TUW: Out of the Maelstrom

Y 2: Days 164 - 168: The Avarice of Wolverines

OOC: All characters and companions receive 5 DP.

Kwargrow said:
Initially Bolo did not want to harm the wolverines... She will Acidify either the closest or most aggressive wolverine.
With the wolverine having to pick itself up and move to reengage each time Turtle slaps it away, Bolo is able to manipulate the Chemical Way Lines before it once again reaches Turtle and before Sannit is able to close behind it.
Bolo: 54(acidify) + 56(bending) + 50(d100) = 160
Wolverine2: 59(conditioning) + 80(d100) = 139
damage: 160 - 139 = 21% * 10 = 2
Body: 9 - 2 = 7, hurt
Bolo can tell that she has caused some harm to the vicious animal, but not enough to deter its aggression, as it once again closes with Turtle.

Kwargrow said:
Turtle will continue to fight.
Turtle: 48 + 27 + 74 = 149
Wolverine2: 168
The wolverine dodges at the last instant, lunging passed the bear to bite at Bolo.
Wolverine2: 59(aggression) + 34(athletic) + 80(d100) = 173
Bolo: 44(readiness) + 46(obscure) + 62(empathy) + 83(d100) > 173
Despite fooling Turtle, the Wolverine is not nearly quick enough to catch Bolo, unaware. She spins agilely on the balls of her feet, avoiding the assault.

Sannit will continue to fight the wolverines...
Sannit: 66(aggression) + 44(athletic) + 39(fury) + 50(d100) + 100(flanking) = 289
Wolverine2: 168 - 100(flanked) + 34(coordination) = 102
damage: 289 - 102 = 187% * 20 = 37 - 16(deflect) = 21
Body: 7 - 21 = -14, dead
Wolverine4: Body: -5, incapacitated
Having dodged Turtle to reach Bolo, Sannit becomes the third opponent of the wolverine, which proves to be more than it can assess. Sannit thrust his lanzita deep into the abdomen of the beast, bringing it down to stay.

Seeing that his methods are effective, Merin does not change his intent.
Merindell: 11 + 200(way) = 211
Indigo: 0 + 20(sword) = 20
Wolverine6: 0 + 20(attack) = 20
Again, before Merindell can manipulate mechanical Way lines, the first wolverine Merin had affected regains consciousness, and it and Indigo exchange a barrage of attacks.
Indigo: 36 + 49 + 47 + 70 = 202
Wolverine3: 168
damage: ineffective
Wolverine3: 173
Merindell: 60(concussion) + 44(bending) + 74(d100) = 178
Wolverine3: 59(conditioning) + 80(d100) = 139
damage: 178 - 139 = 39% * 10 = 4
Mind: 6 - 4 = 2, dazed
Wolverine6: Mind: -5, unconscious
If Indigo could muster the power or accuracy to cut through the resilient hide, the determined wolverine would find itself in pieces; however, the animal and Rheini dance around one another in continued uselessness. Again, a powerful pulse of air bombards the beast. A pulse as less force than the one that struck it previously, unable to do more than temporarily daze it.

Tellerian Hawke said:
... Tor... will bash it...
Torvald: 0 + 30(shield) = 30
Sheldon: 0 + 100(way) = 100
Wolverine1: 0 + 20(attack)
Wolverine1: 173
Torvald: 44(obscure) + 44(readiness) + 26(empathy) + 63(d100) > 173
Torvald: 26 + 44 + 39 + 82 = 191
Wolverine1: 49 + 34 + 80 = 163
damage: 191 - 153 = 38% * 10 = 4 - 8(soak), ineffective
Body: 6, hurt
The mildly injured wolverine snaps up at the big Norikadian, who slaps it, bodily with his shield, again sending it several strides away, but not really causing it more harm. With the lack of previous results, Sheldon dissolves a copper ingot to enhace his manipulation of Electromagnetic Way Lines.
Sheldon: 50(shock) + 61(bending) = 101 * 2(copper) = 202 + 70(d100) = 272
Wolverine1: 59(conditioning) + 80(d100) = 139
damage: 272 - 139 = 133% * 10 = 13
body: 6 - 13 = -7, dead
As the wolverine lands, a power jolt of electricity shakes its body, vigorously. The ferocious beast does not recover this time.

