Unconverted D&D creatures


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Quite understandable. If you start down that route you'd next be trying to add monsters from White Dwarf...
The D&D creatures from White Dwarf are already in the index (at least in my local copy). :blush:

I needed them there a while back to check which FF creatures were WD retreads (surprisingly few, as it happens).

Sadly, most bosses have a ridiculously narrow-minded view that roleplaying games don't count as work. ;)
I'm my own employer. :devil:

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The D&D creatures from White Dwarf are already in the index (at least in my local copy). :blush:

Yes, my copy of the Echohawk Index (Dec 2008) has the WD creatures included in it too.

Since you didn't object to my previous post's contention...

Quite understandable. If you start down that route you'd next be trying to add monsters from White Dwarf, then other "D&D-ish" magazines, then the fanzines, then the homebrews on the internet. The only question is at what point does the monster proliferation drive you insane...

...the obvious inference is that you're already on the path to Indexing madness! :p

I needed them there a while back to check which FF creatures were WD retreads (surprisingly few, as it happens).

Since we were mulling over the idea of doing conversions of White Dwarf's "non Fiend Folio" D&Dish monsters, do you have a handy list of the non-WD retreads.

Incidentally, are there any of these Fiend Factory-only critters that particularly tickled your fancy? It looks like we will probably be doing the "alternative version" Water Leaper next, but there's plenty to chose from.

I'm my own employer. :devil:

In that case you've only got yourself and the economic climate to blame for you lack of holidays. ;)


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Since you didn't object to my previous post's contention... ...the obvious inference is that you're already on the path to Indexing madness! :p
Absolutely no argument from me on that. *twitch*

Since we were mulling over the idea of doing conversions of White Dwarf's "non Fiend Folio" D&Dish monsters, do you have a handy list of the non-WD retreads.
Something like this thread?

Incidentally, are there any of these Fiend Factory-only critters that particularly tickled your fancy? It looks like we will probably be doing the "alternative version" Water Leaper next, but there's plenty to chose from.
It's been a while since I looked at any White Dwarf creatures. From memory, more of those creatures fell into the "what the heck were they thinking?" category than the "this would be good to convert!" category.

In that case you've only got yourself and the economic climate to blame for you lack of holidays. ;)
Mostly our large number of pets is to blame for lack of holidays. It's hard to find a house-sitter willing to manage our rural smallholding when we go away :(


Absolutely no argument from me on that. *twitch*

I suspected as much.:eek:

That's handy. I had a quick look through the site back a week or two ago when we first started discussing it, but only found the WHITE DWARF Magazine monster index. That list doesn't separate out the ones that were already converted.

It's been a while since I looked at any White Dwarf creatures. From memory, more of those creatures fell into the "what the heck were they thinking?" category than the "this would be good to convert!" category.

Yes, a lot of them are pretty goofy - even some that aren't supposed to be "joke" monsters. Quite a few of the others are also obviously or explicitly based on

I remember liking the idea of the Melodemon and the Brothers of the Pine, and remember Stross's Lord of the Mind Flayers had some cool powers (but was CE for some reason).

There were quite a few creatures that were obviously or explicitly based on various fantasy books & film. I believe Jack Vance was the artist who had the most monsters "borrowed" for the Fiend Factory.

Mostly our large number of pets is to blame for lack of holidays. It's hard to find a house-sitter willing to manage our rural smallholding when we go away :(

Well I'm afraid I can't help you there, since it'd be a bit of a long commute from the UK. :blush:


Shirokinukatsukami fan
That reminds me. I've uploaded a somewhat more up-to-date version of my monster index. It is still far from completely up-to-date, but it does have 7.4% more monsters than the 2008 version. :cool:

OpenOffice version: here.
MS-Excel version: here.


First Post
That reminds me. I've uploaded a somewhat more up-to-date version of my monster index. It is still far from completely up-to-date, but it does have 7.4% more monsters than the 2008 version. :cool:

OpenOffice version: here.
MS-Excel version: here.

That is so useful, thank you. :) Please continue this great quest. B-)

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