[TV] Doctor Who

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I have to dive away at the end when they almost instantly cut to practically the whole next episode as a teaser spoiler tho. Whats with that ? Does any extra viewers tune in because they saw those few seconds and is it worth the spoiling for the millions of those who have already committed to watching it anyway ? Surely the number ratio doesn't make it a good idea. In the old days when we usually had 4 episodes per story I don't recall any teasers. I think they would have cut it just *before* he states/shows what he's going to do to fix the situation on the cliffhanger too.

They've been doing it since the reboot with Christopher Eccelston, and yes, it is incredibly annoying. The first one they did it with was with the slitheen, and the end of the episode shows the doctor and everyone being electrocuted. Oh no! Then the next week trailer shows everything just hunky dory and no more worries. Doh! When will programme planners get with the, uh, programme? Cliff hangers GOOD, encouraging people to tune in next week. Eastenders doesn't end with a cliffhanger then show you how it gets resolved in the teaser for the next episode, does it?

Also, what on earth was with the talent show ident coming up animated over the closing seconds of the Doctors dramatic shouting? Gah! This is supposed to be the BBC, not some trashy third rate digital channel!

Oh, I feel so ranty!

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First Post
Really enjoyed it this weekend, great show. Time of Angels - best ep yet for me this season.

River Song is...interesting...and I'm looking forward to seeing what they're going to do with her.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Some fantastic lines in this one.

"What would be really nice is if we could all be calm in the face of decor."

"Well it's just boring now. They're boringers! Blue Boringers!"

'River. Hug Amy.'
"Because I'm busy."

"Space teeth!"

"Sorry, Bishop, no offence meant."
"Quite a lot taken, if that's all right, Doctor."

"We should visit them sometime."
"I thought they were all dead."
"So's Virginia Woolf; I'm on her bowling team."
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Also, what on earth was with the talent show ident coming up animated over the closing seconds of the Doctors dramatic shouting? Gah! This is supposed to be the BBC, not some trashy third rate digital channel!

Over 5,000 viewers have complained to the BBC.

"Sorry, Bishop, no offence meant."
"Quite a lot taken, if that's all right, Doctor."
Lovely Aliens homage :)

Time of Angels was my favourite episode so far. Ep 1 was pretty close. Ep 2 & 3 were a bit disappointing, to be honest (other than the khaki coloured daleks).
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Really enjoyed it this weekend, great show. Time of Angels - best ep yet for me this season.

River Song is...interesting...and I'm looking forward to seeing what they're going to do with her.

The conversation between her and Father Octavian was interesting. He asked if the Doctor "knew yet", and indicated that if he found out who River was he wouldn't help them. Then she said she'd do her part because she didn't want to go back to prison.


First Post
'River. Hug Amy.'
"Because I'm busy."

"We should visit them sometime."
"I thought they were all dead."
"So's Virginia Woolf; I'm on her bowling team."

Dialogue continues to be excellent in this series, lots of quotable lines.

Amy, again, shows her abilities to actually solve problems (with the
Angel in the monitor screen
) that would have beaten most Companions.


First Post
Enjoyed the episode, and most of the banter. I do find somewhat cloying that the Doctor has to constantly pull out his laurels and say stuff like "There's one thing you never, never, ever-never, never put in a trap........................ME!" It's getting a mite predictable.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Enjoyed the episode, and most of the banter. I do find somewhat cloying that the Doctor has to constantly pull out his laurels and say stuff like "There's one thing you never, never, ever-never, never put in a trap........................ME!" It's getting a mite predictable.

He's only done it twice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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