TUW: Out of the Maelstrom


As the spiders that were on Vadin escape, Vadin also tries to slash at them with his sword.

He looks at his companions and says "Why did it have to be spiders, I hate spiders." He shivers at the thought of the spiders on him. Though he may be bigger than them, and a tough man, he is petrified of spiders. "I hate spiders!" he repeats. "I sure could use a drink."

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Days 327 - 336: Dead Spiders

OOC: All participating characters receive 10 DP.

San-Bolo... help break down the spiders into useful pieces and search the battle area...
Merin and Tor do the same...
As the spiders that were on Vadin escape, Vadin also tries to slash at them with his sword..."I hate spiders!" he repeats. "I sure could use a drink."
Sheldon and Indigo look over the rest of the party, noting that Tor and Indigo were the only ones hurt. Sheldon responds to Vadin, "Spiders are not my hang up, but I will be more than happy to join you in that drink as soon as we get back to Southroad Fair."

GM: The spiders that are fleeing are very quick to move. No attempt to end or even hit them proves fruitful. The five incapacitated spiders are easily killed. As it is learned, it is not the carapaces of spiders that are valuable, despite their chitinous composition, it is their fangs. Five pair of phase spider fangs prove no difficulty to remove and keep. Collecting the venom glands still proves far beyond anyone's current skill.

Searching the area around which the spider attack took place turns up the dehydrates remains of many animals, none of which are useful. Other than this having been a regular ambush site for a pod of spiders, nothing else of note is observed.

The Seekers are able to reach the desert without further incident. From here, Merin estimates that it will take will take seven days to cross the familiar stretch of desert before reaching the strip of piney woods that houses Southroad Fair.

[sblock=Character Statistics]
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
Torvald: hurt, dazed
Body: 12 - 4 = 8
Mind: 10 - 7 = 3
Surcoat: 70 - 12 = 58
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 80 - 6 = 74
Indigo: hurt
Body: 10 - 8 = 2
Vest: 30 - 4 = 26
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 60 - 24 = 36
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
Tunic: 60 - 6 = 54[/sblock]
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 1123 clams
60 Plates: (platinum coin, 3000 clams)
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
50 Dublins: (gold coin, 1000 clams)
50 Rupees: (silver coin, 500 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor's Observations

As the party travels, Merin and Tor lend aid whenever possible, for the healing of wounds.

Tor comments, "Since we are so close, we should shave one or two hours off of each night's sleep, and begin the day's march while it's still dark. We should also cut down to one meal a day, because food prep and cooking costs valuable hours that we don't have at the moment."

Tor looks at everyone's tunics.

Tor observes, "Several of us have damaged tunics, but mine and Sannit's are faring very badly. We should look at having them mended, once we have some spare time."


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit says, "I'm all for pushing to reach Southroad Fair as fast as possible. We can rest plenty when we get there, but the most time we can give the town the better."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Days 337 - 347: Southroad Fair

The Seekers agree to a forced march for the remainder of the time it takes to return to Southroad Fair, reducing a 12 day trip into a 10 day trip. The town scouts, near, hail the party as it approaches. The town activity appears to be normal. Nothing seems amiss.
[sblock=Character Statistics]
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
Torvald: hurt, dazed
Body: 12 - 4 = 8
Mind: 10 - 7 = 3
Surcoat: 70 - 12 = 58
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 80 - 6 = 74
Indigo: hurt
Body: 10 - 8 = 2
Vest: 30 - 4 = 26
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 60 - 24 = 36
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
Tunic: 60 - 6 = 54[/sblock]
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 1123 clams
60 Plates: (platinum coin, 3000 clams)
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
50 Dublins: (gold coin, 1000 clams)
50 Rupees: (silver coin, 500 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
As soon as the party reaches the town, Merin and Tor (and, I'm assuming, the rest of the party as well) rush to inform Giodavi of the coming danger.

Merin says, "We should call a town meeting, and organize a resistance plan, and an escape plan also, in case things go badly."

Tor nods in agreement.


Gamer Extraordinaire
San-Bolo call the town scouts over and Sannit tells them, "Our trip did not go well. Asylim is assembling its army to march and destroy Southroad Fair. Spread the word among all the people. Those that wish to leave may do so, but anyone that stays has to fight."
After that the pair will go into town and stick to their return routine. They stop by the guildhouse first and Bolo has a tearful reunion with Turtle. After that, they check on Erudite and Intrinsic, have a bath, and head to the Boarshead for a meal and a drink. If anyone asks them about the current trouble with Asylim they will say that it is true, but they will not tell any more until they meet with the town elders.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 347: Southroad Fair

[sblock=Plot Point Reminder]Shaffemaron said, "Come Seeding Season, we will... march an army to Southroad Fair and kill everyone not willing to be subjugated."[/sblock]
San-Bolo call the town scouts over and Sannit tells them, "Our trip did not go well. Asylim is assembling its army to march and destroy Southroad Fair. Spread the word among all the people. Those that wish to leave may do so, but anyone that stays has to fight."

