D&D 5E [+] Trying to settle on a list of "Core Ranger Spells". Gimme a hand!


I'm still picking away at this Ranger homebrew, and one feature that's been giving me some trouble is an aspect of their Spellcasting I was considering.

The premise being; there are certain spells that are both thematically relevant to the Ranger's identity, and are just mechanical main-stays to the extent that it's pointless having them count against their prepared/known total (similar to what Eldritch Blast is for Warlock, they might as well just get it). The premier example of this is obviously Hunter's Mark, to the point that even WOTC agree and have rendered it an out-and-out class feature in certain versions of the class, for better or worse. Then there was Primal Awareness from the OCFs, adding a free spell (or two free spells in the UA) each level you gain access to new spell slots, and you get a free daily casting of each. Nice idea, only problem being, the spells offered were relatively niche. I think marrying those two concepts, to create one feature better than those two, could work nicely.

Only problem being; what spells! Hunter's Mark and Pass Without Trace are the easy picks for 1st and 2nd level, but after that is tricky.

I have a few things that prevent me from considering certain spells.
  • Can you imagine a Ranger from a relatively soft/low magic setting, such as Aragorn, inducing the effect of a given spell? If no, I would consider that undesirable (for example; Hunter's Mark and Pass Without Trace fit pretty seamlessly, whereas something like Fog Cloud is more of a stretch that requires a justification like "oh he used a smoke-bomb", and something like Magic Missile is pretty much a non-starter).
  • Does a given spell serve to reinforce the stereotype that Rangers are predominantly Archers? If yes, I would consider that undesirable (less of a problem for some I'm sure, but yeah I'd just like to move beyond the arrow spells).
  • Is a given spell only worth considering with the carrot of a free daily casting? If yes, I would consider that undesirable (I don't know for sure whether I'd keep the free daily casting thing from Primal Awareness, but even if I did I'd rather it didn't open the way for lame spells. Buffing such spells is not out of the question, but it'd of course be better if they're appealing out of the box).
Conversely, there are things I'd like to set as not an issue preventing consideration for the sake of this discussion;
  • Not appearing on the Ranger spell list isn't an issue (I was considering Haste being the spell for 9th level for example, it not being a Ranger spell already doesn't meaningfully bother me).
  • Competing for Concentration isn't an issue (Hunter's Mark specifically, just pretend it isn't concentration and so you can actually use some other interesting spells).
  • Being from an expansion or supplemental isn't an issue (I'm sure this'd go without saying for most people but thought I'd mention it anyway. Like for example, if I was going to try and follow the UA Primal Awareness model and grant two spells per, the first two would be Hunter's Mark and Zephyr Strike).
So yes. I would like to try and figure out some spells for 9th, 13th and 17th level that create a nice sequence with Hunter's Mark and Pass Without Trace. What do you reckon!
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The only magic Aragorn performed was some healing. So cure wounds.

Maybe "summon ghost army", it was kind of an item, but might work as a high level spell.

And if you don't want arrow smites...

Perhaps animal companions stuff?

The only magic Aragorn performed was some healing. So cure wounds.

I possibly could've explained that point better. What I mean by that point is; certain spells aren't challenging to justify Rangers in those sorts of settings or contexts, casting or at minimum replicating the effects of. In terms of the literal facts of the story, yeah Aragorn only has healing magic. But if the events of LOTR were rendered in D&D, expressing the journey from Bree to Amon Sul as Aragorn using Pass Without Trace wouldn't be a stretch or an unjustifiable tone breach, the way it would be if he suddenly had access to the effects of Dragon's Breath.

(I'm not solely concerned with Aragorn or LOTR in general for this point, it's just a really convenient example of the kind of sweet spot I'd like to hit.)
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The base Ranger doesn't have cantrips, but Druidcraft feels like something every Ranger should be able to do -- weather forecasts, small fire starting, making a seed bloom.

The base Ranger doesn't have cantrips, but Druidcraft feels like something every Ranger should be able to do -- weather forecasts, small fire starting, making a seed bloom.

