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Traipsing Across Khorvaire - High Adventure in Eberron


When: 17th hour, Second Zol, Dravago
Where: Somewhere over Breland aboard the airship Cloud Dancer

The air is cool and a bit thin as you step onto the top deck of the airship. Passengers are restricted to a small box with a waist high (for humans, anyway) rail when they come up on deck and only about thirty can come up at a time. Since the journey began there has hardly been a time when the Passenger’s Box hasn’t been full, and it is easy to see why. The view is enough to take your breath away. The Blackcaps rise up sharply ahead of the airship, their strange black peaks that give them their name visible through wisps of clouds. On the ground to the left (or port as the sailors say even in the air) of the ship, you see a forest, though it looks like a sea of green twigs.

On deck, crewmembers dressed in the blue and silver livery of House Lyrander move about scrubbing the deck, adjusting equipment, or just keeping an eye on the horizon.

You’ve been on the airship for about two and a half days now since departing Sharn for Xandrar. There are about one hundred passengers on ship. Some of the people you’ve met or seen aboard are:

Lord Kravith d’Lyrander (half-elf male) – Captain of the Cloud Dancer. He has striking good looks and knows it, although he is still likeable. Kravith is a ladies’ man. He runs the ship with a firm, sure hand and seems well liked. He is tall for a half-elf and has long, blond hair that he keeps tied back. Kravith’s Mark of Storm manifested on the center of his chest. You aren’t sure if he keeps his shirt unlaced to display his mark or to show his toned chest to the ladies, although it is probably both.

Vandane d’Lyrander (half-elf male) – Pilot of the Cloud Dancer. He would be better looking if he would smile once in awhile. He sulks around the ship and you have heard other crewmember’s mutter about his mood. At one point you noticed that when Lord Kravith walked by him, Vandane snarled and shot a hateful glare at his back. He has shoulder-length brown, wavy hair and blue eyes.

Davik (male human) – Davik was a soldier in the Brelish army during the Last War. He says he recently found a valuable relic, which he sold for enough money to pay to retire to a country estate with his wife (Thummina) and son (Bran).

Thummina (female human) – Thummina is Davik’s wife. She is not beautiful, but certainly pretty. She is obviously in love with Davik. You haven’t seen them apart and they are always holding hands.

Bran (male human) – Bran is about eight years old and quite curious. He likes to go up to other passengers, introduce himself, and ask them questions about where they are from and what they have seen. Bran worships his father and, when he is not asking questions, he is telling people about his father, the war hero.

Vangelis (male elf) – Vangelis is a wealthy merchant, which he reminds everyone of frequently. He struts around looking down his nose at everyone. He frequently complains about the smell (you haven’t smelled anything out of the ordinary) and usually keeps a scented handkerchief in hand to hold to his face. He also complains frequently to Captain Kravith that his room is not as accommodating as it should be, although he paid for the largest passenger room on board.

Namfoodle (male gnome) – Namfoodle is an alchemist, although you sometimes wonder if he really knows what he is doing. He has caused two “incidents” so far. The first time, there was some sort of loud bang from his room. You checked it out and saw that the whole room was covered in some sort of slimy goop. The second time, he spilled a vial of liquid on another passenger that turned the skin on his arm green and scaly. It took him about an hour to concoct an antidote, the whole time of which the passenger was screaming. Captain Kravith has sworn to throw Namfoodle overboard if there are any more problems. That hasn’t stopped the gnome from fiddling with his beakers and distillers and strange liquids even in the common area below deck.

Anvil (warforged) – Anvil is one of the strange warforged creatures. He is quiet and keeps to himself for the most part. He gets his share of distrustful looks and most of the passengers go out of their way to avoid him.

Yothcare (male human) – Yothcare is a short man in his twilight years. He hobbles around with the aid of a gnarled stick. His hair is more white than gray and he wears a beard that leaves his upper lip bare. Despite his advanced age, he still has a knowing gleam in his eye leaving no doubt that he is in full possession of his mental faculties.​

As you admire the view, you hear one of the crewmembers shouting.

“Captain! Look there. Dropping out of the clouds.”

You follow the man’s outstretched hand, as does Kravith. Off in the distance a dark shape is emerging from the cloud-covered peaks of the Blackcaps. A cloudy white ring surrounds it and it appears to be coming toward the Cloud Dancer. The captain pulls out his looking glass and stares at the shape for a moment.

“Damn!” he says. “They’re not flying any colors. They must be pirates. I haven’t heard of any sky pirates operating in this area, though.” Kravith confers quietly with his first mate for a moment before hollering out. “Vandane, turn this cursed ship around! It is a rare ship that can match the Cloud Dancer.”

“To arms men!” the first mate hollers. “If we can’t outrun them, we’ll damn well be ready to bite back at them.”