Vadin frees his injured wrist from the jaws of his wolverine and stabs it again with his saber to make sure that it is dead.
Wolverine5: dead
The Seekers find that all wolverines are now down. With the witnesses ferocity, Sannit and Indigo stick each one with their weapons, once more for good measure, while Turtle bounces up and down on the one that got around him, a few times to punctuate the point. Surprisingly, only Vadin sustained any harm and that was very minor. Between Bolo and Indigo, the windrunners that had spooked are recalled to the group and calmed.
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 59
Torvald: full health
Surcoat: 69
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 79
Indigo: full health
Vest: 29
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 59
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
bracer: 20 - 4 = 16
tunic: 59
Body: 10 - 4 = 6, hurt
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 23 clams
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
40 Dublins: (gold coin, 800 clams)
42 Rupees: (silver coin, 420 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
5 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
OOC: Animal:
  • Giant Eagle Hide: 100% cover (soak: 10, deflect: 10)
  • Giant Eagle Skull:
  • Giant Eagle Talons: 10
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 1 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron):
Red Coral: 10 ingot piece
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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Tor says, "Wow, these things were tough. I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to add small spikes to my shield? It might prove more effective that a sword blow, since the weight behind the shield helps build momentum... At any rate, let's skin these things, and see if there's any meat to be had. Tough hide sometimes means that the meat will taste gamey, but not always. And I am sure the hides will be worth something as well."

Merin adds, "Yes, we can pause to skin them and cut them up, but after that, we need to make up for lost time. The sails are very important, we need to get to Bergbaulager as soon as we possibly can. We'll examine the teeth and claws as we travel, to check for proclivities."

Merin also intends to keep mapping during the journey, adding landmarks and what-not that were not recorded on previous journeys. The goal is to create as detailed a map as possible, thus even previously traveled routes are being scrutinized and tweaked when necessary.

Merin and Tor will both also help Vadin to accelerate the healing of his wounds.
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San-Bolo will work on skinning the corpses and finding Way proclivity for any parts.

OOC: I should still have some rolls left from my previous list

Turtle sniffs around the battle scene and waits for Bolo to toss him scraps from breaking down the animals. He's never ate wolverine before.

Y 2: Days 164 - 168: From Wolverines to Bergbaulager

OOC: All characters and companions receive 5 DP.

Tor says, "... I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to add small spikes to my shield?...
Sheldon nods at Tor, "I'll bet the smith you know in Bergbaulager can do that."
Tellerian Hawke said:
... let's skin these things, and see if there's any meat to be had..."
The meat, as it turns out, has an acrid odor and does not seem fit to eat, even Turtle crinkles his nose at it.

Tellerian Hawke said:
Merin adds, "... We'll examine the teeth and claws as we travel, to check for proclivities."

Merin also intends to keep mapping during the journey...
Tellerian Hawke said:
Merin and Tor will both also help Vadin to accelerate the healing of his wounds.
With the healing power that can be woven by the collective effort of the Seekers, repairing the forearm of Vadin becomes a trivial matter of only a few minutes time. Merin adds detail and notes to the continuation of his mapping of the party's travels.

San-Bolo will work on skinning the corpses and finding Way proclivity for any parts.
Turtle sniffs around the battle scene and waits for Bolo to toss him scraps...
Skinning: Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom + Acuity + Commercial + Mercantile + Trades
Empathy: Essence + Adhesion + Invocation + Synergy + Collegiate + Divination + Mysticism
It is decided to delay a day and collect what could be useful from the felled wolverines, though further examination will be done while continuing on to the destination. Skinning the wolverines is more difficult than expected, and the meat is entirely inedible, except for a few of the organs, which Turtle consumes. After the preparation is complete, the Seekers find themselves in possession of six hides totaling 240% coverage, which should bring a good trade from Swift Raven and Fallen Leaf.
Bending: Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom + Acuity + Will + Discipline + Resolve + Commercial + Mercantile + Trades + Bending
Empathy: Essence + Adhesion + Invocation + Synergy + Collegiate + (Divination + Mysticism + Cohesion + Evocation + Emulsion)
As it turns out, wolverines are quite the reservoir of proclivities for Way Lines. Their heart blood and jaw bones are beneficial to the aberrative manipulation of Mystical Way Lines. Their tails are found to enhance the adhesion and their teeth may be used to augment the manipulation of Mystical Way Lines by those tuned to Academics. Lastly, their eyes may be used for the ideological manipulation of Mystical Way Lines to detrimental ends.

The remainder of the trip to Bergbaulager is uneventful. The Maldrog welcome the Seekers joyously and invite them to share ale and tell stories of their travels. The Seekers are disappointed to learn that their friends, The Prospectors, are out on their own adventures with an unknown return date.

