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UaVS-Yrtchull's Return...

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Living EN World Judge
The Mastiffs shift and fade, their forms indisinct within the Shadowy chamber. It is nigh impossible to gets a true read on where they are,so complete is their merging with the Shadows...

OoC:Te Mastiffs have 9/10 Cover so long as there is shadow enough. Cambrech and teretha both reason that a Daylight
spell would negate this, though lesser lights would fail to do so.

Cambrech hits the center Mastiff <#2>, the Searing Light burning the Fiendish Dog mightily <17HP>.

Teretha hits the central mastiff with her
Magic Missiles , the glowing Eldritch Bolts scoring it with their energy < 10HP, 27 to it in total now>.

Yrtchull pauses a moment to toss Rith'Arnis a slim dagger, then
Charges the southern most Mastiff. Slamming into the Hound of Shadow, the Drow deaks it a mighty blow <17HP>.

And the Hounds of Shadow answered in Kind...

The Mastiff <#1> beset by Urftuk bites at the Reptilian Orc, tearing into his chest with hideously powerful jaws <Crit, 12 HP, low roll...>, causing Urftuk to roar in rage even louder. Urftuk staggerd a moment under the beast's weight, as the mastiff tried to drop him to the ground, but he retained his feet.

The Mastiff so recently attacked by Searing Light and Magic Missiles launches itself at the one that blasted it with the hated Light, Cambrech. Charging at the Drow Cleric, the Mastiff
bites Cambrech <6HP> but fails to trip the nimble Drow.

The Southernmost Mastiff bites at Yrtchull <hit, 5 HP>, also failing to down him. These Dogs must be used to slower and weaker Prey, not the agile dark Elves that ruled these lightless Caverns.

Nurin is up...


First Post
Yrtchull will continue to tear into this mastiff (#3). He will make an attempt for a devastating blow to hopefully injure the Mastiff critically.

OOC: if i count it right, i got +11/+6 attacks with a normal greatsword. But im gonna use Power attack of 5 on the first attack.and power attack 1 on the second. So my attacks will be +6/+5
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First Post
Rith'Arnis gives the drow next to him a short nod in thanks, but does not waste time or breath before entering the fray.

He turns to face the field of battle and his combat-trained mind quickly shows him best path available. The githzerai makes a few agile leaps to the nearest shadow hound and plunges his daggers into the creatures flank.

Move and attack nearest Mastiff, charge if necessary (and possible). Square dependent on location of target Mastiff.


Living EN World Judge
Nurin closes with the closest Mastiff, that fighting Urftuk.
Touchng his long spidery fingers to the Fiendish Flesh, the Drow PriestCauses Wounds t the thing, <18 HP>.The Mastiff howls briefly and falls to the ground, Dead.

Urftuk snarls in answer then turns and in a leaps upon the next Mastiff, sinking his fangs into the beast <6HP>, dropping it to the ground, Dead.

Rith'Arnis, seeing only the southernmost Mastiff still on it's feet, Charges it, sticking the thing with his dagger <5HP>.

Cambrech is up, though the only Mastiff left is the one now beset by Rith'Arnis and Yrtchull.


First Post
Teretha will look around the room (including up, down, and whatever other dimensions we have to worry about) for anything else that might be lurking around.


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Sorry, I messed up posting names regarding Nurin's action,,same result, though. Ok, this one is well in hand, so...

Cambrech backs away from the Mastiff's corpse in time to se yrtchull hack into the sole remaining Mastiff <hit, 15 points and Death>, killing the thing.

No other threats are evident, just four ominous, foreboding doors staring at you all...


First Post
Rith'Arnis puts his blades back in his belt. "Well, that did not go all that bad, considering how we let ourselves get caught off-guard. Let's get this over with, we should really get to our weapons fast."

Rith'Arnis walks to the door that Yrchtull opened, being careful to look all around him. He peers around the corner, hoping to find some useful equipment, theirs if they're lucky.

Voidrunner's Codex

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