The crewmembers on deck begin scurrying around getting armed and moving to the rail. Captain Kravith walks over to the Passenger’s Box. He is calm and smiling. “I am going to have to ask you all to go below. It will be much safer, I promise you. However, if any of you are fighting men, I would welcome your assistance.”
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First Post
Aalic on deck

Aalic Silverblade spends sometime watching the coming and goings of the crew. He acts very little at the call of another ship. Taking his time and figuring his best course of action, he listens to what the captain has to say.
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First Post
A calm volunteer

Aalic Silverblade watches the crew scurry around. He maintains his composure, remaining calm and emotionless of the current situation.

He waits to see who volunteers their service to the Captain. Sizing up each indivdual, trying to determine there strengths and weaknesses. Finally Aalic last to move, walks calmly towards the railing. With grace and ease valuts over the railing and makes his way towards the rear of the ship.

As he walks gracefully to the rear of the ship he pulls his sword and whip. Continuing on his way he calmly states "I will take the aft."


You watch as the crewmembers scramble into position. The First Mate is talking earnestly with the pilot and pointing as if showing him his course. Captain Kravith is shouting at crewmembers, encouraging them and guiding them to wear they need to be. Most are armed with short swords and crossbows.

Two of the men moving on deck stand out. Rather than the mostly blue and silver clothing worn by the rest of the crew, their clothes are black with blue and silver trim around the collars and sleeves. You recognize them as Kraken Guards, House Lyrander’s elite warriors. Few Lyrander ships, air or sea, go anywhere without at least a couple Kraken Guards. They each carry a light repeating crossbow, scimitar, hand axe, and several daggers. They move like prowling leopards, confident and deadly. The rest of the crew tries to avoid even looking at them.

Aalic said:
As he walks gracefully to the rear of the ship he pulls his sword and whip. Continuing on his way he calmly states "I will take the aft."

The Captain opens his mouth to say something as you walk away. Clearly, he isn’t used to someone on his ship telling him what they are going to do. After a moment, he reconsiders and goes back to directing his crew. The only two other passengers who volunteer are Davik and Yothcare.

You find yourself standing at the aft, not too far from the Kraken Guards, watching the other ship. It seems to be moving much faster than a normal airship and you hear a few other crewmembers comment on it. You catch snatches of conversation.

“Look how fast they’re movin’!”
“They’ll bloody well catch us and…”

“Thank Kol Korran we’ve got those two Krakens with us.”
“There’s only two of ‘em, though.”
“Ha, two Krakens can handle fifty men, especially pirates.”
“I heard they bathe in the blood of—”
“Shut up! They’ll hear you!”

“Look at that fool. He’s got a bloody whip!”
“Har! Much good that’ll do ‘im.”​

The crewman on watch hollers out, “Captain, they’ve got two elemental rings!”

Captain Kravith comes running aft. “Are you daft man? There’s no such ship!” He pulls out his looking glass and stares at the ship for a long moment. With a shocked look, he mutters, “That’s impossible!” Then, voice raised, “We won’t be outrunning ‘em, boys, so you best be ready for a fight.”

A cheer goes up from the crew.


First Post
Aalic waits at the aft of the ship. Taking in the whole situation. Aalic thinks to himself foolish sailors, they don't realize death and desctruction is upon them. Fools for wanting a fight. They should be scared.

Aalic moves towards the two Kraken Guards and states "If you two wnat to protect the helm, I will take the fight to the other ship when she gets within range." At this point loosening the whip.

Aalic doesn't wait for a reply. He moves off to the side that looks the boarding is most likely to commence on. Finding some cover figuring the first volley or two is going to be a ranged attack.

Aalic figures the most vulnerable spot on the other ship is going to be the Helm, the elemental rings, and the Kitchen because of the fire. So he make plans to board near one of those areas.

As Aalic waits he sees what the Captain, First Mate, Pilot, Kraken Guards, Davik, and Yothcare are doing.



[Sense Motive roll= 9+2= 11] You do get the feeling that the crew is cheering more for following Captain Kravith than for actual fighting. He is quite charismatic and the crew seems devoted to him. Several of the crew members are visibly frightened, licking their lips, glancing about, and not being able to hold still.

The Kraken Guards just give you a flat look as you tell them your plans. They size you up, look at each other and shrug. As you are walking away, one of them says, "We'll do what we need to. You do what you want."

[Knowledge (Tactics) roll= 14+2= 16] You think that the elemental rings on each ship would make a side-by-side boarding action very difficult. You envision the chasing ship coming up directly behind and boarding at the very aft of the ship or coming in above the ship and roping down.

Davik is standing toward the aft watching the approaching ship. He went and grabbed his weapons and armor. He has on leather armor and has a half spear, buckler, and short sword.

Yothcare is near Davik, though not with him. He is intently studying his spellbook.

The First Mate has gone down below. You heard the Captain tell him something about making sure passengers were secure and everything was in order.

The Captain moves around the ship by turns offering encouraging words to the crew and monitering the other ship. Suddenly he turns around, hollaring, "Why in Oladra's name are we slowing down?"

The pilot, Vandane, whips his head back giving the Captain a nervous glance. Sweat is pouring down his face. Then he turns back to the the wheel and suddenly the ship jerks to a stop. [Balance roll= 10+4= 14] You manage to stay on your feet, but several of the crew fall down.