It is estimated to take up to ten days to complete the trade of coral for fabric with the Hebrian people, but the Maldrog seem convinced that the Hebrians will gladly exchange fairly for the exotic piece of red coral.
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 59
Torvald: full health
Surcoat: 69
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 79
Indigo: full health
Vest: 29
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 59
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
bracer: 20 - 4 = 16
tunic: 59
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 23 clams
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
40 Dublins: (gold coin, 800 clams)
42 Rupees: (silver coin, 420 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
5 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
OOC: Animal:
  • Giant Eagle Hide: 100% cover (soak: 10, deflect: 10)
  • Giant Eagle Skull:
  • Giant Eagle Talons: 10
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • wolverine hides: 240% cover
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 1 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron):
Red Coral: 10 ingot piece
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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Delighted to be back in Bergbaulager, San-Bolo and Turtle visit with all their friends and Sannit tells the stories of the Seekers around pints of drink. During the ten days they take an opportunity to enjoy the lake, swimming, sailing and learning as much as they can of watercraft. In official meetings with Bergbaulager's leaders, Sannit will apprise them of the situation with Asylim, and what they learned of the Magisters and how the city operates.

Sitting at the table with the Seekers, Sannit gets their attention and says, "Bolo and I have been talking, and as soon as we deliver the sails, and return to Southroad Fair, we will settle in the town. We wish to retire from adventures and start a family."

Bolo nods.
"I am going to open a shop and craft jewelry and talismans. Some of them will be mundane decorations, but others will improve the bond with Way lines."

Tor goes to see the blacksmith, and the two friends greet each other as though no time had passed. Tor asks him about adding a number of spikes to his shield, perhaps as many as 8, or even 10. He says that the spikes should be about 2-3 inches long each. He asks him about his thoughts and suggestions on the matter.

Later, as Tor is deep in his third Pine Vine, and Merin is obsessing over just the right way to craft a wand out of one of the Wolverine jawbones, San-Bolo reveal their news. Both Merin and Tor are shocked by the suddenness of the announcement, but at the same time, they are also happy for their friends.

Merin raises his glass, "Congratulations, you two. May your years be long, and your offspring many."

Tor adds, "Cheers! Here's to good health, and long life!"

Y 2: Days 169 - 179: Bergbaulager

OOC: All characters and companions receive 5 DP.

... San-Bolo and Turtle visit... learning as much as they can of watercraft. In official meetings with Bergbaulager's leaders, Sannit will apprise them of the situation with Asylim...
The Maldrog are near infants to watercraft compared to some of the other tribes which surround the lake, though some of them are very proficient divers. The Maldrog travel the lake by paddled barges. The Hebrians, in particular, have twin hulled sailing vessels that seem to skim across the lake as fast as birds fly.

Kwargrow said:
Sitting at the table with the Seekers, Sannit gets their attention and says, "Bolo and I... wish to retire from adventures and start a family."

Bolo nods. "I am going to open a shop..."
Indigo smiles and touches Sheldon on the shoulder, giving him a nod. "It is interesting you should mention that. Indigo and I have been considering the same thing. The antagonism of Asylim has been the only impediment."

Tor goes to see the blacksmith...
After listening, the smith advises against so many spikes. "A single spike would suit you better. If you put too many, you may hang your opponent, losing precious seconds trying to loose it, all the while having your shield out of position, but I can make, or actually show YOU how to add what you desire."

Tellerian Hawke said:
... Merin is obsessing over just the right way to craft a wand out of one of the Wolverine jawbones...
GM: It is not necessary or relevant to manufacture anything from the jawbone. As it is used to enhance the manipulation of Way Lines, it will disintegrate to dust. It can also be used by Merin even if it is several strides away from him, like on his horse.

The Hebrian people are highly fascinated with the sizable piece of red coral and trade for several bolts of cloth. Specific sails would have been impractical as knowledge of their intended vessels would be required. It should be a simple matter for the people of Safe Harbor to make their own sails from the cloth.

Not only were the ten days in Bergbaulager peaceful, but the Seekers learned more of the lake's peoples and more of the specific skills. The four day return trip to Southroad Fair is uneventful.
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 59
Torvald: full health
Surcoat: 69
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 79
Indigo: full health
Vest: 29
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 59
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
bracer: 20 - 4 = 16
tunic: 59
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 23 clams
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
40 Dublins: (gold coin, 800 clams)
42 Rupees: (silver coin, 420 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
5 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
OOC: Animal:
  • Giant Eagle Hide: 100% cover (soak: 10, deflect: 10)
  • Giant Eagle Skull:
  • Giant Eagle Talons: 10
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • wolverine hides: 240% cover
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 1 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron):
Red Coral: 10 ingot piece
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island

Back in Southroad Fair Sannit will contact the Carpenter's guild and talk about how much time and money building a home would require. San-Bolo will stay in the guild-house until it is finished.

