Osthelerin Hawke
DOOM Slayer
reaction = 59
javelin = 74
javelin = 74
Hiroshi walks up to the beetle ,proceeds to take aim and stab the beetle in exact middle of the carapace
Wrenn... heat...
Feeling embolden by the forward movements of his new friends, Marqus brandishes his carving axes and moves in, as well.Hiroshi... stab...
Wrenn says, in Shimadow: "Wow, (den pige opos eiche programmatistei)."..."
... manipulate waylines... mind...
Hiroshi... manipulate waylines... mind...
Rather than manipulating mystical waylines, some instinct in Marqus provokes him to manipulate chemical waylines instead. The end result is the same motivator.Once everyone has had the chance to clear their heads, Wrenn suggests that they continue on...
Wrenn smiles, "... ants don't emit any venomous clouds... nasty bite. You guys wanna track them down? What say you?"
Marqus swishes his mouth back and forth and rubs his thumbs to his forefingers. "I agree about the cloud, but it is not the bite that is dangerous. It is the stinger at the back end. It contains a venom. Some of the other rovers have encountered them."HIroshi nods "Sounds like a good idea to me..."
Marqus said:"...we could hit a few of them on the corpse, then back away."