After that the pair will go into town and stick to their return routine. They stop by the guildhouse first and Bolo has a tearful reunion with Turtle. After that, they bath and head to the Boarshead for a meal and a drink. If anyone asks them about the current trouble with Asylim they will say that it is true, but they will not tell any more until they meet with the town elders.
The Scouts are shocked at the news Sannit provides them. They begin jabbering among themselves in obvious confusion as to a course of action.

Seeing the confusion Sheldon commands them. "Stick to your routes. Stick to your duty. Pass the information along as you meet the other scouts. Once we are settled, we will meet with the other town leaders and discuss our options."

Once the scouts have moved on, Sheldon says to Sannit. "I think we should take this fight out to our enemy when they begin to close. I think we could end this or at least serious hinder the army before it arrives. We should discuss our plans and be in agreement before we approach the other town elders."
As soon as the party reaches the town, Merin and Tor... rush to inform Giodavi of the coming danger.

Merin says, "We should call a town meeting, and organize a resistance plan, and an escape plan also, in case things go badly."

Tor nods in agreement.
Indigo puts a hand on Merin's shoulder before he can rush off. "If the townsfolk see us acting erratically or hurriedly, it will likely put them in a panic. We have time to prepare. We should go about our normal routines at a normal pace I want a bath before have a town meeting."

Even before heading to the bathhouse, Indigo goes to the Carpenters' Guild to check on the party's horses. Sheldon drops supplies at the Seekers' Guild House and then proceeds to the bathhouse if he gets the rest of the party to agree to delaying the important town meeting.

GM: Meeting others as they arrive into town, news of the return of the Southroad Seekers spreads quickly. Turtle comes barreling through the stream and bowls Bolo over as he charges in. No harm is done to Bolo and the bear begins to lick her face like a dog, making complicated noises in his throat.

[sblock=Character Statistics]
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
Torvald: hurt, dazed
Body: 12 - 4 = 8
Mind: 10 - 7 = 3
Surcoat: 70 - 12 = 58
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 80 - 6 = 74
Indigo: hurt
Body: 10 - 8 = 2
Vest: 30 - 4 = 26
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 60 - 24 = 36
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
Tunic: 60 - 6 = 54[/sblock]
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 1123 clams
60 Plates: (platinum coin, 3000 clams)
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
50 Dublins: (gold coin, 1000 clams)
50 Rupees: (silver coin, 500 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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Gamer Extraordinaire
After the meal, Sannit will tell the story of the Asylim trip to the Boarshead crowd. He will include the part about the Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle, but will not mention the Secluded Lake or Mysterious Island.

He says, "We arrived at the gates of Asylim, and the city guards attempted to take our weapons. We refused and demanded to see the Magisters at once. We were escorted to an outdoor plaza to meet the entire Magistry and attempted to reason with them. Two of their number seemed to have some sense; but no sooner did we learn this, than they were murdered by their comrades. So quick and deadly were their attacks that we had no chance to intervene.

The blame for the murders was placed on us, of course, and we were captured and set to drift into the Maelstrom. We escaped the hold of the ship, set free the crew, and sailed to a safe place to land to travel home as quickly as possible. The Magisters are bound by their words, and they swore to send their army during Seeding Season to destroy or enslave anyone that stands against them in Southroad Fair. I swear on my life, we will turn them back and show to the people of Asylim, and all the land that it is right to stand against oppression."

Later, when the elders are meeting to discuss the plan to resist Asylim, Sannit says, "We should send messengers to Bergbaulager and Boga City to inform them of the situation to see if they can send any assistance. Our trade route with Bergbaulager and the rest of the Lunaedriac will be crucial to our survival and growth in the future. The free sailors from our prison ship have started a community outside of Asylim's influence. Helping them will help Southroad Fair and give us a possible sea port, although it will be some time before they grow large enough for regular ship travel."

Bolo will not attend the elder meeting (she knows what Sannit knows anyway). She will be prowling around outside with Turtle, using Way to Darken their surroundings to keep them hidden. There could be possible spies for Asylim in town and Bolo will try to find anyone trying to listen to the town meeting.
OOC: Darken roll: 60, Obscurative: 53
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Vadin has his drink at the tavern when he gets into town and then joins the other Seekers, he listens intently to Sheldon and Sannit. He strokes his beard and speaks up. "I agree that we should take this fight to them. I do not like the idea of sitting around waiting for them to get here. Let's give them a welcome party." He pauses, pulls back his hair, and says "I wonder if we can ambush them?" He agrees to hold off on the town meeting until they have a solid plan to present.
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