Unearthed Arcana UA feats, are they trying to allow people to not have to multiclass to get class abilities?

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My understanding is that the team is split on whether they want to keep multiclassing at all, so yes they are absolutely wanting to gauge the popularity of various alternatives. (And I say that as someone who personally hopes they do keep multiclassing in the game.)


The High Aldwin
FWIW, feats are more widely used than multiclassing (about 85-90% compared to 50-60%).

I would hate to see MC go, and hope if they decide that route they replace it with "template" subclasses, so each class could subclass into a second class. Think of EK as a Fighter (Wizard) and AT as a Rogue (Wizard). A template could be developed to allow every class the other classes via subclass. A close example would be Cleric (Druid) by adjusting the Nature Domain.


Would you allow these in your game and multiclassing? I would hate to see multiclassing go since I have never built a PC without it. Am I the only one bothered by Shield Training? Shouldn’t that ability stay to divine casters?


"UA feats, are they trying to allow people to not have to multiclass to get class abilities?"

That is very clearly and explicitly what many of those feats do, so... yes?

Am I missing some implied part of this question?

FWIW, feats are more widely used than multiclassing (about 85-90% compared to 50-60%).

Yeah, and it makes sense, because MC'ing always means losing something in 5E, at least in theory, because it's 3E-style MC'ing. It's also not something you can do from the beginning of the game - you can't start MC'd, unlike with Feats, where plenty of people still do stuff like give out a free Feat at L1 or the like (or you could be a Vhuman).

I think we want to see MC'ing stick around longer-term, the only way is with 2E-style re-implemented somehow (I think it's doable), where you pick your classes and are MC'd from the get-go.


The High Aldwin
Yeah, and it makes sense, because MC'ing always means losing something in 5E, at least in theory, because it's 3E-style MC'ing. It's also not something you can do from the beginning of the game - you can't start MC'd, unlike with Feats, where plenty of people still do stuff like give out a free Feat at L1 or the like (or you could be a Vhuman).

I think we want to see MC'ing stick around longer-term, the only way is with 2E-style re-implemented somehow (I think it's doable), where you pick your classes and are MC'd from the get-go.

I agree completely. In our main game, we are doing 2e-style MC, so a character level 15 pc is something like 11/11 in class levels. It makes really powerful PCs though, and if I did it again I would make it something like your XP divided by your number of classes +1. But, then it isn't much better than 5E-style MCing as a level 20 PC would be something like 12/12 instead of 10/10 (still better, but nothing like 15/15 if you just divide XP by 2).

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