defeated in battle. Mothra's child becomes the new Mothra, and re-imprisons Death Ghidorah.

1998: Mothra defeats a mysterious monster. First appearance of Aquamothra.

The year is 2004. And the game is set in Japan. Character will be built using d20 Modern Rules and start at 6th level. You use a 28 point buy system for stats. I am really looking for good characterizations and roleplay in this game. I am shooting for 4-6 players.
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Crimson King

First Post
Wow, it sounds like you've put a lot of effort into this. I'd love to join!

When do you plan on starting, and when would I have to have you a character by?

As far as concept, I like the idea of a scientist who works for the Psi-branch of the UNGCC (a telepath, of course). Working to better understand the psychology of Godzilla, so that future disasters can be diverted.


First Post
Nice to have you aboard Crimson King!

I have no set time to start. It depends on when I can get enough players with characters. But I am not in a rush as I am still working on the game.


A suffusion of yellow
G-Force Operative Yasu Matsuda here

Young and eager. A clever fighter with an eye for the ladies and a love of Hi-Tech gadgets...mmm (working on stats now)


Living EN World Judge
Well, if Argent is onboard, I have to play.

I'll (uncharacteristically) play a female character
Midori Nakamura, Girl reporter for (Insert Paper here).

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