Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Wrenn: full wellness
Hiroshi: full wellness
Marqus: full wellness
Hiroshi: full wellness
Marqus: full wellness
flint: 3 stones: ??
slate: 3 stones: ??
slate: 3 stones: ??
Being in agreement, the three young men move toward the pig carcass. There is currently one ant pinching off a bit a of food, one about a stride away carrying a piece of food away, and one about 2 strides away moving toward it. No other ant are currently in sight.Wrenn nods, and notices that Hiroshi is nodding as well; "My thoughts exactly. Let's do that."
Marqus motions that he will move to cut off the path of the ant moving away. He readies his carving axes, but holds then sideways, evidently going to use the flat to bludgeon.