D&D (2024) Uni and the hunt for the Lost Horn


Rotten DM
Is the free store adventure. When I run it, I do a write up but the adventure is 8 pages long Tier 1. 7 PCs which are 3 pages long. Appendix A is 2 pages long and looks like is has the new rules you will need from 2024. Appendix b is 3 pages of monsters. Spells take up the rest of book, and the handout recommends printing 3 copies of those.
It also came pregens in a second file also.
Looking at the pregens, I not happy with it being 3 sheets per person. But if the actual character sheet is the first page of the blank pc sheet, it has been changed.
Stats are to the left with the modifier in a big circle and actual stat in a box. The saving throw and abilities are below it. The other 2/3rds of page has the rest you need except spells.

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I have a copy to run at our FLGS this coming Tuesday. I hear there are a few bugs in the character sheets but I don't know them for sure.

The adventure and the characters are 4th level.

Spoilers for the characters of the adventure and a potentially fun thing to add for DMs:

Since the characters are all older versions of the characters in the TV show, I thought it would be fun to have a real-world flaw they bring with them:

1. Chronic left-knee pain
2. Underwater on your mortgage
3. Your children think you're lame
4. Plantar fasciitis
5. Dead-end job in mergers and acquisitions
6. Most looking forward to getting tipsy at Chilli's on Friday night
7. Scary shadow on your last doctor's visit
8. Tinnitus
9. Your favorite brand of cereal got discontinued
10. Your NFT ape price fell 95%
11. No one likes your Instagram posts
12. You can't figure out how to use your phone
13. You're missing Jeopardy
14. You can't decide which Starbucks is your favorite
15. You don't understand texting and no one answers your calls
16. You forgot your password
17. You're really excited to tell people about your index fund portfolio
18. You hurt your back sneezing
19. You have a nearly complete collection of VHS tapes of Matlock
20. You're pretty sure you missed yesterday's medications

When I get to my professional abode editor, i will be breaking the pcs out to three sheets.
And I holding off any more detail until after Tuesday. But one my FLGS has gotten the books in and are on a HARD don't release hold until then.

I just ran this adventure with an expert, amateur, and 4 new people. This adventure is more for people who have a good base level of 2014 knowledge than brand new people. Run time for me was 2 hours 45 minutes.
IF you have an editor you need to make some changes. The print on the pc sheets are tiny. Go ahead and put their max hp in the current hp slot. Add the Spell attack and Spell save to the first page (the mug shot page).
Split the pdf up to the adventure, Appendix a, b, pcs, and spells.

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