[TV] Doctor Who

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Doug McCrae

Enjoyed the episode, and most of the banter. I do find somewhat cloying that the Doctor has to constantly pull out his laurels and say stuff like "There's one thing you never, never, ever-never, never put in a trap........................ME!" It's getting a mite predictable.
That is the part of New Who I'm most sick of. The Doctor's kind of a dick now, he's always bigging himself up.


First Post
He's only done it twice.
He does it all the time. That bit towards the end of the pilot where he tells the eyeball-ships to look him up and then tells them to "basicallly...run", for instance, echoes him doing the same thing "Forest of the Dead" with the Vashta Nerada.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
He does it all the time. That bit towards the end of the pilot where he tells the eyeball-ships to look him up and then tells them to "basicallly...run", for instance, echoes him doing the same thing "Forest of the Dead" with the Vashta Nerada.

This Doctor, I meant.

Anyway, I don't mind a bit of arrogance from the Doctor.

Fast Learner

First Post
I love the occasional arrogance: he quite literally is probably the most powerful and capable being in the universe, as demonstrated by having repeatedly overcome whole armies again and again. As long as it doesn't make him cocky too much, I find it refreshing. So far so good.


"The Time of Angels" is one of my favorite episodes ever. Of course I love River and the Weeping Angels.

And as for the Brakes and 'blue boringers', they are great. It gives even more of the impression that the doctor doesn't always know what's really happening or how everything actually works. Most everything he does is by the seat of his pants and doesn't allow for planning. He doesn't decide where they go in many cases, he ends up there when stuff hits the fan.


First Post
I love the occasional arrogance: he quite literally is probably the most powerful and capable being in the universe, as demonstrated by having repeatedly overcome whole armies again and again. As long as it doesn't make him cocky too much, I find it refreshing. So far so good.
Powerful in some abstract sense of the word. Not powerful as in "the alien with the big claws or disintegration can't just annihilate him on the spot". If he keeps playing that card constantly, viewers will gradually start to come around to that not-terribly-subtle distinction.


Time of the Angels was essentially Doctor Who meets Coupling, with the Doctor channeling Steve, and then later, Jeff (now who could have seen that coming?).

It had a spaceship crash into a labyrinth-filled castle.

Not to mention a woman in killer heels escape a tuxedo-clad man by blowing an airlock and leaping unprotected into outer space.

But only after blow-torching a text message --"hi can u pick me up?"-- into an intergalactic flight-safely recorder, meant for her boyfriend 12,000 years in the future.

In other words, it was the perfect hour television.
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Atlatl Jones

Not to mention a woman in killer heels escape a tuxedo-clad man by blowing an airlock and leaping unprotected into outer space.

But only after blow-torching a text message --"hi can u pick me up?"-- into an intergalactic flight-safely recorder, meant for her boyfriend 12,000 years in the future.

In other words, it was the perfect hour television.
And this week's episode was possibly even better. Certainly a lot scarier.

And at the end,
we learned the reason why she was so confident about it working: she already knew it worked, because she was a part of events in the Doctor's near-future in her past. I love mind-bending time travel plots.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Another disappointing episode for me.

I hate it when they take a creature and dramatically change its premise, almost beyond description. It is even worse when it is something from one of the best ever Dr Who's (Blink). Back then the angels fed on temporal energy by displacing people in time, now they break necks. Back then, the WHOLE POINT was that they couldn't move when being observed and this was the point of the final finishing them off - the tardis disappeared, leaving them watching each other, thus freezing them stone for ever. This episode we see angels looking at each other, eyes open all the time.


Foolish re-writing of an excellent concept.

Voidrunner's Codex

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