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Trying out some indie RPGs...


If I can get a couple of my friends to play along, I'd like to try out a couple indie RGPs. Some of the ones I'm looking at are...

The Mountain Witch – Japanese myth, horror, pulp themed game of trust

Dread – horror RPG using Jenga

Feng Shui - not sure if this is truly Indie, since Atlas Games is pretty big, but it has appeal

Ideally some unique things to give us better exposure to game systems, that are rules-less (as in reduced number of rules compared to our usual D&D 3e/4e), and showcase a really fun system or idea.

Any suggestions for games that are a "must try"?

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If I can get a couple of my friends to play along, I'd like to try out a couple indie RGPs. Some of the ones I'm looking at are...

The Mountain Witch – Japanese myth, horror, pulp themed game of trust

Dread – horror RPG using Jenga

Feng Shui - not sure if this is truly Indie, since Atlas Games is pretty big, but it has appeal

Ideally some unique things to give us better exposure to game systems, that are rules-less (as in reduced number of rules compared to our usual D&D 3e/4e), and showcase a really fun system or idea.

Any suggestions for games that are a "must try"?

Dread is fantastic but I would also look into Little Fears... Kids against boogeymen.



Look into:

Fiasco - great heist style cooperative storytelling game in which everything goes wrong (think italian job)....but there are versions for other motifs than heists as well.

Sorceror - the dark side of magic, dealing with demons and the lust for power. Somewhat adult, but very compelling.

Og - Play cavemen! Know only 3-6 words TOTAL! It's a fun romp, not good for a campaign for most groups, but a great one shot.


Dread is fantastic but I would also look into Little Fears... Kids against boogeymen.



Look into:

Fiasco - great heist style cooperative storytelling game in which everything goes wrong (think italian job)....but there are versions for other motifs than heists as well.

Sorceror - the dark side of magic, dealing with demons and the lust for power. Somewhat adult, but very compelling.

Og - Play cavemen! Know only 3-6 words TOTAL! It's a fun romp, not good for a campaign for most groups, but a great one shot.
Thanks for these :) I'm probably going to steer from the more adult Sorcerer, and Little Fears (which, ironically, is quite adult for a game about little kids!).

I'll look into Fiasco, I'm curious does it have the classic heist meetup of the various characters? You know, where they get recruited one by one type deal/


You could totally do this by using each characters intro scenes in turn. Thinking of doing this for my next Fiasco now.

I agree with the suggestion of Fiasco, but it is very collaborative and there is no GM so you'll need to think a little differently about how it will play. Our first game (and all since) have been brilliant, but it is very unlike a "trad" game.

Other "indie" games in high rotation in our group are 3:16 (Gregor Hutton, plays Starship Troopers), Remember Tomorrow (Gregor again, play a Gibson or Stephenson novel) and lots of Apocalypse World (Vincent Baker, although some of the rules made us nervous before we played the first time).
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I realize indie rpg can mean different things to different folk. We aren't indie in the forge or storygames sense, but I would like to suggest our own (Bedrock Games) books to the OP: Terror Network, Crime Network, Horror Show and (hopefully next month) Servants of Gaius. Just be aware our games are more traditional RPGs.

I wouldn't call Feng Shui an indie game, but I would call it awesome fun!

Just make sure you explain to players that it is all about the over-the-top Jackie Chan-style stunts. Don't let them KO a mook with a kick to the head when they can grab a camera off a table, take a photograph of the mook, blind him with the flash and then kick him off a second story balcony!

I've only got to DM 1 Feng Shui session so far, but I so want to run another one.

Dread seems like an interesting system. I'm keen to give it a run soon, but we're about to start a new D&D campaign in the next session or two so I'm not sure when I'll get a chance.

Fiasco is also right up on my list of games I'd like to play.

Olaf the Stout


To get a look at gams with seriouly different system operation, I can recommend Primetime Adventures (although it's 'between editions' and may be tricky to find) and Universalis. Both play well and easily in just a few sessions and really widen your horizons concerning how RPGs can work.

Edit: Also, Burning Wheel looks fascinating, but I haven't got around to playing it yet.


Treasure is a very straightforward, but full, free fantasy system with novel/ experimental options including:

very modular design
playing using graphics, (or text and graphics)
completely editable in the html version
solo, team or GMd play
play in boardgame, card, map free or mapped styles

Downloads are at the bottom of this page: Treasure.

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