Tomb of Horrors 3.5


Okay, the first post is up. Click Here! I decided to use Saltmarsh for your starting point. I realize that some of you didn't know Ambrose personally, so it is likely that your point of contact with him did and shared the letters with you. If you aren't going for your own reasons then you can go as representative of someone else. Not as tidy as I'd like, but it least it gets everyone to the same place at more or less the same time. Saltmarsh is not intended to be the focus of this game, but explore a bit if you must. I've not inclined to railroad the players. I've set the stage now you can improvise as you desire.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Harrison Jakes is posted in the rg thread and will be finished monday. i' m in nashville, tenn. right now and no access to books.


Hey if you are in Nashville then you are almost close enough to borrow mine. Given the price of gas, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until you get home or try the srd:

Doesn't have a lot of the newer stuff, but it does cover most of the three core books.


Seeking a healer

Due to real life issues our party cleric, Logan Lightbringer has dropped out. The group is just getting started on a quest to explore the Tomb of Horrors, 3.5 update. If you'd like to join the game in progress you could take over Logan or create a healer-type of your own design using the rules at the start of this thread. You can find links to the the various threads of this game in my signature or at the top of the thread.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
and this game has great promice of being extreamly fun!

*tosses two coppers on table*
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J. Alexander

First Post
Wadnering Druid


LIfe has cleared a lot in the last days despite having 2 car wrecks if there is room for the druid and the party is game Robert would like to rejoin.


J. Alexander said:

LIfe has cleared a lot in the last days despite having 2 car wrecks if there is room for the druid and the party is game Robert would like to rejoin.

You are of course always welcome. I don't think Robert is really suited to be the only party healer, so another healer type is still needed.


We could use anyone with some healing magic, not just a cleric, but follow the limits on sources in the first post of this thread.

Voidrunner's Codex

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