Unconverted D&D creatures

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Updated to remove all the latest conversions. For the first time, we have a setting (Dark Sun) drop to less than 10 unconverted creatures! (And I'm not sure three of those will even need converting, since they are variations on existing creatures.)

Fun! And although you don't have Maztica and Horde listed separately from the rest of FR, I believe we are working on the last unconverted creature from those two mini-settings. :D

GeoFFields said:
I almost hate to ask.

Is this project going to die when 4e is released?

Not if I have anything to say about it. I have 0% intention of switching to 4e at this point. I do anticipate doing some sort of conversions for the Pathfinder RPG, though. :)

Shade said:
Not if I have anything to say about it. I have 0% intention of switching to 4e at this point. I do anticipate doing some sort of conversions for the Pathfinder RPG, though. :)


I try not post about it due to the love/hate edition wars, but I'm pretty much anti-4e. Let those that love it play it, but leave me out of it.

I'm quite glad. If it gets to a point that you need help, let me know. I'll tackle a few of them myself.

Has Pathfinder RPG posted changes to monsters from 3/3.5?
When you do Pathfinder RPG conversions will they be done in this forum?

I read the conversion forums very day.

Thanks for all the work.

Echohawk said:
Which reminds me to ask something: I don't know much about the early history of the Creature Catalog site, but how does the agreement to use WotC IP work? Would that agreement extend to publishing 4E conversions too, assuming that they are published under a future 4E OGL?

I don't think anyone answered this properly.

WotC provide a licence called the ESD Conversion Agreement to allow people to do conversions to 3rd edition. This licence allows you to use their IP, but requires you to add a notice that they own the IP. The text of the licence (that is supposed to be added to any conversions) declares any names as Product Identity, but also gives you permission to use that PI in non-profit ways.

The Classics Downloads FAQ has a couple of questions about the use of conversions. It basically says that if you pay to download a PDF, you can only publish the conversions themselves. But if you download a free PDF from the ones on the Previous Edition Downloads page, you can merge the conversion into the original text and create a fully converted 3rd edition version of the product!

With the additional rules in the Classics Downloads FAQ being very well hiden, I've only seen a couple of people put up fully complete conversions. Maybe when you guys have got all the monsters done it will be easier for people to do a full set of integrated PDFs for everything on the Previous Editions Downloads page.

EDIT: I've just re-read the ESD Conversion agreement and it seems to require the use of both the OGL and the d20STL. The d20STL is being discontinued soon, so I'm not sure what that implies for the ESD Conversion Agreement.
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Sorry for the post necromancy, but this needs to be answered:

Shade said:
And this just goes to support my long-held belief that there are far too many humanoids! Where would nearly 300 different races live? :p

I'd say they would live on the many different planets of the Spelljammer multiverse. ;)

All humour aside, SJ suffers from the "everywhere has people like us" problem. But with 300 different types of humanoids, you could create a random table and roll 30 different random humanoid races to live in any given crystal sphere.

I'd like to know how many of these humanoids have a "...As Characters" section that allows them to be used as a PC race.

Well, a quick count indicates 404 playable D&D humanoid races in my index. That is actually even more than the number statted up as creatures, thanks to the seemingly endless number of dwarven, elven, gnomish, etc. subraces that have appeared throughout D&D history.

And then there are a whole bunch more non-Humanoid creatures playable as characters (17 Aberrations, 4 Constructs, 16 Dragons, 6 Elementals, 21 Fey, 27 Giants, 8 Magical Beasts, 118 Monstrous Humanoids, 64 Outsiders, 5 Plants and 3 Undead).

So I estimate that there are just short of 700 creatures that are (theoretically at least) playable as characters.

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