TUW: The Outpost

Sylvar B.

Adisakti nods,
"It's a good plan. You guys present an easy target and I'll flank the guys you attack. I see no reason in attacking them one at a time."
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Raven Elk agrees with the idea:

"Since Taylar and I do not wield bows, we should be the bait. The rest of you should be ready with your bows along the flanks in case this doesn't go well."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Maka says, “That seems like a plausible plan. If they want to talk, we shall meet them with honor and talk. If they want to fight, we shall give them more than they bargained for.”

Maka takes out his bow, preparing to take the opposite flamking position from Adi. (i.e., if Adi goes left, Maka will go right.)
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Raven Elk agrees with the idea:
"Since Taylar and I do not wield bows, we should be the bait. The rest of you should be ready with your bows along the flanks in case this doesn't go well."
Vittero nods.
"That is a better idea. I will work this flank with Adi. We will stay out of sight until the Amiradthae make their intentions known."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 202: Doldrums 52: Amiradthae, First Contact

The crew gives Maka ample time to move across the path to the northwest of the Amirathae's common direction of travel. Taylar and Raven Elk stand directly in the path, while Adisakti and Vittero take up positions on the near side. The sinlge borrowed horse is considered to be in a safe location down the hill far to the east of the potential conflict site, grazing happily.

The distance between the flankers and the bait is planned as a long bowshot, making for any necessary shot to be a shorter distance, as the enemy will be in between.

Once everyone is in position, Taylar hollers loudly enough for the Amiradthae to hear. Within a few seconds two males come from the split in the rise. The deliberate with one another for a few more seconds and then call backward from whence the came. Two more males join, making the group 4, before they begin to cautiously move forward. Still about 25 paces from Taylar and Raven Elk, they stop again, deliberating and even arguing with one another. None of the crew can understand a single word of Amiradthan, but all can tell that they are speaking a definitive language, not the gibberish commonly associated with cannibals and headhunters.

While they are yet arguing, 2 females come from the split in the rise to vocally prod the 4 investigators. The 2 females joins them and they fan out walking toward the bait in an apparent aggressive manner, still verbally arguing with one another, especially since Taylar and Raven Elk have stood calmly and silently this whole several minutes.

More voices are heard from back at the split in the rise, and 4 more Amiradthae come forth, 1 more males and 3 more females, bringing the total to 10. Adisakti notes it first, but everyone else eventually notices that none of the have projectile weapons, per se'. They are all armed with stone tipped spears. They last male to emerge hollers something at the forward group. They all look back and 2 of the males begin to charge forward in a definite show of attack. The other lag somewhat behind. The last 4 begin walking forward slowly. All targets are at the far edge of short bow range, wether in the forward group or the rear.

@Sylvar B.
Adisakti reacts first.
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Raven Elk glances at Taylar catching his attention. When he has it he nods in a knowing way that silently conveys:

"I'll step back to give you swinging room and lunge from the sides to deter any attacks of opportunity."
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Sylvar B.

Seeing the large number of foes Adisakti grabs a handful of grass and puts in his mouth, stands up and begins to scream and yell like a madman. He flails about, grabbing dirt, rocks and grass and throwing it in the air, and in the general direction of the Amiradthae. He stops, stands up straight as a board and still as a statue, he spits out the grass and sweeps his quarter staff across the group while screaming gibberish. He stops stops his staff on one of the Amiradthae closest to Taylar and Raven. Looks up at the sky, screams more gibberish. Looks wildly at them and charges at the two men charging Taylar and Raven Elk. If he arrives in enough time Adisakti will engage the man he reaches first, with a strong overhead strike of his staff, aiming for the arms, in an attempt to disarm the attacker.

OOC: Hopefull the Amiradthae will be distracted enough by Adisakti's antics to be delayed. Many old tribes have superstitions concerning people who are insane, either venerating them or fear to kill them because they don't want the spirit of the maniac haunting them. I'm playing on these superstitions. Adisakti is just being himself
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Gamer Extraordinaire
When Taylar sees the intentions of the tribals turn hostile, he steadies his mind, focuses his power from deep within himself, and seeks to increase his strength to allow him to fight better. When an opponent draws close enough to engage he will step in and swing, aiming to strike the torso.


When an opponent draws close enough to engage he will step in and swing, aiming to strike the torso.

Raven Elk, after stepping back, readies himself to stop any flanking attempts on Taylar.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 202: Doldrums 52: Amiradthae, Engaging the Adversary

Seeing the large number of foes Adisakti grabs a handful of grass and puts in his mouth... Adisakti will engage the man he reaches first, with a strong overhead strike of his staff, aiming for the arms, in an attempt to disarm the attacker.
GM: The lagging group of Amiradthae, which is facing forward, sees Adisakti rise from the grass and begin his charade. One of the females actually reaches up and scratches her head at the odd behavior. Vittero, still hidden from view, rolls his eyes and tries not to audibly laugh.

As the screaming, mad Adisakti charges forward, all of the front line of Amiradthae turn and look back at him, staring for a few seconds as he continues to cover the distance toward them. Four of the six continue toward Taylar and Raven Elk. The other two turn toward Adisakti, but it is obvious that they are unsure how or if to proceed, a costly indecision, as Adisakti brings his staff to bear on the one to his left.

OOC: Sequencing:
Adisakti: 10(Impetus) + 23(Sequence) + 98(d100) = 131 - 36(armor) - 100(weapon) = -5
Amiradtha:10(Impetus) + 19(Sequence) + 60(d100) = 89 - 18(armor) - 200(weapon) = -129

OOC: Attack:
Adisakti: 11(Fury) + 23(Lethality) + 21(Attack) + 98(d100) = 153
Amiradtha: 11(Konokoro) + 10(defense) + 60(d100) = 81
Damage: 153 - 81 = 72% * 20 = 14 - 2(soak) = 12
Mind: 8 - 12 = -4: unconscious
Body: 8 - 4 = 4: hurt

GM: Adisakti brings his staff down with enough force to not only disarm the Amiradtha but also to break the collar bone. The Amiradtha falls to the ground screaming, completely unable to function. Adi's assault is so much faster than the Amiradthae's reaction that he is able to bring the other end of his staff to bear on the other before she can react, with the same effectiveness. In just over 1 second of time Adisakti was able to effectively attack 2 subjects, using both ends of his staff and render both unable to continue combat.

Just after Adi attacks his first opponent, Vittero stands from his concealed position and fires an arrow at one of the lagging Amiradthae.

OOC: Sequencing:
Vittero: 16(Impetus) + 24(Sequence) + 81(d100) = 121 - 32(armor) - 200(weapon) = -111
Amiradtha: 10(Impetus) + 19(Sequence) + 74(d100) = 103 - 18(armor) - 200(weapon) = -115

OOC: Attack:
Vittero: 16(Projection) + 24(Trajectory) + 23(Launch) + 81(d100) = 144
Amiradtha: 11(Konokoro) + 10(Defense) + 74(d100) = 95
Damage: 144 - 95 = 49% * 20 = 10 - 5(deflect) = 5
Body: 8 - 5 = 3: hurt

GM: Vittero successfully puts an arrow into one of the foes. At medium range, it is difficult to miss.
Raven Elk reacts next.
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