D&D 5E [+] Trying to settle on a list of "Core Ranger Spells". Gimme a hand!


Describe the character concept you are going for, for the class.

A "hunter"?

In part, sure. It's as you said, many concepts are under the umbrella of "Ranger". And I think most, if not all of them, would almost certainly have certain spells such as HM or PWT if mechanical appeal and access were no objects. I don't really want to get into whether or not this notion holds water, I'm operating on the assumption that it does, and I'm considering what the full list could be.

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In part, sure. It's as you said, many concepts are under the umbrella of "Ranger". And I think most, if not all of them, would almost certainly have certain spells such as HM or PWT if mechanical appeal and access were no objects. I don't really want to get into whether or not this notion holds water, I'm operating on the assumption that it does, and I'm considering what the full list could be.
The Ranger can be many things. I am curious about you are going for, in order to curate a spell list for your concept.


Not necessarily! I think you could make a case for something Haste being within the Ranger's thematic wheelhouse!
(I'm making it sound like I'm more dead-set on Haste than I actually am, that's just what I'm currently leaning towards for 9th level until/unless I'm made aware of something better suited.)
Ranger has Haste broken into 2 spells: Longstrider and Swift Quiver

You are definitely correct there, but my personal answer to that specific example is giving Ranger a feature that grants the innate ability to communicate with beasts. Revised Rangers' Primeval Awareness basically.
D&D5e 2024 version is giving every caster ritual casting and ranger more spells known. That's an option as well.


The Ranger can be many things. I am curious about you are going for, in order to curate a spell list for your concept.

I'm not sure I can concisely explain it beyond "the platonic ideal of a baseline Ranger". Like the opposite of a list of subclass spells, all generalist and no specialist. I think the other spells/potential spells are probably more illustrative; Druidcraft at 1st, Hunter's Mark at 2nd, Pass Without Trace at 5th. The potentials are Haste at 9th, and Guardian of Nature at 13th (I personally dislike elements of it but maybe it really is the least worst choice).


Hmmmm. I just gave the Class Features UA another look, and I realized it's actually only levels 1 and 2 that you get two spells. That has me wondering if, maybe that'd be good to carry over to this. Hunter's Mark and Zephyr Strike at level 2, Pass Without Trace and Enhance Ability at level 5?

And, as for the free castings thing; Maybe rather than a free casting for each or none, just one for any on that list per day?

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