Tomb of Horrors 3.5


OnlytheStrong said:
OOOooooooo :) Can Tagret take the Improved Natural Attack feat instead of Mobility? Instead of 1d10 he would do 2d8 of dmg.

Heh, while that might appear fair on the surface, I'm thinking not. The feat will likely only get the Druid from a d6 to a d8 and then only for one type of attack (claws or bite) and only when he wild shapes. I guess I could give him a d2 bite attack in human form. :) However, I'm thinking flurry of blows at 2d8 is gonna require me to double all the monster hit dice, but if that what you want...

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Mista Collins

First Post
Scotley said:
Heh, while that might appear fair on the surface, I'm thinking not. The feat will likely only get the Druid from a d6 to a d8 and then only for one type of attack (claws or bite) and only when he wild shapes. I guess I could give him a d2 bite attack in human form. :) However, I'm thinking flurry of blows at 2d8 is gonna require me to double all the monster hit dice, but if that what you want...

Naw... no need to double the hit points or anything. Why would you want to go and do a thing like that? :p

J. Alexander

First Post

What i have gotten done i have posteed

OCC:Guys, any comments, suggestions etc on the druid would be appreciated..i just ran out of time to get him done and kinda brain dead in regards to character creation energy.
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I'd help, but have never really played a druid. I have a level 1 dwarf druid that is basically a mute in a different game, but that's not going to help any here :) Sorry J. Alexander


Still need Jason Fishmonger to be posted in the RG. I assume we won't see the fighter to be named later for a while. Barring any major unforseen difficulties, I'll have the first post up later this evening.

Voidrunner's Codex

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