Sannit says to Sheldon, "We should announce our retirement plans together at the Boar's Head tonight. We can have a nice celebration before we head out to take the sail cloth to the sailors."

Sannit says to Merin and Tor, "I'm sorry if this was a shock to you. We feel it's time to retire, that we've done what we needed to do in this time and place. The adventure for us isn't over, just changing. Now we can enjoy what we fought for."

Bolo has already declared her intentions to open a shop, built into the home they are planning. Sannit intends to join the Southroad Fair Militia, or found it if it doesn't exist. The militia will practice martial skills daily for town defense, and when they are not needed to fight, they will help keep maintenance on the growing town, helping with physical repairs as they are needed. Sannit makes it clear that race and gender will not be factors in militia membership. Skill and determination will be evaluated equally.

Merin says, "What we've begun here is worth nurturing. It is only logical that we should all pursue this course of action. Something tells me that we're still only in the beginning, and that our destinies will take many unknowable twists and turns in the future. I know not where my destiny will finally lead me, but I do intend to be here when this town needs me. And I am glad to know that both of you will, too. However, there are a few things that I'd like to wrap up first, before I turn into a doddering homebody. We should talk about splitting our collected resources. I'm going to need some money to put my plans into motion. It will require me to be gone for a time, but rest assured, I will return."

Tor says, "Before you go running off, come with me to Bergbaulager. I'm going to need some help getting settled. I intend to apprentice myself, and learn the finer points of metalworking. Stay long enough for me to make you some quality pieces. If you're going to run off on your own like a fool, you're going to need better protection than bug shells and pig skins."

Merin chuckles, and clasps Tor's hand in friendship, and in agreement.

"Fine." Merin agrees.

As the Seekers are returning to town, Giodavi himself comes out to meet them. Clavo follows at a slower pace. a sort distance behind. Giodavi waves his hands in excitement. "I have news! I have news."

He pauses to catch his breath before continuing. "This senseless war started by the Ansylin Magistry has officially ended. Molo Pesce came to Southroad Fair, himself. He prefers face to face over written message. He informed us that Shaffemaron abandoned the cause and the city. He simply disappeared, without a word or a trace. This leaves Molo as the senior Magister. He said to my face that he wants things back the way they were before Shaffe started all of his nonsense."

"Molo's interest is in making money. He is still angry over the loss of his tavern. The trade caravans are back on schedule and we are sending fuel oil and lumber to Asylim at a profit. Molo conveyed that he could never see the motivation for the war nor any way to profit from it. In sort, the great news is that the Ansylin Campaign has ended."

Back in Southroad Fair Sannit will contact the Carpenter's guild and talk about how much time and money building a home would require. San-Bolo will stay in the guild-house until it is finished.
Contracting with the Carpenters' Guild is an easy matter. Cost, time, and location are discussed in detail. San-Bolo pay over an agreed upon retainer, and the contract is confirmed.

Kwargrow said:
Sannit says to Sheldon, "We should announce our retirement plans together..."
Sannit draws the attention of the crowd at the Boar's Head as he and Sheldon stand together to announce their retirement from adventuring in favor of attempting to start families. Everyone cheers and congratulates them. No one is really surprised after learning of the end to the previous war.

Kwargrow said:
Bolo has already declared her intentions to open a shop, built into the home they are planning. Sannit intends to join the Southroad Fair Militia, or found it if it doesn't exist...
The town guard is currently part of the hunting lodge. The former Seekers, Siofra, Aust, and Revan have taken charge of formulating and working scouting crews. With the absence of a wall or clear borders, the roving scouts have proven to be most effective in protection, prevention, and observation. Sannit's greater expertise is a welcomed addition. Indigo joins Bolo in her new venture, proving to be quite adept as a jeweler.

Merin says, "What we've begun here is worth nurturing... It will require me to be gone for a time, but rest assured, I will return."
Sheldon, though he and Indigo contract to establish residence in the manner of Sannit and Bolo, discusses travel with Merin, wanting to further the drafting of maps of the area.

Tellerian Hawke said:
Tor says, "Before you go running off..."
Merin responds in agreement and Sheldon nods. The two smirk and laugh inwardly, knowing full well that neither is going to be burdened with metal armor; but not wanting to hurt Torvald's feelings, neither explains that the added weight is counter to their styles of combat and proficiency for the manipulation of Way Lines.

GM: This officially concludes the Caravan Campaign.

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