The Captain roars and charges at Vandane who takes off running to the fore of the ship. You look back and estimate that the pirate ship will catch the Cloud Dancer in only another minute or two. It is moving extremely fast.


First Post
As Aaric stays on his feet realizing that some deception is at hand, he moves towards the helm. Not really knowing how to the pilot the ship Aaric yells at the Captain -

"Captain stop! You are the only one who knows how to pilot this craft. Sail the ship I will get him and if I don't he's a dead man!"

Aaric waits to see how the Captain responds. If he continues to chase - Aaric will move to the helm and pilot the ship. Trying to figure out how to get the ship moving forward.

If the Captain sails the ship - Aaric will chase the pilot down. Trying to use his whip when he gets within range. He will aim to the legs trying to trip the pilot up.



The Captain either does not hear you or does not listen to you. He continues to run after Vandane, who runs behind a raised platform toward the fore, disappearing from view. You run to the helm, getting there just as the First Mate struggles to his feet next to you.

“Unless you’ve got this,” he says, pointing to his dragonmark, “you’re not going to be able to do this. I can handle this. You help the Captain catch that bastard, Vandane, or repel the boarders.” He grabs the wheel and concentrates. The ship slowly begins to move.

You look back and see that the other ship has almost caught you. You know that there is no outrunning it now. On the side of the ship, you see Iron Hammer painted in bright gold letters. [Knowledge (Breland) roll= 5+6-2= 9] You don’t recognize the name, although someone on the crew does.

“It’s the Iron Hammer! We’re doomed!”

“Thorn will slaughter us all!”

The Iron Hammer seems to be coming in high. [Spot roll= 11+9= 20] You see its crew lining the rail, weapons drawn, preparing to board with rope in hand. Most look to be human, though you see one or two elves or half-elves, a dwarf, and what appears to be a shifter. At the very front of the ship, you see a warforged and somehow you instantly know he is the captain. The way he carries himself and the way others seem to defer to him mark him out. Somehow, he seems even colder than other warforged you have encountered. You count nineteen of them, though there could easily be more you can’t see. There are fourteen of you on deck, not counting Captain Kravith and Vandane.

[Listen roll= 16+8= 24] You hear the clash of steel on steel from where the Captain and Vandane should be. You hear a brief snippet of conversation.

“You stole her from me, you goat-kissing—” Vandane hisses.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” says Kravith.
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First Post
Aalic leaps to action. Moving past the First Mate, towards the Captain and Vandane. As Aalic is moving to engage Vandane, he tries to listen closer to the conversation over the clanging of swords. When Aalic gets within range he will use his whip to either trip or disarm Vandane. Aalic figures the best chance the ship has is to have her Captain. And not be fighting two fronts.

If by chance the other ship does get within range. Aalic will try to engage the boarding raiders. And if the chance occurs scurry to Iron Hammer. Or use his whip to board if possible.



You hustle to the platform around which the Captain and the treacherous Vandane ran. You stop at the corner, just out of sight and peek around. The two opponents circle each other warily, probing each other's defenses. They each have one or two small cuts and are beginning to sweat. Kravith holds a long sword in one hand and dagger in the other. Vandane is wielding a short sword and a hand axe. His face is twisted in rage and strangely, agony.

"You ruined her for me! She was mine! I loved her!" the pilot screams.

"By Galifar, man, who are you talking about?"

"Yssana, you fool! Yssana!"

"Yssana?" the Captain asks, puzzled. "Yssana was nothing to me, a fling, a flight of fancy. She was entertaining for awhile, but I grew weary of her."

"Oh, how easily the strutting c*ck discards the lady. She is more beautiful than a falling star, and you toss her aside like so much rubbish. I would give her the world! Three times I approached her and three times I was told she wanted none save you! You who grew 'weary of her.'"

Kravith shakes his head, "I am sorry you were rebuffed, Vandane, but I can't believe you would betray the ship. That absolves me of any guilt I feel. There is only one punishment for traitors."

"No! I will slay you and then I will tell Yssana how you felt about her. She will be mine!"

At that point, Vandane lunges at the Captain in a mindless rage, hacking and flailing. You decide to step in. You quietly step around the corner trying not to be noticed [Move Silently roll= 18+9= 27]. Thinking it would be easier to trip him than disarm him twice, you lash out with your whip [Attack roll= 17+5= 22]. You easily loop it around his ankles. He grunts in surprise as you attempt to jerk him off his feet, [Opposed roll-Str (you)= 10+2= 12 vs. Dex (him)= 6] which you easily do.

[Initiative roll= 11+4=15] Order-Kravith, Aalic, Vandane

With barely a glance toward you, Kravith quickly leaps to put his sword against Vandane’s neck. “Drop them,” he says.

You look up and see the Iron Hammer in position over the Cloud Dancer. Crossbow bolts are flying between the two ships. Boarders are beginning to leap over the side sliding down their ropes.
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