TURTLEDOME!: Battle Bone (DM: KenHood, Judge: Lord S.)


Emral stops in the doorway of the shop where the battle took place. Hey guys, is anyone using this old pawn shop? I mean, it's abandoned, right? So, um, we could use it as a base of operations! After we clean it up, that is. Sound like a plan?

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Drivan looks around, calculating the square footage...

"I could easily move my belongings into here and we could build up a library here... I wonder if there is a basement here... Would be better for my purposes."

[sblock=Kenhood]Can we make this our base? With a basement? Drivan can just stop paying rent and pay for this place? Mechanically it wouldn't do us much good but it would be cool for in game stuff...[/sblock]


[sblock=kenhood] I agree! I mean, I don't know what the L4W policy is re: property owning. Likewise, if this group keeps going past the arena; I'm sure we'll win, but I'm not against the idea that we could have some bad rolls and all of us die horribly. Apparently the Peanut Gallery has this Dextyr game where at least one of the PCs has been killed.
But yeah, maybe even turning it into a Magic Shop at some point (level 6, I guess) would be good. There's an Arcane Society thread, but I'm not sure if they're actually going to go on with it or if its just hype. Or an adventurer's guild! Or a pawn shop, I dunno.[/sblock]


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[sblock=FitD]We will not allow the degredation of this fine establishment into becoming a pawn shop! We are an exclusive club... I see us as the Adventurer's Guild that everyone wishes they were good enough to join... ;)[/sblock]


[sblock=FitD]We will not allow the degredation of this fine establishment into becoming a pawn shop! We are an exclusive club... I see us as the Adventurer's Guild that everyone wishes they were good enough to join... ;)[/sblock]

[sblock=This! Yes, this!] I agree. However, I think the Peanut Gallery is pumping themselves up a bit.

I think if we do this, we should get access to the sewers, in case we need a dramatic escape route. Also a super-computer. Also we need to rope in and lock down Kenhood or someone like him (in case he joins us as a PC) to approve of my stupidly amazing sewer-rocket-car, etc. ...I just ruined the guild-hall, didn't I? drat.[/sblock]


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If you want to get the shop as a base of ops, then we'll make that an adventure for a later date...

[DM taps watch, wondering when it will get to XP time.]


Emral pats Drivan on the back. Y'know, this sounds like the kind of conversation we should have over food and drink. Let's bag everything that looks important, and head off to the Hanged Man for some well deserved r&r.

With that, Emral does so hoping Finnian, Drivan and, I guess, Vaunea (when she gets hungry) will follow and join him.


First Post
Drivan agrees and follows Emral out the door, having split the treasure evenly among the party members. Drivan holds on to the cloak of distortion for Vaunea's use.


Ok everyone: tonight I go into high Wedding mode. Don't expect me to post until November 2nd at least (likely then, maybe earlier, but possibly a day or so later). Tomorrow is the big day, so prayers/well-wishing will be appreciated at 3pm EST! (well, Toronto time)

Voidrunner's Codex

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