Unconverted D&D creatures


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Someone just wrote to me out of the blue, and drew my attention to the fact that there are seveal creatures from the "Doomkeep" adventure in Dragon #34 that are not in my index. I've now added them, but that means that the number of unconverted creatures jumps up by nine.

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Monster Junkie
Cool! I'll have to check them out. Although based on a few of the names, I fear they are mostly "joke monsters".


Shirokinukatsukami fan
After a lengthy hiatus, this summary of the remaining unconverted creatures, as well as the individual lists of unconverted creatures by source and by type should now be up-to-date again. And we're down to 651...


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Based on the current volume of critters converted each month, I estimate January 2013. Then again, half of the remainder are animals or magical beasts, which seem to go slightly quicker, so maybe sooner than that.


First Post

The lists for the still unconverted Mystara and Original D&D monsters are the same.

It looks like you may have pasted the Mystaran list into the Original D&D thread.

Eithier that or my browser is playing up :)



Shirokinukatsukami fan
Whoops! Quite right about that copy/paste error. All fixed now :)

Also: Mortis! Welcome back. You were quiet for a long while there. Good to hear from you again :) :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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