Unconverted D&D creatures

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
One extensive update later, and the total left in the pile has dropped from 634 to 458 -- a reduction of nearly 200 in the last year :).


Shirokinukatsukami fan
I just looked at your Pocket Guide to Oozes and there is no 3e listing for Silver Slime. Either the guide is out of date or the Oozes are one monster away from being finished. :-S
After a careful read of the Silver Slime entry, I eventually decided it was probably a plant or a fungus (it makes sporangia!), so for the moment it's lurking in the unconverted plants thread...


First Post
One extensive update later, and the total left in the pile has dropped from 634 to 458 -- a reduction of nearly 200 in the last year :).
Cheers for the amazing update. So at the current rate we're looking at another 2-3 years!

Although I should really be converting it all to Pathfinder (as our group made the switch to that system well over a year ago).


Big Mac

After a careful read of the Silver Slime entry, I eventually decided it was probably a plant or a fungus (it makes sporangia!), so for the moment it's lurking in the unconverted plants thread...

Sounds good. But if that is the case, perhaps you should remove the 2e entry for the Silver Slime from your Ooze guide (and add it to your Plant guide) unlress it was aready done.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
One fairly thorough review of the last six month's of conversions later, and the overall total is now down to 407 creatures.

I estimate (conservatively) that there are around 7250 unique D&D creatures (pre 4e), which means that ±94% of historical D&D creatures now have 3.X stats available somewhere.

I am still busy updating the individual "unconverted" threads linked above, but all the totals should be current. Only one unconverted Greyhawk critter left, and only two plants!


Shirokinukatsukami fan
This list and all of the unconverted creature lists should be up-to-date again. I've removed the new conversions over the last six months (whether uploaded to the cc or not), and added back in the official D&D creatures that were previously available on the Frilond web site, but which are now without published conversions.

If there are any listed creatures that you've decided to skip for some reason, let me know and I'll update the lists. (Also, if I've missed any conversions, please let me know.)


This list and all of the unconverted creature lists should be up-to-date again. I've removed the new conversions over the last six months (whether uploaded to the cc or not), and added back in the official D&D creatures that were previously available on the Frilond web site, but which are now without published conversions.

If there are any listed creatures that you've decided to skip for some reason, let me know and I'll update the lists. (Also, if I've missed any conversions, please let me know.)

Thanks Echohawk.

Offhand I don't recall us skipping over any monsters recently. The last one I remember was the Dragon Mountain Kobold, where the consensus was they were just standard kobolds with class levels, and that was more than 6 months ago.

If you are using the Creatures Awaiting Upload & Current Conversions list to eliminate creatures it doesn't include the Mayfair Games conversions, although those shouldn't matter as they're not "official D&D creatures" - so I guess the fall in the same category as the Frilond conversions of White Dwarf magazine monsters that didn't make it into the Fiend Folio.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
If you are using the Creatures Awaiting Upload & Current Conversions list to eliminate creatures it doesn't include the Mayfair Games conversions, although those shouldn't matter as they're not "official D&D creatures" - so I guess the fall in the same category as the Frilond conversions of White Dwarf magazine monsters that didn't make it into the Fiend Folio.
Yes, I did use that thread to check my notes. Yes, I noticed it left out the Roleaids conversions, and yes, I don't care so much about those since they aren't official. :)

I don't even have the Mayfair monsters in my master index at the moment. I have considered adding the Judges Guild and Mayfair creatures, but those are very low down on my priority list. There are three years of 4e releases I need to add first, plus I've realised that there are some new creatures scattered amongst the thousands of Living * modules, which also need to be cataloged.

I wonder if my employer would consider allowing me a six month sabbatical to update the monster index? :) :)


Yes, I did use that thread to check my notes. Yes, I noticed it left out the Roleaids conversions, and yes, I don't care so much about those since they aren't official. :)

I thought that was the case.

I don't even have the Mayfair monsters in my master index at the moment. I have considered adding the Judges Guild and Mayfair creatures, but those are very low down on my priority list. There are three years of 4e releases I need to add first, plus I've realised that there are some new creatures scattered amongst the thousands of Living * modules, which also need to be cataloged.

Quite understandable. If you start down that route you'd next be trying to add monsters from White Dwarf, then other "D&D-ish" magazines, then the fanzines, then the homebrews on the internet. The only question is at what point does the monster proliferation drive you insane...

I wonder if my employer would consider allowing me a six month sabbatical to update the monster index? :) :)

Sadly, most bosses have a ridiculously narrow-minded view that roleplaying games don't count as work. ;)

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