Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Returns to Monthly With Some Revised Subclasses

the fighter’s Sharpshooter subclass was, by far, the least popular No one in their right mind liked that abomination. A terrible concept from the start.

the fighter’s Sharpshooter subclass was, by far, the least popular

No one in their right mind liked that abomination. A terrible concept from the start.


First Post
It very specifically says that you decide whether you are applying the effect when you attack. That means you would lose the arcane arrow if you miss. It's totally different form superiority dice, and a lot less powerful.

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Someone who takes non consensual sharing of a private thing making them momentarily famous/infamous, and turns that into a media empire of really impressive scale and total wealth for their whole family?

Yeah, ok, I'll play that.

Reality television the RPG, it's so wrong it has to be right! We'll be rich!


It very specifically says that you decide whether you are applying the effect when you attack. That means you would lose the arcane arrow if you miss. It's totally different form superiority dice, and a lot less powerful.

Hate to be the guy who quotes the document, but if we're talking the Revised Arcane Archer then under the Arcane Shot feature, second paragraph reads:

"Once per turn when you fire a magic arrow from a shortbow or longbow {note that all arrows you fire are magical due to the first ability} as part of the Attack Action, you can apply one of your Arcane Shot options to that arrow. You decide to use the option when the arrow hits, unless the option doesn't involve an Attack Roll."

So, no, it says very specifically you choose to activate it after a hit, just like Superiority Dice.


Dusty Dragon
I really like the Guardian Spirits barbarian, it can be re-skinned in multiple ways. They could be fallen comrades haunting the last survivor of a military unit (who now has anger issues ie ptsd). They could be minor gods worshiped by someone, or other similar spirits, instead of the ghosts of ancestors. Etc etc.

Plus I do like the notion of the barbarian hindering foes.

Good points!

The Lunging property should probably just say that you can attack enemies 10ft further away than normal. Give it to rapiers, one handed spears, maybe a couple others. Depends on if I make greatswords Reach or not.

Staff is still tough, though, because I also think most two-handed swords should have reach, and I definately see the quarterstaff as a full bo staff, not a jo or hanbo staff. But even a jo staff would have the Lunging property, in this set of houserules.

Perhaps versatile weapons of the right length and balance have Lunging when used 1hand, and instead have Reach when used 2hand. I feel like my players can grok that.

I'm sorry, but that's wrong. Using a sword two handed *shortens* your reach, not extends it (unless I'm not understanding how lunging works in game)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I really like the Guardian Spirits barbarian, it can be re-skinned in multiple ways. They could be fallen comrades haunting the last survivor of a military unit (who now has anger issues ie ptsd). They could be minor gods worshiped by someone, or other similar spirits, instead of the ghosts of ancestors. Etc etc.

Plus I do like the notion of the barbarian hindering foes.

I'm sorry, but that's wrong. Using a sword two handed *shortens* your reach, not extends it (unless I'm not understanding how lunging works in game)

A versatile weapon will usually be too end heavy to gain reach with one handed, without making a long, lunge, motion, and then recovering. You couldn't "threaten" the same area you can attack, and it makes sense to use a bonus action to represent that lunge and recover.

Used two handed, its still long enough to reach, but there is no need to "lunge and recover", and you can threaten just like with a spear.


Dusty Dragon
Although I unfortunately don't do it anymore, I trained about 3 years with arming swords, bastard swords and long swords. With a two handed grip you lose reach, period. What you do gain is faster blade control.

Even without a lunge, you reach further one handed. If you don't believe me... grab some kind of stick. Put some kind of marker on it to show where the hilt should be. Grab it one handed and see how far you can touch ahead of you. Now, *without moving your feet* grab it two handed and see. You lose 4-6 inches of reach. The reason is because of hip/shoulder twisting.

Heck, you don't even need a stick, you don't even need to get up. Extend both arm in front of you, grasping an imaginary sword with two hands. Now trust your right shoulder forward, and observes what happens to your hands. They separate.

(please don't punch your monitor while doing so ;) )

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