Ahead of you on that front, actually! I didn't mention it above because it's technically a break in the formula, but yeah, 2nd level grants Druidcraft and Hunter's Mark currently.
Thinking about it, I guess it should be level 1 like cantrips are for Artificer. Haven't decided if my homebrew should give Ranger access to cantrips in general, with an actual list of their own like Artificer gets.
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The harsh truth is that core D&D doesn't offer much for a low magic Ranger. D&D hasbeen a high magic game since 2e and has ranger stamped as magical. Neither TSR nor WOTC are wi;;ing to let Ranger in one magic spell creation. Even in D&D, Rangers are just casting Druid and Wizard spells.

If the disqualifiers are
  1. High overt magic with no nonmagic equal
  2. Archer based
  3. Too weak or situational to be prepared normally without free casting or in-universe suggestion
Then 1st level

Absorb Elements
Animal Friendship??
Beast Bond
Detect Magic
Detect P&D
Ensnaring Strike
Fog Cloud

Searing Strike
Zepher Strike

Leaving you with 8-10 spells at level 1. Not much. And it get worse as you level.

If you want a low magic ranger, you need to homebrew a new class or homebrew a bunch of new spells.

The Official D&D Ranger is high magical, has arrow spells, and at mid to high level abuses scrolls and 1st level slots for niche overt magic.
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The harsh truth is that core D&D doesn't offer much for a low magic Ranger. D&D hasbeen a high magic game since 2e and has ranger stamped as magical. Neither TSR nor WOTC are winning to let Ranger in one magic spell creation. Even in D&D, Rangers are just casting Druid and Wizard spells.

If you want a low magic ranger, you need to homebrew a new class or homebrew a bunch of new spells.

The Official D&D Ranger is high magical, has arrow spells, and at mid to high level abuses scrolls and 1st level slots for niche overt magic.

I definitely agree, but I think this is a problem for outside the bounds of this thread. For now, we're safe from the storm outside while we're in the house.
Those Red lines are more for giving the spells granted by this feature the "broadest applicability", rather specifically for creating a low magic Ranger. Looking for spells that it makes sense for any Ranger to have on-tap at a given moment, as I feel Hunter's Mark and Pass Without Trace comfortably are.

If the disqualifiers are
  1. High overt magic with no nonmagic equal
  2. Archer based
  3. Too weak or situational to be prepared normally without free casting or in-universe suggestion
And it get worse as you level.

You've gotten the idea there though, I'm basically looking for these spells at the levels I haven't filled yet (though also looking outside just Ranger spells. It's probably unlikely that the Ranger spell list already contains 3 more slam dunk spells, hell it's unlikely 3 more slam dunk spells exist in general, but I'm pretty sure there are 3 least worst options, hence Haste getting considered).
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You've gotten the idea there though, I'm basically looking for these spells at the levels I haven't filled yet (though also, drawing from other spell lists where applicable).
Those Red lines are more in the sense of "broadest applicability", rather specifically for creating a low magic Ranger. Looking for spells that it makes sense for any Ranger to have on-tap at a given moment, as I feel Hunter's Mark and Pass Without Trace comfortably are.
The best non-niche ranger spells every ranger might pick are

  • 1st
    • Absorb Elements
    • Cure Wounds
    • Ensnaring Strike
    • Entangle
    • Goodberry
    • Hunter's Mark
    • Jump
    • Longstrider
  • 2nd
    • Aid
    • Darkvision
    • Enhance Ability
    • Healing Spirit
    • Pass Without Trace
    • Silence
    • Spike Growth
  • 3rd
    • A Stride
    • Elemental Weapon
    • Nondetection
    • Plant Growth
    • Protection from Energy
    • Revivify
  • 4th
    • Conjure Woodland Being
    • Guardian of Nature
  • 5th
    • Swift Quiver
    • Greater Restoration
Only 12 autopicks and 6 must haves.

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