Unconverted D&D creatures

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Its database crashed, and the ENWorld admins haven't been able to fix it yet (partly due to higher priorities). I think that the CC also needs a new server for the new database, which may be part of the delay.

You might go over to the Meta forum to ask about it. That's where the admins answer questions like this.

I'm wondering whether we should have a new Index of Unconverted D&D Creatures.

The original Setting/Source List excluded creatures that appeared "somewhere in print or on the web" not just official sources (or officially-recognized sources such as Athas.org or licensed campaign settings). Which basically means anything that has a website source on Echohawk's Complete D&D Monster Index.

Many of those http sources are now broken, referring to webpages or sites that do not exist any more or have moved (including our own Creature Catalog).

Of those that do, many are just alternative fan interpretations of a monster which I do not think justify us not considering the creature for a conversion on these hallowed threads.

Also, Echohawk Setting/Source lists are a bit out of date since they don't include recent conversion on these threads. Pretty much everything in the Creatures Awaiting Upload & Current Conversions thread.

I'm rather reluctant to start on new Unconverted D&D Creatures lists since it'd be such a mammoth undertaking.

Ooof. Let's wait till we get through the never-converted ones first. Then we can think about the broken links and fan-only conversions!

Maybe @Echohawk would think about updating his index someday!

Ooof. Let's wait till we get through the never-converted ones first. Then we can think about the broken links and fan-only conversions!

Well we've got enough to keep us going for a while at the rate we're working!

Maybe @Echohawk would think about updating his index someday!

Oh, I definitely think about updating that index quite often...

To quote the King, it'd be nice to have "A little less conversation, a little more action" but I keep on finding diverting ways to waste my time… :cool:

Is the last version really from 2013? Wow, time flies.

Hopefully you're talking the 9th January 2013 version? That's the most recent release in my collection.

If not, I need to find an update!

Where is @Echohawk hosting the latest version by the way? The one on Hivemind.net is the 29th December 2008 release and I can't remember where I got the 2013 one from.

It has been seven years!

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